Wednesday, September 5, 2007


(U.S.) Some lawmakers wary of surveillance law -- Protect America Act approved by Congress in August

(U.S.) DHS ends criticized data-mining program -- ADVISE program begun in 2003

(U.S.) Official: Muslims should be careful with donations - U.S. Treasury official at Muslim event - CAIR says Hizballah & Hamas "considered legitimate governments of the people"

US: Foiled plot in Germany proof of attack threat

(U.S.) Chertoff: Terror Threat Remains 'Real'

(U.S.) Report: Homeland Security at ISNA Right Next to Hizb Ut-Tahrir

(U.S.) Grading U.S. Performance against Terrorism Financing

(Germany) CTB Analysis: Germany foils Jihadist bomb plot - by Jeffrey Imm

(Germany) Hotair Analysis: Another shoe drops: “Massive” terror attack thwarted in

(Germany) More Homegrown Jihadists in Germany

(Germany) Opinion: Learning From Germany's Autumn of Terror,2144,2766454,00.html

Europe's home-grown terror threat

(Europe) Two foiled terror plots in Europe linked to al-Qaida, with roots in Pakistan

(Denmark) Experts say Denmark emerging target for Islamic terror

(UK) Scotland: Trial told of internet bomb guide -- Mohammed Siddique trial

(Iraq) US Nabs "Highly-Sought" Iran-Linked Iraqi Militant

(Iraq) 8 more U.S. soldiers die in Iraq - (updated) 44 Iraqis killed or found dead Wednesday;_ylt=Aqm6OjXhWd6SHrHtZSRhHd.s0NUE

(Iraq) Study: Iraqi security forces not ready - "Uneven progress" - Iraqi Army shows promise - Police force dysfunctional and infiltrated by militias;_ylt=AqLZ6eB1Bb4R_9oj7rFQf_ys0NUE

(Pakistan) Jihadis strike back at Pakistan - Musharraf-Bhutto deal serious challenge to Al Qaeda, now focused inside Pak

(Pakistan) Christian mini truck driver being forced to convert to Islam

(India) Key suspect admits giving SIM cards to terror operatives - Hyderabad suspect gave mobile phone SIM cards

(India) Interpol issues warrant against Mecca Masjid blast suspect - Mohammed Amzad, alleged Harkat-ul-Jehadi Islami

(India) AIDS funds become militants' cash cow - Militants threatened group if funds released to work with patients

(India) Northeast: Terror groups outsourcing terror

(India) Northeast terror groups seek money, publicity

(Algeria) 5 security officials and 1 civilian killed in militant ambush in Algeria;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHZkMjZyBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=13lo86ald/EXP=1189110635/**http%3a//

(Nigeria) Southern Nigerian militants threaten attacks on oil companies

(Russia) Two gunmen killed attempting to enter Russia from Georgia

Caucasus becomes a new hotbed of extremism

(Asia-Pacific) Intelligence chiefs discuss terror, piracy in inaugural meet - first Asia Pacific conference, also with US

(Iran) Ahmadinejad: Jihad is only solution to Palestinian problem,7340,L-3445965,00.html

(Palestinian Territories) USAID funding of Palestinian university with terror branches in violation of US Law

Other News:

(U.S.) Boston: Bomb threat text-messaged to Beacon Hill church

(Belgium) Welcome to the Capital of Europe - video -- "Undercover in Little Morocco" book

(U.S.) HLF Prosecution: CAIR "affiliated with" Hamas

(U.S.) Former Ambassador Defends HLF

German police arrest 3 Islamic militants in 'imminent' bomb plot -- planning major terrorist attacks on the Frankfurt airport and the U.S. military base at Ramstein

Germany arrests 3 suspected of plotting terror attacks -- 3 Jihadists had "profound hatred of U.S. citizens"two of whom were German converts to Islam, trained at camps in Pakistan

(Germany) Three arrested in Germany for planning terror attacks

Iraq: Bomb rocks Baghdad's Sadr City - bomb near bus stop killed at least 11 people and wounded more than 20 in a Shiite neighborhood

(Iraq) US reports 4 killed, 4 wounded in Baghdad attacks -- three killed by roadside bomb in east Baghdad - bomb type that Iran supplying to Shiite militias;_ylt=ArhOk6kDSq5mf.hKbc85zjZX6GMA

(Iraq) Military Officials in Iraq Fault GAO Report

(Afghanistan) Two NATO troops, dozens of Afghan Taliban killed: U.S. -- fighting in Kandahar, Uruzgan,and Ghazni - Reuters;_ylt=ArqNohH_qdVm1Hk7_VPrcOPOVooA

(Afghanistan) Fifty more Taliban said killed in new Afghan clashes - in Ghazni fighting - AFP;_ylt=AjFrwtjD8SswN.wrPqQKBTbOVooA

(Afghanistan) 20 insurgents killed in Afghan violence - AP;_ylt=AvJviGqP3mjU6oUuaJF1z4zOVooA

(Afghanistan) Nearly 230 civilians killed in Taliban bombs this year;_ylt=Ao7GkYLCdxDKSGUg0j9kaODOVooA

(Afghanistan) Gunmen abduct two Afghan government officials;_ylt=AoVHBb_u0knCRWvXMU8KgnnOVooA

