There is an international effort to free Ebrahim Yazdi from prison. He was instrumental of bringing the Islamic Revolution to Iran, and now the leftists of the world have once again united to free him !
Below is an email I received (scroll for English)
ايران ياران گرامی،
هرچند يکبار مشت کسانی که سالها است ما آنها را عوامل رژيم می خوانيم باز می شود... همان زمان که محسن سازگارا، اکبر گنجی، عباس فخرآور ويامسعود بهنود و امثال آنها ظاهر شدند و اينبار ديگر شکی باقی نمانده است که اين افرادبرای رژيم و برای استثمارگران و بيگانگان کار می کنند...
آنانی که با رنگ قرمز مشخص کرده ام را بسياری از شما می شناسيد و بسياری ديگر را مثل ابراهيم نبوی را هنوز مردم فکر میکنند برای ما و از حال وروز ما می نويسد.. در حاليکه مشتش در مشت همين امريکای «بقول خودش« (جهانخوار) گره خورده است از کدام راه از راه ابراهيم يزدی...
خوب به لسيت نگاه کنيد در ميان آنها کسانی که در گروه تريتا پارسی و در نياک و يا در بنياد علوی و در گروهک های ديگرمشغول هستند و از جمله کوروش زعيم، رامين جهان بيگلو که ما فريادميزديد او عامل نفوذی است بسياری فحش ميدادند در زندان شکنجه شده دستگير شده... امروز می بينيد برای چه اورا بيرون فرستادند... تازه به اين ليست افرادی مثل آن دخترک صابری و امثال او واگر لازم باشد اشخاصی مثل کريستين امانپور و رضا فانی خبرنگاران بی بی سی و سی ان ان ويا بهمن کلباسی (دانشجوی معترض در جلسه سخنرانی اعليحضرت در تورنتو و امرو خبرنگار بی بی سی، هم اضافه خواهند شد.
اين مطلب از سوی من برگردان شده است برای تاريخ نگاه داريد ... اين شخص با اين مشخصات آيا شايسته است اعدام شود؟؟ خير بايستی بماند تامردم تکليفش را روشن کنند رژيم اعدام کند پولها و ارتباط های او هم پنهان می ماند..
اضافه می کنم:
ابراهيم يزدی درسالهای خوب ايران در آمريکا برعليه منافع ملی کشورمان اقدام کرده است و همواره در ميان دانشجويان و کنفدراسيون دانشجويان می لوليد تا روزی که در آن تظاهرات جلوی کاخ سفيد که گروه زيادی ايرانی با چماق همکارانش در حزب توده و جبهه ملی و مجاهدين خلق کتک می خودند که سر شکسته و مثانه پاره شده و کمر شکسته کوچکترين زخمی ها بوده اند. پليس آمريکا با 26 يا 16 اسب سوار تماشا می کنند که مردم با زن و بچه به دست اوباش و چماق بدستان ابراهيم يزدی که پاکت به صورت کشيده بودند زير دست و پا له شوند... (شاهد اين کتک خوری ها بوده ام) ابراهيم يزدی را در هنگام تحويل سفارت اسراييل به عرفات در عکس در سمت چپ عکس در کنار عرفات با مشت گره کرده می بينيد احمد خمينی دست چپ عرفات است.
می گويند او دست تيمسار رحيمی را پيش از اعدام شکسته است و از تن جدا شده در سردخانه به روی سينه اش گذاشته اند. او تيمسار خسروداد و ليست افسرانی که می بايست اعدام شوند را همراه داشته است...
پشتيبانی از سکينه آشتيانی امروز به اينجا می کشد که بجای اينکه ما با رژيم بجنگيم و رژيم را سرنگون کنيم دنبال اين باشيم که طرفداران نجات ابراهيم يزدی را يکبار ديگر به شما معرفی کنيم بخوانيد...
و به آنانی که امضا کرده اند تف و لعنت بفرستيد...
In Tehran, a jubilant Ebrahim Yazdi (left) with Yasser Arafat and Ahmad Khomeini take possession of the PLO's new 'embassy' in Tehran, February 1979.
Partially bilingual.
سالشمار ابراهیم یزدی
بنام ایران
"...همه ی مردم در پرستش خدای خود آزادند..."
آیا اطلاعات دقیق تر و بیشتر از زندگی نامه ابراهیم یزدی در اختیار دارید؟
Chronology of Ebrahim Yazdi
Ebrahim Yazdi, son of a rich bazaar merchant joins the militants during the 1950 Mosadegh's saga. He later joined "Front for Resistance" created by Taleghani and Mehdi Bazargan.
گاهشناسی ابراهيم يزدی
ابراهيم يزدی، فرزند يک تاجر ثروتمند بازاری است که در سال 1950 به هم انديشان مصدق پيوست. او پس از آن به گروهی بنام «جبهه مقاومت» که از سوی طالقانی و مهدی بازرگان طراحی شده بود وارد شد.
Yazdi emigrates to U.S and attends Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Later joins the faculty of Fairleigh Dickinson University. He was implicated in a rape charges yet is granted citizenship through New Jersey’s Senator Harrison Williams. Yazdi meets Richard Cottam at University of Pittsburgh. Cottam was CIA field officer. According to Yazdi's wife "…
Cottam is a very close friend of my husband, the one person who knows more about him than even I do…"Yazdi forms Association of Iranian Islamic Students.
يزدی به آمريکا پناهنده شد و در انستيتوی تکنولوژی ماساچوست آمريکا ثبت نام کرد. پس از آن خود را به فاکولته فارلی ديکينسون در دانشگاه مزبور منتقل می کند. او يکبار به دليل تجاوز متهم می شود که بعدا اين مسئله معوق می ماند [!]
وی از طريق سناتور نيوجرسی هاريسون ويليامز به تبعيت آمريکا پذيرفته می شود. يزدی با ريچار کوتام در دانشگاه پيتسبورگ ملاقات می کند. کوتام يک عوض فعال وافسر اداره اطلاعات و جاسوسی آمريکا سيا بود. اين مطلب به روايت همسر يزدی عنوان می شود.
کوتام دوست بسيار نزديک همسر من بود و شخصی است که بيشتر از همه در باره او ميداند حتا بيشتر از آنچه من ميدانم. يزدی بعدا انجمن اسلامی دانشجويان ايرانی را تشکيل می دهد.
Yazdi forms Washington’s branch of Muslim Student Association. He later meets Mostafa Chamran and Sadegh Ghotbzadeh in Cairo Egypt.
يزدی شعبه انجمن اسلامی دانشجويان ايرانی را در واشنگتن تشکيل می دهد. پس از آن با مصطفی چمران و صادق قطب زاده در مصر آشنا می شود.
Yazdi leaves U.S and meets Ali Shariati in France. Yazdi spends 3 years in France, Germany and then attends American University of Beirut.
يزدی آمريکا را برای ديدار علی شريعتی که در فرانسه بود ترک می کند. يزدی سه سال در فرانسه، آلمان سر می کند و سپس در دانشگاه آمريکایی بيروت به عنوان شاگر پذيرفته می شود.
Yazdi moves to Houston, Texas taking up a research and training post at Baylor Medical College yet every six weeks travels to Washington where he founded the Young Muslims
Organizations; according to Georgetown University's Thomas Ricks.
يزدی به هوستون، تکزاس منتقل می شود و در آنجا به اصطلاح در پی پژوهش و آموزش در کالج پزشکی بايلور ثبت نام می کند ولی هنوز هر شش هفته يکبار به واشنگتن سفر می کند جایی که با جوانان مسلمان در سازمانی که تشکيل داده ا ست ملاقات می کند، بنا به گفته توماس ريکس از دانشگاه جورج تاون
Yazdi is named as Khomeini's personal representative and intermediary to American officials.
يزدی به عنوان نماينده تمام خمينی و رابط بين مقامات آمريکایی و خمينی مشغول می شود.
Moslem Student Association sets up a computerized Islamic Documentation Center in Indianapolis.
انجمن اسلامی دانشجويان ايرانی در اينديانا پوليس صاحب يک تشکيلات کامپيوتری اسلامی می شود.
Yazdi travels to Najaf, Iraq to conspire with Khomeini. They made arrangements to get funds from Libya's Muammar Qadafi. Yazdi travels with Khomeini to France, Neuphle-le-Chateau and is joined by Ghotbzadeh and Banisadr.
يزدی به نجف، عراق، برای ديدار و پيوستن به خمينی سفر می کند. آنها ترتيباتی می دهند تا از طريق معمر قذافی پولهایی را دريافت کنند. يزدی همراه خمينی به پاريس سفر می کند و در نوفل لو شاتو، ودر کنار صادق قطب زاده و بنی صدر قرار میگيرد.
Aug: Yazdi arranges the meeting for Ramsey Clark and Richard Cottam to visit Khomeini at Neuphle-le-Chateau
Oct: Yazdi was granted weekly talk time on British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Persian language broadcasts.
Nov-07: Yazdi announces that an Islamic Republic will be formed after U.S undersecretary George Ball's report.
در آگوست: يزدی ترتيباتی می دهد تا رمزی کلارک و ريچار کوتام، با خمينی در نوفل لو شاتو ديدار داشته باشند.
در اکتبر: از سوی بنگاه سخن پراکنی بريتانيا [بی بی سی] ترتيبی داده می شود تا او بطور هفتگی بتواند از آن راديو به زبان پارسی سخن بگويد.
در نوامبر: يزدی اعلام میکند که در ايران يک حکومت جمهوری اسلامی برقرار خواهد شد و اين زمانی است که معاون رياست جمهوری جورج بال مطالبی دراين باره عنوان کرده است.
Jan-05: Yazdi gives Carter's personal message to Khomeini after the Guadalupe Conference. U.S. Air Force General Robert Huyser makes an un-announced mission to Iran to meet with Gharabaghi and Bazargan to neutralize Iran’s army.
Jan-16: Yazdi meets with Warren Zimmerman, chief of the American political section in Paris.
Feb-01: Yazdi returns to Iran as the head of Khomeini's entourage. Khomeini is revered by Carter's U.N representative Andrew Young as a being a Saint and similar to Gandhi. Yazdiis named the Deputy Minister for revolutionary affairs and forms Islamist regime's secret service Savama.
Feb-12: Yazdi heads the first Islamic Revolutionary Court interrogation of General Rabii, Rahimi and Naji who were sentenced to summary executions.
Feb-17: Yazdi meets with Arafat to hand over Israel’s embassy in Iran.
Feb-19: Khomeini's son Ahmad along with Yazdi welcomed Arafat to the occupied Israel's office in the Kakh Ave. of Tehran.
Mar-11: In an interview with the Times magazine, James Bill of the University of Texas at Austin; states that he knows Yazdi for 10 years and that Yazdi is dedicated to U.S policies.
5 ژانويه: يزدی حامل پيام خصوصی و ويژه کارتر به خمينی است پس از آنکه از کنفرانس گوادلوپ برگشته است. ژنرال هوایی رابرت هويزر ناگهانی سر از يک سفر اعلام نشده در تهران سر درمی آورد و با قرباغی و بازرگان در باره بی اثر کردن ارتش مذاکره می کند.
16 ژانويه: يزدی با وارن زيمرمن، رييس تيم مذاکره کننده سياسی آمريکا در پاريس ديدار می کند.
01 فوريه: يزدی به همراه خمينی و در راس تيم او به ايران برميگردد. خمينی از سوی نماينده سازمان ملل کارتر آقای آندريو يانگ مورد احترام قرار میگيردو اورا يک مرد مذهبی همانند گاندی خطاب میکند. يزدی به عنوان وزيرمشاور در امور انقلاب مسئول تشکيل سازمان سری و مخوف ساواما می شود.
12 فوريه: يزدی در راس اولين دادگاه انقلاب از ژنرال ربيعی و رحيمی و ناجی استنطاق می کند و سپس آنان را به اعدام انقلابی محکوم می کند.
17 فوريه: يزدی با عرفات ملاقات می کند تا تريب انتقال سفارت اسراييل در ايران به سازمان آزاديبخش فلسطين را بدهد.
19 فوريه: فرزند خمينی احمد به همراه يزدی عرفات را مورد استقبال قرار می دهند و سفارت اسراييل را که در خيابان کاخ تهران اشغال شده است را به عرفات تحويل می دهند.
11 مارچ: در يک گفتگو در مجله تايمز، جيمز بيل از دانشگاه تکزاس در آستين، اعلام می دارد که يزدی را 10 سال است می شناسد و اعتقاد دارد يزدی به سياست های آمريکا وفادار است.
May-06: Yazdi with the help of Mostafa Chamran, creates Revolutionary Guard Corps [Sepah Pasdaran]
Yazdi meets President Carter's State Department head of Iran Desk, Henry Precht.
Jun-05: Banisadr, Yazdi and Ghotbzadeh invite Ramsey Clark to participate in the "International Conference on the American Interventions in Iran". Ramsey Clark knelt before the delegates to "…beg pardon and forgive the Americans…”.
06 می: يزدی به همراه مصطفی چمران سپاه پاسدارن انقلاب را تشکيل می دهند.
يزدی با رييس ميز ايران در وزارت خارجه جيمی کارتر، هنری پرشت ملاقات میکند.
05 ژوين: بنی صدر، يزدی و قطب زاده رمزی کلارک را برای شرکت در «کنفرانس بين المللی دخالت های آمريکا در ايران» دعوت میکنند. رمزی کلارک کنلت، در راس يک هيات درخواست می کند تا «گناهان آمريکا بخشوده شود»
Jul-18: Yazdi reveals that Shapour Bakhtiar was plotting to create a Republic in Iran to appease the Revolutionary Council.
Aug: In an interview with the porn magazine Penthouse, Yazdi comments that: "…Liberty under Islamic Republic is more meaningful than what you have in the Western societies…Women may wear the chador (veil) or not choose not to wear it. This is their choice…"
Sep: Yazdi replaces Karim Sanjabi as the Islamic Republic's Foreign Minister.
18 جولای: يزدی فاش میسازد که شاپور بختيار در پی برپایی جمهوری در ايران است تا شورای انقلاب را تحت تاثير قرار دهد.
آگوست: در يک گفتگو با مجله رکيک و مستهجن بنام پنت هوز [مجله ای است با عکس های لختی و سکسی] يزدی اعلام می کند: «آزادی در جمهوری اسلامی معنی بيشتری از آنچه در جوامع غربی به آن توجه می شود دارد... زنان ممکن است از پوشش چادر بهره بگيرند ويا می توانند انتخاب کنند که آنرا نپوشند... اين انتخاب آن ها است...»
سپتامبر: يزدی بجای کريم سنجابی وزير خارجه رژيم اسلامی می شود
Oct-04: President Carter's Secretary of State Cyrus Vance meets with Yazdi according to the Financial Times.
