Friday, September 7, 2007


SITE Institute: Transcript of Bin Laden Video (HTML online version)

JihadWatch: "Osama's invitation to Islam"

SITE Institute: Transcript of Osama Bin Laden video (PDF file 7 pages long)

SITE Institute: One minute video clip of new Osama Bin Laden video
(Al Qaeda) 9/11 6th Anniversary: Bin Laden Video Details Emerge

(Al Qaeda) 9/11 6th Anniversary: Bin Laden Video Being Analyzed by US Govt and Islamist "Special Gift" Promised (updated)

US studies Osama Bin Laden video, CIA warns of Al-Qaeda plots

Report: Al Qaeda 'Plans Attacks On US',,70131-1283265,00.html

Details of purported bin Laden video emerge -- Officials: No specific threat made; Web sites carrying tape shut down

New OBL Tape: Iraq, Democratic Control

Bin Laden Threatens Americans in First Video Message in Three Years

Bin Laden tape grabs attention but lacks overt threat

Bin Laden urges Americans to convert;_ylt=A9G_RmTZp.FG9v8AqwkwuecA

No overt threats in new bin Laden video;_ylt=AmCGKgTX7Y5_gzinByVL9l6s0NUE

Why have Democrats failed to stop war?

U.S. analyzing purported bin Laden tape

U.S. trying to determine age of purported bin Laden tape

U.S. has copy of purported bin Laden video

U.S. Analyzing New Bin Laden Video

(U.S) Islamic Charity Drops Libel Suit Over Terrorism Book - Media Law Resource Center review of Kinder USA case

(U.S.) CIA chief defends detention of terrorism suspects

(U.S.) Univ. of Minn. officials check bomb threat

(Afghanistan) 'Taliban commander' killed in battle - Battle in SE sector

(Iraq) Suspected Shi'ite Militant Brigade Commander Captured in Iraq

Iraqi Crisis Report: Smuggling Thrives in Basra

(Hezbollah) Former U.S. Sen. James Abourezk on Hizbullah TV - MEMRI transcript - called Hizbullah & Hamas "resistance fighters"

(Hamas) At least 50 hurt in Hamas, Fatah clashes

(Germany) The Story Behind the German Terror Plot - ABC News: German police silent for 10 months as 1,000 officers built case - 1,500 pounds of hydrogen peroxide

(UK) British man arrested on suspected link to al Qaeda -- Rangzieb Ahmed released by Pakistan, arrested by UK on returning to UK

(UK) Man 'willing' to help terrorists - trial of Abdul Patel - found with a manual for making bombs

Iran Fined $2.65 Billion for Terrorism -- in U.S. court ruling over 1983 Hezbollah bombing of US Marines barracks

Sudanese Islamic Leaders Threaten U.S.: Don't Send Forces to Darfur -- Sudan is the Most Beautiful Place in Which Our Sheikh, Bin Laden, Can Operate

Nigeria Rejects US Terror Attack Claim

Peace or Jihad? Abrogation in Islam -- by David Bukay

(U.S.) New Videotape From Bin Laden; Al Qaeda’s No. 1 Still Alive

Intelligence sources tell ABC News they believe the expected video message from Osama bin Laden is authentic, recently produced and evidence the al Qaeda leader is still alive.U.S. authorities now say theyhave a transcript which they say is aimed at potential suicide bombers who he urges to carry out missionsagainst the West.
(U.S.) Capture of Bin Laden a top ‘priority’ for US

(Iraq) 7 Americans killed in Iraq attacks - four in Anbar fighting - three in Ninevah province roadside bomb;_ylt=AqC_UW5Iyh26cIdClrO9iSFX6GMA

(Iraq) Three Iraqis killed in attack on Kirkuk mosque

Iraqi official arrested over Askari Shrines’ bombing of last year

Afghan police seek kidnapped mine clearing team - updated story;_ylt=Aui96gaRCyHOHkvItpOOJnPOVooA

(Afghanistan) Britain tells US: We’re winning Afghan battles but not the war

(Pakistan) Karachi explosion wounds 16

(Pakistan) Explosions in northern Pakistan destroys 40 music shops

(Pakistan) No progress in peace talks with Taliban\09\07\story_7-9-2007_pg1_4

(Pakistan) US urges action against ‘militants’ safe haven — Nicholas Burns says cooperation needed toget to safe haven of Al Qaeda within Pakistan

(Pakistan) Two women beheaded by militants in Pakistan — in Bannu;_ylt=AizP2Pz2xBMSom.kMafE38DzPukA

Pakistan: UK national ‘freed after being held without charge’ — Rangzieb Ahmed had been arrestedon suspicion of being Al-Qaeda member

German terror suspect ‘met 9/11 hijacker’

(Germany) Internet cafe stakeout nabs bomb suspects

German security officials urge government to make attending terror training camp a crime

(Germany) Home grown radical shocks quiet German town

(UK) Scotland: Terror trial shown beheading film — beheading of US citizen — Mohammed Siddique trial

(UK) Scotland: Terror trial sees Siddique papers praising suicide bombers — Mohammed Siddique trial

(UK) Hardline takeover of British mosques by Deobandis — leading preacher Riyadh ul Haq loathes Western values and has called on Muslims to “shed blood” for Allah

