Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Commentary: Preventing the West from Understanding Jihad - by Walid Phares

(USA) Dallas: Woman scrutinized at airports now facing weapons charge - update

(USA) Homeland Security Increases Funding to D.C., N.Y. - Move Will Cut Funding to Mid-Size Cities

(USA) On the Front Line in the War on Terrorism - Judith Miller on plans by New York & Los Angeles police for preventing attacks - Interview with Miller

(UK) Three arrests under Terrorism Act - in Manchester for terrorism-related activity

(UK) Burkha-clad women brandish 'police go to hell' banners as Muslims are jailed for cartoon protest

Islam's best, brightest and (increasingly) radical

Turkey bombards northern Iraq, Iraq says - Claims Turkish artillery & warplanes bombarded northern Iraq;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHZkMjZyBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=12k1vhi99/EXP=1184874770/**http%3a//

(Lebanon) 5 dead in fighting in Lebanon - 4 troops among dead;_ylu=X3oDMTBjcXBoZjEwBHBvcwMzBHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=12pcmdsoi/EXP=1184872062/**http%3a//

Lebanon camp militants set to talk;_ylu=X3oDMTBjcDR2NTN2BHBvcwM2BHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=151jh0avm/EXP=1184872156/**http%3a//

(Afghanistan) Taliban growing stronger in Afghanistan: report - British Parliament report says NATO help inadequate;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHZkMjZyBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=12mrce0gi/EXP=1184866382/**http%3a//

(Afghanistan) NATO forces in Afghanistan insufficient: Canada;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHZkMjZyBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=12v88fqlq/EXP=1184876192/**http%3a//

(Pakistan) Mariane Pearl sues al Qaeda over husband's killing -- suit includes Pakistan-based Habib Bank Ltd


(Pakistan) NWFP minister fears suicide attacks, bombings in province

(Israel) 17% of Palestinian prisoners resume terror activity

Gaza's economy on verge of collapse - Over 68,000 have lost jobs since mid-June

Israel confirms indirect ties with Syria - Mediators unable to resume peace talks so far;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHZkMjZyBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=12lrppuor/EXP=1184876011/**http%3a//

(Ireland) Dissident IRA bomb detonates near train line near Irish border; no injuries

Other News:

(UK) George Galloway banned from Parliament for 18 days,,2-2007330161,00.html

(USA) White House Counterterror Official Says Al Qaeda Wants to Launch 'Spectacular Event'-- but WH doesn't think AQ can do so,2933,289731,00.html;_ylt=Aljz9wri66AkEeNG1TI0NvYTv5UB

Al Qaeda's Comeback - U.S. News and World Report Analysis

(Iraq) Bombs kill 11 in eastern Baghdad;_ylt=Al3wqh_uWccEb92FPfhk1QNX6GMA

(Iraq) 3 U.S. soldiers die in Iraq; bombers killed

(Iraq) US: Top al-Qaida in Iraq figure captured - US Command says Khaled Abdul-Fattah DawoudMahmoud al-Mashhadani (aka Abu Shahid) captured July 4;_ylt=Auh9_Yhre2J2YSr8aTF_.xRX6GMA

(Iraq) US arrests Al Qaeda in Iraq's link to bin Laden

(Iraq) Report: Christians crucified by terrorists in Iraq

(Afghanistan) 9 Afghan police killed in 2 attacks;_ylt=Asf_DfNJSA9UZYmeCiUG5S7OVooA

(Afghanistan) Suicide blast hits Turkish diplomatic convoy in Kabul;_ylt=AjH4Rx0.64l8tVjeqtxAz77OVooA

(Pakistan) Bush aides see failure in fight with Al Qaeda in Pakistan

(Pakistan) Once counted out, bin Laden regains strength in Pakistan;_ylt=AnXUHHcEqesFx1YBibVH9CMwuecA

Pakistan: US warning on al-Qaida 'unsubstantiated'

(Pakistan) Sixteen Pakistani soldiers killed in ambush - in the Datta Khel area

(Pakistan) Two explosions in Waziristan wounds seven people

Pakistan's Musharraf vows war on militants, rules out emergency;_ylt=Av3juMYJXpXO8cBKB82B4vbzPukA

