Thursday, June 7, 2007


(Afghanistan) Promises, threats in Afghan valley rid of Taliban - First meeting in key section
of Helmand ends with uncertainty

(Afghanistan) Six held over Afghan radio murder - Suspected of links to Hezb-e Islami,
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar's group

(Iraq) 19 killed in attacks on Iraqi security forces - 9 killed during truck bombing of police
station (update);_ylt=Are8AGGqmkT7lU5zRIrWRIxX6GMA

Iraq Raids Net 32 Terrorists; Baghdad Bombs Hurt 4 Iraqis (update)

(Iraq) U.S. commander: Tribes abandoning al Qaeda

Iraq: Tikrit Tribes reject anti-Qaeda bloc

(Iraq) Analysis: Enemy of my enemy -- Feuding insurgents strike Iraq ceasefire

(Iraq) Al-Sadr: 'Good relations with Iran but no more

Turkey declares 'security zones' near north Iraq

(Turkey) 3 Turk soldiers killed in security zone;_ylt=AuZWT1MXdLP_ZzShSLJd0CHtfLkA

(Pakistan) Rocket hits hotel in troubled northwest Pakistan town, injuring 7 - in Bannu

Jordan charges man with suspected al-Qaida links with attempted premeditated killing
- Awni Ramadan Mustafa al-Mansi

(Gaza) Abbas requests Israel allow shipments of US weapons to Gaza to bolster his fighters
- terror groups say they will obtain any weapons given to Fatah

(Lebanon) Explosion rocks Christian area north of Beirut
(Lebanon) Bomb kills one in Christian area near Beirut

(Lebanon) "Al-Qaida franchises" - ticking time bombs -- As Lebanon struggles to contain them, their numbers continue to grow

Egypt arrests over 41 Muslim Brotherhood members

(Serbia) 3 alleged Islamic extremists arrested in southern Serbia

Italy: Al-Qaeda-linked cell "was planning attacks in Milan" (update)

French airport security causes furor

(UK) Terror suspect's 'police link' - application for a job with Manchester police on computer

Colombia victims sue Chiquita for damages - attorney

(San Francisco) Arrest Made For SF General Hospital Bomb Scare

Texas Christian University Professor Jailed for Allegedly Making 'Terrorist' Threats,2933,279075,00.html

Could US repel a cyberattack?

(USA) Senate Panel OKs bill restoring detainee rights -- bill that would allow terrorism suspects access to federal courts to challenge imprisonment at Guantanamo Bay;_ylt=AqoHo9Z8fnUU.oCeczC5uWoTv5UB

Amnesty International: U.S. - 39 people "secretly held" by CIA

Other News:

(Canada) Montreal man killed by his brother for being a bad Muslim - original article:

(New York) Authorities eye Catskills commune York) Catskills site eyed
Related story posted in May 13 UnitedStatesAction News Links:
(USA) Radical Muslim paramilitary compound flourishes in upper New York state
(Netherlands) "Jihad fatigue" seen among Dutch Muslims: report
Malaysian woman faces jail if she does not re-convert to Islam

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