Saturday, July 28, 2007


(Iraq) Car bomb hits Shiite area in Baghdad - killing 4, wounding 10;_ylt=Am9GQNzoaeN0PH.y4RKigJpX6GMA

(Iraq) Sniper kills Iraqi journalist in Baghdad

(Iraq) US army detains 16 suspected Al-Qaeda terrorists

(Iraq) U.S. widens push to use armed Iraqi residents

(Iraq/Iran) Iran-arms importers captured in Iraq

(Iraq/Turkey) Kurdish rebels deny reports that four leaders killed inIraq;_ylt=Ahl1sb_hM5s5qtGgwAE3HjTtfLkA

Iraqi officials raise death toll in Thursday bombing in Baghdad to 61killed

Iraqi leader tells Bush: Get Gen Petraeus out

Stepping Up Hunt for Osama Bin Laden, Taliban and Al Qaeda Hideouts -U.S. Air Force plans to deliver its newest and deadliest unmannedaircraft, the Reaper, to the theater of operations in Afghanistan

(Afghanistan) Afghan clashes kill three NATO soldiers;_ylt=AkZS7CIt2eZpfuI4iIoSeE3OVooA

(Afghanistan) Afghans say may use force if hostage talks fail;_ylt=Avfzs8oEi6CsxwhwjnOrazDOVooA

(Afghanistan) Former Taliban joins talks for hostages;_ylt=Am1Juht5djpBqAypc99W73rOVooA

(Afghanistan) Taliban says some Korean hostages sick§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Afghanistan) 50 Taliban and 28 civilians killed in Afghan clashes —officials said on Friday\07\28\story_28-7-2007_pg7_1

(Pakistan) Unknown gunmen kill 2 policemen, wound one in Pakistan

(Pakistan) Six terrorists arrested — three were arrested in Peshawar for NwFP bomb blasts and three for bombing attack on Matta policestation\07\28\story_28-7-2007_pg7_6

Pakistan suicide bomb wave warning — authorities warned more suicide bombers were stalking Islamabad

(Pakistan) Recurring suicide bomb nightmare haunts Pakistan;_ylt=ArA5jYKiVvjRxVAoNIb1qwfzPukA

(Pakistan) Update: Eight police personnel among 15 persons killed in Islamabad suicide bombing

(Pakistan) Red Mosque closed indefinitely after attack§ion=subcontinent&col=

Pakistan tightens security after mosque suicide blast;_ylt=As_aZsUJxzqv_UB_McUeZ17zPukA

Pakistan blast investigation begins;_ylt=AnydgFcBWAcxq1Xdoa2Vw4fzPukA

(Pakistan Red Mosque) Seminary students thrashed and kickedJamat-e-Islami (JI) leaders (my title) — shouting “You better go to London andhold your meetings”\07\28\story_28-7-2007_pg1_2

(Pakistan) Lal Masjid tense after angry students attack media

Pakistan had bomb intelligence - about possible suicide bombing before Red Mosque bombing

(Pakistan) US, Pakistan differ on terrorist sanctuaries\07\28\story_28-7-2007_pg1_6

(Pakistan) Report: Musharraf and Bhutto in power-sharing talks

(Indian Kashmir) Five Islamic rebels shot dead in Indian Kashmir;_ylt=Ags0J6esdNaUpGLUvdNAvodA7AkB

(Indian Kashmir) IED defused in Baramulla district in J&K

(Indian Kashmir) Militants demand non-Kashmiri workers leave IndianKashmir

(India) Six Maoists arrested in Chhattisgarh

(India) Three ULFA militants arrested in Assam

(USA) NYC airports to get anti-terror barriers

(USA) House Approves 9/11 Security Recommendations Bill,2933,291244,00.html

(USA/Saudi Arabia) Report: Bush sets $20b Saudi arms deal

(USA) Another Washington Post Editorial provides Hizbollah supporterMuhammad Hussein Fadlallah on Jihad

(USA) Man Admits Abortion Clinic Bomb Attempt

(UK Car Bombs Plot) Indian doctor Mohammed Haneef leaves Australia -goes to India,23599,22150053-29277,00.html

(UK Car Bombs Plot) Australia drops charges against doctor arrested over terror plot

(UK) British students jailed for terrorism plans - updated and moredetailed report of 5 British students jailed for Jihad: Akbar Butt, UsmanMalik, Aitzaz Zafar, Awaab Iqbal, and Mohammed Irfan Raja

Related graphic of British Jihadist Mohammed Irfan Raja note

(UK) Sleeper terrorist had al-Qaida links — Anti-terror police believeOmar Altimimi, jailed for 9 years, had links with internationalterrorist and al Qaida

(UK) Muslim-only jail could be built to protect the terrorists;

(UK) Bomber’s prison cell set on fire in Britain — 7/21/2005 BombPlotter Hussain Osman

U.K. official jailed for terrorism leak - Scotland Yard’scounterterrorism section’s Thomas Lund-Lack disclosed secret intelligence reportthat led to April 22 Sunday London Times - which warned that al-Qaidaleaders in Iraq were planning mass-casualty strikes against the West;_ylt=A0WTcUy0f6pGcPEAvBFvaA8F

Bosnia: High Representative demands expulsion of Islamic radicals —including Abu Hamza

Algerian military kills 22 Al-Qaeda militants

(Somalia) Eritrea denies being main arms supplier to Somali rebels;_ylt=AjwX2VUCa2AshOOs5tdgukCQLIUD

(Lebanon) Cautious calm prevails over Nahr Al-Bared, clashes sporadic

(Lebanon) France warns of violence if Lebanese crisis not solved

(Israel) Two Al-Qassam missiles fired on Israel

(Israel) Unconfirmed report: One of two captive soldiers has died —held captive by Hizbullah

(Israel) Palestinians open fire at IDF soldiers in Jenin

Israel to allow Palestinians in Egypt into Gaza Strip

Hamas-run Gaza government starts paying salaries of thousands of civilservants

Hamas supporter killed on Palestinian campus

U.S.-backed Fatah admits infiltration by Hamas

Debate in Salafi Islam over Jihad Against ‘Heretical’ Arab Regimes —however, Jihad against western forces OK

(Thailand) Insurgents shoot petrol station owner

(Thailand) Insurgents kill ex-MP, wound villager

(Thailand) Thai security forces accused of beating suspected Muslim insurgent to death - suspected in execution-style slaughter of eightBuddhists

(Iran) US Treasury’s Levey says Iran sanctions bearing fruit;_ylt=AqTdsldcFzIbbPAJolhYXpRSw60A

(France/Libya) Critics attack France for ‘irresponsible’ Libya nucleardeal

Colombian rebels break off peace talks

Philippines: Talks avert threat of guerilla conflict

(Sri Lanka) 15 killed in fighting in Sri Lanka;_ylt=Alik61emfiPYPueFLebx3pwtM8oA

(Sri Lanka) Six LTTE cadres killed in separate incidents

(North Korea) UN nuclear team arrives in North Korea;_ylt=AskWjOW.QqAbJziY4EWfFWuCscEA

Other News:

Commentary: ‘Islam America’s ‘Greatest Strength’?’

(Afghanistan) Two American soldiers convert to Islam, marry inAfghanistan
Denmark: Asylum seeker with two wives

Netherlands: Muslim women and health care

Netherlands: Health care not a problem with Muslim women

(Bulgaria) Freed doctor: Upset at the Muslim world

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