(Pakistan) U.S. calls for force in tribal Pakistan

(Pakistan) National Assembly subcommittee finalises anti-money laundering bill\07\18\story_18-7-2007_pg7_3

(Pakistan) 3 more held for Musharraf attack\07\18\story_18-7-2007_pg7_6

(India Kashmir) Indian soldiers kill top militant in Kashmir -- Abu Umar, the all-India coordinator ofLashkar-e-Toiba militant group§ion=subcontinent&col=

(India Kashmir) One dead in attack on Hindu pilgrims in Indian Kashmir;_ylt=Amz7m6Lli6dM3zQCIY6WKts1NXcA

Bangladesh arrests Islamists, seizes explosives -- four suspected members of Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen group

(Lebanon) Seven dead as Lebanese army closes in on Islamists;_ylt=AptWSxx7SZ2GCbetHLUoXgjagGIB

Lebanon: Australians among militants in refugee camp

(UK) British radicals 'are a danger to America'

(UK) Jail for the Muslim with blueprint for rocket - Yassin Nassari sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison

UK Judge Gerald Gordon said at the Old
Bailey that he accepted Nassari did not plan to make useof the extremist material.
(UK Car Bomb Plots) Dr. Mohammed Hafeef - Suspect in Failed U.K. Terror Attacks Called BritishInvestigator,2933,289722,00.html

(UK Car Bomb Plots) Haneef visa appeal set down for August 8,23599,22094410-29277,00.html

(UK Car Bomb Plots) India objects to 'aspects' of doctor's arrest

(UK Car Bomb Plots) Australia denies rift with India over terror suspect;_ylt=AgfI5q3O8hoi.WYg8V4tAnkTv5UB

(UK Car Bomb Plots) Indian doctors in UK terror plot - full coverage

(UK) Four jailed for hate crimes at cartoon protest - Mizanur Rahman, Umran Javed and AbdulMuhid sentenced to 6 years, Abdul Saleem sentenced to 4 years

(UK) Plane spotters recruited for anti-terror work

Indian court hands out death sentences for 1993 Mumbai attacks;_ylt=AkCpT0QOh8bhrQiYHiB4tgxA7AkB

(Philippines) Bomb explodes in passenger bus, wounding 3 in Philippines, officials say

Philippines: Two soldiers killed during hunt for Italian priest

Philippine police say murder charges to be filed against Muslim rebels

(Turkey) Kurdish rebels kill 2 Turkish soldiers, wound six

(Russia) Four police officers killed in Russian school blast;_ylt=AhZEexymbR7XEJ818LGw9lx_5GIA

(Russia) UK fighters 'sent to meet Russian bombers',23599,22095562-23109,00.html

(Russia) UK Security services "foil plot to kill Berezovsky at the London Hilton"

(Israel) Troops find bomb, arrest 5 suspects near Ramallah

(Israel) IDF discovers explosives laboratory in Nablus

(Israel) IDF arrests 16 terror suspects in West Bank

Hamas dismisses Bush summit plan

Iran to hold military exercises in August -- Defense Minister

(Iran) US "appalled" as Iran shows US-Iranians on TV

Iran says UN ignores Israeli threats to Tehran

(USA) Report: CAIR: Bush office is anti-Muslim, group says - CAIR is unindicted co-conspirator interror funding case

(USA) Doctors, Congress scrutinize September 11 dust

(Thailand) Sites linked to Yala bombing raided

Spain refuses more troops for Afghan mission

(Bosnia) Muslim paramilitary member jailed for murder of Serbs

Algeria: 6 arrested with keys to All Africa athletes' rooms

(Libya) Nurses are spared death sentence as Libya strikes deal for HIV victims

(Australia) Govt may review terror bail laws

North Korea said willing to disable all nuke programs;_ylt=Ah7pM_1psUG_TEzcvTgtOQOCscEA

(North Korea) U.N. confirms North Korea nuclear shutdown;_ylt=AoCUlnsidKjIuR55pBgpX_KCscEA

Other News:

(USA) Muslim Lawmaker admits error in Nazi reference

France: Marseilles mosque approval thrills Muslim leader

Denmark: What is a fatwa?

London mayor denounces 'vicious' campaign against 'ficticious' mosque

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