Oct-10: Yazdi meets with the former U.S attorney general Ramsey Clark on how to fabricate charges against the late Shah. Yazdi in collusion with Beheshti, the Islamist so called “Court”, destroys some of the documents linking Amir-Entezam and Minachi to Yazdi's son-in-law Shahriar Rohani who served briefly as Khomeini's representative in U.S.
04 اکتبر: بنا به نوشته فاينانشال تايمز سايروس ونس وزير خارجه پرزيدنت کارتر، با يزدی ملاقات می کند/
10 اکتبر: يزدی با رييس پيشين قوه قضایی آمريکا رمزی کلارک ملاقات می کند تا ترتيب ساختاری اعلام جرم برعليه شاه را بررسی کنند. يزدی با بهشتی که اسلامی ها اورا «دربار» می خوانند درگيری پيدا می کند که برخی اسناد مربوط به اميرانتضام، ميناچی در ارتباط با داماد يزدی شهريار روحانی که به عنوان نماينده خمينی در آمريکا بسر می برد را از بين برده است.
Nov-01: Yazdi and Bazargan meet with Zbigniew Brezinski in Algeria.
Nov-04: Yazdi meets with U.S. Charge d'Affaires Burce Laingen at the U.S Embassy, right before the "Khomeinist Students" take over. Carter later froze millions of dollars of Iran'sassets in the United States. Yazdi resigns as Foreign Minister and becomes member of the Islamic parliament.
01 نوامبر:
يزدی و بازرگان با زيبگينيو بزژينسکی در الجزيره ملاقات می کنند.
04 نوامبر: يزدی با بوريس لنگن وزير مختار سفارت آمريکا پيش از ينکه «دانشجويان خط خمينی» سفارت را اشغال کنند ملاقات می کند [لازم به توضيح است که آن زمان بوريس لنگن در طبقه سوم کاخ وزارت خارجه در باغ ملی تهران در اتاق پذيرایی که مجهز به تلويزيون، تلفن، بی سيم و ديگر وسايل ارتباطی بود و به تلکس وزارت امور خارجه جمهوری اسلامی دسترسی داشت جا سازی شده بود -- برگردان] کارتر بعدا اموال ايران را که سر به ميليون ها دلار می زد را در آمريکا بلوکه می کند. يزدی از وزارت خارجه استعفا می دهد و عضو پارلمان جمهوری اسلامی می شود.
Jul-22: David Bellfield (Salâhedin) an African-American convert and affiliate of Yazdi’s Muslim Student Association is recruited by Ali Agah an agent of Islamic regime's interest section in Algerian Embassy. Bellfield poses as a mailman and shoots 3 bullets killing Aliakbar Tabatabaei, the founder of Iran Freedom Foundation in Washington DC.
22 جولای: ديويد بلفيلد (صلاح الدين بعدی) يک آمريکایی که از سوی انجمن اسلامی دانشجويان مسلمان که از سوی يزدی تشکيل شده بود به اسلام گرويده بود و از سوی علی آگاه يک مامور جاسوسی رژيم اسلامی که مسئول دفتر حفاظت اموال ايران در داخل سفارت الجزيره بود استخدام شده بود. بلفيلد در نقش پستچی ظاهر می شود و با شليک سه گلوله علی اکبر طباطبایی را که بنيانگذار بنياد آزادی ايران در واشنگتن دی سی بود را می کشد.
May: Yazdi visits Washington DC and helps President Reagan's National Security Adviser McFarlane to set up a "back channel" communication with some "moderate" members of the Islamic regime in Iran. McFarlane and Ghorbanifar arranged shipment of 508 US-made TOW anti-tank missiles from Israel to Iran.
می: يزدی به آمريکا سفر می کند و با مک فارلن که مشاور امنيت ملی پرزيدنت ريگان است ملاقات می کند و در اين ديدار «کانال عقبی» (کانال پنهانی) ارتباط با برخی اعضای معتدل رژيم اسلامی در ايران را فراهم می سازد. مک فارلن وقربانی فر مامور می شوند تا 508 "Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire command data link, guided missile" اسلحه ضد تانک (سلاحی که از داخل يک دستگاه لوله مانندی که با وسايل ديداری کنترل و فرمان می گيرد) را به ترتيبی از اسراييل به ايران حمل کنند. [[همان زمان است که هنوز در خيابان های تهران پرچم اسراييل را آتش ميزنندو مرگ برآمريکا می کشند – برگردان]]
July: Ibrahim Yazdi visits New York. Yazdi might have stayed with his friend's (Cyrus Hashemi) brothers. Hashemi was the president of First Gulf Bank & Trust at 9 West 57th St in New York City.
جولای: ابراهيم يزدی وارد نيويورک می شود. يزدی به احتمال در خانه [[احتمال نه يقينا – زيرا آن موقع بسياری به آن خانه تلفن و اينعمل را تقبيح کرده ايم – برگردان]] دوستش (سيروس هاشمی) اقامت گزيده است. هاشمی رييس بانک -- فرست گولف & اعتباری که در شماره 9 خيابان 57 غربی در نيويورک بود.
Name of some Yazdi’s sympathizers:
عباس اميرانتظام، محمدارسی، جمشيد اسدی، هوشنگ اسدی،علی افشاری، علی اکرمی، بابک امير خسروی، نوشابه اميری، عبدالعلی بازرگان، مهران براتی، محمد برقعی، شهلا بهاردوست، مسعود بهنود، بهروزبيات منصور بيات زاده، نيره توحيدی، مجيد تولايی، مهدی خان بابا تهرانی ، رامين جهانبگلو، علی اصغرحاج سيد جوادی، فاطمه حقيقت جو، بيژن حکمت، محسن حيدريان، بهروزخليق، حميد دباشی، شيرين دقيقيان، فريبا داودی مهاجر، حسين زاهدی، کورش زعيم، حميد سالک، عبدالکريم سروش، داريوش سلطانی، محمد سهيمی، علی شاکری، سعيد شروينی، حسن شريعتمداری، احمد صدری، محمود صدری، شيرين عبادی، اکبرعطری، کاظم علمداری، مسيح علی نژاد، نورالدين غروی، رضا فانی يزدی، مهدی فتاپور، مسعود فتحی، نهضت فرنودی، منصورفرهنگ، فرشته قاضی، محسن قائم مقام، محسن کديور، علی کشتگر، عبدالکريم لاهيجی، مليحه محمدی، علی مزروعی، مهران مصطفوی، مهدی ممکن، علی اکبرمهدی،علی اکبرموسوی خوينی، غفورميرزايی، سيد ابراهيم نبوی، فرخ نگهدار، مهدی نوربخش، حسن يوسفی اشکوری
آخرين امضاهای رسيده : سيد قدرت لله اتابک، کوروش استکی، اميراعتدالی، سعيده افروخته، محمد اقتداری، مرتضی اصلاحچی، اصغراکبری، جواد اکبرين، بهرام امامی، کامران اميری، فريبا امينی، مهدی امينی، پرستوانتصاری، مسعودآذری، آينده آزاد، فرزانه بذر پور، سعيد بهبهانی، حميد بهشتی، مهدی بيقدی، کتايون پزشکی، احمد پورمندی، علی پورنقوی، بيژن پيرزاده، محمد ترابی، محسن تلقری زاده، شهرام تهرانی، محمد تهوری، صديق احمد توحيدی، کيانوش توکلی، مژگان ثروتی، ايليا جزايری، حسن جعفری، رضا جوشنی، رضا چرندابی، فريد حائری نژاد، رضا حاجی، عليرضا حقيقی، حميد حميدی، اسماعيل ختائی، اشکان ذهابيان ، فرحروز رنجبر، مهدی رجبی، محمد رهبر، فرهاد روحی، حميد زنگنه، حسن زهتاب، ارسلان زيازی،سيامک سلطانی، نيلوفرشميرانی، محمد شوری، حميد شيرازی، محمد صابر، سياوش صفاری، سجاد ضرغام، حميد رضا ظريفی، فروزان عاملی، فرزانه عظيمی، رضا عمادی، فرهاد فرجاد، خير لله فرخی، آراز فنی، فيروزه فولادی، شهاب فيضی، کبری قاسمی، کامبيزقائم مقام، يدی قربانی، رضا قريشی، مصطفی قهرمانی، عزيزکرملو، حسن کلانتری، عبدی کلانتری، حسين کما لی، بيتا کيان، کيا کيا نی، جلال کيايی، مزدک ليما کشی، علی محجوبی، محمدحسن محمدی اردهالی ، علی مختاری، منصور معدل، محسن مسرت، مهرداد مشايخی، حسين مقدم، مرتضی ملک محمدی، حسين منتظرحقيقی، جعفرمنظم، مهران مير فخرائی، سراج ميردامادی، محمود ميرزاوند، پويان ميرفخرايی، حسن نايب هاشم، بورگان نظامی فرج آباد، نقی نقاشيان، داود نوائيان، شاهين نور بخش، احمد نوری، ن. نوريزاده، احمد هادوی، مهدی هاشمی، نادر هاشمی، عبدالحسين هراتی، عطاهودشتيان، محمد يوسف زاده
هم میهن ارجمند
آیا دفاع از ابراهیم یزدی، تایید جنایات "انقلاب" نیست؟
پاینده ایران یکپارچه و آزاد LONG LIVE A UNIFORMLY DEMOCRATIC IRAN
These names are a "Google Translate" result to save time and has some amusing "results" in them. If time permits, these will be corrected later to match the Farsi list.
Abbas AmIr Entezam, Mohamd Arsy, Jamshid Asadi, Houshang Asadi, Ali Afshari, Ali Akram, Babak Amir Khosravi, beverages Amiri, Abdolali Bazargan, Mehran Barati, Mohammad Borghei, Shahla Bahardust, Behnoud, born Bhrvzbyat Mansour Bayat, Nayereh monotheistic, Majid Tavalaee, Baba Khan Mehdi Tehrani, Ramin Jahanbegloo Asghar Haj Sayed Ali Javadi, F. fact Joe, B. Wisdom, Mohsen Heidarian, Bhrvzkhlyq, Hamid Dabashi, sweet Dqyqyan, Fariba Davoudi Mohajer, H. Zahedi, Kourosh Zaim, H. Salek, Abdolkarim Soroush, Daryoush Soltani, Mohammad share, Ali Shakeri, S. Shervin, H. Shariatmadari, Ahmad Sadri, Mahmoud Sadri, Shirin Ebadi, Akbartry, Alamdari Kazem, Ali Nejad Christ, Thrown, Reza Fani Yazdi, Mehdi Ftapvr, M. Fathi, farnoodi movement, Mnsvrfrhng, Fereshteh Ghazi , Mohsen, Mohsen, Ali Kshtgr, Abdolkarim Lahiji, Maliheh Mohammadi, Ali farm, Mehran Mostafavi, Mehdi possible Akbrmhdy Ali, Ali Akbrmvsvy Khvyny, Ghfvrmyrzayy, Seyed Ebrahim Nabavi, keeper Farokh, Mehdi Nourbakhsh, Hassan Yousefi Eshkevari
Last signatures reached: Seyed Atabak power grinder, K. Stack, Amyratdaly, Saeedeh provoked, M. authority, Morteza Aslahchy, Asghrakbry, J. Akbryn, Bahram Emami, Kamran Amiri, Fariba Amini, Mehdi Amini Prstvantsary, Msvdazry, free future, Farzaneh Pour seeds Saeed Behbahani, Hamid Beheshti, Mehdi Byqdy, Katayoun Medicine, Pourmand Ahmed Ali Pvrnqvy, B. Pirzadeh, Mohammad Torabi, M. Tlqry Zadeh, Shahram Tehrani, Mohammad Tahavori, Sadiq Ahmed monotheistic, Kianoosh Tavakoli, Mojgan wealth, Ilia Jazayeri, Hassan Jafari , R. armor, R. Chrndaby, Haeri race Farid, Reza Haji, Ali Haghighi, Hamid Hamid, Ismail Khtayy, Ashkan Zhabyan, Frhrvz Ranjbar, Mehdi Rajabi, Mohammad Rahbar, Farhad emotional, Hamid Zanganeh, Z·htab Hassan, Arsalan Zyazy, Siamak Soltani Nylvfrshmyrany, M. Salt, H. Shirazi, Mohammad Saber, S. Safari, Sajjad Zargham, Hamid Reza Zarif, F Ameli, F. Azimi, Reza Emadi, Farhad erudite, good grinder Farrokhi, Araz technical, turquoise steel, Shahab Feizi, Kobra Ghasemi, Kambyzqaym officials, victims of Yiddish, R. Qureshi, Mustafa championship, Zyzkrmlv, H. Kalantari, Kalantari Abdi, H. Lee coma, B. Kiani, Kia Kia Ney, Jalal Kiai, drawing Mazdak Lima, Ali Mahjoub, Mohammad Mohammadi Ardehali, Ali Mokhtari, M. GPA, Mohsen, M. Mashayekhi, H. Moghaddam, Morteza Malek Mohammadi, Hossein Mntzrhqyqy, Jfrmnzm, Mehran Mir fakhraee, Siraj Mirdamadi, Mahmoud Myrzavnd, Pouyan Myrfkhrayy, vice Hassan Hashem, a military Burg Faraj Abad, turmoils, he Nagi, David Nvayyan, Shahin Light Division, Ahmed Nouri, N.. Nourizadeh, Ahmad Hadavi, Mehdi Hashemi, Nader Hashemi, Abdul Harati, Tahvdshtyan, Mohammad Yousef Zadeh
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
OUR TERRORIST IN CHIEF - got bloodied with an elbow to the mouth today while playing basketball - BUT may get an even more serious blow if the Supreme Court decides to take on his eligibility case.
By Brian Fitzpatrick
WASHINGTON – Is this the case that will break the presidential eligibility question wide open?
The Supreme Court conferred today on whether arguments should be heard on the merits of Kerchner v. Obama, a case challenging whether President Barack Obama is qualified to serve as president because he may not be a "natural-born citizen" as required by Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution.
Unlike other eligibility cases that have reached the Supreme Court, Kerchner vs. Obama focuses on the "Vattel theory," which argues that the writers of the Constitution believed the term "natural-born citizen" to mean a person born in the United States to parents who were both American citizens.
"This case is unprecedented," said Mario Apuzzo, the attorney bringing the suit. "I believe we presented an ironclad case. We've shown standing, and we've shown the importance of the issue for the Supreme Court. There's nothing standing in their way to grant us a writ of certiorari."
If the Supreme Court decides to grant the "writ of certiorari," it may direct a federal trial court in New Jersey to hear the merits of the case, or it may choose to hear the merits itself. The court's decision on the writ could be announced as early as Wednesday.
