Sunday, April 25, 2010


It's not our ex-military, our Glenn Becks, our Tea Partiers who are "domestic terrorists" as they are being accused but the RADICAL Obama administration which is terrorizing and ignoring our nation's people - "we the people"!

I really don’t think the Democrats realized how the American people would NOT be cheering them on for “delivering” healthcare to them. Most Americans are not THAT stupid and recognize a con when they see it and when the Dems are in their face nonstop for months talking about it... and then they realize

A) It does not offer immediate coverage for pre-existing conditions

 B) They find out the bill does not GIVE them health coverage but says they have to PAY for it

C) If they DON’T pay for it, they will be fined

D) Their employer explains how they won’t be able to afford that raise in 2014 because they will either have to bump up their coverage or pay a fine

Anyway, the American people realized what a craphole of a plan this is right away.

"Their employer explains how they won’t be able to afford that raise in 2014 because they will either have to bump up their coverage or pay a fine."

Actually, from first hand knowledge of my companies contingency plans, it should read like this:

D) Their employer explains how they will be dropping health insurance coverage for all employees as the fine is less than 10% of the cost of providing health insurance.

A company comments:

It isn’t even close. Right now we provide full family coverage to our employees at no cost to them. this is a no-deductible, $10 co-pay, 100% coverage for almost everything (i.e. what the Dems call a Cadillac plan).

To do this we spend $1900 a MONTH per employee. We fully expect this to double due to ObamaScare.

The fine works out to around $300-400 a YEAR per employee. So $3800 a MONTH or $400 a YEAR — not a tough decision.

The disparity between the fine and the insurance premium is intended to force employers to choose the fine.

That many more employees will end up without insurance, allowing the feds to offer up the "public option" as a solution.


Much government policy is designed to create a problem, so that the government can solve it -- and gain power in the process.

The Democrat crusade to change our country has run it's course.

November is the time to remove all of them (and many Republican RINOs (Republican in Name Only) from office before they can do more damage.

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