Wednesday, August 1, 2007

TERROR NEWS August 1st

Al-Qaida manipulates videos, images, says Black Hat speaker - Blogger says AQ changes backgrounds before release

(Afghanistan) Taliban threaten South Korean hostages as deadline passes;_ylt=AgfXNMXwaP2kty2jcixlycPOVooA

(Iraq) Sunni bloc quits Iraq govt, 73 dead in bombings (updated);_ylt=ArlFk5dJsHvfgpe6VrvKXgWs0NUE

(Pakistan) Islamabad suicide attacks: Vital clues found

(Pakistan) US presidential candidate Obama willing to invade Pakistan in al-Qaeda hunt

(USA) Unwelcome Internet Guests - The problem of jihadist websites hosted in America

(USA - Holy Land Foundation Trial) Buried Videos and Documents in Backyard of Co-ConspiratorShow HAMAS Links

(USA) Feds say terror suspect sought fake marriage here - Mohamad Elzahabi accused of helpingterrorist get fraudulent driver’s license

(USA) DOD creates new counterterrorism panel - Combating Terrorism Coordination Council tointegrate DOD initiatives

(UK) Man, 23, charged under Terrorism Act — Lukimon Sulaimon

Hamas Leader Khaled Mash’al Praises Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi’s Support of Suicide Operations - “The support we got from Sheikh Al-Qaradhawi... was of great value to us”

Hamas brushes off ME peace summit - Abu Marzouk: “Gaza Strip, West Bank and Jerusalem areone geographic entity”

(Gaza) Islamic Jihad gunman killed in clashes with Hamas,7340,L-3432732,00.html

(Gaza) Hamas bans Palestinian TV from Gaza

Ingushetia: Militant Attacks Increase As Cracks Emerge Within Leadership

(Mexico) Homemade bomb explodes outside Sears store in Mexico,1,2352633.story

Commentary: Military Jihad in modern times is illegal

Commentary: How to stop radiation terrorism

(Iraq) Baghdad bombs kill at least 69 - in largest blast - truck bomb detonated near a filling station inwest Baghdad, setting fire to a huge fuel tank and killing at least 50;_ylt=ArGSSngiw5n8R_x.hlWXL5BX6GMA
(Iraq) Four US soldiers killed in Iraq

(Iraq) US forces kill 3, capture 27 in raids across central and northern Iraq

(Iraq) US 'loses' 190,000 weapons in Iraq,23599,22174921-23109,00.html

Iraq's main Sunni bloc resigns from government;_ylt=AlzZTUpfE2rv1BJBEspm.RVX6GMA

Saudis to explore diplomatic ties with Iraq

Saudis to open Iraq embassy§ion=middleeast&col=

(Afghanistan) 10 Taliban killed in Afghanistan clashes - in eastern Afghanistan

(Afghanistan) Operation to rescue Koreans begins: Afghan official;_ylt=AsxIa.cAnrOf_5yfaVWdZiDOVooA

(Afghanistan) Remaining Korean hostages alive: Afghan official;_ylt=AksOwfrUEspu7OYb8FKE_S3OVooA

(Afghanistan) Another Afghan hostage deadline passes;_ylt=Aq5lZBnNtUpnUWHaCRrKPH_OVooA

(Afghanistan) Four kidnapped Afghan court officials found killed;_ylt=AvRGPRTAmMHVpxBGsB75fljOVooA

(Afghanistan) Video aired of German held hostage by Taliban

(Pakistan) Body of kidnapped Pakistani soldier found§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Pakistan) Al-Qaeda operative praises Red Mosque 'martyrs';_ylt=Amb5.TW98Mza6gJdwjgWGWcwuecA

(Pakistan) Topple Musharraf, a Qaeda leader tells Pakistanis;_ylt=AjpDzHrar2F65MH8TvDafqQwuecA

(Pakistan) Public support for Musharraf plummets as Pakistan heads toward elections

(Pakistan) Islamists want NWFP Pakistan province renamed "Afghania";_ylt=ArGxgbCzwsDbeYNGAAGtBMbzPukA

