Wednesday, September 5, 2007


(U.S.) Back-to-School Bomb Threats: At Least 13 U.S. Universities Targeted - ABC News: Threats use Internet remailers, render threat anonymous

(U.S.) South Carolina defers to feds in pipe bomb case -- with a federal indictment in place, state charges will be dismissed
(U.S.) 9/11 victims' kin keep up fight - Families of 9/11 victims pursuing lawsuit against Boston airport over airport security

(Canada) Informant reveals key terror role - Canadian Mubin Shaikh befriended Jihadists and learned of Toronto truck bomb plot planners

(India) 2 terrorists still lurking in city -- 2 of 4 terrorists still holed up in Hyderabad and plan to trigger more explosions
Pakistan: Radical Red Mosque militants claim Rawalpindi blasts

(Pakistan) Militants release 10 abducted Pakistani troops, official says

(Pakistan) NWFP Govt to Plug Loopholes used by Terrorists: MoI Spokesman

(South Africa & Pakistan) German engineer convicted over nuclear smuggling ring - First member of A.Q. Khan nuclear ring convicted

(Iraq) Militants vow attacks on US -- the Islamic State of Iraq said the "War Ministry" decided to form special battalions for martyrdom seekers

(Iraq) U.S. troop buildup felt in Iraq hotspots
(Iraq) U.S. Government Accountability Office Report Says Iraq Has Not Met 11 of 18 Benchmarks,2933,295704,00.html
(Iraq) Signing Up Sunnis With 'Insurgent' on Their Resumes

(Iraq) Many Trainees Are Complicit With 'Enemy Targets' - Iraqi army in Baghdad sector infiltrated with Mahdi Army

Denmark: Terror expert 'not surprised' by arrests

(Denmark) 'Al-Qaeda link' as eight are held over Danish bomb plot (2nd Roundup)
Spain: Man linked to Madrid bombings released from jail

Hamas bans public prayer in Gaza

Hamas bans Fatah Friday prayers in Gaza
(Israel) 'Defense establishment won't recommend large Gaza invasion'

Lebanon's rising jihadi threat

Lebanon: A "brave little force" defeats an al Qaeda Stronghold

Lebanon douses a terrorist fire - Commentary on defeat of Fatah al-Islam and killing of its leader

(Philippines) Minor 'bomb courier' faces charges in court

German bunker maker turns terrorism fears into cash
Commentary: Cut Out the Hypocrisy on Terrorism
(U.S.) Giuliani offers US disaster prep plan -- proposes to make Department of Homeland Security more regional like FEMA
Other News:

(U.S.) NYC: Chelsea Pipe Bomb Remains a Mystery

(U.S.) NYC: Fear and loathing in New York: Taxi union says GPS targets Muslims
(Pakistan) 30 killed, 66 wounded in Rawalpindi blasts

(Pakistan) Deadliest Pak blast since Lal Masjid, ISI targeted

(Pakistan) Suicide bombers kill 24, wound 66, in Pakistan -- many of them Defence Ministry staff on their way to work in the city of Rawalpindi;_ylt=AlJ8OLPFLec7G2pTqJHWvubzPukA
(Pakistan) 2 suicide bombings in Pakistan kill 24;_ylt=AqduYCiUS_38IGBisNya2U7zPukA
Pakistan: Pindi Explosions - by Animesh Roul
(Pakistan) Over 100 tribesmen released in exchange for 210 Pakistani soldiers

Pakistan: Soldiers still held hostage by pro-Taliban militants

(Pakistan) Woman killed in North Waziristan

Pakistan rejects book on its nuclear program as lies -- "Deception: Pakistan, the United States and the Secret Trade in Nuclear Weapons"

Pakistan Foreign Office: "Pakistan will not enter arms race"\09\04\story_4-9-2007_pg7_1

Afghan blasts, gunbattle kill at least 15 - bomb in Paktika (bastion of Taliban near Pakistan) and bomb in Kunduz;_ylt=Atc52cMbqsP6ddyW7Zru9MnOVooA
(Afghanistan) Car bomb kills two Afghan police;_ylt=AvSBS8CBv2YK05ZRkQhchFDOVooA
(Afghanistan) Taliban involved in SKorean kidnappings killed: government -- in Ghazni - includes Taliban commander Mullah Mateen;_ylt=Apkf6xTp6_915scfKaPgHUfOVooA
(Afghanistan) Chinese weapons 'reaching the Taliban'

Afghanistan rises as heroin source - Share of U.S. market doubled in 5 years
(Iraq) Car bomb blast in Baghdad kills five people - in Al-Zaitouna district

Iraqi television cameraman shot dead
(Iraq) Judge: 'Chemical Ali,' 2 others to be executed
(Iraq) Minister named to 'Islamic Cabinet' -- Islamic State of Iraq made up of eight insurgent groups including Al-Qaeda in Iraq
(India) Hyderabad blast investigation: Another Bangladeshi woman detained
(India) Medico linked to Hyderabad bomb blasts -- Rizwan Ghazi§ion=subcontinent&col=
(India) Hyderabad blast investigation: No word from Dhaka on terror arrest so CBI to move Interpol

(India) Hyderabad blast investigation: Bangladesh suspects got ‘character certificates' from Bengal politicians