If any court hears the merits of the case, Apuzzo says it will mark the "death knell" for Obama's legitimacy.
"Given my research of what a natural-born citizen is, he cannot be a natural-born citizen so it's a death knell to his legitimacy. What happens on a practical level, how our political institutions would work that out, is something else," Apuzzo told WND.
Apuzzo observed it is "undisputed fact" that Obama's father was a British subject.
A hearing on the merits "is also a death knell because it would allow discovery so we would be able to ask him for his birth certificate, and we don't know what that would show," according to Apuzzo. "We might not even get to the question of defining 'natural-born citizen.' If he was not born in the U.S., he'd be undocumented, because he's never been naturalized. We don't even know what his citizenship status is. Hawaii has said they have his records, but that's hearsay. We have not seen the root documents."
Another attorney who has brought Obama eligibility cases to the Supreme Court, Philip Berg, agrees that discovery would sink Obama's presidency.
"If one court had guts enough to deal with this and allow discovery, Obama would be out of office," Berg told WND. "We would ask for a lift of Obama's ban on all of his documents. The last official report said Obama has spent $1.6 million in legal fees [keeping his papers secret], and the total is probably over $2 million now. You don't spend that kind of money unless there's something to hide, and I believe the reason he's hiding this is because he was not born in the United States."
"The Supreme Court has never decided to hear the merits of an eligibility case," Berg added. "If the Supreme Court would decide to hear a case, Obama would be out of office instantly.
If Congress decided to hear a case, Obama would be out of office."
"They're taking a different approach, arguing that both parents must be citizens," Berg noted.
Apuzzo is arguing the "Vattel theory," which asserts that the term "natural-born citizen" as used in the Constitution was defined by French writer Emer de Vattel. Vattel, whose work, "The Law of Nations," was widely known and respected by the founding fathers, used the term to mean an individual born of two citizens.
According to Apuzzo, Congress and the courts have addressed the question of who can be an American citizen, for example regarding former slaves, Asian immigrants, and American Indians. However, the term "natural-born citizen" has never been altered.
"The courts and Congress have never changed the definition," said Apuzzo. "The founding fathers understood that the commander-in-chief of the armed forces needed to have two American citizens as parents so that American values would be imparted to him."
Apuzzo said the Supreme Court had clearly accepted Vattel's definition of "natural-born citizen" in "dicta," or statements made in opinions on cases addressing other matters. He cited Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall's opinion in the 1814 "Venus" case, in which Marshall endorses Vattel's definition.
Apuzzo also cites the writings of founding father David Ramsay, an influential South Carolina physician and historian who used similar language to Vattel.
Previous cases challenging Obama's eligibility have all been rejected on technical grounds. Numerous courts have decided that the plaintiffs do not have "standing" to bring a suit against Obama because they have failed to prove they are directly injured by his occupation of the Oval Office.
"To me that's false," said Berg. "The 10th Amendment refers to 'we the people.' If the people can't challenge the president's constitutionality, that would be ridiculous."
"My clients have a right to protection from an illegitimately sitting president," said Apuzzo. "Every decision he makes affects the life, property, and welfare of my clients."
Apuzzo said the founding fathers had good reason to require the president to be a natural-born citizen.
"They were making sure the President had the values from being reared from a child in the American system, and thereby would preserve everybody's life, liberty and property in the process.
"They made that decision, so my clients have every right to expect the president to be a natural-born citizen. It goes to all your basic rights, every right that is inalienable. The president has to be a natural-born citizen."
By Brian Fitzpatrick
WASHINGTON – Is this the case that will break the presidential eligibility question wide open?
The Supreme Court conferred today on whether arguments should be heard on the merits of Kerchner v. Obama, a case challenging whether President Barack Obama is qualified to serve as president because he may not be a "natural-born citizen" as required by Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution.
Unlike other eligibility cases that have reached the Supreme Court, Kerchner vs. Obama focuses on the "Vattel theory," which argues that the writers of the Constitution believed the term "natural-born citizen" to mean a person born in the United States to parents who were both American citizens.
"This case is unprecedented," said Mario Apuzzo, the attorney bringing the suit. "I believe we presented an ironclad case. We've shown standing, and we've shown the importance of the issue for the Supreme Court. There's nothing standing in their way to grant us a writ of certiorari."
If the Supreme Court decides to grant the "writ of certiorari," it may direct a federal trial court in New Jersey to hear the merits of the case, or it may choose to hear the merits itself. The court's decision on the writ could be announced as early as Wednesday.
If any court hears the merits of the case, Apuzzo says it will mark the "death knell" for Obama's legitimacy.
"Given my research of what a natural-born citizen is, he cannot be a natural-born citizen so it's a death knell to his legitimacy. What happens on a practical level, how our political institutions would work that out, is something else," Apuzzo told WND.
Apuzzo observed it is "undisputed fact" that Obama's father was a British subject.
A hearing on the merits "is also a death knell because it would allow discovery so we would be able to ask him for his birth certificate, and we don't know what that would show," according to Apuzzo. "We might not even get to the question of defining 'natural-born citizen.' If he was not born in the U.S., he'd be undocumented, because he's never been naturalized. We don't even know what his citizenship status is. Hawaii has said they have his records, but that's hearsay. We have not seen the root documents."
Another attorney who has brought Obama eligibility cases to the Supreme Court, Philip Berg, agrees that discovery would sink Obama's presidency.
"If one court had guts enough to deal with this and allow discovery, Obama would be out of office," Berg told WND. "We would ask for a lift of Obama's ban on all of his documents. The last official report said Obama has spent $1.6 million in legal fees [keeping his papers secret], and the total is probably over $2 million now. You don't spend that kind of money unless there's something to hide, and I believe the reason he's hiding this is because he was not born in the United States."
"The Supreme Court has never decided to hear the merits of an eligibility case," Berg added. "If the Supreme Court would decide to hear a case, Obama would be out of office instantly.
If Congress decided to hear a case, Obama would be out of office."
"They're taking a different approach, arguing that both parents must be citizens," Berg noted.
Apuzzo is arguing the "Vattel theory," which asserts that the term "natural-born citizen" as used in the Constitution was defined by French writer Emer de Vattel. Vattel, whose work, "The Law of Nations," was widely known and respected by the founding fathers, used the term to mean an individual born of two citizens.
According to Apuzzo, Congress and the courts have addressed the question of who can be an American citizen, for example regarding former slaves, Asian immigrants, and American Indians. However, the term "natural-born citizen" has never been altered.
"The courts and Congress have never changed the definition," said Apuzzo. "The founding fathers understood that the commander-in-chief of the armed forces needed to have two American citizens as parents so that American values would be imparted to him."
Apuzzo said the Supreme Court had clearly accepted Vattel's definition of "natural-born citizen" in "dicta," or statements made in opinions on cases addressing other matters. He cited Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall's opinion in the 1814 "Venus" case, in which Marshall endorses Vattel's definition.
Apuzzo also cites the writings of founding father David Ramsay, an influential South Carolina physician and historian who used similar language to Vattel.
Previous cases challenging Obama's eligibility have all been rejected on technical grounds. Numerous courts have decided that the plaintiffs do not have "standing" to bring a suit against Obama because they have failed to prove they are directly injured by his occupation of the Oval Office.
"To me that's false," said Berg. "The 10th Amendment refers to 'we the people.' If the people can't challenge the president's constitutionality, that would be ridiculous."
"My clients have a right to protection from an illegitimately sitting president," said Apuzzo. "Every decision he makes affects the life, property, and welfare of my clients."
Apuzzo said the founding fathers had good reason to require the president to be a natural-born citizen.
"They were making sure the President had the values from being reared from a child in the American system, and thereby would preserve everybody's life, liberty and property in the process.
"They made that decision, so my clients have every right to expect the president to be a natural-born citizen. It goes to all your basic rights, every right that is inalienable. The president has to be a natural-born citizen."
Sunday, November 21, 2010
After giving instructions to his money machine to NO LONGER provide funds to moron Obama, George Soros is suddenly selling off all his shares in Airport scanning machines and an Obama ally Chopra, CEO of the project, supporting the vicious actions of Janet Napolitano under direct Obama orders, allows Obama to use the TSA to wreak revenge on America for slapping him in the face with the recent defeat in the elections, which the Japanese media insists is a repudiation of his policies and of his presidency.
Note: They are also praising Sarah Palin to high heaven and encouraging her to run in 2012!
The reason terrorism continues to grow and thrive in the USA is the Terrorist in Chief is in charge of the country, protects them, runs interference for them and operates against us from the White Hut. Specially for the Islamic and Communist flavors. Christian Americans have increasingly been designated as second class citizens without the rights given to Moslems and Communist radicals.
Travel/Safety/Security Section
Thread dedicated to TSA Criminal Activity -
Young Boy Strip Searched By TSA
1- Former Orlando TSA officer gets probation in sex-slave case -
2- TSA airport screener arrested for child porn also worked at Catholic school; Questions remain -
3- TSA Agent Arrested at LAX (TSA using drugs at a party)
4- TSA Agent Accused of Harboring Fugitive
5- TSA officer at DIA arrested in connection with luring child online
6- TSA screener arrested for drug theft at Little Rock airport
7- TSA officer charged in boy's kidnap attempt - Police in Idaho say man also possessed documents for 5 separate identities
8- TSA Worker Arrested On Drug, Gun Charges
TSA pat-down leaves traveler covered in urine
- Memos Detail TSA Officer's Cocaine Pranks Worker joked about finding drugs in luggage
- TSA screener arrested for beating co-worker
- TSA Agent: "I am god, I'm in charge"
- TSA officer among duo arrested for stealing from fliers' luggage at JFK
- Child rape charge rocks TSA
Tsa- Screener Charged With Raping 14 Year Old Girl
- TSA Agent arrested for sex crimes
- TSA Employee Steals Over $200,000 in Electronics
- TSA Forces Woman To Remove Nipple Rings
Compliments of BossLady Friday, November 19, 2010
Note: They are also praising Sarah Palin to high heaven and encouraging her to run in 2012!
The reason terrorism continues to grow and thrive in the USA is the Terrorist in Chief is in charge of the country, protects them, runs interference for them and operates against us from the White Hut. Specially for the Islamic and Communist flavors. Christian Americans have increasingly been designated as second class citizens without the rights given to Moslems and Communist radicals.
![]() |
SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DARE OPPOSE ME? What do you think you can do about it? NOTHING I DON'T WANT YOU TO! I'm in charge! I won! |
Travel/Safety/Security Section
Thread dedicated to TSA Criminal Activity -
Young Boy Strip Searched By TSA
1- Former Orlando TSA officer gets probation in sex-slave case -
2- TSA airport screener arrested for child porn also worked at Catholic school; Questions remain -
3- TSA Agent Arrested at LAX (TSA using drugs at a party)
4- TSA Agent Accused of Harboring Fugitive
5- TSA officer at DIA arrested in connection with luring child online
6- TSA screener arrested for drug theft at Little Rock airport
7- TSA officer charged in boy's kidnap attempt - Police in Idaho say man also possessed documents for 5 separate identities
8- TSA Worker Arrested On Drug, Gun Charges
TSA pat-down leaves traveler covered in urine
- Memos Detail TSA Officer's Cocaine Pranks Worker joked about finding drugs in luggage
- TSA screener arrested for beating co-worker
- TSA Agent: "I am god, I'm in charge"
- TSA officer among duo arrested for stealing from fliers' luggage at JFK
- Child rape charge rocks TSA
Tsa- Screener Charged With Raping 14 Year Old Girl
- TSA Agent arrested for sex crimes
- TSA Employee Steals Over $200,000 in Electronics
- TSA Forces Woman To Remove Nipple Rings
Compliments of BossLady Friday, November 19, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
When Pastor Jones planned to burn the Koran in protest of the building of the Ground Zero mosque over the remains of the victims of the Muslim attack on 9-11, his life and property were viciously threatened by Muslims. He lost the mortgage and insurance on his church and was charged $180,000 for security by the City of Gainesville to protect against the MUSLIM threats. U.S. authorities did NOTHING to punish the threatening Muslims. NO ONE was charged with a crime nor EVEN investigated! As a result of Jones' threat, which was never carried out, 20 people were killed by Muslims worldwide. (NOTE: JONES did not kill anyone; MUSLIMS did)!
Sadly, most Americans turned against Jones, NOT the Muslims who were threatening him! They marginalized Jones and did and said absolutely NOTHING about the threatening Muslims! In fact, they didn't even notice the Muslims, only the 'despicable' Jones. Americans are already DHIMMIS living under Shariah Law and treating Muslims differently - as superiors - out of fear. The American public defended against this charge of dhimmitude by stating that it was the BURNING of books that was abhorrent, although none of them get exercised over the burning of their flag or their Bible or the desecration of the crucifix - all LEGAL activities as is the burning of the Koran.
Remarkably, NO ONE recognizes that WE ARE ALL DR. JONES and if we don't stand for his right to burn the Koran - no matter how much we say we detest the act - we are doomed in our self-imposed dhimmitude.
Janet Levy,
Los Angeles
By Robert Spencer
Maryland man gets year in prison, $3,000 fine for sending threatening email to mosque -- why the double standard?
There is no excuse for threats of violence sent through emails to people with whom one disagrees. It is noteworthy, however, that there have been no arrests or even any significant investigation of these emailed death threats and others like them that I have received. Why the double standard?
Some examples:
"Robert Spencer has his right to speech. But someday he will slip up, he will visit a place that doesn't honor such infidel 'rights.' And what a day they will have with him.
You've heard of head cheese and blood pudding?
See, modern hip Muslims like me like to be look different than everybody else in Western society. And we don't like to believe Islam has any real enemies left.
But Robert Spencer, well, he will see the sacred text come to life...'fuel the fires of hell...' only when they are done with him. Peace and Love." -- [1] September 29, 2010
Alan note: (Peace & Love?????)
