Friday, July 27, 2007

TERROR NEWS - July 27th

(Pakistan) 13 dead, 71 wounded in blast near Islamabad's Red Mosque

(Pakistan) Balochistan official 'is killed' - Most senior official killed in province since insurgency began

(Iraq) U.S. says kills 17 militiamen in Iraq clashes (updated) - US & Iraq forces pursued Mehdi Army cmndr, came under fire - U.S. captures Iraqi militant leader;_ylt=AoD5tJ0obsAfZ69Uxa8tHlCs0NUE

(Afghanistan) Korean hostages alive in Afghanistan, say Taliban (updated);_ylt=AjG8S_HsZaBPnNNlvUoDBjys0NUE

(Holy Land Foundation) NewsweeK: Charity or Terror?

(Palestinian Territories) New PA platform omits 'armed struggle' - New program includes peace agreement with pre-1967 borders

(Somalia) Is Somalia a Proxy War Between Ethiopia and Eritrea?

(Iraq) Nine killed in Mehdi Army clashes in Iraq's Kerbala;_ylt=Aq99bJiOmN9WXxRlMzL5sdFX6GMA

(Iraq) Two killed, two wounded in Kirkuk bombings

(Iraq) Roadside bomb kills U.S. soldier in restive Diyala province, military says

(Iraq/Saudi Arabia) U.S. officials voice frustrations with Saudis, citing role in Iraq

(Iraq/Iran) U.S.: Iranian Training Responsible for 'Significant Improvement' in Iraqi Insurgents Aim With Mortars,2933,290866,00.html

(Iraq) Casualty toll of Thursday's Kirkuk bombing at 56

(Afghanistan) Taliban negotiate for Korean hostages;_ylt=AoyQjHvldl1F9RO1NI6zZkbOVooA

(Afghanistan) Dozens of Afghan civilians die in air raids: residents;_ylt=AhSvcsn9jJJS1ShMEee2Eu_OVooA

(Pakistan) Islamists retake Pakistan mosque, paint walls red;_ylt=AheTkBtomP0nCk03mh3kAMHzPukA

(Pakistan) Violent Protest mars Friday prayer at Islamabad's Lal Mosque

(Pakistan) 51 students of Lal Masjid released\07\27\story_27-7-2007_pg7_21

(Pakistan) Islamabad courts bombing mastermind identified\07\27\story_27-7-2007_pg7_25

Pakistan's Musharraf rules out US strikes;_ylt=ApJRTyoz4jFBCrz1W7Jn00_zPukA

(U.S.) Strikes in Pakistan still an option, officials say\07\27\story_27-7-2007_pg7_1

(Pakistan) U.S. Congress ties Pakistan aid to terrorism progress;_ylt=AlsZ1wdroWPzcIet59Wen8DzPukA

(UK, Pakistan) Terrorism suspects living in England: UK will take action given proof by Pakistan: Miliband\07\27\story_27-7-2007_pg7_4

(UK) Foreign Secretary Miliband appeals to Pakistani young people

(UK) Foreign Secretary Miliband in Taliban policy split with US -- seeks diplomatic, political approach to Taliban in tribal areas

(UK) Charges dropped against Dr. Mohammed Haneef after terror case bungles

(UK) Terrorism: Court hearing for London and Glasgow attacks suspect - Dr. Mohammed Jamil Asha

(UK) Terrorist threat to airport passengers

(UK) I pray for 7/7 bomber, my husband

(UK) Commentary: Lawyers sap our will to combat terrorism

(India) 1 more death penalty in 1993 Mumbai blasts;_ylt=ArMbq_JwleBfEL4oQM0MgLsTv5UB

(Somalia) Blasts kill 5 in Somali capital;_ylt=AhcBWe1K1ywnj9ruSk3pCUeQLIUD

(U.S.) Buried Videos Surface in Holy Land Foundation Trial

U.S. Senate approves anti-terror bill

US study portrays Guantanamo inmates as threat;_ylt=AkoV39RoW6zxUJMsrPTRsHYwuecA

(U.S.) Al Qaeda seen in search of nukes -- US undersecretary of defense for intelligence testified that Al Qaeda terrorists are seeking nuclear and other unconventional arms for the strikes

U.S. Air Force Prepares for War in Cyberspace

(Saudi Arabia) 'Holy warrior' turns against the cause

Lebanese troops fight Islamists 'at close quarters';_ylt=AqPqz9qXXcDk6woDGErdi4_agGIB

(Lebanon) Two Lebanese soldiers die in camp battle overnight;_ylt=ApdbtBShQCiFfUhtnxM9fMnagGIB

Israelis wounded in overnight shelling of Sderot

Israeli forces withdraw from Fakhari after one-day incursion

(Palestinian Territories) Report: Terror group vows to obtain U.S. weaponry

(Syria) Report: Hundreds of Syrian missiles poised for possible first strike against Israel

Philippines: Talks avert threat of guerilla conflict

Colombia's rebels blamed for land mines;_ylt=Ahb4a7wzL.EOrHg_dknQpO2wv7kA

Sri Lanka war planes bomb Tiger territory;_ylt=AsL9CKP.usT5VdYpXEDmUv0tM8oA

(North Korea) IAEA team en route to N. Korea;_ylt=AmhwXEZ4iivksRM.vNwuFACCscEA

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