Thursday, July 26, 2007


U.S. man gets 15 years for attending militant camp -
Mahmud Faruq Brent attended LeT camp in Pakistan -
see April 2 CTB post on case

(U.S.) FBI: Suspicious items not linked to terror -
No known connection between suspicious airline bags' owners and terrorists - original story

U.S. Tracks Saudi Bank Favored by Extremists -
Islamic extremists use Saudi Al Rajhi Bank to move money (updated link)

(U.S.) Sudan ordered to pay $8 million to Cole victims' families

(U.S.) Producer of 9/11 Conspiracy Film 'Loose Change' Arrested for Deserting the Army

(Iraq) Baghdad car bomb kills 25, wounds 115: police (updated) Bodies still buried - 3 buildings destroyed - fourth bombing in Shi'ite Karrada this week

(Iraq) Khalis tribal leaders sign peace agreement - 75 tribal leaders unite to defeat terrorists

(Iraq) US-led forces net 36 alleged Qaeda militants in Iraq and Insurgents kill 10 Iraqi soldiers, police

(Iraq) More accurate Green Zone attacks aided by Iran - U.S. - Iran's training helping terrorists hit Green Zone

(Iraq) Bombs mar Baghdad soccer celebrations, kill 50

(Iraq) Six killed in joint U.S.-Iraqi raid on suspected militia hideouts

(Afghanistan) Inidentified gunmen kill former Taliban commander Mullah Naimatullah Noorzai in Chaman

(Afghanistan) US-led forces kill more than 60 Taliban suspects

(Afghanistan) Taleban releases eight SKoreans, 1 killed
but see Afghan govt, Taliban say no SKoreans freed

(Pakistan) Bring 'em on: Militants in Pakistan await US - Syed Saleem Shahzad on terrorists' desire to face US & NATO forces in Waziristan

Pakistani Islamic group's presence in Central Asia - Tablighi Jamaat most active group proselytizing in Central Asia

(Pakistan) Experts question U.S. strategy in Pakistan

(Pakistan) U.S. says Qaeda safe haven may be inaccessible

(Indian Kashmir) Three killed in Kashmir gun battle

(Bangladesh) Ex-Bangladeshi minister sentenced to 31 years in prison for aiding Islamic militancy and Justice delivered - Victim of torture by terrorists discusses victory in case

Algeria: 'Women and children among militants' staked out by army - Terrorists using women, children to prevent attacks

(Lebanon) Reporter's Notebook: A Dark Cloud Over Lebanon - "civil or even regional war could be on the horizon"

(Lebanon) French deminer with UN peacekeepers killed in south Lebanon explosion

Lebanese army fights militants in streets of camp

(West Bank & Gaza) Abbas security chief resigns, Israel kills 5 and Five dead, six wounded in IAF airstrikes in the Gaza Strip

(Palestinian Territories) 'US wants Israeli-Palestinian deal within year' - Palestinian Pres. Abbas in interview

Hamas uses charity for 'terror,' US court told - see July 25 post on Matthew Levitt's testimony in Holy Land case

Hamas leader claims UK has widened links

(Syria) Blast at military complex kills 15 Syrian soldiers

(UK) Extremist students are sentenced - 5 Muslim youths sentenced for planning to train in Pakistan

UK Toughens Money Laundering Regulations - Strict tests for money service businesses & extra checks on high-risk customers

(Germany) Accused terrorist faces trial in Germany - "Redouane E.H." allegedly made 4 money transfers for al Qaeda in Iraq

French police arrest ETA suspects - Suspected ETA logistics chief and 2 accomplices

(Spain) ETA sets off 2 blasts at Tour; no one hurt (updated) - Spanish section hit - call claimed to be ETA, no injuries

(Iran) US funds criticise Shell for Iran activities - Some of largest public pension funds in the US emphasized risks of business in Iran

Philippines: Army humiliated by Basilan beheadings says expert

Somalia: Islamist leader rebuffs joining the country's peace talks - see Douglas Farah's July 26 post - and UN: Eritrea arming Somalia insurgents

(Somalia) Civilians, Ethiopian soldiers killed in Somalia blast - At least five killed in Mogadishu

(Kazakhstan) Trial of suspected terrorists to begin in Kazakhstan on July 30 - 10 suspected masterminds of terrorist acts

(Tunisia) At least 22 jailed members of outlawed Islamist group freed in Tunisia

(Thailand) Two hurt in Pattani bombing; Indonesian shares peace process

Australia terror suspect case reviewed - Australia's chief prosecutor reviewing Haneef evidence

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