Thursday, August 2, 2007

TERROR NEWS August 2nd

(USA) The Muslim Brotherhood's "Military Work" in the US - by The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT)

(USA) Behind the Indoctrination and Training of American Jihadis

(Pakistan) U.S. counting on Pakistani action against al Qaeda

(Bangladesh) Security officials arrest 4 suspected Islamic militants in Bangladesh capital

(Afghanistan) US won't rule out force to free S. Korean captives

(Afghanistan) Location sought for Korea-Taliban talks;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHZkMjZyBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=12jq9c1n4/EXP=1186172845/**http%3a//

(Iraq) New U.S. air campaign south of Baghdad - Seeks to choke flow of bombs & weapons intoBaghdad;_ylu=X3oDMTBjdmNoOTVjBHBvcwMyBHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=123om8dvg/EXP=1186173157/**http%3a//

(Iraq) Gates says US underestimated depth of Sunni-Shiite divisions

(UK) Man charged over failed July 21, 2005 London bombings remanded in custody - LukimonSulaimon;_ylt=Ahe.Zh.mSReJqKA9NTMJVL4Tv5UB

(UK) Preparing for a dirty bomb attack - UK and USA increasing preparations

UK police chief cleared over Tube shooting,23599,22179819-23109,00.html

Nigerian Shia base knocked down

Israeli media reports Syria prepping for war

(Lebanon) 4 Lebanese soldiers killed - update;_ylt=Akc2sgQ1WN_xINt0I_t08n8wuecA

(Lebanon) UN met with Hizbullah 20 times to discuss prisoner exchange

(Lebanon) Bush freezes assets of those tied to Lebanon violence - see text of new Executive Order

(India) Terror outfits strike a goldmine in coal pockets - RDX, gelatine sticks & ammonium nitrateused often in mines

Uzbekistan Asks Tajikistan To Detain IMU Suspects

Iran bank hit hard by sanctions

(USA) Republican candidate advocates threat to bomb Islamic holy sites as response to terrorist attack on U.S.

(USA) Romney: Hezbollah role model for U.S. -- Urges emulating welfare projects used by terrorgroup against Israel

Saudis Suppressing Study of Terrorism-Financing? "Alms for Jihad" being pulled off shelves,discontinued printing.

Commentary: More Overlooked History: The Muslim Libel Cases

Report: "Saudi Youth Deceived into Jihad"

Commentary: Radical Islam Warrants More Government Intrusion, Says Blankley

Commentary: The Smoking Gun on the Muslim Brotherhood's Agenda

Commentary: Hamas and Islamic Jihad Clash over 'Media Jihad'

(Columbia) In Terrorism-Law Case, Chiquita Points to U.S. - Chiquita sought senior DOJ officials'advice over payments to Columbian terrorists

(Mexico) Leftist Rebels Take Credit for Mexico Bomb Blast

(Philippines) CPP-NPA terror tag stays - EU - Communist Party of Philippines & New People's Army on terrorist groups list

Other News:

European Socialists decide to tackle Islamophobia

(Malaysia) Show to Go On Despite Protests Over Gwen Stefani Malaysia Concert,2933,291841,00.html

New Al Qaeda Web Ad Threatens 'Big Surprise' - Clip has doctored photo of Bush & Musharraf withthose of AQ leaders

associated video regarding Al Qaeda ad

Researcher's Analysis of al Qaeda Images Reveals Surprises

Iraq: Suicide bomb kills 13 at Iraq police station -- in Hibhib;_ylt=AqGzJ7FAUFqoVzbEx34.gh5X6GMA;_ylt=AqDwJ9Gs8j0ziImC0UygaZ9X6GMA

(Iraq) Al-Qaeda warlord killed, emirs arrested in Iraq crackdown;_ylt=AijNTbJe3sewYsj5Kg_Yih0wuecA

(Iraq) Two US soldiers killed, July toll reaches 80

(Iraq) Bombing of S. Korean forces' headquarters in Irbil thwarted

Afghanistan: New threat to kill hostages -- after the latest deadline expired with no breakthrough innegotiations

Afghan gov't shelves plan for military operation to release S. Korean hostages

(Afghanistan) South Korean envoy to meet Taliban kidnappers;_ylt=AmcnKLDx1t72K8YSk7KwiGHOVooA

(Afghanistan) South Korea seeks US help over Afghanistan hostages -- South Korea and US agreeto rule out military operations;_ylt=Alex0aqWHfdijb9RWLQTFQjOVooA

(Afghanistan) Taliban: "We May Prolong the Crisis" - NBC News interview with TalibanSubcommander Abdullah, leader in SK hostage crisis

Pakistani policeman, militant die in failed suicide attack - at a Pakistani police school in Sargodha;_ylt=AmJ6AeHky3u2xS6JoqQzZyzzPukA

(Pakistan) Suicide attack foiled in Pakistan (additional story) - terror target was parade of 900 policerecruits

(Pakistan) One soldier killed during attempt to rescue abducted troops in NWFP

(Pakistan) Two al Qaeda suspects arrested in Balochistan

(Pakistan) Terrorists may target MPs: intelligence officials\08\02\story_2-8-2007_pg7_8