(Pakistan) US VP states that USA may not go into Pakistan after Al- Qaeda

(Pakistan) US not expecting Pak to allow entry of its forces

(USA) Padilla lawyers: No defense witnesses;_ylt=As0HeTcmUT61QIDMABjkSGMwuecA

(USA) Imams not suing flight passengers

(USA) White House Eyes Bomb Resistant Vehicles

(Indian Kashmir) Top Hizbul Mujahideen commander killed in J&K

(Indian Kashmir) Ten dead as Indian army claims to foil Kashmir infiltration bid;_ylt=ArZURHd5CwtzcT85u_3kvldA7AkB

(Indian Kashmir) Kashmir rebels blamed for tourist attacks;_ylt=AgJEOGSYf5SbN_ECqpOf7K01NXcA

(Indian Kashmir) 2 ultras killed, 4 arrested with arms and ammunition

Bangladesh militants charged over attack on British envoy - four charged with 2004 attack on Britishambassador left 3 dead, many injured;_ylt=AnwzorRBJ9uwUH67hhhtaRlTQMQA

(India) Maoists blow up railway stations in eastern India§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Thailand) Thai police say 5 suspected Muslim insurgents killed in gunbattle in restive south

(Thailand) 3 killed, 12 wounded in southern unrest - including bombings at a petrol station, outsidea local temple and at a hotel

(Thailand) Narathiwat rocked by six bomb attacks

(Somalia) Gunbattles, attacks in Somalia kill 13;_ylt=Aj5XsWtTo7bKHPZCapi8RkWQLIUD

Algeria: Surrender of al-Qaeda leader -- Al-Qaeda in the Mahgreb's purported second in command,Abdel Qader Bin Masud - known as Musab Abu Dawd

Italy: North African jihadists pose 'biggest' terror threat

(Lebanon) Sniper kills Lebanese soldier at camp,23599,22174618-23109,00.html

(Lebanon) Ongoing camp battle mars Lebanese Army Day;_ylt=ApgSQxppeigm04fey396mXvagGIB

Hamas says invited to Moscow despite ties downgrade;_ylt=AtaFe97EIB4lKL5CVY6BYSN_5GIA

Israeli troops kill two Palestinian militants in northern Gaza, officials say

Jordan Islamists threaten legislative election boycott;_ylt=AmWSaPjraxUmwLhFV5gRYEVYU.0A

Syria's Assad repeats call for return of Golan Heights from Israel;_ylt=AgQKqrKVvwcrZ1QGE3SMtSnuyucA

Iranian journalists face death for 'links to hostile groups';_ylt=ArlfJ.yQUSZne3kG7aaAj_BSw60A

(Iran) Report: "Iran ayatollah death opens way for moderates"

Sudan 'will support Darfur force'

(Kazakhstan) 30 alleged members of banned radical Islamic group Hizb-ut-Tahrir go on trial inKazakhstan

(UK Car Bombs Plot) Haneef 'must have' met al-Qaeda -- Indian police file on Mohamed Haneef completed after his arrest in Australia says Dr. Mohammed Haneef has alleged links to al-Qaeda,23599,22174426-29277,00.html

(UK Car Bombs Plot) Freed terror suspect Mohamed Haneef was warned by his brother last month(my title),25197,22169538-601,00.html

(UK Car Bombs Plot) Haneef files affidavit, seeks chat transcript

(UK Car Bombs Plot) Haneef could still face charges: Australian police

(UK) Britain's top anti-terror officer to be rapped for de Menezes shooting

(Libya) Lockerbie bomber case key to medics deal: Kadhafi son

Australia may allow secret searches

(Australia) Sydney installs terror loudspeakers;_ylt=AsUeugCJCicqqxrsnMYDxHcTv5UB

Cambodian men charged with terrorism in failed bomb plot

(Sri Lanka) Fighting between troops and rebels kills 6 in volatile northeast

(North Korea) US officials upbeat on NKorea talks;_ylt=Ap1xVLvRssEbJpWWzMZxr..CscEA

Colombian on trek to free kidnapped son;_ylt=Aim2YI.25bu1Tq6kjS0M8Wywv7kA

Other News:

(USA - San Diego) Islamic prayers finally dropped -- Elementary made accommodations as Arabic charter students arrived

Commentary: Flushed Korans and Protected Victims

UK - Islam Channel biased

Norway: Muslim cemetery only for city residents

(USA) CAIR Leader vs. Christopher Hitchens and Dennis Prager

(Germany) Neo-Nazi shoppers attracted to pink Hundertwasser building

German town closes shutters on neo-Nazi demo

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