"Robert Spencer the Second, born on February 27, 1962, is a hairy man who...currently lives on [specific street] in [specific city] with [specific relatives]..." -- July 28, 2010, from Greenbelt, Maryland
"Killing of this man is a model... SPENCER-Model..Spencer himself deserves the same? he should be sloughtered like that man. Silencing the EVIL." -- April 4, 2010
"Yes. Yes..We finally reached out him. Ka'ab Binu Ashraf has been traced. He will be soon found. Will this be like VAN-Goooordhd. I am not sure. Allah Knows.. But Spencer you will pay the price...Just wait to pay the price." -- September 28, 2009
"Robert....It was really good I found you in a local supermarket. and I followed you.. so i know your address now..tell you fool followers you are going to be deceased very soon... any one taking your seat and getting killed? I am sure most of your followers are cheeky cowards." -- September 28, 2009
"Do me a favor Spencer and put this as a blog post like you do to all those threatening mails. Be careful, I am very near to you. I located you and I know you have little security around you. I am coming to slit your throat with a bland knife.. and it will pain a lot.. since you misled a lot of people and became a fitnah on earth.. it is a duty of a good muslim to kill you! go report this to FBI or CIA..And don't worry, I won't attack you unguarded.. but i will surely kill you in the most easy manner possible because I don't like to slaughter human beings.. Die and go to hell.. for sure..and yea I have a new name for you...Robert 'hawknoseinhell' spencer." -- September 28, 2009
And one classic from a few years back:
"YOu are the most f**king person I have ever seen. Enrooted in islamic hatred, you think your personal statements on Prophet Muhammed will be deemed appropriate. Motherf**ker, I am coming to kill you. I will hack the head off your face and i will kill your family. Wait for your doom. From A mujahid" -- October 2, 2006
"Washington - Maryland Man Sentenced To 1 Year For Sending Threatening Email to Illinois Mosque," from [2] Vos Iz Neias?, November 3 (thanks to [3] Pamela Geller):
Washington - Ilya Sobolevskiy, a 25-year-old resident of Maryland, was sentenced today to serve 12 months in prison and to pay a $3,000 fine for violating the civil rights of members of an Urbana, Ill., mosque, announced the INJustice Department.
During a guilty plea hearing in August 2010, Sobolevskiy admitted that he sent an email to a member of the Central Illinois Mosque and Islamic Center (CIMIC), in which he threatened, among other things, that he would "do WHATEVER it takes to eradicate Islam." Officials at CIMIC reported the threat to the FBI, which referred the case to the department's Civil Rights Division.
"One of our most basic rights is the freedom to practice one's faith in peace," said Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez of the Civil Rights Division. "We have no tolerance for threats of violence fueled by bigotry *, and we will aggressively prosecute such actions."
* (Alan note: unless it is fueled by Islamic bigotry - which does not count and is strangely protected speech for FIRST class citizens of Islam as opposed to the SECOND class citizens of other religions)???
"It is a top priority of the FBI to protect the civil rights of the American people. We encourage members of the community to report all allegations of civil rights violations. The FBI will aggressively investigate these matters to ensure that our society remains free," said Stuart R. McArthur, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Springfield Office.
(Alan note: Free for selective prosecution or lack of it by the Department of INJUSTICE with enormous bias built in)???
Federal Magistrate Judge David G. Bernthal, referring to the defendant's crime as "an act of terror," gave the defendant the maximum sentence permitted by law.
This case was investigated by the Springfield, Ill., division of the FBI, and was prosecuted by department Trial Attorney Patricia Sumner.
Perhaps investigation of the Eric Holder DOJ by the new Republican Congress may re-balance how Obama justice is administered on "we the people".
Sadly, most Americans turned against Jones, NOT the Muslims who were threatening him! They marginalized Jones and did and said absolutely NOTHING about the threatening Muslims! In fact, they didn't even notice the Muslims, only the 'despicable' Jones. Americans are already DHIMMIS living under Shariah Law and treating Muslims differently - as superiors - out of fear. The American public defended against this charge of dhimmitude by stating that it was the BURNING of books that was abhorrent, although none of them get exercised over the burning of their flag or their Bible or the desecration of the crucifix - all LEGAL activities as is the burning of the Koran.
Remarkably, NO ONE recognizes that WE ARE ALL DR. JONES and if we don't stand for his right to burn the Koran - no matter how much we say we detest the act - we are doomed in our self-imposed dhimmitude.
Janet Levy,
Los Angeles
By Robert Spencer
Maryland man gets year in prison, $3,000 fine for sending threatening email to mosque -- why the double standard?
There is no excuse for threats of violence sent through emails to people with whom one disagrees. It is noteworthy, however, that there have been no arrests or even any significant investigation of these emailed death threats and others like them that I have received. Why the double standard?
Some examples:
"Robert Spencer has his right to speech. But someday he will slip up, he will visit a place that doesn't honor such infidel 'rights.' And what a day they will have with him.
You've heard of head cheese and blood pudding?
See, modern hip Muslims like me like to be look different than everybody else in Western society. And we don't like to believe Islam has any real enemies left.
But Robert Spencer, well, he will see the sacred text come to life...'fuel the fires of hell...' only when they are done with him. Peace and Love." -- [1] September 29, 2010
Alan note: (Peace & Love?????)
"Robert Spencer the Second, born on February 27, 1962, is a hairy man who...currently lives on [specific street] in [specific city] with [specific relatives]..." -- July 28, 2010, from Greenbelt, Maryland
"Killing of this man is a model... SPENCER-Model..Spencer himself deserves the same? he should be sloughtered like that man. Silencing the EVIL." -- April 4, 2010
"Yes. Yes..We finally reached out him. Ka'ab Binu Ashraf has been traced. He will be soon found. Will this be like VAN-Goooordhd. I am not sure. Allah Knows.. But Spencer you will pay the price...Just wait to pay the price." -- September 28, 2009
"Robert....It was really good I found you in a local supermarket. and I followed you.. so i know your address now..tell you fool followers you are going to be deceased very soon... any one taking your seat and getting killed? I am sure most of your followers are cheeky cowards." -- September 28, 2009
"Do me a favor Spencer and put this as a blog post like you do to all those threatening mails. Be careful, I am very near to you. I located you and I know you have little security around you. I am coming to slit your throat with a bland knife.. and it will pain a lot.. since you misled a lot of people and became a fitnah on earth.. it is a duty of a good muslim to kill you! go report this to FBI or CIA..And don't worry, I won't attack you unguarded.. but i will surely kill you in the most easy manner possible because I don't like to slaughter human beings.. Die and go to hell.. for sure..and yea I have a new name for you...Robert 'hawknoseinhell' spencer." -- September 28, 2009
And one classic from a few years back:
"YOu are the most f**king person I have ever seen. Enrooted in islamic hatred, you think your personal statements on Prophet Muhammed will be deemed appropriate. Motherf**ker, I am coming to kill you. I will hack the head off your face and i will kill your family. Wait for your doom. From A mujahid" -- October 2, 2006
"Washington - Maryland Man Sentenced To 1 Year For Sending Threatening Email to Illinois Mosque," from [2] Vos Iz Neias?, November 3 (thanks to [3] Pamela Geller):
Washington - Ilya Sobolevskiy, a 25-year-old resident of Maryland, was sentenced today to serve 12 months in prison and to pay a $3,000 fine for violating the civil rights of members of an Urbana, Ill., mosque, announced the INJustice Department.
During a guilty plea hearing in August 2010, Sobolevskiy admitted that he sent an email to a member of the Central Illinois Mosque and Islamic Center (CIMIC), in which he threatened, among other things, that he would "do WHATEVER it takes to eradicate Islam." Officials at CIMIC reported the threat to the FBI, which referred the case to the department's Civil Rights Division.
"One of our most basic rights is the freedom to practice one's faith in peace," said Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez of the Civil Rights Division. "We have no tolerance for threats of violence fueled by bigotry *, and we will aggressively prosecute such actions."
* (Alan note: unless it is fueled by Islamic bigotry - which does not count and is strangely protected speech for FIRST class citizens of Islam as opposed to the SECOND class citizens of other religions)???
"It is a top priority of the FBI to protect the civil rights of the American people. We encourage members of the community to report all allegations of civil rights violations. The FBI will aggressively investigate these matters to ensure that our society remains free," said Stuart R. McArthur, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Springfield Office.
(Alan note: Free for selective prosecution or lack of it by the Department of INJUSTICE with enormous bias built in)???
Federal Magistrate Judge David G. Bernthal, referring to the defendant's crime as "an act of terror," gave the defendant the maximum sentence permitted by law.
This case was investigated by the Springfield, Ill., division of the FBI, and was prosecuted by department Trial Attorney Patricia Sumner.
Perhaps investigation of the Eric Holder DOJ by the new Republican Congress may re-balance how Obama justice is administered on "we the people".
Friday, November 5, 2010
by JB Williams
The third branch of government was intended to be kept in check by the other three, which includes "We the People" (as the overall decider).
(Nov. 5, 2010) — When running down the laundry list of modern threats to freedom and liberty in America, atop that list is the corrupt and anti-constitution nature of today’s judicial branch. Without a genuine respect for the rule of law and reverence for the supreme law of this land inside the judicial branch, JFK is right – an absence of peaceful solutions will always result in violent revolution.
When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. – Thomas Jefferson
It didn’t take long for Jefferson to recognize the one major flaw in the U.S. Constitution.
At the establishment of our Constitutions, the judiciary bodies were supposed to be the most helpless and harmless members of the government. Experience, however, soon showed in what way they were to become the most dangerous; that the insufficiency of the means provided for their removal gave them a freehold and irresponsibility in office; that their decisions, seeming to concern individual suitors only, pass silent and unheeded by the public at large; that these decisions nevertheless become law by precedent, sapping by little and little the foundations of the Constitution and working its change by construction before any one has perceived that that invisible and helpless worm has been busily employed in consuming its substance. In truth, man is not made to be trusted for life if secured against all liability to account. –Thomas Jefferson to A. Coray, 1823. ME 15:486
Our founders entrusted the power to interpret the constitution and law to the 3rd branch, the judicial branch. At the time, the term “interpret” was limited by definition to – To explain the meaning of words to a person who does not understand them; to expound; to translate unintelligible words into intelligible ones; as, to interpret the Hebrew language to an Englishman.
But by Jefferson’s letter to Coray in 1823, it had already become clear that lifetime political appointees would soon expand the definition of their own power, to interpretations driven by political motives and limited only by the imagination.
Today, we watch a daily diet of judicial tyranny and terrorism to the degree that we are no longer shocked or even dismayed.
· States have no 10th Amendment rights, told by the courts that all federal law trumps state law
· The US Constitution does not say what is says, it says what the courts imagine it to say
· The people have “no standing” to know who is sitting in their White House
· The will of 70% is trumped by social justice according to 30%
Arizona cannot secure its border or protect its citizens from invasion and drug wars spilling across from Mexico.
New York cannot balance its state budget without federal approval, which is based upon labor union agreement.
Citizens only have the rights that the ruling class elite are willing to afford on any given day, so long as those rights are not used to speak out against the ruling class elite, in which case you have already been identified by Homeland Security as a “potential domestic terrorist.”
This is what we can expect when the people have forgotten to be forever vigilant for decades, leaving the running of this nation of, by and for the people, in the hands of elected snake oil salesmen and women.
Today, the power structure in America is turned upside-down. The Founders gave birth to a nation and government of, by and for the people. Today, our government and nation runs at odds with the vast majority of the people.
In priority of greatest power –
1. The lame stream press – he who controls information controls public sentiment and decisions
2. The nine member oligarchy known as the Supreme Court limited only by their imagination
3. The Executive Branch is free to appoint Czar’s outside of congressional or judicial oversight and issue any law it wants under executive order
4. The Legislative Branch is no longer limited by the enumerated powers in the U.S. Constitution
5. States no longer have representation via the U.S.Senate now subservient to the Fed
6. States have no 10th Amendment rights
7. The people are slaves to their rulers spending them generations into debt
In short, the current state of our union today is far worse than that which caused our nation’s founders to break from England and toss tea into the Boston Harbor.
The people fear their government. The government is only mildly irritated by those “right-wing extremists” willing to speak out in opposition.
We are no longer allowed to discuss God in government or good government in church. Our current White House resident announced to the world that we are no longer a Christian nation, despite our entire history rooted deeply in Judeo-Christian principles and values of individual free will.
But on March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry stood in St. John’s Church in Richmond, Virginia for the sole purpose of presenting the most famous political speech in American history.
Most Americans are familiar with the closing sentence of this speech – “I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”
However, few Americans are familiar with the entire speech or related history concerning the orator, Patrick Henry. There was no prewritten speech, no speech writers and no teleprompter. Henry was not one of the more successful men of his time, having spent more time failing than succeeding.
Yet he was passionate about individual freedom and liberty and when he spoke at St. John’s Church that day, he spoke eloquently from the heart. More importantly, his words are as appropriate today as they were in 1775.
Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.
And so it is today… when truth is so frightening that the lies are preferred by many in society. In 1775, there were those who mocked Henry, as a radical or warmonger. There were others who preferred to negotiate peace at the price of liberty.
However, Henry was firm…
They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. Three millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations; and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable²and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.
There is but one significant difference between 1775 and today, and that difference is the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution and Bill of Rights had yet to be written, much less ratified and implemented.
Today, we face the same threat to individual freedom and liberty, this time largely from within the hall of our own elected government. However, we have a peaceful remedy that did not exist in 1775, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, which have indeed stood the test of time.
“It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace²but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”
Our state of the union is threatened because the Constitution is not presently in full force or effect. The remedy is to resurrect this document returning it to its proper place as the supreme law of this land. The only thing standing in the way is our corrupt Judicial Branch, which imagines its power as an oligarchy, where only a select few are free to rule over all others via judicial fiat.
Jefferson was right and so was Henry.
Our Justice Branch presents the greatest threat to individual freedom and liberty in America. Without strict adherence to the Constitution and principles of free-will within, there can be no personal or economic freedom and liberty.
But a nation, in which the judiciary rests all decisions upon the brilliant works of our founders, can be forever free and prosperous.
What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”
What God has made free, let no man enslave.
It is not the Constitution that should be judged by the courts, but rather the courts that must be judged by the Constitution. In this country, the American people are the only rightful jury.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Arms shipment found in Nigeria loaded in Iran
By Susan Njanji
LAGOS — An illegal arms shipment including rockets and grenades discovered in Nigeria this week was loaded in Iran by an Iranian trader, the firm that operates the vessel that delivered it said on Friday.
Security agents this week intercepted 13 containers declared as building materials and discharged from the CMA CGM Everest vessel at the country's busiest port of Apapa in Nigeria's economic hub of Lagos.
"The shipment in question was booked as a 'shippers owned container' and supplied loaded and sealed by the shipper, an Iranian trader who does not appear on any 'forbidden persons' listing," said CMA CGM, which operates the Marshall Islands-flagged vessel.
CMA CGM, based in France, said the containers were loaded in Bandar Abbas, a southern port city of Iran, and discharged in Lagos in July.
But last week the shipper asked to have the containers reloaded and sent to the Gambia, a tiny west African country wedged inside Senegal, according to the firm.
Clearance had been obtained before Nigerian customs intervened and halted the shipment, according to CMA CGM.
Iranian embassy officials in Nigeria refused to comment, saying a statement would be issued later.
A Nigerian intelligence agency spokeswoman has said authorities were on heightened alert following October 1 twin car bombings in the capital that killed at least 12 people.
