Friday, August 3, 2007

TERROR NEWS August 3rd

Analysis: HAMAS Underground -- by The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT)

Afghanistan: Taliban move hostages to deter rescue mission, sources say

Algerian army kills 16 Al-Qaeda militants

Pakistan needs no foreign aid to tackle terrorists: Musharraf

(Pakistan) Obama terror vow angers Pakistan

Pakistani protesters burn a U.S. flag to condemn U.S. presidential hopeful Barack Obama'sremarks in Karachi, Pakistan,4644,2164,00.html

(Pakistan) Bush reassures Musharraf over attack warnings;_ylt=AnrBJytwz5OehizQ1.DEJ0gwuecA

(Pakistan) Bush criticizes talk of U.S. strike on Pakistan - govt;_ylt=Ai0ihQdVznBVRBNdrA.8_tcwuecA

State Department Asks White House Candidates to Steer Clear of Sensitive Diplomatic Issues,2933,292054,00.html

(Indian Kashmir) Sixteen injured in Kashmir grenade blast;_ylu=X3oDMTBjcDR2NTN2BHBvcwM2BHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=12ida9iq4/EXP=1186252610/**http%3a//

Bangladesh agrees to take action on terror groups

(USA) Bush signs bill to strengthen anti-terror effort -- providing more money to high-risk cities andexpanding air and sea cargo screening

(USA) Bush: Congress must stay until surveillance law modernized

(DC) Metro security, bomb squads top priority for region's $61.2M in anti-terror funding

Radical Islam celebrates Minnesota bridge collapse -- video

Report: Hamas and Fatah are holding secret talks

Russia maintains contact with Hamas for crisis resolution

Hezbollah vows not to use arms against Lebanese foes

(Germany) "Terrorists Score a Major Victory If They Silence Us" - German Digital Institute head onTaliban's media strategy,,2718335,00.html?maca=en-rss-en-all-1573-rdf

(Spain) Most notorious ETA prisoner loses privileges - Jose Ignacio de Juana Chaos returned toprison

(Russia) Fighting between militants and police in southern Russia;_ylu=X3oDMTBjdmNoOTVjBHBvcwMyBHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=13hokrv13/EXP=1186252682/**http%3a//,,12215_cid_2720437,00.html%3fmaca=en-rss-en-all-1573-rdf

(Russia) Four militant collaborators detained in Chechnya

(Philippines) Bomb seen near site of visit by US official's wife in Manila

Commentary: Michelle Malkin Coverage of YAF Speech by Robert Spencer

Commentary: Outrage: CAIR's war on Robert Spencer, Young America's Foundation

Press Release: The Legal Project to Defend Robert Spencer from CAIR

The Legal Project protects researchers and analysts working on the topics of terrorism, terroristfunding, Islam, and Islamism against those who seek to silence them through intimidation,defamation, and predatory lawsuits.

Commentary: The Fear Is In The Room: Standing Up To Islamic Terrorism

(Saudi Arabia) Carmen Bin Ladin: "Osama is liked in Saudi Arabia and is still respected as muchas he used to be when I lived there. He has an image of a devout Muslim"

Other News:

(USA - California) Police Detain 19 in Morning Raids at Muslim Bakery That Was Written About bySlain Oakland Editor,2933,291995,00.html

WSJ: Barack Obama, Neocon

(UK) One in 11 British Muslims backs suicide bombers, says Brown aide -- Haras Rafiq also toldScotland Yard that up to 20% ' sympathize' with militants

(UK) Finsbury Park: Inside the British Jihad

Iraq: US forces capture 17 suspected terrorists in raids along Tigris River

(Iraq) Four U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq;_ylt=AvnSHvX22k9hBUMpWpttPfRX6GMA

(Iraq) Three killed, seven injured in attack against Iraq's Islamic party building - on Thursday

Iraq: Al-Qaeda 'parade' in Baquba

(Iraq) US, Britain propose boosting UN role in Iraq;_ylt=Av.V2gma53fJvIFPR7ECzRJX6GMA

(Afghanistan) U.S. strikes Taliban in southern Afghanistan - targeting Taliban commanders inBaghran district - Afghan officials claim "a number of militants and civilians had been killed orwounded";_ylt=AmLsUt.XcKtdAJJB13fT5FvOVooA

Afghans check reports of civilian bombing deaths;_ylt=AnjB2Bj1aqMCcEUtargPS9vOVooA

(Afghanistan) South Korea tells Taliban it has limited influence;_ylt=AjzM2bjEc6fk_e.RavOZJDvOVooA

