Saturday, September 8, 2007


(UK) Our followers "must live in peace until strong enough to wage jihad" -- Deobandi scholar JusticeMuhammad Taqi Usmani arguesthat aggressive military jihad should be waged by Muslims "to establishthe supremacy of Islam" worldwide

Follow-up to: "Hardline takeover of British mosques"

(UK) Two faces of British youth in thrall to sinister Muslim sect -- studying Islam in a Pakistani Deobandi madrassa teaching hatred of West

(U.S.) New Bin Laden video finally appears on militant Web sites

Bin Laden Video Link - Laura Mansfield Web Site:

SITE Institute
HTML Version of Transcript Posted on Counterrorism Blog

(U.S.) Voice on al Qaeda tape is bin Laden's - U.S. official

(U.S.) New Osama Bin Laden video is genuine, say CIA officials

(U.S.) 'Osama video a reminder of dangerous world'

(U.S.) DHS' Chertoff: 'These Tapes Are Always Propaganda'

(U.S.) Former Dallas Congressman Testifies at HLF Trial

(Iraq) Three terrorists killed, 18 arrested in Iraq - one of the terrorists killed was a top Al-Qaeda leader implicated in bombings and kidnappings in Diyala

(Iraq) US troops launch assault in Iraqi oil city - in Kirkuk - part of Operation Lightning Hammer II;_ylt=AsbkxI96r7n42j6kJ8Js66xX6GMA

(Iraq) US drone kills two suspected bombers in Iraq;_ylt=AsjrSxhIRg1.kJBQY5SkfLZX6GMA

(Iraq) Eight killed, wounded in Kirkuk attacks - car bomb, gunmen, mortars

(Iraq) Bomb kills four in Iraq Shiite holy town - bomb hidden in bag explodes in Kufa market;_ylt=Aj3GrAzT6gt1KeyvhFAu5WhX6GMA

Iraqi cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's top aide killed in Najaf

(Iraq) General Petraeus says Iraq progress 'uneven'

(Afghanistan) At least 50 Taliban killed in Afghan, US operations -- defense ministry reports Saturday based on 2 days of operations;_ylt=ArXth3Hx17_VF_H4TImoQqPOVooA

(Afghanistan) Al-Qaeda-linked Kabul suicide network busted: police;_ylt=An1eClgdksgzgO6YGEJAHvXOVooA

(Pakistan) Car blast in northern Pakistan wounds 17-- in Peshawar§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Pakistan) Suicide bombers may target Islamabad markets\09\08\story_8-9-2007_pg7_6

(Pakistan) Two explosions of Homemade explosive devices in Quetta

(Pakistan) Militants blow up 63 shops in Swat\09\08\story_8-9-2007_pg1_6

(Pakistan) Lal Masjid re-opening: Jamia Fareedia students to move SC\09\08\story_8-9-2007_pg7_22

'US would invade Pakistan to eradicate terror cells'

(Pakistan) US renews F-16 fighter jet exports to Pakistan -- announced plans to "donate" another two dozen\09\08\story_8-9-2007_pg1_9

(Algeria) Suicide car bomb kills at least 28 in Algeria: hospitals

(Algeria) Man suspected of carrying out deadly bomb attack in Algeria is killed -- Thursday bombing in Batna

Egypt denounces two Algerian terror attacks

Somalia: Ethiopian Troop Base in National Stadium Comes Under Attack

Somali rebels warn of full-scale war

Nigeria: Armed Forces Allay Fears On Terrorism Attacks

German Interior Ministers Hold Emergency Summit - on terror plot,1518,504470,00.html

German minister calls on Muslims to report radicals

(Germany) US tip-off foiled German bomb plot, reports say,,2164900,00.html

(Germany) Turkish connection in foiled plot unsettles Germans

(Germany) Pakistan link to foiled Germany terror plot: report;_ylt=AvV7n7rJX0Qbbqcm7QjRSjsTv5UB

(Germany) Debate on Terror in Germany Highlights Political Divisions,2144,2773969,00.html

(Turkey) Three arrested in Turkey for aiding PKK rebels

Turkey: Security barrier 'to be built along the Iraqi border'

(Thailand) Insurgents kill 2; 11 militants arrested -- Songkhla and Yala provinces

(Asia-Pacific) Bush rallies Asia-Pacific against terrorism -- refers to "violent Islamic extremists"

Iran dismisses massive US fine as "baseless"§ion=middleeast&col=

Iranian official: Aggression against any Muslim country will backfire,7340,L-3447223,00.html

(Iran) Nuke watchdog defends Iran deal

Lebanese army kills militant near battle camp - on Friday;_ylt=AvRefYq9vWHXCtMx8c4ftm3agGIB

(Lebanon) Report: Lebanese Army says Israeli jets breach Lebanese airspace 10 times

(Gaza) At least 70 hurt in Hamas, Fatah clashes - update

(Gaza) Israel nabs top Hamas commander in S. Gaza§ion=middleeast&col=

(Gaza) Qassam activist killed in operation

(Canada) Day says Canada safer than ever but not immune to terrorist attack

Analysis: "Scarier Than Bin Laden" - on role of Zawahiri in Al Qaeda

Analysis: WP/NPR Article on Lackawanna Six (my title)

(India) Three rebels, three tribals die in Chhattisgarh violence§ion=subcontinent&col=

(India) Maoists kill four for taking part in Jharkhand poll§ion=subcontinent&col=

(India) Anti-terror outfit named OCTOPUS

(Bangladesh) JMB cadre arrested in Bangladesh

Bangladesh crack forces kill 400 in 'encounters'

Colombian TV shows Dutch woman believed to be held by FARC

Colombia slams FARC for delay in search for bodies

(Sri Lanka) US lawmakers express concerns over safety of Sri Lankan defense correspondent

(Sri Lanka) 21 killed in fresh Sri Lanka violence;_ylt=Al6y4GNw79gcJV2N0QpKlbstM8oA

Sri Lanka gunbattles, blast kill 13§ion=subcontinent&col=

China's cyber army is preparing to march on America, says Pentagon
North Korean regime accuses US of plotting to topple it

Other News:

(UK) More Islamic faith schools are planned in an effort to integrate minorities

(UK) Commentary: The New Anti-Semitism

(Canada) Veiled women can vote in Quebec election

(Sweden) 500 Swedish Muslims demonstrate to protest against prophet drawing in Swedish paper

(Sweden) Sculpture by controverial artist set on fire

(Morocco) Islamist party reports weaker than expected showing in Morocco's parliamentary elections

Morocco: Islamists back reform and fight against graft

(India) Radicals threaten to burn Christian pastor -- Church congregation ejected, building vandalized with 'Om' symbol

(U.S.) Edwards proposes international counterterrorism agency

Commentary: Jew-Hatred and Jihad -- The Nazi roots of the 9/11 attack

Commentary: Abe Foxman's Fear

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