Ten of the containers opened so far contain an array of weaponry, customs spokesman Wale Adeniyi said, despite being declared as building materials.
CMA CGM said it has been cleared of any involvement in the illegal shipment and called itself the "victim of (a) false cargo declaration."
Two people have reportedly been arrested in connection with the cargo, but security officials have not confirmed the reports.
Authorities have publicly refused to speculate on the origins or destination of the shipment, coming just months before presidential elections, but have heightened port security.
"Certainly security at the ports has been beefed up and we are trying to move up ahead ... and tighten our own systems to block such shipments," Adeniyi told AFP.
Regarding paperwork for the shipment that contained the weapons, Adeniyi said "the documents were irregular... and we felt that the names given on them were false."
Precise quantities of the weapons will be known after all the containers are opened, he said.
So far, the 10 examined contained "similar contents -- mortars, grenades, light ammunition and of course tiles," said Adeniyi.
The ship's last port of call before arriving in Nigeria was India's Jawaharlal Nehru port near Mumbai, the customs service has said. The vessel berthed in the Nigerian port on July 10 and sailed out on July 15.
Illegal weapons are widespread in Nigeria, and the discovery has sparked fresh concerns with presidential elections set to be held early next year. Ballots have frequently been tainted by violence in the oil-rich nation.
Militants in the Niger Delta, the country's main oil-producing region, have carried out scores of attacks there in recent years.
The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta, the country's most prominent militant group, claimed the October 1 car bombings.
A series of attacks have also been carried out by suspected members of an Islamist sect, known as Boko Haram, in the country's north in recent months
By Susan Njanji
LAGOS — An illegal arms shipment including rockets and grenades discovered in Nigeria this week was loaded in Iran by an Iranian trader, the firm that operates the vessel that delivered it said on Friday.
Security agents this week intercepted 13 containers declared as building materials and discharged from the CMA CGM Everest vessel at the country's busiest port of Apapa in Nigeria's economic hub of Lagos.
"The shipment in question was booked as a 'shippers owned container' and supplied loaded and sealed by the shipper, an Iranian trader who does not appear on any 'forbidden persons' listing," said CMA CGM, which operates the Marshall Islands-flagged vessel.
CMA CGM, based in France, said the containers were loaded in Bandar Abbas, a southern port city of Iran, and discharged in Lagos in July.
But last week the shipper asked to have the containers reloaded and sent to the Gambia, a tiny west African country wedged inside Senegal, according to the firm.
Clearance had been obtained before Nigerian customs intervened and halted the shipment, according to CMA CGM.
Iranian embassy officials in Nigeria refused to comment, saying a statement would be issued later.
A Nigerian intelligence agency spokeswoman has said authorities were on heightened alert following October 1 twin car bombings in the capital that killed at least 12 people.
Ten of the containers opened so far contain an array of weaponry, customs spokesman Wale Adeniyi said, despite being declared as building materials.
CMA CGM said it has been cleared of any involvement in the illegal shipment and called itself the "victim of (a) false cargo declaration."
Two people have reportedly been arrested in connection with the cargo, but security officials have not confirmed the reports.
Authorities have publicly refused to speculate on the origins or destination of the shipment, coming just months before presidential elections, but have heightened port security.
"Certainly security at the ports has been beefed up and we are trying to move up ahead ... and tighten our own systems to block such shipments," Adeniyi told AFP.
Regarding paperwork for the shipment that contained the weapons, Adeniyi said "the documents were irregular... and we felt that the names given on them were false."
Precise quantities of the weapons will be known after all the containers are opened, he said.
So far, the 10 examined contained "similar contents -- mortars, grenades, light ammunition and of course tiles," said Adeniyi.
The ship's last port of call before arriving in Nigeria was India's Jawaharlal Nehru port near Mumbai, the customs service has said. The vessel berthed in the Nigerian port on July 10 and sailed out on July 15.
Illegal weapons are widespread in Nigeria, and the discovery has sparked fresh concerns with presidential elections set to be held early next year. Ballots have frequently been tainted by violence in the oil-rich nation.
Militants in the Niger Delta, the country's main oil-producing region, have carried out scores of attacks there in recent years.
The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta, the country's most prominent militant group, claimed the October 1 car bombings.
A series of attacks have also been carried out by suspected members of an Islamist sect, known as Boko Haram, in the country's north in recent months
Alan note: Terror is not just by Al-Qaeda or Islamic jihadists, in this case it is the Obama Administration terrorism that has decreed a change in the death estate tax, which will rise enormously at the ned of the year.
Government terrorism need not be as blatant as in murderous Islamic Iran but is just as deadly when an idealogical criminal organization now in charge of America imposes its will to suck more money from the populace.
Read the article farther down the page about the ONE percent financial transaction tax that will suck out one percent of any money you deposit into your bank, on any money you withdraw or transfer etc.
Mind boggling theft of our assets.
CHEYENNE -- U.S. Rep. Cynthia Lummis says some of her Wyoming constituents are so worried about the reinstatement of federal estate taxes that they plan to discontinue dialysis and other life-extending medical treatments so they can die before Dec. 31.
Lummis, a Republican who holds her state's lone seat in the House, declined to name any of the people who have made the comments.
But she said many ranchers and farmers in the state would rather pass along their businesses -- "their life's work" -- to their children and grandchildren than see the federal government take a large chunk.
"If you have spent your whole life building a ranch, and you wanted to pass your estate on to your children, and you were 88 years old and on dialysis, and the only thing that was keeping you alive was that dialysis, you might make that same decision," Lummis told reporters.
Lummis and other Republicans are fighting to renew the Bush-era tax cuts, which expire at the end of the year. The cuts exempt large inheritances as well as certain wage income, interest, dividends and capital gains. She said the estate tax would go from zero this year to a maximum of 55 percent next year.
Lummis said the children of some people choosing death over taxes told her of their parents' decision. She wouldn't identify them and said it would be their decision to come forward.
Government terrorism need not be as blatant as in murderous Islamic Iran but is just as deadly when an idealogical criminal organization now in charge of America imposes its will to suck more money from the populace.
Read the article farther down the page about the ONE percent financial transaction tax that will suck out one percent of any money you deposit into your bank, on any money you withdraw or transfer etc.
Mind boggling theft of our assets.
CHEYENNE -- U.S. Rep. Cynthia Lummis says some of her Wyoming constituents are so worried about the reinstatement of federal estate taxes that they plan to discontinue dialysis and other life-extending medical treatments so they can die before Dec. 31.
Lummis, a Republican who holds her state's lone seat in the House, declined to name any of the people who have made the comments.
But she said many ranchers and farmers in the state would rather pass along their businesses -- "their life's work" -- to their children and grandchildren than see the federal government take a large chunk.
"If you have spent your whole life building a ranch, and you wanted to pass your estate on to your children, and you were 88 years old and on dialysis, and the only thing that was keeping you alive was that dialysis, you might make that same decision," Lummis told reporters.
Lummis and other Republicans are fighting to renew the Bush-era tax cuts, which expire at the end of the year. The cuts exempt large inheritances as well as certain wage income, interest, dividends and capital gains. She said the estate tax would go from zero this year to a maximum of 55 percent next year.
Lummis said the children of some people choosing death over taxes told her of their parents' decision. She wouldn't identify them and said it would be their decision to come forward.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
By Ryan Mauro
On October 28, 2009, the FBI tried to arrest Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah in Dearborn. A shoot-out ensued killing a police dog and Abdullah, and immediately the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and other Muslim Brotherhood-tied groups denounced the FBI and called for an independent investigation. Three reviews have now cleared the four FBI agents involved, but CAIR is still trying to portray the incident as the murder of an innocent man.
CAIR quickly jumped at the opportunity to make the Muslim community think that FBI agents would be so reckless they would open fire on a respectable imam. CAIR, the Muslim Public Affairs Council, and the American-Muslim Taskforce all demanded an independent probe. The Executive-Director of CAIR-Michigan, Dawud Walid, said Abdullah was “charitable” and defended his integrity.
“He would open up the mosque to homeless people. He used to run a soup kitchen and feed indigent people…I knew nothing of him that has related to any nefarious or criminal behavior,” Walid said. He said this despite the fact that Abdullah had been arrested in 1979 for assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest and convicted in 1981 for felonious assault and carrying a concealed weapon.
The FBI’s case against Abdullah showed he was nothing less than a hardcore militant jihadist. Abdullah led an African-American “nationwide radical fundamentalist Sunni group” called Ummah that included some prison converts. The spiritual leader of the group is Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rap Brown, who used to be a leader in the Black Panthers and is currently in jail for shooting two police officers, killing one. CAIR raised money for al-Amin’s legal expenses.
According to the federal affadavit, Abdullah called “on his followers to an offensive jihad, rather than a defense jihad. He regularly preaches anti-government and anti-law enforcement rhetoric.” The goal of the group is to establish Muslim enclaves that exercise independence from the United States government under the leadership of al-Amin. The ultimate aim of this effort is to bring down the government and replace it with Sharia law. Abdullah and his followers trained in martial arts, firearms use, and sword fighting at his mosque and members were encouraged to arm themselves for this cause.
On October 28, 2009, the FBI tried to arrest Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah in Dearborn. A shoot-out ensued killing a police dog and Abdullah, and immediately the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and other Muslim Brotherhood-tied groups denounced the FBI and called for an independent investigation. Three reviews have now cleared the four FBI agents involved, but CAIR is still trying to portray the incident as the murder of an innocent man.
CAIR quickly jumped at the opportunity to make the Muslim community think that FBI agents would be so reckless they would open fire on a respectable imam. CAIR, the Muslim Public Affairs Council, and the American-Muslim Taskforce all demanded an independent probe. The Executive-Director of CAIR-Michigan, Dawud Walid, said Abdullah was “charitable” and defended his integrity.
“He would open up the mosque to homeless people. He used to run a soup kitchen and feed indigent people…I knew nothing of him that has related to any nefarious or criminal behavior,” Walid said. He said this despite the fact that Abdullah had been arrested in 1979 for assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest and convicted in 1981 for felonious assault and carrying a concealed weapon.
The FBI’s case against Abdullah showed he was nothing less than a hardcore militant jihadist. Abdullah led an African-American “nationwide radical fundamentalist Sunni group” called Ummah that included some prison converts. The spiritual leader of the group is Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rap Brown, who used to be a leader in the Black Panthers and is currently in jail for shooting two police officers, killing one. CAIR raised money for al-Amin’s legal expenses.
According to the federal affadavit, Abdullah called “on his followers to an offensive jihad, rather than a defense jihad. He regularly preaches anti-government and anti-law enforcement rhetoric.” The goal of the group is to establish Muslim enclaves that exercise independence from the United States government under the leadership of al-Amin. The ultimate aim of this effort is to bring down the government and replace it with Sharia law. Abdullah and his followers trained in martial arts, firearms use, and sword fighting at his mosque and members were encouraged to arm themselves for this cause.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Al Qaeda acts for Islam, according to Islamic tenets and to promote Islam as a global dictatorship so trying to disclaim them as radical Moslems is an oxymoronic evasion of the facts.
11 October 2010: The second installment of Inspire, the magazine published by the Muslim terrorist group Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s (AQAP) has just been released.
It’s 74 pages are as disturbing and alarming as the first edition, which we reviewed and made available on 16 July 2010 [2]. Among many other things, the magazine urges all Muslims to wage personal jihad against infidels in the U.S., Canada and all non-Muslim countries.
“Open fire on lunch-hour crowds in Washington, D.C.,” and use pickup trucks “as a mowing machine, not to mow grass but [to] mow down the enemies of Allah.”
The group behind the publication, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s (AQAP), is also reported to be behind the failed Christmas Day airline bombing attempt.
The purpose of the magazine is to appeal directly to the Muslims in the West, “inspiring” and directing them to conduct warfare on Westerners. The magazine references the actions of Nidal Malik HASAN, the U.S. Army major charged with the premeditated murder of 13 and attempted murder of 32 others at Fort hood last year.
The publication also features an article by Samir KHAN, 24, formerly of North Carolina, who writes that he is a proud traitor to the U.S. His writings appear to represent the feelings of many younger Muslims living in the U.S. And the West. He writes, in part:
“I am a traitor to America because my religion requires me to be one.“
“We pledge to wage jihad for the rest of our lives until either we implant Islam all over the world or meet our Lord as bearers of Islam.”
KHAN is also suspected as being more than a contributor to this magazine. While in Charlotte, KHAN operated an Islamic terrorist website that promoted the same views as Inspire. Shown here being confronted by Moly Grantham of Charlotte’s WJZY TV, KHAN denied helping al Qaeda or promoting Islamic terrorism. Shortly after the confrontation, KHAN left the U.S. To Yemen, where he is believed to be currently living.
As reported by the Northeast Intelligence Network since shortly after the 9/11 terror attacks, Islamic jihad is coming to the streets of the U.S.
“Lone wolf” style attacks, “active shooter” scenarios, and urban warfare is being promoted by this publication and Arabic language websites. This magazine and other such web sites encourage “good Muslims” to launch attacks in the U.S. And throughout the West.
One such method of attack, according to this edition of Inspire, is to use a common vehicle to run over as many people as possible, targeting crowded pedestrian areas:
The idea is to use a pickup truck as a mowing machine, not to mow grass but mow down the enemies of Allah. You would need a 4WD pickup truck. The stronger the better. You would then need to weld on steel blades on the front end of the truck.
These could be a set of butcher blades or thick sheets of steel. They do not need to be extra sharp because with the speed of the truck at the time of impact, even a blunter edge would slice through bone very easily. You may raise the level of the blades as high as the headlights. That would make the blades strike your targets at the torso level or higher.
Pick your location and timing carefully. Go for the most crowed [sic] locations. Narrower spots are also better because it gives less chance for the people to run away. Avoid locations where other vehicles may intercept you.
To achieve maximum carnage, you need to pick up as much speed as you can while still retaining good control of your vehicle in order to maximize your inertia and be able to strike as many people as possible in your first run.
Keep in mind that as soon as people realize what you are up to, they would scatter and run in every direction looking for cover. They would look for areas where the vehicle cannot reach them. Therefore, it is important to study your path of operation beforehand.
The ideal location is a place where there are a maximum number of pedestrians and the least number of vehicles. In fact if you can get through to “pedestrian only” locations that exist in some downtown (city center) areas, that would be fabulous. There are some places that are closed down for vehicles at certain times due to the swarms of people.
If you have access to firearms, carry them with you so that you may use them to finish off your work if your vehicle gets grounded during the attack. After such an attack, we believe it would be very difficult to get away safely and without being recognized.
Hence, it should be considered a martyrdom operation. It’s a one-way road. You keep on fighting until you achieve martyrdom. You start out your day in this world, and by the end of it, you are with Allah.