(India) Rights group: Police illegally detaining Muslims after Hyderabad bombings

(India) Why Mumbai is a bomber's favorite
(India) Ten dead in rebel clash in northeast India -- KLA and NSCN-IM clash in Manipur state
(India) Chennai: No infiltration of terrorists in state, says Tamil Nadu DGP -- Chennai is major center for outsourced jobs from West
(India) Passenger carrying pro-LTTE books arrested at Chennai airport
(Nepal) Police arrest bomb blast suspects in Nepali capital

(Norway) 3 indicted, 1 cleared in Norwegian terrorism case, national prosecutor says - plot to attack Oslo synagogue or US or Israel embassies

(Denmark) 8 suspects with al-Qaida links arrested in Denmark, intelligence service says -- Copehagenarrests -- suspected of preparing a terror act involving explosives and with connections to "a leading al-Qaida person"

Danish police arrest 8 in terror plot
Danish police said Tuesday they had averted a terrorist attack (my title)
(Denmark) Copenhagen: Terror arrests -- suspects are male, aged 19-29, and come from Afghanistan,Pakistan, Somalia and Turkey; Six are Danish citizens, two have a residence permit

(U.S.) Minnesota: Islamist Website Hosted in Minnesota Calls for Suicide Operations in Denmark

(U.S.) Minnesota: Islamist Websites Hosted in Minnesota on How to Join Al-Qaeda, Form a Jihad Cell, and Select a Western Target – '[Is] Assassinating the American Ambassador... Difficult For Someone Who Has Already Crushed America in Her Own Home?'

(U.S.) Minnesota Website Tells how to Wage Jihad - by Douglas Farah
US Muslim Forum Posts Jihad Video
(U.S.) ID Would Control Access to Disaster Sites

(U.S.) HLF Case Heavy on Detail -- by The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT)
(U.S.) Judge to hear 9/11 lawsuits
Bin Laden firm rejects lawsuit

Bin Laden family business insists no financial ties with Osama

US dissatisfied with Norway's proposed anti-terror law

(Russia) Policeman killed, 4 wounded in attack in Chechnya

(Russia) Terrorist threat on decline in Russia - deputy

(Somalia) Interview - Somalia's Islamic Courts movement "intact"

(Lebanon) Two Moroccans among dead of Fatah Al-Islam -- press

Lebanese Defense minister says war on terror continues despite Fatah Islam's defeat

Lebanon says 222 militants killed in camp battle -- in 15 week battle;_ylt=Aog3Sk7ioOG1lGKTCsEhBkAwuecA
In Lebanon, militant threat lingers,1,2779420.story

Jordan: Relatives of militant leader killed in Lebanon camp prepare funeral

Iran denies shelling northern Iraq§ion=middleeast&col=
(Iran) Ex-president to head key Iranian clerical body

(Gaza) Blast targets Hamas activist's car in Gaza

(Gaza) Explosion in Gaza Strip targets Hamas activist; none wounded

Hamas and increase in the Islamization of the Gaza Strip (my title)
Fatah regroups in Gaza, raising tension with Hamas

Abbas condemns Palestinian rockets squads in Gaza

(West Bank) 80,000 illegal arms hidden in W. Bank

(Israel) IDF to Resume Targeted Killings of Islamic Jihad Men

Israel plans Palestinian prisoner release: government source

(UK/Libya) Report: Evidence Used to Convict Libyan in Pan Am Flight 103 Bombing Was Tampered With,2933,295532,00.html,,2160655,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=12

(Philippines) MNLF member, child killed in Cotabato attack

(Sri Lanka) Over 600 LTTE cadres arrested worldwide in recent years

Chinese, Russian special forces hold counter-terrorism drill

China denies hacking Pentagon's computer network
Financial Times Report: "Chinese military hacked into Pentagon"

(North Korea) US says NKorea must do more to get off terror list;_ylt=AuD8bQJZ_GblGlIDkrhoTHuCscEA
North Korea Still on State Sponsors of Terrorism List, U.S. Envoy Says,2933,295629,00.html

(Columbia) FARC's Tomas Medina Caracas reportedly killed in airstrike (my title) - was major Columbia drug suspect
Colombia kills rebel leader: defense minister;_ylt=AigTHAGv.mjNHo24xBky6.Owv7kA
(Columbia) Dutch woman possibly held by Colombian rebels

(Australia) Sydney unprepared for terror attack,25197,22359647-5006784,00.html

Other News:

(U.S.) Small explosive device set off in front of Manhattan building -- that houses a theater studio owned by a star of television's "The Sopranos," causing damage to a van parked outside

Russian bombers launch missiles over Arctic

Russia denies plans to move nukes
(UK) Modesty gowns for Islamic female patients -- leaving just a slot for the eyes
(UK) East London Olympic Mega Mosque Set for Public Debate
Belgium: Catholic education and Islam lessons

France's biggest Muslim school kicks off first full year

(Nigeria) "My future is here" says Nigerian Christian facing stoning

German attacks blamed on neo-Nazis
(Germany) Wiesenthal Center critical on war crimes trials

Austrian minister investigates video of soldiers in Nazi salutes

(Germany) Proposed Holocaust payments called low

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