Monday, August 6, 2007

TERROR NEWS August 6th

(Iraq) Four U.S. soldiers killed in Diyala province explosion

(Iraq) US, Iran hold "frank" Iraq security meeting

Lebanese authorities announce they killed Fatah Islam deputy commander

(USA) South Carolina: 2 charged with felonies in explosives scare -- Youseff Megahedand Ahmed Mohamed

(USA) South Carolina: In a Hurry to Make Rockets: Two South Carolina Speeders Possessed 'Destructive Device'

(USA) Oregon: Former Islamic charity group in Oregon sues to get off terror list -- Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation of Ashland

CT Blog posts on al-Haramain

(USA/Afghanistan) Afghanistan President Karzai says he'll work with Pakistan to root out extremists -- split on Iran as a "partner" in fighting terrorism

White House Fact Sheet: Combating Terrorism Worldwide

(Pakistan) Clerics seek cease-fire in Pakistan tribal region where rocket attack sparked gunbattle

Pakistan warns US transgression will damage bilateral ties

(Pakistan) Bush Says U.S. and Pakistan Can Work Together To Take Out Al Qaeda,2933,292262,00.html

(Pakistan) Bush Expresses Confidence in Tracking al-Qaeda

(India Assam) 10 injured in serial blasts - UFLA blamed - one bomber caught§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Israel) Palestinian missile hits Sderot - Israeli spokesman

(Bosnia) "Al-Qaeda shaped in Bosnia" - John Schindler comments to CNN onAl-Qaeda Bosnian training camps from 1992 until 1995

(UK) Britain Under Threat - UK Channel 4 - Dispatches"With

Britain facing a 'severe' level of terror threat, Dispatches investigates the rootsof Islamic extremism in the UK and examines the government's attempts to win thebattle for British Muslims' hearts and minds"(will follow with YouTube link when available)

(UK) Tea and al-Qaida sympathy -- Abu Muhammed,,2142154,00.html

(UK) "Terror Link" Wives fight over 29,000 pounds sterling in government handouts'Terror-link'-wives-fight-over-29,000-in-handouts

Italy: Muslim center denounces petrol bomb attack - Muslim imam attacked in Milan

Somalia: Somali And Ethiopian Troops Detain Over Hundred People

Lebanon opposition candidate wins by-election - Candidate backed by Hezbollah ally Michel Aoun beat Amin Gemayel

Lebanon: Iran donates $25 million in aid for South's reconstruction - to group linked toHezbollah - USAID opens 5 water treatment plants in South

(Philippines) Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) suspect bares Metro bomb plot

(Sri Lanka) Tigers aiding Philippine Abu Sayyaf terrorists

Commentary: Mark Steyn: The vanishing jihad exposes

Commentary: Toward A 'Homeland Security Court' for Captured Terrorists

Other News:

(Gaza) Christian woman 'forced to convert to Islam'

(Gaza) Hamas reduces sentences for Quran study

(Germany) Mosque plans face protests

(Germany) Islam in Europe: Cologne mosque tests German tolerance

(Poland) Nazi Symbols Sprayed on Dozens of Gravestones at Jewish Cemetery in Poland,2933,292264,00.html

(Russia) Giant cross to mark Stalin terror

Flashlight Weapon Makes Targets Throw Up,2933,292271,00.html

Iraq attacks kill 48 - Suicide bomb kills 30 in northern Iraq, US forces kill 11terrorists and arrest 10 in Tigris River Valley, Baghdad roadside bomb kills 9Iraqis, mortar rounds kill 6 in Dhuluiyah, 3 killed in booby-trapped Bahgdadminibus;_ylt=AphenqIkXFAJaMK2.SFe0gBX6GMA

(Iraq) Suicide bomb kills 28 in northern Iraq;_ylt=AofsdwuWPlAfDxSfnUwa51hX6GMA

(Iraq) U.S. soldier killed in fighting in eastern Baghdad, military says

(Iraq) US blames Iran-backed Shiite militia for 73 per cent of Americancasualties in Iraq last month

(Iraq) US kills al-Qaeda chief who planned destruction of Shiite shrine --Haitham al-Badr -- update from Saturday news report

(Iraq) Armed robots to go to war in Iraq

(Afghanistan) 13 suspected Taliban killed in clash with troops

(Afghanistan) Taliban warn of more kidnappings;_ylt=AuTE90vbBdI77YXlpQIPrgTOVooA

(Afghanistan) Taliban threaten to kill hostages "any time"\08\06\story_6-8-2007_pg7_6

(Afghanistan) South Korean officials allowed to speak to hostage;_ylt=ApBSc4N2eJCFNNZcS4EsLyfOVooA