This idea could be implemented in countries like Israel, the U.S., Britain, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Denmark, Holland and other countries where the government and public sentiment is in support of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, the American invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq or countries that had a prominent role in the defamation of Muhammad.
In such countries we may strike at the public at large. As long as they target our noncombatants, we will target theirs.
This is one of many ways to implement this idea. You may modify it and add or subtract to it according to what is suitable for your particular conditions. If Allah guides your heart to such a great operation please leave behind a note. Tell the world why you did it.
Al Qaeda acts for Islam, according to Islamic tenets and to promote Islam as a global dictatorship so trying to disclaim them as radical Moslems is an oxymoronic evasion of the facts.
11 October 2010: The second installment of Inspire, the magazine published by the Muslim terrorist group Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s (AQAP) has just been released.
It’s 74 pages are as disturbing and alarming as the first edition, which we reviewed and made available on 16 July 2010 [2]. Among many other things, the magazine urges all Muslims to wage personal jihad against infidels in the U.S., Canada and all non-Muslim countries.
“Open fire on lunch-hour crowds in Washington, D.C.,” and use pickup trucks “as a mowing machine, not to mow grass but [to] mow down the enemies of Allah.”
The group behind the publication, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s (AQAP), is also reported to be behind the failed Christmas Day airline bombing attempt.
The purpose of the magazine is to appeal directly to the Muslims in the West, “inspiring” and directing them to conduct warfare on Westerners. The magazine references the actions of Nidal Malik HASAN, the U.S. Army major charged with the premeditated murder of 13 and attempted murder of 32 others at Fort hood last year.
The publication also features an article by Samir KHAN, 24, formerly of North Carolina, who writes that he is a proud traitor to the U.S. His writings appear to represent the feelings of many younger Muslims living in the U.S. And the West. He writes, in part:
“I am a traitor to America because my religion requires me to be one.“
“We pledge to wage jihad for the rest of our lives until either we implant Islam all over the world or meet our Lord as bearers of Islam.”
KHAN is also suspected as being more than a contributor to this magazine. While in Charlotte, KHAN operated an Islamic terrorist website that promoted the same views as Inspire. Shown here being confronted by Moly Grantham of Charlotte’s WJZY TV, KHAN denied helping al Qaeda or promoting Islamic terrorism. Shortly after the confrontation, KHAN left the U.S. To Yemen, where he is believed to be currently living.
As reported by the Northeast Intelligence Network since shortly after the 9/11 terror attacks, Islamic jihad is coming to the streets of the U.S.
“Lone wolf” style attacks, “active shooter” scenarios, and urban warfare is being promoted by this publication and Arabic language websites. This magazine and other such web sites encourage “good Muslims” to launch attacks in the U.S. And throughout the West.
One such method of attack, according to this edition of Inspire, is to use a common vehicle to run over as many people as possible, targeting crowded pedestrian areas:
The idea is to use a pickup truck as a mowing machine, not to mow grass but mow down the enemies of Allah. You would need a 4WD pickup truck. The stronger the better. You would then need to weld on steel blades on the front end of the truck.
These could be a set of butcher blades or thick sheets of steel. They do not need to be extra sharp because with the speed of the truck at the time of impact, even a blunter edge would slice through bone very easily. You may raise the level of the blades as high as the headlights. That would make the blades strike your targets at the torso level or higher.
Pick your location and timing carefully. Go for the most crowed [sic] locations. Narrower spots are also better because it gives less chance for the people to run away. Avoid locations where other vehicles may intercept you.
To achieve maximum carnage, you need to pick up as much speed as you can while still retaining good control of your vehicle in order to maximize your inertia and be able to strike as many people as possible in your first run.
Keep in mind that as soon as people realize what you are up to, they would scatter and run in every direction looking for cover. They would look for areas where the vehicle cannot reach them. Therefore, it is important to study your path of operation beforehand.
The ideal location is a place where there are a maximum number of pedestrians and the least number of vehicles. In fact if you can get through to “pedestrian only” locations that exist in some downtown (city center) areas, that would be fabulous. There are some places that are closed down for vehicles at certain times due to the swarms of people.
If you have access to firearms, carry them with you so that you may use them to finish off your work if your vehicle gets grounded during the attack. After such an attack, we believe it would be very difficult to get away safely and without being recognized.
Hence, it should be considered a martyrdom operation. It’s a one-way road. You keep on fighting until you achieve martyrdom. You start out your day in this world, and by the end of it, you are with Allah.
This idea could be implemented in countries like Israel, the U.S., Britain, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Denmark, Holland and other countries where the government and public sentiment is in support of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, the American invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq or countries that had a prominent role in the defamation of Muhammad.
In such countries we may strike at the public at large. As long as they target our noncombatants, we will target theirs.
This is one of many ways to implement this idea. You may modify it and add or subtract to it according to what is suitable for your particular conditions. If Allah guides your heart to such a great operation please leave behind a note. Tell the world why you did it.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
PREAMBLE: Iran tidbits:
Recently passed away Ayatollah Montazeri, supposed to succeed Khomeini till the tide was turned on him by a collusion of the current leader Ali Khamenei and Khomeini's quickly murdered son Ahmad, is on record as having said that the ISLAMIC SAVAMA security organization which replaced the oft criticized late-Shah's SAVAK, wrongly accused (for the most part) of brutality, was 1,000 times worse than anything the Monarch's security did at it's worst.
Also falsely deemed ELIGIBLE (like Oba-Hussein) Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has announced that his point of contact with everyone would now be restricted - happening only through two of the most blood-thirsty, brutal members of the Islamic regime - his son Mojtaba and the worst of the most dedicated prison torturers Asghar Hejazi.
Sadist son Mojtaba, puts to shame Khomeini's hanging judge Ayatollah Khalkhali, who took pleasure in the screams of tortured cats he abused for fun, and participates in the most brutal of the tortures in the prisons and personally rapes prisoners, reserving by order, the prettiest ones for his personal sexual use, while also enjoying the tearing apart genital area torture of others with a whole series of instruments reminiscent of the Dark Ages from which Islam emerged unchanged, to which electrically induced pain has been added.
Most of those die under "interrogation".
Some bodies are so badly disfigured or suffer such violent anal or frontal brutality (boys or girls) they are not returned to families for burial. Or sometimes first encased in a slab concrete where the removel of the slab can be blamed for visible wounds.
Meanwhile a look at the jailers at Evin prison clearly points to where their mindless brutality originates. They are uneducated street thugs who come from a a still very poor part of Tehran (even poorer after 30+-years of the Islamic regime) and were the local enforcers.
To avoid being caught by the Shah's police carrying a weapon, when a fight broke out or an enforcement had to be carried out, they would rush to a prominent local butcher's shop, grab one of his knives and deal with the situation.
After Khomeini took power, the butcher was put in charge of Evin prison and brought his accolytes with him as paid jailers. Shades of the Bastille prison abuses after the French revolution in 1789.
When a letter from 14 Islamic Iran political prisoners was brought to public notice, it was denied by the prison authorities, who arrogantly stated "it is impossible to smuggle a letter out of our prisons".
While on the subject of letters, Sadegh Larijani one of the three brothers of parliament Speaker Ali Larijani, put out a letter criticizing the regime but refused to back it up when ruthless Chief Public Prosecutor Ejei called it a forgery and the product of foreign anti-regime agents. He did not have the courage to stand up to Ejei and claim authorship.
The "foreign" part actually fits as all four Larijanis, each part of the current regime administration, were born in Iraq and not in Iran.
Blasts hit secret Iranian missile launching-pad for US, Israeli targets
DEBKAfile October 15, 2010
A top-secret Iranian military installation was struck by a triple blast Tues. Oct. 12 the day before Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in Lebanon.
Military and intelligence sources report the site held most of the Shehab-3 medium-range missile launchers Iran had stocked for striking US forces in Iraq and Israel in the event of war - some set to deliver triple warheads (tri-conic nosecones).
The 18 soldiers officially reported killed in the blasts and 14 injured belonged to the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) main missile arm, the Al-Hadid Brigades.
The Imam Ali Base where the explosion occurred is situated in lofty Zagros mountain country near the town of Khorramabad in the western Iranian province of Lorestan. This site was selected for an altitude which eases precise targeting and the difficulty of reaching it for air or ground attack.
It lies 400 kilometers from Baghdad and primary American bases in central Iraq and 1,250 kilometers from Tel Aviv and central Israel. Both are well within the Shehab-3 missile's 1,800-2,500-kilometer operational range.
Iranian sources report that Tehran spent hundreds of millions to build one of the largest subterranean missile launching facilities of its kind in the Middle East or Europe. Burrowed under the Imam Ali Base is a whole network of wide tunnels deep underground.
Somehow, a mysterious hand rigged three blasts in quick succession deep inside those tunnels, destroying a large number of launchers and causing enough damage to render the facility unfit for use.
In its official statement on the incident, Tehran denied it was the result of "a terrorist attack" and claimed the explosion "was caused by a nearby fire that spread to the munitions storage area of the base." In the same way, the regime went to great lengths to cover up the ravages wrought to their nuclear and military control systems by the Stuxnet virus - which is still at work.
In actual fact, military sources report, Iran's missile arsenal and the Revolutionary Guards have also suffered a devastating blow. Worst of all, all their experts are a loss to account for the assailants' ability to penetrate one of Iran's most closely guarded bases and reach deep underground to blow up the missile launchers.
The number of casualties is believed to be greater than the figure given out by Tehran.
The soldiers' funerals took place Thursday, Oct. 14, as the same time as Ahmadinejad declared in South Lebanon that Israel was destined to "disappear."
A few hours later, he ended his contentious two-day visit to Lebanon.
This week, Aviation Week discovered that the new intermediate-range BM-25 Musudan ballistic missile exhibited at the North Korean military parade Sunday Oct. 10 - at which Kim Jong-un also paraded his son and heir - bore a strong resemblance to the Iranian Shehab-3.
It is therefore possible that the explosions at the IRGC base in Lorestan Tuesday also sabotaged secret models of the Iran's latest road-mobile, liquid-fuel version of the Shehab-3 ballistic missile.
Alan Note: a similar event took place in November of 2007 at Parchin Missile site 40 miles south of Tehran. Read details at:
Recently passed away Ayatollah Montazeri, supposed to succeed Khomeini till the tide was turned on him by a collusion of the current leader Ali Khamenei and Khomeini's quickly murdered son Ahmad, is on record as having said that the ISLAMIC SAVAMA security organization which replaced the oft criticized late-Shah's SAVAK, wrongly accused (for the most part) of brutality, was 1,000 times worse than anything the Monarch's security did at it's worst.
Also falsely deemed ELIGIBLE (like Oba-Hussein) Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has announced that his point of contact with everyone would now be restricted - happening only through two of the most blood-thirsty, brutal members of the Islamic regime - his son Mojtaba and the worst of the most dedicated prison torturers Asghar Hejazi.
Sadist son Mojtaba, puts to shame Khomeini's hanging judge Ayatollah Khalkhali, who took pleasure in the screams of tortured cats he abused for fun, and participates in the most brutal of the tortures in the prisons and personally rapes prisoners, reserving by order, the prettiest ones for his personal sexual use, while also enjoying the tearing apart genital area torture of others with a whole series of instruments reminiscent of the Dark Ages from which Islam emerged unchanged, to which electrically induced pain has been added.
Most of those die under "interrogation".
Some bodies are so badly disfigured or suffer such violent anal or frontal brutality (boys or girls) they are not returned to families for burial. Or sometimes first encased in a slab concrete where the removel of the slab can be blamed for visible wounds.
Meanwhile a look at the jailers at Evin prison clearly points to where their mindless brutality originates. They are uneducated street thugs who come from a a still very poor part of Tehran (even poorer after 30+-years of the Islamic regime) and were the local enforcers.
To avoid being caught by the Shah's police carrying a weapon, when a fight broke out or an enforcement had to be carried out, they would rush to a prominent local butcher's shop, grab one of his knives and deal with the situation.
After Khomeini took power, the butcher was put in charge of Evin prison and brought his accolytes with him as paid jailers. Shades of the Bastille prison abuses after the French revolution in 1789.
When a letter from 14 Islamic Iran political prisoners was brought to public notice, it was denied by the prison authorities, who arrogantly stated "it is impossible to smuggle a letter out of our prisons".
While on the subject of letters, Sadegh Larijani one of the three brothers of parliament Speaker Ali Larijani, put out a letter criticizing the regime but refused to back it up when ruthless Chief Public Prosecutor Ejei called it a forgery and the product of foreign anti-regime agents. He did not have the courage to stand up to Ejei and claim authorship.
The "foreign" part actually fits as all four Larijanis, each part of the current regime administration, were born in Iraq and not in Iran.
Blasts hit secret Iranian missile launching-pad for US, Israeli targets
DEBKAfile October 15, 2010
A top-secret Iranian military installation was struck by a triple blast Tues. Oct. 12 the day before Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in Lebanon.
Military and intelligence sources report the site held most of the Shehab-3 medium-range missile launchers Iran had stocked for striking US forces in Iraq and Israel in the event of war - some set to deliver triple warheads (tri-conic nosecones).
The 18 soldiers officially reported killed in the blasts and 14 injured belonged to the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) main missile arm, the Al-Hadid Brigades.
The Imam Ali Base where the explosion occurred is situated in lofty Zagros mountain country near the town of Khorramabad in the western Iranian province of Lorestan. This site was selected for an altitude which eases precise targeting and the difficulty of reaching it for air or ground attack.
It lies 400 kilometers from Baghdad and primary American bases in central Iraq and 1,250 kilometers from Tel Aviv and central Israel. Both are well within the Shehab-3 missile's 1,800-2,500-kilometer operational range.
Iranian sources report that Tehran spent hundreds of millions to build one of the largest subterranean missile launching facilities of its kind in the Middle East or Europe. Burrowed under the Imam Ali Base is a whole network of wide tunnels deep underground.
Somehow, a mysterious hand rigged three blasts in quick succession deep inside those tunnels, destroying a large number of launchers and causing enough damage to render the facility unfit for use.
In its official statement on the incident, Tehran denied it was the result of "a terrorist attack" and claimed the explosion "was caused by a nearby fire that spread to the munitions storage area of the base." In the same way, the regime went to great lengths to cover up the ravages wrought to their nuclear and military control systems by the Stuxnet virus - which is still at work.
In actual fact, military sources report, Iran's missile arsenal and the Revolutionary Guards have also suffered a devastating blow. Worst of all, all their experts are a loss to account for the assailants' ability to penetrate one of Iran's most closely guarded bases and reach deep underground to blow up the missile launchers.
The number of casualties is believed to be greater than the figure given out by Tehran.
