Sunday, July 22, 2007


(USA) National Intel Director Worried About Terror Sleeper Cells in U.S. --Believes Small Numbers of al Qaeda Operatives Are in This Country Raising Funds

(Pakistan) Bin Laden hiding in Pakistan, say US intelligence

(Pakistan) Homeland Security Adviser Leaves Force on Table to Deal With Al Qaeda in Pakistan,2933,290301,00.html

Transcript: Fran Townsend Interview,2933,290309,00.html

(Pakistan) Twenty pro-Taliban militants killed, seven captured in Pak - update

(Afghanistan) More than 20 Taliban killed in Afghan clash: US coalition -- in troubled Helmandprovince;_ylt=Aj9oA6jwKAYsm1KN4MDoq9vOVooA

(Afghanistan) Deadline extended for 23 South Korean hostages;_ylt=ApsgM1aMQlScaRkdN5i6ABvOVooA

United Kingdom Terror Investigations Update - week ending July 22

(Iraq) U.S.: Smugglers nabbed in Iraq may have links to Iran - update

Italy "terror school'' imam had bomb chemicals - police -- update

(Turkey) Erdogan's Islamist-rooted party coasts to re-election

Hizbullah: We can strike anywhere in Israel

(Algeria) Militant ambush leaves Algerian soldier dead

(Lebanon) Nahr al-Bared refugees yearn to return home, rebuild

(UK) 4,000 in UK trained at terror camps

(Iraq) Blast near Baghdad kills 5 Sunni leaders: police;_ylt=Aq7awINXXcirBsb923HQqBBX6GMA

(Iraq) Eight police officers killed in Iraq

(Iraq) Chinese missiles smuggled through Iran into Iraq: US;_ylt=AqLR9nC88wh.ku57gkCbXF5X6GMA

(Iraq) Suspected weapons smugglers held in Iraq;_ylt=AuYUuT9NN1t5XxlNotLBZbhX6GMA

(Iraq) Two Iraqis linked to Iran nabbed -- US Army

(Iraq) Report: Al Qaeda in Iraq gaining in power, wealth -- group's mentors in Pakistan now want touse its resources for attacks on the United States

(Iraq) US General seeks troop cut in northern Iraq;_ylt=AhkMCMvZ1NpWexY4TQdwutBX6GMA

(Afghanistan) Taliban threaten to kill South Korean Christian missionaries if army moves in;_ylt=AlaGgdGXxNuUDja.R7pQrbXOVooA

(Afghanistan) Army 'surrounds Taliban captors'

(Afghanistan) Body of German aid worker recovered in Afghanistan;_ylt=AmPGoSLVCsUfpOrAclY9tWzOVooA
Afghanistan asks elders to help in hostage release;_ylt=Akomjg90tTL1mb2LalXDp._OVooA

(Afghanistan) Al-Qaida Video Says Attack Called Off -- on a U.S. military convoy to save the lives ofinnocent Muslim civilians,,-6796711,00.html

Pakistan kills 19 militants in North Waziristan;_ylt=Ao5d9nmqzrI2fgdM_CGC.g7zPukA

(Pakistan) Militants seek withdrawal of Pakistani forces prior to peace talks§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Pakistan) Govt asked to "accommodate" new Taliban proposals -- if it wants to keep the NorthWaziristan truce intact\07\22\story_22-7-2007_pg7_7

(Pakistan) Al-Qaeda safe haven in Pakistan 'troubling': Bush'troubling'%3a+Bush

(Pakistan) "รข€˜Osama's whereabouts known to many"\07\22\story_22-7-2007_pg7_24

(Indian Kashmir) 15 hurt in grenade attack on Hindu pilgrims in Kashmir - update;_ylt=AtKUTrJRf7uk12qbNDyA40c1NXcA

(Indian Kashmir) Civilian killed in Jammu and Kashmir

(India Assam) Two Dima Halam Daogah militants killed in internecine clash in Assam