Pakistan Parliament faces threat of militant attack

Pakistan: Militants in mosque back off

(Pakistan) US admiral concerned about Al Qaeda havens in Pakistan\08\02\story_2-8-2007_pg7_15

Pakistan slams 'ignorant' Obama attack warning;_ylt=AukMoAQZqqWLUDNWk4UMGsrzPukA

(Pakistan) Democratic Opponents Slam Barack Obama For Speech on Pakistan,2933,291788,00.html

(Pakistan) Analysis: Obama Talks Tough on Terror

(Pakistan) NYDN Analysis: Obama's good ideas on terror too late, pros say

(Indian Kashmir) Eight Afghan guerrillas killed in Kashmir gunfight

(Indian Kashmir) Six terrorists killed in Jammu and Kashmir - troops also killed a Pakistani militantof the Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM)

(India) Maoists kill two civilians in Jharkhand

(India) One civilian and a security force personal killed in Chhattisgarh

(Somalia) 8 killed, 20 wounded in Mogadishu;_ylt=AsDtwOIwnwN60xztpiBVBK2QLIUD

Somalia: Ethiopian Mortar Bombs Kill Ten in Somalia Capital Overnight -- mortar bombs exchangedby Ethiopian troops based in the capital and suspected Islamist-led insurgents

Yemen: Photos of suspects in tourist killings

(Sudan) Dozens killed in South Darfur clashes between two Arab nomad tribes, local reports say

(Sudan) 5 African countries pledge to contribute troops to Darfur peacekeeping force, officials say

(Thailand) Police killed, 6 wounded in South bombs - in Pattani Thursday morning

(Thailand) Two defense volunteers injured in Yala ambush - result of bombing

(Thailand) Seven suspects detained in South

(Thailand) 11 killed in attacks in south Thailand - on Wednesday - update;_ylt=Av_bpnMNte027qONOYnRmYXuNREB

(Turkey) 3 Turkish soldiers, 5 Kurd rebels killed in clash

(Lebanon) Five missiles launched from Nahr El-Bared at Der Ammar

Lebanese troops kill 4 militants; 2 soldiers die in fighting in northern refugee camp

Lebanese officer killed as army battles Islamists;_ylt=AuDzqAbFJCCDo1f.xwxRKUPagGIB

(USA) Ohio: Terror suspect's deal leaves many questions -- plea deal for Somali man plotted toblow up Ohio shopping mall raises questions

(USA) Ammonium nitrate threat sent to U.S. Rep. Peter King

Jordan Islamists win local poll seats despite pullout;_ylt=AhqwzCdv3IjuBse8uDFV2ZlYU.0A

(Gaza) Two killed in clashes between Hamas and Islamic Jihad

(Israel) IDF forces arrest 19 Palestinians in W. Bank ops

(Israel) 3 Hamas members suspected of planning rally in Jerusalem,7340,L-3432990,00.html

MEMRI: Hamas Leader Khaled Mash'al Praises Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi for His Support ofSuicide Operations and States: Holocaust Exaggerated, Being Used to Extort Germany, and ZionistHolocaust Against Arabs Much Worse

Rice says Olmert ready to discuss "fundamental issues" leading to creation of Palestinian state

(UK Car Bombs Plot) Australia cautious on Indian doctor's 'Al-Qaeda links';_ylt=AiE4mkashZQZwMwsvtv4x48wuecA

(UK Car Bombs Plot) India: Haneef scoffs at prospect of new charges

(UK Car Bombs Plot) Haneef Lawyers: 'No proof of Haneef's alleged link to Al-Qaida'

(UK) Lockerbie bomber 'will be sent home soon'

(UK) Five police hurt as suspicious van explodes

SE Asia leading way on terror, Australia says

(Sri Lanka) Suicide belts, cyanide, explosives recovered from rebel hideout in Sri Lanka, militarysays

Australian terror suspect "Jihad Jack" loses court battle against control order -- Joseph Thomas

(Australia) Court order puts terror laws 'above doubt',23599,22176080-29277,00.html

(Australia) Second Life and WoW "plagued by terrorists" - Jihadist training camp

North Korea demands more action from U.S., allies -- seeks to be removed from list of nationssponsoring terrorism;_ylt=AtyZ3QhxHp.PWCZYY25Q1qWCscEA
Libya could sign anti-tank missiles order with EADS

German authorities arrest 4 suspected leftist extremists in terror, arson case

Three suspected ETA terrorists face trial in France

Sierra Leone court convicts 2 more of war crimes during brutal civil war

Other News:

(Australia) Muslim Keysar Trad portrayed as 'Nazi' on radio -- translator for Islamic YouthMovement's group magazine investigated for terrorism-related offences -- Keysar Trad has beenspokesperson Sheikh Taj El-Din Hamid Hilaly who supported terror attacks and supported 9/11attacks,25197,22174780-5006784,00.html

(UK) Islamic education for all -- Great Britain plan would move toward 'religion of state'

(USA) CAIR Threatens YAF, Robert Spencer

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