The soldiers' funerals took place Thursday, Oct. 14, as the same time as Ahmadinejad declared in South Lebanon that Israel was destined to "disappear."
A few hours later, he ended his contentious two-day visit to Lebanon.
This week, Aviation Week discovered that the new intermediate-range BM-25 Musudan ballistic missile exhibited at the North Korean military parade Sunday Oct. 10 - at which Kim Jong-un also paraded his son and heir - bore a strong resemblance to the Iranian Shehab-3.
It is therefore possible that the explosions at the IRGC base in Lorestan Tuesday also sabotaged secret models of the Iran's latest road-mobile, liquid-fuel version of the Shehab-3 ballistic missile.
Alan Note: a similar event took place in November of 2007 at Parchin Missile site 40 miles south of Tehran. Read details at:
Sunday, October 10, 2010
First, comments that Islamic Iran, which imports gasoline fuel for domestic shortfalls (cannot refine the 45% it lacks even with Chinese technology upgrade help) is exporting "gas" to other countries fails to differentiate "liquid natural gas" from "gasoline" car fuel which is generally shortened down to "gas".
Vehicle fuel "gas" has been rationed and the price is slowly becoming beyond the reach of the average Iranian. Specially for what is over the ration limit.
As is food and has been for quite a while, specially when the regime fails to pay factory workers fo rnonths at a time NOR pensions of retirees - often for a YEAR or two, who live in extreme poverty off the charity of also impoverished relatives.
As at the start of the Khomeini 1979 inserruction, people have to find time from holding down three jobs to make ends meet to stand in long lines, again with ration cards for some items, to obtain their daily food needs. At sky-rocketing prices.
Meanwhile, in Iran, the price of domestic flight tickets has increased 30% - because of fuel prices. Bus ticket prices have also risen. A bit more and the populace will not be able to afford to travel, which would suit the regime which would like nothing more to have people immobilized.
While traitorous Nokia-Siemens announces it has stopped providing cell phone monitoring/tracking equipment to the Islamic regime, which resulted in the arrest and horrible consequences for dissidents, the Chinese have stepped into the vacuum.
Nokia had become the most popular, almost universal cell phone for Iranians until Siemens stabbed them in the back - at which point merchants refused to sell them and users refused to buy them. Apparently this perfidy also quite aptly lowered Siemens sales worldwide.
While Siemens also falls under some suspicion for introducing the Stuxnet virus into the Islamic nuclear computer controlled network, the Islamic regime has arrested some of the 50,000 Russian consultants, who appear in almost every government organization with emphasis on those directly involved in the Russian built nuclear plant.
Much to the delight of China, Russians are fleeing Islamic Iran in droves. They realize that the Islamic regime's treatment of anyone arrested makes, even the former ruthless Soviet regime they used to have, look like pussy cats. And that is saying a lot.
With huge schisms icreasingly appearing among the senior Mullahs as they vie for power or suffer as the Ahmadi-Nejad allied Revolutionary Guards take over most of the country's industry, economy and management, suppression of dissent has reached them, too.
Websites of some leading clerics like ayatollahs Dastghaib and Zanjani have been blocked and their mosques (where they preach) and even their homes have been raided by regime goon squads. Putting Supreme Leader, "ayatollah" Ali Khamenei in an awkward position. He no longer has enough power to oppose such attacks by para-military, IRGC (Revolutionary Guard) forces on fellow clerics. Even those, who like the IRGC oppose him or Ahmadi-Nejad's policies and handling of the country.
The IRGC and Khamenei started this by officially removing opposition figure ayatollah Rafsanjani's designation of ayatollah and reducing hin to a Hojat-ol-Eslam - a middle level clerical title. Also making him liable to execution as ayatollahs are not allowed to be executed.
Khomeini, having been condemned to death by the courts in 1964 for inciting the overthrow of the government, was saved by being artificially promoted to ayatollah and exiled instead - to outside Iran.
For example Ayatollah Seyyed Hossein Kazemeini Boroujerdi (son of a highly respected Ayatollah during the reign of the late Shah) is being slowly abused to death by the Islamic regime while in prison since 2006 for opposing the regime.
They deny him critical medications for diabetes, high blood pressure and other life threatening illnesses. They barely feed him a piece of bread and keep him in freezing solitary confinement, though he has severe arthritis.
They cannot formally execute him but they face no law (as if that would matter) against forcing him to die of "natural causes"!
Why no international human rights group has taken up his cause is unbelievable. And still correctible. His only "sin" was to oppose the bloodthirsty regime. Just like the students of the Green Movement did and died - many hundreds of them in prisons.
In a somewhat parallel way, the international Golden Pen award of Reporters without Borders has been awarded to a Persian dissident journalist serving a long prison sentence, after which he has been exiled for five years to a provincial town called Gonbad (horrible weather) and then banned from any political or SOCIAL activity for life!
Resistance to the regime also increasingly leading to violence by opponents.
Two armed men reportedly belonging to the Ansar-ol-Eslam in mostly Sunni Iranian Kordestan conducted a drive-by shooting at a government post killing and wounding some 14 government employees. The regime claims these two have been shot and killed in an ensuing pursuit.
And also deny that a nuclear expert was kidnaped by Sunni anti-regime militants in southern Iran - pointing at the Jondollah - whose leaders have been executed by the regime.
A bomb planted beside a para-military march killed some 80 soldiers and wounded another 120.
Even the weather seems to be opposing the regime. Blinding dust storms have closed down parts of the country, even reaching Gilan and Mazanderan provinces around the Caspian Sea region, forcing people to stay at home or wear masks and closing down businesses and trade.
These dust storms, generally coming West to East from neighboring countries appear to be a newish phenomenon - I do not remember them happening with any frequency (if at all) in years past before the revolution.
Meanwhile Islamic Iran continues sending lethal explosives into Afghanistan disguised as domestic appliances. A recent shipment had some 20 tons of high explosives hidden inside refrigerators, washing machines and disguised as food products. The regime vehemently denied this saying that the hidden material thus found by Afghan customs was not really explosive just firework level of "explosive".
Why it had to be disguised and concealed as Home Appliances was not addressed by the Iranian regime which generally goes through merchandise leaving the country with a tooth comb but failed to search this and similar cargo sent in the past.
As with Iranian made arms and armament stamped with made in Iran serial number identifiers/logos, supplied across the border to insurgents in Iraq and in Afghanistan to attack America, NATO and Coalition troops, Iran continues to export deadly terrorism and anti-West terrorism while denying any involvement or knowledge.
On October 13th, Ahmadi-Nejad is heading to a two day visit to Lebanon to organize delivery of $450 million in military supplies and armament to the Hezbullah.
With a clear logistics intent, Islamic Iran has partially mended fences with Egypt and plans to resume air service between the countries for a potential supply route to the region, including to HAMAS in Gaza.
Similar to Obama spending public funds for his own political and philosophical purposes, against the will of the people, Ahmadi-Nejat sucks up money which belongs to the Iranian people and bankrupts them to promote terrorism and political projects aimed at Israel and the West.
Hard to tell these days who leads and who follows with Obama and the Islamic regime copying each other in intent and policy. Similar actions in very disimilar countries, only Obama is still somewhat limited by USA law, not ALL of which he can ignore, though he has already trashed our Constitution.
Vehicle fuel "gas" has been rationed and the price is slowly becoming beyond the reach of the average Iranian. Specially for what is over the ration limit.
As is food and has been for quite a while, specially when the regime fails to pay factory workers fo rnonths at a time NOR pensions of retirees - often for a YEAR or two, who live in extreme poverty off the charity of also impoverished relatives.
As at the start of the Khomeini 1979 inserruction, people have to find time from holding down three jobs to make ends meet to stand in long lines, again with ration cards for some items, to obtain their daily food needs. At sky-rocketing prices.
Meanwhile, in Iran, the price of domestic flight tickets has increased 30% - because of fuel prices. Bus ticket prices have also risen. A bit more and the populace will not be able to afford to travel, which would suit the regime which would like nothing more to have people immobilized.
While traitorous Nokia-Siemens announces it has stopped providing cell phone monitoring/tracking equipment to the Islamic regime, which resulted in the arrest and horrible consequences for dissidents, the Chinese have stepped into the vacuum.
Nokia had become the most popular, almost universal cell phone for Iranians until Siemens stabbed them in the back - at which point merchants refused to sell them and users refused to buy them. Apparently this perfidy also quite aptly lowered Siemens sales worldwide.
While Siemens also falls under some suspicion for introducing the Stuxnet virus into the Islamic nuclear computer controlled network, the Islamic regime has arrested some of the 50,000 Russian consultants, who appear in almost every government organization with emphasis on those directly involved in the Russian built nuclear plant.
Much to the delight of China, Russians are fleeing Islamic Iran in droves. They realize that the Islamic regime's treatment of anyone arrested makes, even the former ruthless Soviet regime they used to have, look like pussy cats. And that is saying a lot.
With huge schisms icreasingly appearing among the senior Mullahs as they vie for power or suffer as the Ahmadi-Nejad allied Revolutionary Guards take over most of the country's industry, economy and management, suppression of dissent has reached them, too.
Websites of some leading clerics like ayatollahs Dastghaib and Zanjani have been blocked and their mosques (where they preach) and even their homes have been raided by regime goon squads. Putting Supreme Leader, "ayatollah" Ali Khamenei in an awkward position. He no longer has enough power to oppose such attacks by para-military, IRGC (Revolutionary Guard) forces on fellow clerics. Even those, who like the IRGC oppose him or Ahmadi-Nejad's policies and handling of the country.
The IRGC and Khamenei started this by officially removing opposition figure ayatollah Rafsanjani's designation of ayatollah and reducing hin to a Hojat-ol-Eslam - a middle level clerical title. Also making him liable to execution as ayatollahs are not allowed to be executed.
Khomeini, having been condemned to death by the courts in 1964 for inciting the overthrow of the government, was saved by being artificially promoted to ayatollah and exiled instead - to outside Iran.
For example Ayatollah Seyyed Hossein Kazemeini Boroujerdi (son of a highly respected Ayatollah during the reign of the late Shah) is being slowly abused to death by the Islamic regime while in prison since 2006 for opposing the regime.
They deny him critical medications for diabetes, high blood pressure and other life threatening illnesses. They barely feed him a piece of bread and keep him in freezing solitary confinement, though he has severe arthritis.
They cannot formally execute him but they face no law (as if that would matter) against forcing him to die of "natural causes"!
Why no international human rights group has taken up his cause is unbelievable. And still correctible. His only "sin" was to oppose the bloodthirsty regime. Just like the students of the Green Movement did and died - many hundreds of them in prisons.
In a somewhat parallel way, the international Golden Pen award of Reporters without Borders has been awarded to a Persian dissident journalist serving a long prison sentence, after which he has been exiled for five years to a provincial town called Gonbad (horrible weather) and then banned from any political or SOCIAL activity for life!
Resistance to the regime also increasingly leading to violence by opponents.
Two armed men reportedly belonging to the Ansar-ol-Eslam in mostly Sunni Iranian Kordestan conducted a drive-by shooting at a government post killing and wounding some 14 government employees. The regime claims these two have been shot and killed in an ensuing pursuit.
And also deny that a nuclear expert was kidnaped by Sunni anti-regime militants in southern Iran - pointing at the Jondollah - whose leaders have been executed by the regime.
A bomb planted beside a para-military march killed some 80 soldiers and wounded another 120.
Even the weather seems to be opposing the regime. Blinding dust storms have closed down parts of the country, even reaching Gilan and Mazanderan provinces around the Caspian Sea region, forcing people to stay at home or wear masks and closing down businesses and trade.
These dust storms, generally coming West to East from neighboring countries appear to be a newish phenomenon - I do not remember them happening with any frequency (if at all) in years past before the revolution.
Meanwhile Islamic Iran continues sending lethal explosives into Afghanistan disguised as domestic appliances. A recent shipment had some 20 tons of high explosives hidden inside refrigerators, washing machines and disguised as food products. The regime vehemently denied this saying that the hidden material thus found by Afghan customs was not really explosive just firework level of "explosive".
Why it had to be disguised and concealed as Home Appliances was not addressed by the Iranian regime which generally goes through merchandise leaving the country with a tooth comb but failed to search this and similar cargo sent in the past.
As with Iranian made arms and armament stamped with made in Iran serial number identifiers/logos, supplied across the border to insurgents in Iraq and in Afghanistan to attack America, NATO and Coalition troops, Iran continues to export deadly terrorism and anti-West terrorism while denying any involvement or knowledge.
On October 13th, Ahmadi-Nejad is heading to a two day visit to Lebanon to organize delivery of $450 million in military supplies and armament to the Hezbullah.
With a clear logistics intent, Islamic Iran has partially mended fences with Egypt and plans to resume air service between the countries for a potential supply route to the region, including to HAMAS in Gaza.
Similar to Obama spending public funds for his own political and philosophical purposes, against the will of the people, Ahmadi-Nejat sucks up money which belongs to the Iranian people and bankrupts them to promote terrorism and political projects aimed at Israel and the West.
Hard to tell these days who leads and who follows with Obama and the Islamic regime copying each other in intent and policy. Similar actions in very disimilar countries, only Obama is still somewhat limited by USA law, not ALL of which he can ignore, though he has already trashed our Constitution.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Published earlier on "American Thinker"
It is a common belief that the "Arab-Israeli conflict" is a conflict of two peoples fighting over the same piece of land and is therefore one of nationalism. Rarely, if ever, do we hear or read of the religious component to this conflict.
However, if anything, the conflict is more of a "Muslim-Jewish" one than an "Arab-Israeli" one. In other words, the conflict is based on religion — Islam vs. Judaism — cloaked in Arab nationalism vs. Zionism.
The fact of the matter is that in every Arab-Israeli war, from 1948 to the present, cries of "jihad," "Allahu Akbar," and the bloodcurdling scream of "Idbah al- Yahud" (slaughter the Jews) have resonated amongst even the most secular of Arab leaders, be it Nasser in the 1950s and 1960s or the supposedly "secular" PLO of the 1960s to the present.
Indeed, the question must be asked: If this is really a conflict of different nationalisms and not Islamic supremacism, then why is it that virtually no non-Arab Muslim states have full (if any) relations with Israel?
There is a common Arabic slogan that is chanted in the Middle East: "Khaybar, Khaybar! Oh Jews, remember. The armies of Muhammad are returning!" It would be most interesting to know how many people have ever heard what — or more precisely, where — Khaybar is, and what the Arabs mean by such a slogan. A short history of the Jews of Arabia is needed in order to explain this, and why Islam remains so inflexible in its hostile attitude towards Jews and Israel.