(Afghanistan) Pastor: Korean Hostage was Killed for Refusing to Convert to Islam

Pakistan probes pro-Taliban links to twin blasts in Rawalpindi

Pakistani police investigate Lal Masjid link to suicide bombings

(Pakistan) Terror targets Pakistan army HQ

Pakistani militants strike at heart of power

(Pakistan) Two civilians killed by Taliban in NWFP

(Pakistan) Play music in your trucks and face bombs,'Jihadis warn transporters in Pak's NWFP

Pakistan: Government asks tribal elders to help free soldiers - close to 300 soldiers kidnapped by pro-Taliban militants

(Pakistan) Militants free 14 abducted troops -- freed four more kidnapped July 6 in Bajaur district\09\05\story_5-9-2007_pg1_6;_ylt=AvFUJ7TbftGI_Dfp2Ru0yrTzPukA

(Pakistan) Insurgents blow up railway track and telephone exchange in Balochistan

Pakistan must withdraw from war on terror: NWFP Chief Minister\09\05\story_5-9-2007_pg7_16

India proposes new anti-terror talks with Pakistan;_ylt=Ai5R_Muj5MPXiXwLE9kRr78Tv5UB

(India) Bangladesh: Dhaka denies any Hyderabad arrest, says Foreign Ministry to "lodge protest"

(Indian Kashmir) Lashkar-e-Toiba militant killed in Jammu and Kashmir

(India) Three civilians and two Maoists killed in Chhattisgarh

(India) Guwahati bomb blast suspect arrested in Assam

Somalia: Deadly clashes in capital - at least six Somali civilians were killed Wednesday in clashes between Islamic militants - in Bakara district

(Europe) EU's Frattini: Threat of terror attacks in EU remains high

Danish terror trial starts with 4 men pleading innocent -- Copenhagen arrest of 8 men on Tuesday

German engineer convicted over nuclear smuggling ring

(Finland) IRA Sinn Fein chief at secret talks between Iraq Shias and Sunnis

(Northern Ireland) Bomb attack on Northern Ireland Catholic church

(UK) Scotland: Terror videos on laptop -- Mohammed Siddique trial - laptop taken as he was boarding flight to Pakistan

Lebanese troops scour refugee battle camp for fugitive fighters;_ylt=As43j_LT.Yj0jX.jC3zAQpDagGIB

(Iran) Ahmadinejad To Meet with PLO Officials and Syrian-based leader Khaled Masha'al

(Gaza) Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader brings Iranians into Gaza -- Israel

(Gaza) Five wounded in Fatah-Hamas clashes in southern Gaza

Israeli PM orders army to draw up rocket plan - to curb rockets from Gaza Strip;_ylt=AsRo5rwedN4jdwdmEeibXbPuyucA

Israeli tanks scan northern Gaza for rocket launchers

Israeli Security Cabinet Debates Military Action to Stop Rockets in Gaza,2933,295759,00.html?

(U.S.) X-ray exhibit takes look inside terrorism - of terror victims in Israel

(U.S.) Sept. 11 memorial to include WTC pieces

Canada's defense jeopardized by Afghan conflict: leaked report;_ylt=Aj1WYFIba0Ywoc3KWDTYLPMTv5UB

(Thailand) 5 wounded in Yala bomb

(Thailand) Imam shot dead, 5 wounded in bombing

Philippines dispatches "combat engineers" to southern province

Philippine president likely to discuss terror cooperation with Bush at APEC: official

Asia-Pacific intelligence chiefs urged to share terrorist information

(China) Pentagon Source Confirms China Hacked Defense Department Computers,2933,295640,00.html

Chinese hackers 'raid Whitehall computers' -- raid on UK government computers

North Korea announces arrest of foreign spies: Xinhua -- trying to spread democratic ideals;_ylt=AhoPApwvAc6fLXXq5TeFcU2CscEA

French and Colombian foreign ministers meet for talks on Colombian hostages

Need Help: Al Qaeda Website Wants You to Take Them Down

German Bomb Plot News Stories:
International Herald Tribune: German police arrest 3 in 'imminent' bomb plot

AP - Germany arrests 3 suspected of plotting terror attacks

CNN - Germany: 'Massive' attacks foiled

AFP - Germany foils 'massive' attack on US citizens

DPA - German police hold 3 Islamists, halt 'massive bomb attacks'

DPA - Background: Islamic Jihad Union founded in Uzbekistan

Spiegel Online: Three Islamist Terror Suspects Arrested in Germany,1518,503959,00.html

RFE/RFERL - Germany Arrests Three In Suspected Terror Bomb Plots

Australia News: Arrests 'foil massive terror attacks',23599,22369664-23109,00.html

Haaertz - German officials seize 3 for plotting 'Islamic motivated' terror attacks

Arutz Sheva - Suspected German Terrorists Members of Local Jihad Cell

Daily Mail - 'New Al Qaeda plot to blow up planes on September 11' smashed

Other News:

Indonesia: Students rally to show appeal of hijab

(Sweden) Copies of Swedish daily burnt over caricature\09\05\story_5-9-2007_pg7_49

Swedish Muslims cancel Muhammad cartoon demonstration

(U.S.) Minnesota: Muslim congressman joins anti-Semitism panel -- Move follows his comparison of President Bush, Hitler

(U.S.) Reform Rabbi: Listen to Muslims' Love of Religion -- speaking at conference of unindicted co-conspirator ISNA

(U.S.) CAIR Official's YouTube Account Shut Down

(Morocco) Islamists set for gains in Morocco polls

(Australia) Bin Laden as Christ stirs art furor

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