Thursday, July 19, 2007


(Pakistan) Three Pakistan suicide bombs kill 52 in one day (updated) - Bombs in Hub, Hangu, &Kohat

(Pakistan) Bomb blast kills 14 in Pakistan army mosque - in NW Pakistan - third bombing of day

(Pakistan) Lal Masjid's captured head charged over six more cases

(Pakistan) Lal Masjid to be painted green, will be given a new name

Iraq: Islamic schism creates new militant group - "Furquan Army" emerged after divisions withinIslamic Army of Iraq

(Iraq) Coalition Forces detain suspected al-Qaeda senior leader in Mosul - Responsible for attacksagainst Iraqi force

(Iraq) Christians Crucified In Iraq, Dutch MP Says - Islamic militants killing converts from Islam

(Afghanistan) The Taliban Fedayeen: The World's Worst Suicide Bombers?

(Afghanistan) Australian forces try new tactics against Taliban

(Afghanistan) Skeptics Urge Caution Over Purported Hekmatyar Cease-Fire

(UK Car Bomb Plots) Fourth man charged over bomb plot - Mohammed Asha, already arrested,now charged with conspiracy to cause explosions

(UK) Terror detention 'a distraction'

(USA) Congressional representatives want 'John Doe' provision cut -- from security bill that willprotect the public from being sued for reporting suspicious behavior

(USA) The Flip Side of the NIE - Newsweek: "riddled with caveats and qualifiers" with little info on extent of threat

(USA) Nuclear Secrets Allegedly Stolen From Tenn. Lab - Worker accused of stealing from Oak Ridge National Lab to sell to "foreign country"

(USA) Classified material stolen from nuke lab - Worker accused of stealing from Oak Ridge National Lab for "foreign country"

(USA - Pennsylvania) Former Montana judge goes undercover at night on Web to hunt terrorists

US clarifies anti-money laundering enforcement rules

(Israel) Two Kassam rockets land near Sderot; no wounded

(Israel) Life sentence for Palestinian who murdered Italian peace activist,7340,L-3427662,00.html

(Hamas) International community refuses to deal with Hamas

(Iran) Ahmadinejad meets Hezbollah's leader in Damascus

Russia's counter-terrorism cooperation freeze not 'positive': US - Russia suspending cooperation over Litvinenko affair;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHZkMjZyBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=12v6m9l89/EXP=1184967450/**http%3a//

(Somalia) AU Extends Peacekeeping Mission in Somalia (6 months because UN not engaged)

(Somalia) 6 Children Killed in Somalia

(Spain) Police search for ETA suspect who left bag with explosives inside taxi in eastern Spain

(Columbia) Lawsuit accuses Chiquita of funding terror groups

Pakistan suicide bombings kill 36 - two bombing attacks killed at least 36 people and wounded 54 - suicide bomber in NWFP and bomb at bus stop in southern town of Hub;_ylt=ApMoygb4KUL7uApNiBdA4WvzPukA

(Pakistan) Scores killed in Pakistan bombings

(Pakistan) Chinese workers targeted in deadly Pakistan suicide bombing

(Pakistan) U.S.: 'No Options off the Table' to Target AQ in Pakistan

(Pakistan) U.S. boosts pressure on Musharraf over al Qaeda;_ylt=AqFUbXy__pTGKxPSZixkaZwwuecA

(Pakistan) US confused over action against al Qaeda hideouts in Pakistan

(Pakistan) Islamists warn Musharraf risking civil war -- Moderates losing sway§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Iraq) Officials: 'Islamic State of Iraq' Fronted by Imaginary Leader - designed to mask that group's foreign influence,2933,289889,00.html

(Iraq) Terror leader exposes network

(Iraq) Four U.S. soldiers killed in Baghdad bomb: military - on Wednesday;_ylt=ApuJYukxaU3p9TdBkTJ6qXJX6GMA

Iraqi cleric Al-Sadr re-emerges, bolder than ever -- seems to be following a model like that of Hezbollah

