Monday, July 23, 2007

TERROR NEWS - July 23rd

(Afghanistan) Two NATO troops, 60 Taliban killed in Afghanistan (updated)

(Afghanistan) 6 NATO troops killed in Afghanistan;_ylt=Ar6oONMolg77HoewS6v83iys0NUE

(Afghanistan) Taliban extends hostage deadline

Pakistani forces kill 35 militants in Waziristan (updated)

(Pakistan) Red Mosque to reopen for Friday prayers;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHZkMjZyBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=12pn1ekk1/EXP=1185298092/**http%3a//

Iraqi Qaeda group denies "fictitious leader" claim - Islamic State of Iraq denies U.S. claim about"Omar al-Baghdadi"

(Iraq) Safety of Top Iraq Cleric Questioned - Ayatollah al-Sistani's close aide killed in Najafcompound

(Iraq) Five killed in minivan suicide bombing,23599,22117905-38201,00.html

(Israel) IDF discovers explosive device near Gaza fence

Israel inches closer to talks with Abbas on core issues;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHZkMjZyBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=14bej32d6/EXP=1185298366/**http%3a//

Palestinian gunmen storm Fatah offices in Gaza

Hezbollah says didn't confirm Israeli captives alive

Syria threatened to fight in Lebanon war-Hezbollah

(North Africa) Al-Qaida in North Africa threatens of new attacks in Internet statement -- Plans violentcampaign against "infidels" & government forces

Turkey vote: AKP win 'a victory for Islam' says Hamas

Tajikistan Detains Seven IMU Suspects - Suspected members of banned Islamic Movement ofUzbekistan detained

(USA) Improving emergency communication on hold

(USA - New Jersey) Webmaster of Islamist Forum Hosted by ISP in New Jersey Explains How Terrorist Attacks Advance Islamic Cause - MEMRI transcript

US regulator suspends listing firms active in 'terrorist' - included companies like HSBC Holdings,Unilever PLC, BP PLC, Siemens, Deutsche Bank, Total, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, BakerHughes, Marathon Oil and Mastercard.

Somalia: Ethiopian Troops Raid a Hospital And Apprehend Suspected Insurgents

(Somalia) Violence Kills Three Soldiers, Four Civilians in Somali Capital

Sri Lanka Tigers run multi-million dollar empire-report

Nepal Maoists threaten to quit government

Commentary: What is Missing in the Current Debate on Islam

(Iraq) 23 killed in Iraq bombings, shootings;_ylt=Apimw5BkjoGX0cBSKmLNhUNX6GMA

(Iraq) Parked car bombs strike Shiite area in Baghdad, killing at least 12, police say

(Iraq) Al-Qaeda faces rebellion from the ranks -- Sickened by the group's barbarity, Iraqi insurgentsare giving information to coalition forces,2933,290332,00.html

(Iraq) 18 gunmen killed, 62 arrested in Baquba operations

(Iraq) US army kills, arrests militants in Anbar

Iraqi tribes reach security accord - Anbar province

(Iraq) US confirms talks with Iran in Baghdad

(Iraq) US soldier killed in Baghdad road bomb - on Saturday

(Afghanistan) US: 50 Taliban killed in Afghanistan;_ylt=AnMxVt.DZdLco.5qV1RkR2jOVooA

(Afghanistan) Taliban raises demands for 23 Koreans;_ylt=AoKRyk8qtVvJON9qUo8kGW7OVooA

(Afghanistan) Taliban Abductors said to have shot German hostage in Afghanistan

(Pakistan) Roadside bomb, rocket attacks wound 7 soldiers in northwestern Pakistan

(Pakistan) Militants vow 'gift of death' for Pakistani troops;_ylt=ArCaUp6xiDOz_aqScoZYMK3OVooA

(Pakistan) US angers Pakistan over Al-Qaeda claims;_ylt=Aqi65nbt8h9T487h103qJ2nzPukA

(Pakistan) Pro-Taliban leader warns against US military incursion in Pakistan

(Pakistan) Taliban want check-posts abolished before talks\07\23\story_23-7-2007_pg7_3

(Pakistan) Mutilated body, weapons found in Jamia Hafsa kitchen\07\23\story_23-7-2007_pg7_15

(Pakistan) Lal Masjid: Girls Jamia Hafsa madrassa to be demolished -- Jamia Hafsa source ofJihadist recruiting also

(Pakistan) Insurgents blow up railway line in Balochistan

(Pakistan) Giuliani advocates tougher US action in Pakistan\07\23\story_23-7-2007_pg7_2

(Indian Kashmir) Lashkar-e-Toiba cadre and a surrendered militant killed in Jammu and Kashmir

(India Assam) One ULFA militant killed in Assam

(India) Maoist 'deputy commander' killed in Andhra Pradesh

(USA - Holy Land Trial) Islamic charity's terror trial starts soon -- opening arguments scheduled forTuesday,1,3430059.story?coll=la-headlines-nation&track=crosspromo

(USA - Phoenix) Serious Security Questions at Sky Harbor Airport

(Canada) VisionTV gives Islamic radical more air time - Dr. Ahmed leads Tanzeem-e Islamiorganization

(Lebanon) 3 Lebanese soldiers killed fighting Islamic militants - update,7340,L-3428871,00.html

Syrian court jails 2 for Islamic party membership

(Jordan) Tony Blair begins peace envoy work in Jordan

(Russia) Chechen gunmen wound five Russian soldiers

Italy: Fourth Islamist suspect sought

(Turkey) Analysis: Islamist victory may shift balance of power

(Denmark) Abdol Hamid: Support for Iraqi insurgents

Spain police, once focused on ETA, now watch mosques

Somalia: Renewed violence in Mogadishu forces more to flee

Algerian forces capture two terrorists, forces surrender of five others

Iran Determined to Continue Nuclear Program Despite International Pressures

(Thailand) Muslim man killed in drive-by shooting

Philippine troops surround Muslim separatist rebel camp

(Philippines) 4 killed as Philippine troops clash with communist rebels

(UK Car Bombs Plot) Daniel Pearl execution video on Dr Kafeel Ahmed's disk

(Australia/UK) Australian Federal Police (AFP) denies writing in Dr. Mohammed Haneef's diary - UKCar Bombs terror suspect,23599,22119263-29277,00.html

Sri Lanka Tamil Tigers say 5 rebels killed in clash§ion=subcontinent&col=

Other News:

(South Korea) Is Missionary Work Safe in Islamic World?

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