Monday, September 3, 2007


(Iraq) Two killed in car explosion in western Baghdad - also five terrorists detained in Tikrit

(Iraq) Gunmen kidnap 11 off bus — bus to Baquba stopped by Al-Qaeda linked gunmen in Al-Hashmiyat,21985,22356042-5005961,00.html

(Iraq) Basra celebrates British withdrawal

(Iraq) Bush makes surprise visit to Iraq;_ylt=AvyP5c2kHPvpJtQ1NzKXwUVX6GMA

(Iraq) 36 church members disappear, 1 returns

(Afghanistan) Roadside bombs kill 7 Afghan security personnel - in eastern Kunar province

(Afghanistan) Six US-hired militiamen killed in Afghanistan — Kunar province;_ylt=Avm9mx4v86zYJmi3UqIhzWLOVooA

Afghanistan: Kabul taking steps to talk with Taliban, says ex-president

Afghan Taliban vow to kidnap, kill more foreigners;_ylt=AiBYz_JrtrSPEDKtmZJP.aPOVooA

(Afghanistan) Ex-hostages say Taliban beat them for refusing to convert to Islam;_ylt=Av8cSMxKOjcJ86IbcaIjH6fOVooA

(Afghanistan) Taliban says S.Korea has broken promise - has not withdrawn all citizens from Afghanistan

(Iran) Pentagon “three-day blitz” plan for Iran

Iran’s Ahmadinejad has “proof” US won’t attack

(Iran) Will President Bush bomb Iran?

Iran won’t bow to Western pressure on nuclear: Khamenei;_ylt=AtugyHTuzLK9HAaBmYly2hVSw60A

(Iran) Ahmadinejad lashes out at Iranian ‘nuclear informers’\09\03\story_3-9-2007_pg7_41

Iran troops kills three Kurdish rebels: TV§ion=middleeast&col=

Iranian-American scholar Haleh Esfandiari leaves Iran;_ylt=AinviTPZ5v6iMMgXOvZT.2RSw60A

(Pakistan) Militants holding soldiers demand Pakistan pull out troops

Pakistan: Jirga fails to secure release of soldiers — 150 kidnapped soldiers

(Pakistan) Negotiations underway for the release of 210 Pakistani soldiers

“Pakistani” bomb experts held in Kandahar\09\03\story_3-9-2007_pg7_3

(Pakistan) Security official killed in Dera Bugti explosion\09\03\story_3-9-2007_pg7_5

(Pakistan) One civilian and a Frontier Corps soldier killed in FATA - in the Landi Kotal area ofKhyber Agency

(Pakistan) Democratic Pakistani leaders will pursue war on terror: Sharif

(Pakistan) Sharif: Musharraf duping West over war on terrorism§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Pakistan) 73 persons killed and 76 others injured in NWFP and FATA in August

(India) Center issues terror advisory for Chennai — 3-4 HuJI activists waiting for orders to attack

(India) Hyderabad blasts suspect held in Dhaka

Bangladesh detains Hyderabad blasts accused’mastermind';

India wants Hyderabad blasts suspect held in Bangladesh

(India) Hamza’s extradition may prove difficult

(India) Militants attack house of Congress MLA in Manipur

(India) Terror groups sneaking in cadre as ‘students’ via Indo-Bangla border

(India) ‘People must add muscle to war against terror’

(Indian Kasmir) Two children and one LeT militant killed in Jammu and Kashmir

(Nepal) Security tightened in Kathmandu following serial bomb blasts — that killed 2, injured 13

Lebanese army hunts for fugitives after crushing Fatah Islam

(Lebanon) Wife of Islamist chief in Lebanon identifies body - among 38 killed§ion=middleeast&col=

Lebanon army takes control of camp after battle;_ylt=Ahqu4683uteFknzTzZ3OcqPagGIB

Lebanese premier declares victory against Islamists;_ylt=ApN4tse2SkES5f4xujagEZfagGIB

(Lebanon) Fatah al-Islam formed by disillusioned fighters

Lebanon still a bazaar for dangerous trade in radical ideas

(Israel) Gaza rocket lands near Israeli day care — in Sderot;_ylt=ArmMr8DzOpJ0E73WOAZ3WfHuyucA

(Israel) Soldiers evacuate babies from Israeli daycare center as Islamic Jihad rockets fall

(Israel) Second attack on Sderot, Fatah claims responsibility

(Israel) 5 Kassam rockets fired at w. Negev (my title)

(Israel) Olmert says Israel will not show restraint in efforts to halt rocket fire

Hamas: We fired American weapons at Israel — Terror group says it seized, used stockpiles ofweaponry upon Gaza takeover

Terrorists ignite ‘Fire Belt,’ attack Israel — Hamas, Fatah join forces to hit Israel

Palestinian govt closes 17 more groups§ion=middleeast&col=

(Sudan) Arabs turning on each other in Darfur

(UK) Muslim “anti terror” lessons — new citizenship lessons have been proposed to prevent Muslim pupils from becoming suicide bombers

Spain says Islamic terror suspects have launched hunger strike

(Spain) Zapatero pledges hard line against ETA after blast

(France) ETA terrorists to be brought to Paris for questioning

(France) Bomb plot foiled as key ETA members arrested,,2161272,00.html

Colombian army reports 10 troops killed — in a clash with FARC in western Colombia;_ylt=Aub9VnmWAxGP4gvU_5JECAOwv7kA

(Thailand) More violence in Pattani, Yala — reports of attacks in the South are still occurring on a daily basis

Thai worker killed in bomb attack in Burma

The Thailand Jihad - Photographic Evidence — disturbing photos

Philippines rejects church plea to stop war against militants;_ylt=Amr2vABW4KMFA46kWOPFwTRUKYUA

(Asia-Pacific) Experts: APEC leaders should not let terrorism slip from their summit agenda

(Australia) Hospitals on stand-by for terrorist attack

Sri Lankan soldiers kill 5 Tamil rebels in military offensive against rebel territory

Sri Lanka blocks rebel supply route, offensive delayed;_ylt=AjUVl1x9eiE_1yhQzrV6u3gtM8oA

(North Korea) Washington to drop North Korea from terrorism list, Pyongyang says

Report: North Korea to abandon nuke plans

Resurgent threat from narco-terrorists

(U.S) Lines at United States borders longer;_ylt=Ak3.MWS_Qtl094nyEi_l2TQTv5UB

Other News:

(ISNA Conference) Howard Dean Speaks at ISNA Conference (my title) —ISNA is an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror trial,CST-NWS-Islam02s1.article

(Israel) Temple Mount: Muslims caught red-handed destroying Temple artifacts — Archaeologistskept out as WND obtains photo of pulverized antiquities at Judaism’s holiest site

Jordan condemns new Swedish Mohammed cartoon;_ylt=AtpQKM_0izXJZ.9DriFAn5dYU.0A

(Indonesia) Muslims protest Indonesian nuclear plant;_ylt=Asg81rYYoipgB7bXgdszjtXaHXcA

(Denmark) Islamic Society in Denmark: Send all immigrants home... from Israel

Sweden: ‘Mohammad cartoon crisis’ update

Washington Post continues to refuse cartoon fearing offense to Muslims

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