(Afghanistan) Talks in sight to free South Koreans held by Taliban

(Afghanistan) U.S. force said on table in hostage crisis

Afghanistan: Taliban claim to have kidnapped Indian engineer

(Afghanistan) Pakistan urges USA and UK to pull out of Afghanistan -- after talking to Taliban

(Philippines) Two blasts rip through Philippines bus terminal;_ylt=Ary675VLCZ3F5dsiIUjtrJRUKYUA

(Lebanon) Fierce fighting between Lebanese army and Islamists;_ylt=Alrjm8vm5kIXVKvIw5MI8LXagGIB

Pakistani security forces kill 4 suspected militants in shootout near Afghan border

(Pakistan) Explosion in northern Pakistan wounds five - time bomb in Laki Marwat district of NWFP

(Pakistan) New US threat to use force: Al Qaeda sheltering in Waziristan, Taliban in Balochistan:Burns -- US wants Pakistan to defeat Al Qaeda in battlefield

(Pakistan) Musharraf trying to 'have it both ways' in war on terror

Pakistan: Red Mosque cleric due in court

(Pakistan) NBC: 'Red Mosque siege survivor speaks'

(Pakistan) 554 foreign students deported from seminaries

(Pakistan) Prime Minister Aziz praises madrassas for promoting religious education\08\03\story_3-8-2007_pg7_28

(Pakistan) North Waziristan clerics to launch "silent protest" - protesting military operations againstsuspected militants\08\03\story_3-8-2007_pg7_12

(Pakistan) Why Pakistan is furious at the West - audio report

(Pakistan) Nuclear: US-India deal may ignite arms race, Pakistan body warns

(Indian Kashmir) Two terrorists killed in Jammu and Kashmir -- slain militants were believed to bePakistanis belonging to the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) outfit

(Bangladesh) Four Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) militants arrested in Dhaka

(India) Maoists kill two civilians in Chhattisgarh

(India) ULFA militant arrested in Assam

(USA) California: Brothers face terror-related charges - Rahmat Abdhir arrested, Zulkifli Abdhi at large in Philippines - links to Moro Islamic Liberation Front;_ylt=AgRa.jtEIYltbYqy5W0jSIMTv5UB

(USA) Terror defense focuses on Chechen relief -- terror suspect Kifah Jayyousi's organization, American Worldwide Relief

(USA) Judge limits warrantless eavesdropping

(USA) Secret ruling limited spying efforts -- Move to amend FISA sparked by judge's decision

(USA) Border Computers Vulnerable to Attack

(UK) Hospital cesium is 'terror chemical' says expert

(UK Car Bombs Plot) Glasgow Airport attack man Kafeel Ahmed dies -- in hospital of burns fromattempted Glasgow car bombing

(Australia) No need for Haneef inquiry - PM,23599,22178601-29277,00.html

(Turkey) Accused of terrorist links, Kurdish lawmakers to press for minority's rights

(Greece) The Threat of Islamic Radicalism to Greece

(Belgium) Hassan Nasrallah wants to move to Belgium

(Israel) Three missiles target southern Israel - launched from northern Gaza strip

Israeli forces arrest Palestinians in incursion near Beit Lahiya

Palestinian Islamic Jihad claims responsibility for Sderot attack

Israeli special forces assassinate Palestinian Islamic Jihad militant

(Hamas) A window into the culture of Shahada

(Thailand) 12 schools close in Pattani - insurgents ambush teacher protection unit

Thailand Seeks Closer Ties with Muslim Nations

Yemen bomber who killed eight Spaniards named

(Somalia) U.N. says thousands flee Mogadishu;_ylt=AsL4n.BDziPPmhzaGi6fP72QLIUD

(Sudan) Indonesia: Civilian police to join UN force in Darfur

(Sudan) Darfur rebel factions gather for talks;_ylt=ApF05pUPMY2X8z5LDKtSu8sShIMA

(Uganda) Gunmen attack boat exploring for oil in Uganda, killing 1 worker

(Iran) Report: Swiss customs seize equipment for Iran nuke plant

(Iran) Pentagon sold plane parts sought by Iran: report;_ylt=AuDgHIEnqWF6wos9szUdnM5Sw60A

Colombian president proposes rebel zone

(Japan) Top US diplomat urges Japan to continue support for US-led forces in Afghanistan

Sri Lankan police find 700 detonators inside passenger bus

North Korea condemns joint war games -- between USA and South Korea

Commentary: My enemy's enemy - Saudi Arabia is the intellectual and religious fount of al Qaeda

Commentary: CAIR vs. the Reagan Ranch

Commentary: Robert Spencer on 'the wrath of CAIR'

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