(Afghanistan) Suicide bomber kills 1 in Afghanistan - outside police station in Kabul - also 2 Germans and 2 Afghans kidnapped;_ylt=AkxOdUWWhlgQduJV_le1B97OVooA

Afghanistan: Taliban threaten to kill German tourists

(Afghanistan) 17 Afghan police, 4 Taliban killed - on Wednesday;_ylt=Ahbxptr2G9p.IaIJ0fG1xoTOVooA

Afghan rebel leader says declares ceasefire -- Gulbuddin Hekmatyar of Hezb-i-Islami;_ylt=AiU_X3ukryX_j02V5pd08AwwuecA

Lebanese army shells militants cornered in camp;_ylt=Aq2ZaVmVRP844vjco2_OULragGIB

(Somalia) Two killed as fighting rocks Mogadishu ahead of talks;_ylt=AkVI5C84ou07SIrejY12VAKQLIUD

Somalia: Roadside Bomb Explosion Wounds Six Government Soldiers

(Nigeria) Sunni cleric shot in Nigeria, mob attacks Shi'ites;_ylt=Al2Wi8dgxPCEBBo4jsVNijnZ9YEA

Pakistan's Habib Bank denies Pearl allegations;_ylt=Am2O11z4VA8wvINgg_c7PGfzPukA

Pakistan Supreme Court warns authorities in Lal Masjid case: Release "innocent" students or face the music\07\19\story_19-7-2007_pg7_13

(India) Three more get death for 1993 India bombings;_ylt=AqomIgYI5c8G.fEFxNtfg6VA7AkB

(Israel) Senior IDF officer: Israel on collision course with Hamas - group's army numbers 13,000, has anti-tank, anti-aircraft missiles

(Israel) IDF: Hamas is smuggling high-tech arms into Gaza

Syria skeptical of Israel's peace intentions

(Egypt) Rafah under curfew after bomb threat

Iran to show more "revelations" from US-Iranians§ion=middleeast&col=

Iran: Documentary exposes 'plot' by academics - update

(Iran) Muslim States Should Create Islamic Peace Organization

US works to fix emergency communications;_ylt=AkusIR_MT53y5UOJIa038DgTv5UB

(UK Car Bombs Plot) Haneef chatted with Sabeel days before Glasgow attack: Reports

(UK Car Bombs Plot) India concerned Haneef gets fair trial,23599,22099956-29277,00.html

Australia terror laws under scrutiny

(Thailand) Soldier wounded by Pattani bomb

(Indonesia) Islamic extremists in court in suit against Indonesia's anti-terror squad

Philippines: Muslim missionary murdered in latest religious killing - because he gave informatoin about terror group Abu Sayyaf

Philippines: Ties between Christians and Muslims at risk, says Sultan

Sri Lanka president says Tigers must choose war or peace;_ylt=AuKJEwgBnELSbRp8iZCKaXstM8oA

North Korean nuclear talks extended for extra day

(North Korea) Japan tells of disagreement at North Korea talks;_ylt=Aogh.2P0ZdDoV8r2KyEh9LOCscEA

Report: More cases of terrorists 'baking' children cited

(NYC) Chertoff: 2007 is NYC's best year ever for anti-terror aid,0,3124138.story?coll=ny-region-apnewyork

MEMRI Launches Islamist Websites Monitor - Public Service Guide to Focus on Jihadist Websites Hosted in the U.S.,+09:30+AM

Other News:

(NYC) Steam Explosion Causes Scare In NYC -- Suspected Steam Explosion Is Not Terrorism-Related, Officials Say

(NYC) Air clean, dust still a concern after New York steam pipe burst

(USA) Dallas: Cache Of Weapons Found In Dallas Apartment

(Denmark) SWC: 'Withdraw state award given to Holocaust denier'

Indonesia wants nuclear plant despite quake fears

(Switzerland) Zurich: Services checked for Muslim discrimination

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