Taliban and Tablighi Jamaat are said to follow forms of Deobandism

(UK) The homegrown Islamic cleric who loathes the British — Riyadh ul Haq

(UK) Islamic extremism ‘spreading in UK’

(UK) Radical Islamic sect ‘has half of Britain’s mosques in its grip’

(UK) Muslim leaders reject extremism claims

(UK) Library chiefs hit back at extremist Islamic books claim — claim books are scholarly and historical

France: Anti-terror forces on ‘war-footing’ — update

Russia says kills Islamists crossing from Georgia;_ylt=Ao316mW_dGuuBYoydHr1Jkd_5GIA

(Russia) Ethnic Russian woman shot dead in troubled southern Ingushetia region

Algeria suicide attack kills 22, wounds 107 — updated death toll

(Algeria) “Human bomb” tactic poses test for Algeria security

Somali PM to meet Islamist financier in Djibouti;_ylt=AhhrP.hBnRnfvCzcs7g1MxCQLIUD

(Nigeria) U.S. interests said at risk in Nigeria - updated story;_ylt=Av1hML9JgN1mbgaidR565rXZ9YEA

Ethiopia detains 4 American soldiers trying to contact with eastern Ethiopia rebel group

Liberia: 72 Witnesses to Testify Against Taylor

(Lebanon) Fatah Al-Islam militant arrested in northern village

Lebanese army kills two militants near battle camp - on Thursday;_ylt=AlhLDfZIujAk.s1ne_Iw93DagGIB

Syria fires on Israeli war planes,23599,22379209-23109,00.html

Syria criticizes Israel for alleged violation of airspace

Iran blasts Israeli “violation of Syrian airspace”

(Iran) U.S. sees potential merit to Iran cooperation plan;_ylt=AqGc8DvAKm5w9UHO8RxCoCJSw60A

(Iran) Academic detained in Iran returns to US - Haleh Esfandiari;_ylt=Av6.PXg_pSWkueD_Jzoa29ZSw60A

(Iran) Israel Counter Terrorism: ‘Iran can be set back’

Israeli official: Alleged IAF flyover won’t spark war with Syria — IAF plane likely taking photographsor in error - says IAF planes enter Syrian airspace on daily basis

(Israel) Explosive device detonated near IDF soldiers; no wounded

(Israel) Doubt Israel will exist long-term, says poll,23599,22381553-23109,00.html

(Israel) IDF: Islamic Jihad cell planned to kidnap soldier,7340,L-3446787,00.html

Palestinians fire at IDF post near Gaza fence; none hurt

Hamas forces clash with Gaza protesters§ion=middleeast&col=

Indian Maoists target politicians, three killed;_ylt=ArlabupQ9dEihwFZJhDPkXtA7AkB

(India) Former Andhra Chief Minister escapes unhurt in landmine blast, 3 Congress workers killed —in a Maoist attack in Nellore

(India) 14 ULFA militants surrender in Assam

(India) Supreme Court grants bail to four more convicts in Mumbai blasts case

(U.S.) Lawmakers Challenge Plan to Expand Spying — Concerns Focus on Domestic Use ofSatellite Technology and How U.S. Will Protect Civil Liberties

(Al Qaeda) As-Sahab Issues English-Subtitled Version of The Winds of Paradise, Narrated byAdam Gadahn AKA Azzam the American

(Columbia) US hostages’ families turn to Chavez;_ylt=AuzjKmZEwIzoDEbVmIBZwSCwv7kA

(Indonesia) Court ‘rejects Bali bomber Amrozi’s appeal’,23599,22380632-23109,00.html

(Philippines) Terror suspect arrested in Philippines,23599,22381931-23109,00.html

Philippine president offers rebels amnesty in effort to restart talks

(Malaysia) ‘Bali bomber Dulmatin not here’—Malaysian officials

(Sri Lanka) 43 aid workers killed in Sri Lanka: rights group;_ylt=AtwBsa8O4nNM1BsRQwL1ZBMtM8oA

North Korea invites 3 nations for nuke survey;_ylt=Ao9OfO4Zbz6el3L0gT.XpHqCscEA

Other News:

(U.S.) Zogby poll: 42% of Democrats (nutcases) think Bush either caused 9/11 or let it happen

(U.S.) NYC - Bomb could have been message to Imperioli

(U.S.) Kansas: No injuries in bomb blast at alternative high school in Leavenworth

(U.S.) California: Your Black Muslim Bakery goes up for sale

(Netherlands) Ex-Muslims gather in The Hague on 9/11 - to sign a ‘European Declaration of Tolerance ‘

(Sweden) Muslim Ambassadors: ‘Sweden Needs to Change Its Laws’

Swedish premier, Muslim ambassadors content with prophet cartoon talks

(Europe) Book Review: Allah’s witnesses

Advocacy Group: Write Nicolas Sarkozy regarding upcoming Mohammed al-Dura case

(Canada) Muslim women won’t have to show their faces to vote in Quebec by elections

Thailand wants to build at least four nuclear power plants

(Germany) 9 Percent of Saxony Supports Neo-Nazism (my title),1518,504427,00.html

1 comment:

  1. Great links. Here's a funny question I saw today at for "Why did Osama bin Laden change his look?" a)Fashion Week b)To get the ladies c)Appear more American
