Saturday, August 4, 2007

TERROR NEWS - August 4th

(Pakistan) 22 killed in guerrilla raid and suicide attack in Pakistan -- North Waziristan checkposts hitwith 50 Jihadist rockets -- suicide bomber in Parachinar;_ylt=AvmnwTQxqb7HQWJOJr0Ti_bzPukA

(Pakistan) Suicide car blast kills 9 in Pakistan -- into bus station in Parachinar;_ylt=AmJIgv2h512nJFhfQbdu1KLzPukA

(Pakistan) 2,000 North Waziristan tribesmen rally against Pakistan troops -- chanted "Down with America"\08\04\story_4-8-2007_pg7_8

(Pakistan) Two killed, five hurt in NWFP Pakistan blast - former MP Shuja Ali Khan was among the injured

(Pakistan) Musharraf vows to crush Islamic militancy

(Pakistan) National Assembly to discuss US threats to holy places, Pakistan\08\04\story_4-8-2007_pg7_1

(Pakistan) Mosque set on fire in Bradford\08\04\story_4-8-2007_pg7_4

(Pakistan) Obama touches raw nerve in Pakistan

(Afghanistan) Bomb explosions kill five in Afghanistan -- roadside bomb in Kunar and suicide bomber in Kandahar

(Afghanistan) Suicide attack kills 2 in Afghanistan -- suicide car bomber attacks convoy of NATO troops -- also announced 100 Taliban fighters killed in airstrikes on Thursday;_ylt=AvZj1JEDXcfT2nleqOEkMNrOVooA

(Afghanistan) NATO airstrike kills senior Taliban leaders - Mansoor Dadullah among those targeted

(Afghanistan) Taliban wants neutral venue for hostage talks;_ylt=AjYV6z_Ncsk4vKRfGlswMazOVooA

(Afghanistan) Taliban refuse to allow medical team access to hostages§ion=subcontinent&col=

Afghanistan again rules out prisoner exchange - for South Korean hostages;_ylt=AjgITzABWp_C.8VexBnWPorOVooA

(India) Three Lashkar-e-Tayiba terror modules operate in Karnataka: Police

(Indian Kashmir) Twenty-four hurt in Kashmir market explosion - update of Friday attack;_ylt=AiCfNgitkE8CTbt3qdoGAXw1NXcA

(Indian Kashmir) Deport wives of "surrendering militants": J&K government\08\04\story_4-8-2007_pg7_33

(Iraq) Al-Qaeda mastermind in Samarra killed, Iraqi TV reports -- Haitham al-Badri

(Iraq) Three Iraqis killed in separate attacks - roadside bomb, mortar attack, drive-by shooting

(Iraq) US marine killed in combat in western Iraq

Iraq: US military captures 33 suspects in raids in Kirkuk, Tigris River Valley

(Iraq) Al-Qaeda has no presence in Ramadi anymore -- US Commander

(Thailand) Soldier shot dead, seven wounded in bomb attack in Thai south;_ylt=Aue3LBdXXwLrm58FJlnrK3TuNREB

(USA) Prosecutors slowly build case against Muslim charity accused of links to Hamas

(USA) Senate passes Bush terrorism spy bill; House rejects Democrats' version

(USA) Congress: Work to Update Surveillance Law Stalls on Hill,2933,292029,00.html

(USA) Terror suspect tied to Canada guilty of fraud, U.S. jury says -- Mohammed Kamal Elzahabi

(USA) California Man Arrested For Al Qaeda Ties - update on previous story - Brother One Of FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists linked to Jemaah Islamiyah

NPR Interview with Founder of Muslim Extremist Group in Trinidad Linked to JFK Plot

(Somalia) Civilian killed in grenade attack on funeral procession in Somali capital

(Lebanon) UN council troubled over Lebanon arms;_ylt=Al62Iqbn_OOEhQ3gMddtKUnagGIB

Hezbollah says U.S. trying to intimidate Lebanese

Israeli military reprimands brigade and battalion commanders in West Bank shooting

(Philippines) US bomb experts join probe of Philippines bus blasts that killed 1, wounded 12

(Australia) Protesters want repealing of terror laws

(Australia) Forgotten face of terrorism

Jihad documentary on love festival: An unholy marriage

France denies president involved in Libya arms deal

Other News:

(USA - California) Police Link Black Muslim Group to Editor's Murder,2933,292090,00.html

(USA - Michigan) 'Radioactive Boy Scout' Charged in Smoke Detector Theft,2933,292111,00.html

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