Friday, July 20, 2007

TERROR NEWS - July 20th

Algerian troops kill 18 al-Qaeda militants nationwide - source

Afghanistan: NATO Sees 'Tribal' Nature To Taliban Insurgency

U.S. Intel Chief: Tall Buildings and Mass Casualties Top AQ's Hit List -- Chicago's Sears Tower andother iconic buildings in Seattle, Dallas and Los Angeles still top al Qaeda's target list in the U.S

(USA) Texas: U.S. citizen Daniel Maldonado gets 10 years in prison for receiving terrorist training alongside al-Qaida - in Somalia;_ylt=Ari4rL59BGlbzWKcup0x.pms0NUE

(USA) President Bush Signs Executive Order Barring Cruel, Inhumane Treatment of TerrorSuspects,2933,290180,00.html

(USA) Congressional representatives cut 'John Doe' provision from homeland security legislation- that would have protected the public from being sued for reporting suspicious behavior

(USA) Weapons export arrest made in New York - Tried to export F-14 parts, probably to Iran

(USA) Report: Feds Seize Rocket Launcher Found at a Home Near N.J.'s Newark LibertyInternational Airport,2933,290165,00.html

U.S. Islamic charities feel post 9/11 heat

Poll: Americans Are Mixed on U.S. Muslims

UN: al-Qaida, Taliban sanctions outdated

(Indian Kashmir) Top Hizb militant arrested in Jammu - Hizbul Mujahideen militant arrested andhawala money found

(India) Four persons, including two minors killed in Assam bomb blast

(China) Activist: members of Muslim minority group in China forced to surrender their passports

Moroccan Islamist denies plot to overthrow king

(Somalia) Renewed violence in Mogadishu sets thousands on the road once more - Two months ofreturns reversed

(Turkey) Washington's anti-PKK moves fall short for Turkey - Chances of Turkish strike into Iraqincreasing

(Iraq) Deady ambush at Karbala: Enemies in compound before attack? - Part 2 on Jan. 20 Karbalaattack, killing 5 U.S. soldiers -

Part 1 and graphic

(UK) 'Bristol terror hydrogen peroxide' is oil

(UK) Increase in Anti-Semitic Violence Troubles Jews in Britain,2933,290187,00.html

(UK) Video of Shiraz Maher Denouncing Hizb ut-Tahrir

(UK) 'Honour killing' family get life sentences

(UK) Court to rule in August on ETA suspects

(Canada) VisionTV defends airing 'jihad' lecture -- Muslims Urged To Take Up Fight Against 'TheEnemy'

Colombia 'drug baron' sent to US - Luis Hernando Gomez Bustamante ("Rasguno" or "Scratch")allegedly heads biggest cartel, Norte del Valle

Sri Lanka rebels forcing Tamils to join war effort - Tigers demand every family contribute at leastone member

Other News:

Islamic finance crown up for grabs -- London has been getting publicity in terms of it becoming a rival Islamic financial centre to the likes of the GCC countries, Southeast Asia and Pakistan

Iraq) US bombs bridge insurgents entry bridge to Baghdad

(Iraq) US, British soldiers killed in Iraq

(Iraq) Al-Qaeda safe havens in Iraq “significantly reduced”: general;_ylt=AoncDHo1TKaadno76GUX0Y4wuecA

(Iraq) General needs until November to assess Iraq;_ylt=AkHW4TmIt5fhWv3_PR4TOkxX6GMA

‘Iranian-linked militant’ among dozens captured in Iraq raids;_ylt=AvQR1xboF_W_47dB7toEfAtX6GMA

Iran accused of training Afghans to fight US

(Afghanistan) Taliban kill 6 police in ambush in southern Afghanistan,5 civilians die in bombing

(Afghanistan) Taliban kidnap 23 Koreans from Afghan bus: official -Christian missionaries kidnapped by Taliban;_ylt=AqywXAO8Dgsr_QtmrP2qC6HOVooA

Afghan rebel leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar denies declaring ceasefire;_ylt=AjCVCzR0FAVszyyZqzjfoOPOVooA

(Pakistan) Suicide bombing in Pakistan kills 4;_ylt=AoWeomCxEOZ7VNLWib34ha3zPukA

Pakistani elders, militants hold talks

(Pakistan) US might strike in Pakistan: White House\07\20\story_20-7-2007_pg1_2

(Pakistan) Lal Masjid student says she will work for jihad\07\20\story_20-7-2007_pg7_8