Until the founder of Islam, Muhammad ibn Abdallah, proclaimed himself "Messenger of Allah" in the 7th century, Jews and Arabs lived together peacefully in the Arabian Peninsula. Indeed, the Jews — and Judaism — were respected to such an extent that an Arab king converted to Judaism in the 5th century. His name was Dhu Nuwas, and he ruled over the Himyar (present day Yemen) area of the Arabian Peninsula.
In fact, it is most likely that the city of Medina (the second-holiest city in Islam) — then called Yathrib — was originally founded by Jews. In any event, at the time of Muhammad’s "calling," three important Jewish tribes existed in Arabia: Banu Qurayza, Banu Nadir, and Banu Qaynuqa.
Muhammad was very keen on having the Jews accept him as a prophet to the extent that he charged his followers not to eat pig and to pray in the direction of Jerusalem. However, the Jews apparently were not very keen on Muhammad, his proclamation of himself as a prophet, or his poor knowledge of the Torah (Hebrew Bible). Numerous verbal altercations are recorded in the Qur’an and various Hadiths about these conflicts between the Jewish tribes and Muhammad.
Eventually, the verbal conflicts turned into physical conflicts, and when the Jews outwardly rejected Muhammad as the "final seal of the prophets," he turned on them with a vengeance. The atrocities that were committed against these tribes are too numerous to cite in a single article, but two tribes, the Qaynuqa and Nadir, were expelled from their villages by Muhammad. It appears that the Qaynuqa left Arabia around 624 A.D. The refugees of the Nadir settled in the village of Khaybar.
In 628 A.D., Muhammad turned on the last Jewish tribe, the Qurayza, claiming that they were in league with Muhammad’s Arab pagan enemies and had "betrayed" him. Muhammad and his army besieged the Qurayza, and after a siege of over three weeks, the Qurayza surrendered. While many Arabs pleaded with Muhammad to let the Qurayza leave unmolested, Muhammad had other plans. Unlike expelling the Qaynuqa and Nadir, Muhammad exterminated the Qurayza, with an estimated 600 to 900 Jewish men being beheaded in one day.
The women and children were sold into slavery, and Muhammad took one of the widows, Rayhana, as a "concubine."
In 629 A.D., Muhammad led a campaign against the surviving Jews of Nadir, now living in Khaybar. The battle was again bloody and barbaric, and the survivors of the massacre were either expelled or allowed to remain as "second-class citizens." Eventually, upon the ascension of Omar as caliph, most Jews were expelled from Arabia around the year 640 A.D.
This brings us, then, to the question of why modern-day Muslims still boast of the slaughter of the Jewish tribes and the Battle of Khaybar. The answer lies in what the Qur’an — and later on, the various Hadiths — says about the Jews. The Qur’an is replete with verses that can be described only as virulently anti-Semitic. The amount of Surahs is too numerous to cite, but a few will suffice:
Surah 2:75 (Jews distorted the Torah);
:91 (Jews are prophet-killers),
4:47 (Jews have distorted the Bible and have incurred condemnation from Allah for breaking the Sabbath),
5:60 (Jews are cursed, and turned into monkeys and pigs), and
5:82 (Jews and pagans are the strongest in enmity to the Muslims and Allah).
And of course, there is the genocidal Hadith from Sahih Bukhari, 4:52:177, which would make Adolph Hitler proud.
"The Day of Judgment will not have come until you fight with the Jews, and the stones and the trees behind which a Jew will be hiding will say: ‘O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him!"‘ Thus, the Arab Muslims had their own "final solution" in store for the Jews already in the 7th century.
The fact that Muslims still point to these (and many other) hateful verses in the Qur’an and Hadith should give Jews — not just Israelis — pause to consider if there can ever be true peace between Muslims and Jews, let alone between Muslims and Israel.
When the armies of Islam occupied the area of Byzantine "Palestine" in the 7th century, the land became part of "Dar al-Islam" (House of Islam). Until that area is returned to Islam, (i.e., Israel’s extermination), she remains part of "Dar al harb" (House of War). It now becomes clear that this is a conflict of religious ideology and not a conflict over a piece of "real estate."
Finally, one must ask the question: Aside from non-Arab Turkey, whose relations with Israel are presently teetering on the verge of collapse, why is it that no other non-Arab Muslim country in the Middle East has ever had full relations (if any at all) with Israel, such as faraway countries like Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan?
Indeed, why would Persian Iran — conquered by the Arabs — have such a deep hatred for Jews and Israel, whereas a non-Muslim country such as India does not feel such enmity? The answer is painfully clear:
The contempt in which the Qur’an and other Islamic writings hold Jews does not exist in the scriptures of the Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, and other Eastern religions. Therefore, people that come from non-Muslim states do not have this inherent hatred towards Jews, and by extension, towards Israel. But when a people — or peoples — is raised with a scripture that regards another people and religion as immoral and less than human, then it is axiomatic why such hatred and disdain exists on the part of Muslims for Jews and Israel.
Islam — as currently interpreted and practiced — cannot accept a Jewish state of any size in its midst. Unless Muslims come to terms with their holy writings vis-à-vis Jews, Judaism, and Israel and go through some sort of "reformation," it will be unlikely that true peace will ever come to the Middle East. In the meantime, unless Islam reforms, Israel should accept the fact that the Muslims will never accept Israel as a permanent fact in the Middle East.
Written by:
It is a common belief that the "Arab-Israeli conflict" is a conflict of two peoples fighting over the same piece of land and is therefore one of nationalism. Rarely, if ever, do we hear or read of the religious component to this conflict.
However, if anything, the conflict is more of a "Muslim-Jewish" one than an "Arab-Israeli" one. In other words, the conflict is based on religion — Islam vs. Judaism — cloaked in Arab nationalism vs. Zionism.
The fact of the matter is that in every Arab-Israeli war, from 1948 to the present, cries of "jihad," "Allahu Akbar," and the bloodcurdling scream of "Idbah al- Yahud" (slaughter the Jews) have resonated amongst even the most secular of Arab leaders, be it Nasser in the 1950s and 1960s or the supposedly "secular" PLO of the 1960s to the present.
Indeed, the question must be asked: If this is really a conflict of different nationalisms and not Islamic supremacism, then why is it that virtually no non-Arab Muslim states have full (if any) relations with Israel?
There is a common Arabic slogan that is chanted in the Middle East: "Khaybar, Khaybar! Oh Jews, remember. The armies of Muhammad are returning!" It would be most interesting to know how many people have ever heard what — or more precisely, where — Khaybar is, and what the Arabs mean by such a slogan. A short history of the Jews of Arabia is needed in order to explain this, and why Islam remains so inflexible in its hostile attitude towards Jews and Israel.
Until the founder of Islam, Muhammad ibn Abdallah, proclaimed himself "Messenger of Allah" in the 7th century, Jews and Arabs lived together peacefully in the Arabian Peninsula. Indeed, the Jews — and Judaism — were respected to such an extent that an Arab king converted to Judaism in the 5th century. His name was Dhu Nuwas, and he ruled over the Himyar (present day Yemen) area of the Arabian Peninsula.
In fact, it is most likely that the city of Medina (the second-holiest city in Islam) — then called Yathrib — was originally founded by Jews. In any event, at the time of Muhammad’s "calling," three important Jewish tribes existed in Arabia: Banu Qurayza, Banu Nadir, and Banu Qaynuqa.
Muhammad was very keen on having the Jews accept him as a prophet to the extent that he charged his followers not to eat pig and to pray in the direction of Jerusalem. However, the Jews apparently were not very keen on Muhammad, his proclamation of himself as a prophet, or his poor knowledge of the Torah (Hebrew Bible). Numerous verbal altercations are recorded in the Qur’an and various Hadiths about these conflicts between the Jewish tribes and Muhammad.
Eventually, the verbal conflicts turned into physical conflicts, and when the Jews outwardly rejected Muhammad as the "final seal of the prophets," he turned on them with a vengeance. The atrocities that were committed against these tribes are too numerous to cite in a single article, but two tribes, the Qaynuqa and Nadir, were expelled from their villages by Muhammad. It appears that the Qaynuqa left Arabia around 624 A.D. The refugees of the Nadir settled in the village of Khaybar.
In 628 A.D., Muhammad turned on the last Jewish tribe, the Qurayza, claiming that they were in league with Muhammad’s Arab pagan enemies and had "betrayed" him. Muhammad and his army besieged the Qurayza, and after a siege of over three weeks, the Qurayza surrendered. While many Arabs pleaded with Muhammad to let the Qurayza leave unmolested, Muhammad had other plans. Unlike expelling the Qaynuqa and Nadir, Muhammad exterminated the Qurayza, with an estimated 600 to 900 Jewish men being beheaded in one day.
The women and children were sold into slavery, and Muhammad took one of the widows, Rayhana, as a "concubine."
In 629 A.D., Muhammad led a campaign against the surviving Jews of Nadir, now living in Khaybar. The battle was again bloody and barbaric, and the survivors of the massacre were either expelled or allowed to remain as "second-class citizens." Eventually, upon the ascension of Omar as caliph, most Jews were expelled from Arabia around the year 640 A.D.
This brings us, then, to the question of why modern-day Muslims still boast of the slaughter of the Jewish tribes and the Battle of Khaybar. The answer lies in what the Qur’an — and later on, the various Hadiths — says about the Jews. The Qur’an is replete with verses that can be described only as virulently anti-Semitic. The amount of Surahs is too numerous to cite, but a few will suffice:
Surah 2:75 (Jews distorted the Torah);
:91 (Jews are prophet-killers),
4:47 (Jews have distorted the Bible and have incurred condemnation from Allah for breaking the Sabbath),
5:60 (Jews are cursed, and turned into monkeys and pigs), and
5:82 (Jews and pagans are the strongest in enmity to the Muslims and Allah).
And of course, there is the genocidal Hadith from Sahih Bukhari, 4:52:177, which would make Adolph Hitler proud.
"The Day of Judgment will not have come until you fight with the Jews, and the stones and the trees behind which a Jew will be hiding will say: ‘O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him!"‘ Thus, the Arab Muslims had their own "final solution" in store for the Jews already in the 7th century.
The fact that Muslims still point to these (and many other) hateful verses in the Qur’an and Hadith should give Jews — not just Israelis — pause to consider if there can ever be true peace between Muslims and Jews, let alone between Muslims and Israel.
When the armies of Islam occupied the area of Byzantine "Palestine" in the 7th century, the land became part of "Dar al-Islam" (House of Islam). Until that area is returned to Islam, (i.e., Israel’s extermination), she remains part of "Dar al harb" (House of War). It now becomes clear that this is a conflict of religious ideology and not a conflict over a piece of "real estate."
Finally, one must ask the question: Aside from non-Arab Turkey, whose relations with Israel are presently teetering on the verge of collapse, why is it that no other non-Arab Muslim country in the Middle East has ever had full relations (if any at all) with Israel, such as faraway countries like Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan?
Indeed, why would Persian Iran — conquered by the Arabs — have such a deep hatred for Jews and Israel, whereas a non-Muslim country such as India does not feel such enmity? The answer is painfully clear:
The contempt in which the Qur’an and other Islamic writings hold Jews does not exist in the scriptures of the Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, and other Eastern religions. Therefore, people that come from non-Muslim states do not have this inherent hatred towards Jews, and by extension, towards Israel. But when a people — or peoples — is raised with a scripture that regards another people and religion as immoral and less than human, then it is axiomatic why such hatred and disdain exists on the part of Muslims for Jews and Israel.
Islam — as currently interpreted and practiced — cannot accept a Jewish state of any size in its midst. Unless Muslims come to terms with their holy writings vis-à-vis Jews, Judaism, and Israel and go through some sort of "reformation," it will be unlikely that true peace will ever come to the Middle East. In the meantime, unless Islam reforms, Israel should accept the fact that the Muslims will never accept Israel as a permanent fact in the Middle East.
Written by:
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sign in street announcing Public Execution
The enlarged sign reads: (loose translation)
Carrying out of death sentence
Death sentence ceremony of drug smuggler
(Date - city of Ahwaz, location, 4 p.m.)
Death sentence ceremony for armed robbery and waging war against god and his prophet
(same date time and place)
Public Relations - Ministry of Justice - Khuzestan Province
اينها گندم های خريداری شده از کشاورزان است که بعلت عدم پيشبينی برای سيلو ويا انبار های ويژه در کنار سيلو ها در کنار خيابان انبار شده اند... اينها را کنار خيابان ريخته اند آنگاه ميليارد ها دلار پول می دهند از کانادا گندم می خرند... آنوقت نان سنگک و لواش و بربری به 120 برابر قيمت زمان پيش از شورش 57 به مردم بدبخت که برای کسب در آمد سه شغل مختلف کار می کند می فروشند. هيهات دريغا روز بيداری، دريغا صبح هوشياری... عکس ها از سايت خبرگزاری مهر (جمهوری اسلامی) برداشته شده است اينجا بخشی از اصفهان است- ح-ک
The enlarged sign reads: (loose translation)
Carrying out of death sentence
Death sentence ceremony of drug smuggler
(Date - city of Ahwaz, location, 4 p.m.)
Death sentence ceremony for armed robbery and waging war against god and his prophet
(same date time and place)
Public Relations - Ministry of Justice - Khuzestan Province
ميدانيد اينها چيست؟؟
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NO! Not sand but WHEAT, purchased from Iranian farmers but without somewhere to store it - adequate silo space unavailable - dumped by trucks in the streets surrounding the silos and while this national treasure spoils BILLIONS of Dollars get paid to Canada to provide wheat to Islamic Iran.
Resulting in Persian type breads - "sangak, lavash and barbari" now cost the miserable populace about 120 times as much as before the Islamic revolt and people have to hold down three jobs to pay for their high daily BASIC expenses.
Note: Moslem Oba-Hussein has a Sunni background while Iran is Shia and not true believers by Sunni standards - and vice-versa. Saudi Arabia has been pushing the White House to act against Iran but Oba-Hussein finds it difficult to bite either of the Islamic hands which feed him money and support.
(Photos of Isfahan location from an Islamic Republic site)
اينها گندم های خريداری شده از کشاورزان است که بعلت عدم پيشبينی برای سيلو ويا انبار های ويژه در کنار سيلو ها در کنار خيابان انبار شده اند... اينها را کنار خيابان ريخته اند آنگاه ميليارد ها دلار پول می دهند از کانادا گندم می خرند... آنوقت نان سنگک و لواش و بربری به 120 برابر قيمت زمان پيش از شورش 57 به مردم بدبخت که برای کسب در آمد سه شغل مختلف کار می کند می فروشند. هيهات دريغا روز بيداری، دريغا صبح هوشياری... عکس ها از سايت خبرگزاری مهر (جمهوری اسلامی) برداشته شده است اينجا بخشی از اصفهان است- ح-ک
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