(Lebanon) Militants kill 2 Lebanese troops in camp fighting;_ylt=AmfUtIFBg58K_NDDSni.2QEwuecA

(Lebanon) Israeli officials: Hezbollah moving rockets inside south Lebanon villages

(Palestinian Islamic Jihad) Two Gaza militants killed in Israeli airstrike: witnesses

Hamas says two gunmen killed by Israeli troops in northern Gaza

(Gaza) Bodies of three women bearing torture marks found in Gaza§ion=middleeast&col=

(Israel) Kassam rocket hits Sderot; 1 person lightly hurt

(Thailand) Bomb blast injures 6, school torched in restive southern

Egypt: 21 Muslim Brotherhood members arrested

(Somalia) 4 civilians killed in 2 separate attacks in Somali capital

(Somalia) One killed, nine wounded in Mogadishu attacks;_ylt=AtWwGReu5hdYqTekyhCxsZ2QLIUD

Newsweek: Al-Qaida having a family feud?

Internet Imams: Inside the Cyber-Jihad

Point, click, terror? Google Orkut "has no obligation to" remove objectionable Jihadist material

German security chiefs: terrorist threat on rise

(UK) Now ambulance crews get 'dirty bomb' monitors

(UK Car Bombs) Australia to deport Indian doctor held over British bomb plot

(UK Car Bombs) Lawyer for Dr. Mohammed Haneef slams report on UK terror suspect;_ylt=Ah0Fgm9VhKnnqJleBgSWZ5kTv5UB

(UK/Australia) Australia denies new claims against Dr. Mohammed Haneef

(UK/Australia) Dr. Mohammed Haneef plot probed -- Australian Federal Police are investigatingwhether Mohamed Haneef was part of a conspiracy to launch a terror attack in Australia,21985,22112165-661,00.html

(UK/Australia) Dr. Mohammed Haneef's Lawyer: 'Claims Haneef planned attack are wrong',23599,22114506-29277,00.html

(UK/Australia) Terror case 'botched' by Australians

(UK) Bomb plotter Dhiren Barot back in British cell after hospital care: police;_ylt=Apgi_kw4caiYiHooaOecr.0Tv5UB

(UK) Preach in English, Muslim peer tells imams - MP states that the MCB was "hindering the fight against terrorism"

(Ireland) Policeman shot in Northern Ireland

(USA) White House approves resumption of severe interrogation of terrorism suspects - allowssome additional techniques at secret overseas prisons only

(Turkey) Islamist party set to win majority in Turkey;_ylt=AiSPAAMBvHvd2ColXsHINL7tfLkA

(Turkey) AP Interview: Kurdish guerrilla leader says defeat awaits Turkey's military in Iraq

(Denmark) Acquitted terror suspect to be retried - suspect linked to convicted Bosnian Swede

Philippine Muslim rebels say prepared for war;_ylt=AqzcICOUoRZhhXv_2B7JQadUKYUA

Philippines: Communist guerrillas kill pro-government fighter

(Iran) U.S. embassy says not expecting new Iran talks Monday;_ylt=AilbnSGe.gosbciO8TbGFhlX6GMA

(Iran) 'Mullah meetings'

Iran denies US-Iranians coerced into talking;_ylt=AseweLHfLbXc01IBq7G7t_dSw60A

Iran says "confessions" unveil U.S. plot;_ylt=AnPcFd.Oo_lgKllp0ScxyUxSw60A

Iran: No secret arms deal with Syria;_ylt=ApBODRCcSiJ35Q285Dqf1yxSw60A

(Sri Lanka) Bomb found at rally attended by Sri Lanka President§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Columbia) US bending rules on Colombia terror?,0,186594.story?coll=la-home-center

Commentary: A Talk With a Suicide Bomber;_ylt=Akp1vSI.qgkE_lrt

Propaganda Alert:
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Kamran Memon "Sunday Forum: Muslim discontent"

Post-Gazette fails to mention that Kamran Memon is on the Chicago Board of Directors of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

CAIR is unindicted co-conspirator in terror funding case

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