(Pakistan) ‘We fear Pakistan could become like Iraq’

(Pakistan) Intelligence agencies to identify troublesome madrassas -out of 17,000 madrassas\07\20\story_20-7-2007_pg7_1

(Indian Kashmir) Grenade attack outside J&K Assembly, one injured

India rejects Pakistan reports on RAW-trained Afghan bombers\07\20\story_20-7-2007_pg7_5

Indian court hands out seventh death sentence over 1993 bombings;_ylt=AmHe27Pp5cLjaISniEmBaOpA7AkB

(India Assam) Three killed, 20 injured in bomb explosions in NortheastIndia

(UK) Two men arrested under terror act - discover two 25 litercontainers marked “hydrogen peroxide” - used in 2005 London bombings

(UK) British police arrest two after chemical find;_ylt=ArK1YsTiVYCB14wr3ya9gK4Tv5UB

(UK) Terror Arrests After Bristol Drugs Raid,,30100-1276196,00.html

(UK Car Bombs Plot) Dr. Mohammed Jamil Asha remanded over failed carbombings

(UK Car Bombs Plot) Dr. Mohammed Haneef’s SIM found in jeep eight hoursafter Glasgow crash’Mohd+Haneef’s+SIM+found+eight+hours+after+crash’

(UK Car Bombs Plot) Top Australian legal body backs terror suspect Dr.Mohammed Haneef

(UK Car Bombs Plot) Haneef’s lawyer raises doubts over evidence

(UK Car Bombs Plot) Australian Immigration Dept gives visa to Haneef’scousin‘s+cousin

(UK Car Bombs Plot) Police evidence linking doctor terror suspect toGlasgow attack in the spotlight

(USA) On the trail of an enemy combatant - Details emerge on Marri’salleged role in ‘second wave’ of al-Qaeda attacks - Ali Saleh Kahlahal-Marri

(USA) U.S. nuclear lab ex-contractor indicted by federal grand jury -Roy Oakley charged with stealing classfied equipment for uraniumenrichment

(USA) Rise in U.S. Air Travelers Setting Off Terror Warning Alarms,2933,290065,00.html

U.S. will lift lighter ban on planes

(USA) 2 more bodies of September 11 victims identified

MEMRI: The Enemy Within: Where Are the Islamist/Jihadist WebsitesHosted, and What Can Be Done about It?

Israel frees more than 250 prisoners;_ylt=AjIfvWfD3FLg5pnOd0vv8A_uyucA

(Lebanon) Army uses loudspeakers to urge militants’ surrender innorthern Lebanon camp

(Lebanon) Two months on, Lebanese army still battling Islamists;_ylt=Als9puPNTeMhhaAgGhYewkgwuecA

(Iran) Report: Deal in Works to Release Americans Detained in Iran

Iran state TV shows 2 detained Iranian-Americans for second time

Iranian president, visiting Syria, lashes out at ‘enemies’ of Mideast

(Spain) Police hunt for ETA suspect who left explosives

(Nigeria) Lebanese man shot dead in Nigeria

(Philippines) Kidnapped Italian priest freed in Philippines - kidnappedby Islamic terrorist group Abu Sayyaf;_ylt=AqJJC69rSQ0LpM0FhFr4o8FUKYUA

(Philippines) 16 inmates, including terrorists, escape from southernPhilippine jail

Malaysia bans mainstream media from reporting on Islamic state debate

(China) Suicide bomb attack jolts China into realizing the risks of global ambition

(Sri Lanka) Fighting between Sri Lankan army, Tamil rebels kills atleast 15

North Korea nuke talks end without deadline;_ylt=Ano4hmBBWlLRjWOPl4y8PzCCscEA

(North Korea) US says North Korea may disable nukes this year evenwithout deadline;_ylt=AnvCvzP03n1iOhC2FKKWBsqCscEA

Other News:

Radio host condemned for ‘Islam is a cult’ - CAIR cites Neil Boortz forangry confrontation of Muslim caller

(UK) Islamic Bank of Britain News Release

Italy: Muslim law encourages respect towards women

Norway: Low employment among Pakistani women

Denmark: More Muslim divorces

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