(Afghanistan) Taliban claim Bush, Karzai responsible for fate of Koreans;_ylt=AnEVSlKxejwsuP_2hDNPmYvOVooA

(U.S.) Al Qaeda Cell May Be Loose in U.S., British Plot Hints

(U.S.) Karachi Bomber Seen on New Al Qaeda Video

(U.S.) Bush signs update to surveillance law

Algeria: Police thwart 'al-Qaeda' suicide attack

(Algeria) 7 terrorists belonging to a supply cell for Al-Qaeda arrested

Philippines security forces arrest Islamic bomb expert, foil shopping mallbombings

Philippines: Thousands flee ahead of military anti-terror offensive

(Thailand) Five shot dead, schools set ablaze in Thai south - on Sunday;_ylt=Aku_Tiym8DjxUWC5wIcPGkTuNREB

(Turkey) 9 people abducted by Kurdish rebels released in eastern Turkey

(Turkey) Report: Turkish commando units cross Iraqi border

(UK) Radical Islamic party Hizb ut-Tahrir convenes in London

India plays down Al-Qaeda threat, says forces on alert'forces+on+alert'

(India Kashmir) Police kills two LeT guerrillas in Kashmir

(India Kashmir) Two terrorists and a Special Police Officer killed in Jammuand Kashmir

(India) Two civilians killed in Assam

(Pakistan) Three Pakistan Air Force personnel injured in grenade attack - inthe North Western city of Peshawar

Pakistan has lost 200 troops in tribal areas since July 19\08\06\story_6-8-2007_pg7_1

(Pakistan) No al-Qaida, Taliban safe havens in Pakistan, official says

(Pakistan) Waziristan elders drop out of Pakistan-Afghan jirga§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Pakistan) Security beefed up in Quetta\08\06\story_6-8-2007_pg7_18

Pakistan army capable to defend its territory: Aziz

(Pakistan) Pro-Taliban militants kill Pakistani 'gang leader

(Pakistan) The new movie that's all the rage in Pakistan -- reporter obtains a ticket to 'In the name of God'

(Israel) Terror suspect hides bomb in lamb - plotting West Bank attack

Israelis warned of Hezbollah kidnap threat abroad;_ylt=As09N0bitO_q.yffVohNsvDuyucA
(Lebanon) Clashes flare up in Nahr Al-Bared

Lebanese army still battling Islamists at refugee camp;_ylt=AvSAYAsgj.QuWtj954vnl87agGIB

Jordan Islamists urge government sacking over vote;_ylt=AmWSaPjraxUmwLhFV5gRYEVYU.0A

Somalia: Double Bomb Blasts Rock Mogadishu

(Somalia) Ethiopian and Somali government soldiers search radio station for weapons, say officials

(Sudan) Darfur rebels want talks with Sudan government within months

Sudan vows not to let U.N. peacekeepers in Darfur undermine its sovereignty

Uganda: Stolen Explosive Materials Spark Terrorism Scare

(UK) Surge in police anti-terror stops

(UK) British lab says it has found no biosecurity breach

(Spain) Basque business group reports new extortion letters from armed group ETA

Sweden: Fears of becoming a terrorist base

Norway reassures Peres on Hamas ties

Iran test-flies homemade fighter jet

Iran shuts leading reformist newspaper

Russia plans new nuclear missile production

(Sri Lanka) Three killed in Sri Lanka as UN envoy begins visit;_ylt=Ar2.8M26tqq5qbMOOcebesotM8oA

(Sri Lanka) Roadside blasts blamed on Tamil rebels kill 1 soldier, wound 7 inSri Lanka

Korean troops exchange fire along border;_ylt=AuZKE_ajSKEi0Lie1BTDqo2CscEA

Hackers sought as allies in war on terrorism and cyber crime;_ylt=AhpW5B8o2BQuxVkZVCjA28gTv5UB

Commentary: Gingrich says war on terror 'phony' -- Former speaker saysenergy independence is key -- warning that the country is losing groundagainst the kind of Islamic radicals who attacked the country on Sept. 11,2001

Other News:

(USA) Muslims gaining strength in United States - Georgetown Universitycleric speaking in Saudi Arabia

(UK) Children told to copy lines from Muslim Call To Prayer - to practice theirhandwriting

(UK) Outcry as British Council quits Europe to woo Muslim world,,2141835,00.html

Iranian morals police arrest 230 in raid on 'satanist' rave,,2142313,00.html

Netherlands: Restoring Islamic virginity

Hague: 'no' to Islamic high school

Amsterdam: Moroccan-Born Mayor Dispenses Tough Love to Immigrants

(Germany) Internet access to new Nazi archive will take time

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