Saturday, July 21, 2007

TERROR NEWS - July 21st

Italian police hold 3 Moroccan terrorism suspects - seeking 4th Moroccan terror suspect - materials seized included instructions on how to fly a Boeing 747,22884,22111775-5007063,00.html

Italy: Group used mosque as terror camp;_ylt=Ar2Ie50qpQeqQlzN51PIbNsTv5UB

(Afghanistan) Taliban Claims to Have Killed Two German Hostages - threatens to kill South Koreanhostages if South Korea does not withdraw its 200 troops in Afghanistan,2933,290260,00.html

(Afghanistan) South Korea in contact with Taliban to win freedom of its kidnapped nationals

(Afghanistan) South Korea troops to pull out of Afghanistan on schedule;_ylt=Aro8PvfZOcAcf4JRZiKVAP7OVooA

(Iraq) US: Six militants killed in air strike in Shiite stronghold in northeastern Baghdad

(Iraq) 18 held in raid on Baghdad Sunni mosque complex - linked to Al Qaeda

(Iraq) Roadside bomb kills US soldier in Iraq

(Iraq) Minibus bombing kills five in Baghdad;_ylt=AkhzGm.W_hTZoI3VEnA3Na5X6GMA

(Iraq) Senior Shiite cleric's aide killed in Iraq - in Najaf;_ylt=AnLgkp2loy6obtjpMHM4L.5X6GMA

Iraqi killed, terrorism suspect detained in northern Kirkuk

Iraqi army detains 46 near Iran border - 5 killed - near Diyala border;_ylt=AuzwXIjdMJBfAXLh6aT2JcBX6GMA

Iraq: al-Qaeda stages military parade in Diyala village

(Iraq) General Petraeus: "The enemy is extremism, we think..." (my title)

Turkey warns of possible Iraq incursion after elections;_ylt=AsvsuS5_QOQwU1LjXiVQX0pX6GMA

Algerian security forces kill eight suspected Islamic terrorists - in the vicinity of Yakouren - onSaturday

Algeria: Army 'arrests 65 militants linked to al-Qaeda' - update

Lebanese army shells last pockets of Islamists at camp;_ylt=AvJ_wi.uoGIhkla0owAON7HagGIB

(Pakistan) Manhunt launched for 7 Waziri suicide bombers\07\21\story_21-7-2007_pg7_39

(Pakistan) Jirga members escape rocket attack in Pakistani tribal agency

(Pakistan) Car Bomb defused outside Potter book launch site in Pakistan;_ylt=Au8k82FDZc_nhpggvrkqO4jzPukA

Pakistan objects to US strikes,23599,22109325-23109,00.html

(Pakistan) Unrest in Pakistan Threatens Musharraf Government

(Indian Kashmir) Terrorists attack Amarnath pilgrims, 10 injured

(Indian Kashmir) Islamic Rebels Attack Hindus in Kashmir

(Indian Kashmir) Six explosions rock summer capital of Indian Kashmir

(Indian Kashmir) Kashmir separatists appeal for end to Pakistan violence;_ylt=AgvNbn.KlP4d5aDceVqRQZlA7AkB

(India) One arrested for threatening to blow up Parliament House

(India) Report: Al Qaeda indoctrinated over 1,000 engineers and doctors in Bangalore: Website.

Nigeria: One killed, 100 arrested in raids

Hamas replacing Gaza courts with legal committee, including Islamic law expert

(UK Car Bombs Plot) Australian Police admit details on reports of Haneef SIM card evidence wrong,23599,22109351-29277,00.html

(UK Car Bombs Plot) Dr. Mohammed Haneef could win freedom because of mistakes indepartmental briefing

(UK) British police release two Bristol terror suspects

(UK) Britain almost out of troops, memo reveals

(U.S.) SEC suspends "terrorist" watch list Web tool

(U.S.) Court tells U.S. to reveal data on Guantanamo

(U.S.) The Nuclear Loophole: U.S. Still at Risk - USA still at risk to terrorists who might try tosmuggle nuclear material into the country

(U.S.) Nuclear lab material employee tried to sell material to France (my title) - update

(U.S.) Chertoff defends cuts in LA anti-terror funds,0,7687339.story?coll=la-home-local

(Iran) Report: Iran to provide Syria with $1b for new weapons

Iran-Iraq: Iran to probe links with Kurdistan Islamists

(Iran) Report: Most Iranians oppose regime

(Denmark) 200 Iraqi employees secretly evacuated

(Russia) Attackers in violence-plagued southern Russia shoot dead top ethnic relations aide - weekof violence from tensions between Christian and Muslim communities

Philippines gives Muslim rebels ultimatum over deadly ambush;_ylt=AlfbFfu231zN7FN7Nn2L8CRUKYUA

(Thailand) Insurgents fell utility poles, block roads - 2 injured in drive-by shooting

(Australia) Case over 'vilifying' Islam settled - Pastors facing re-trial for quoting Quran now can'debate' beliefs

(Sri Lanka) Eleven killed in fighting across Sri Lanka's embattled regions;_ylt=AnjEGJf3MKnhHY2RzjlF8y4tM8oA

(Sri Lanka) LTTE mortar attack injures women in Norhern Sri Lanka

North Korea wants power-generating reactors for nukes;_ylt=Aj3ojPreVEpYVafXm1mDCAyCscEA

Other News:

(UK) Islamic Finance: Financial firms gear up to serve wealthy Muslims

(UK) Kuwaiti firm wants to set up Islamic bank in Britain

(UK) "Honour" gang laughed as victim suffered

(Netherland) Work permit in easier reach of imams

(Turkey) Women in headscarves challenge the status quo - The Islamic head covering and its rolein public life in Turkey provides the backdrop for SundayĆ¢€™s early elections

Propaganda Alert:

Islamist Apologist John Esposito Uses Washington Post to "teach" about Islam

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