Friday, June 8, 2007


June 8, 2007 Anti-Terrorism News

(USA - JFK Plot) JFK Terror Plot May Include More Suspects Overseas - "We are targeting
others overseas.”

(USA - JFK Plot) UNMASKED: JFK terror plot informant is US citizen - Convicted drug dealer
who exposed JFK terror plot is Terry DeSouza

(USA - Ohio) Exhibit list alleges connections among 3 accused of terror plots - Ohio men
accused in separate plots exchanged calls, e-mails

(USA - Ohio) Feds: 3 Ohio terror suspects linked;_ylt=AqQXTFsyKK_luK6k3fpair4Tv5UB

(USA - NYC) Syrian arms dealer indicted in NYC - Update

(USA) Gen. Peter Pace to Retire as Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman,2933,279492,00.html

(Lebanon) Sonic bomb explodes in southern Lebanon - in city of Tyre

(Lebanon) Another Bomb Explodes in Christian Area of Beirut

(Lebanon) Three of 11 arrestees in Lebanon admit affiliation to Al-Qaeda

(Hungary) Two foreigners accused of terrorist links held in Bucharest

(Thailand) One dead, 22 injured in bomb attack in Thai south;_ylt=AgOXB19_hvVGUsR2RcL6j1ruNREB

(Afghanistan/Pakistan) G8 urges Afghanistan, Pakistan to step up counter-terror operations

(Afghanistan) An insurgency beyond the Taliban - Syed Saleem Shahzad: trouble brewing in
northwest along Iran border

(Iran) UN Security Council postpones condemnation notice of Ahmadinejad - Objections
delay UN Security Council vote over "destruction of Israel" comments

(Iran) US Treasury bans four Iran firms over weapons role - Bans U.S. firms from deals &
freezes any U.S. assets Release

Turkish military calls on nation to support fight on terror

(Turkey) More Turkish Border Incursions Likely

(Morocco) Terror suspect sentenced to two years in jail

(Somalia) President accuses Pakistan, Iran of supporting terror groups in Somalia - Pres.
Yusuf says many countries supporting "terror groups"

South African man detained in Ethiopia - South African's family thought he was in Syria,,2-7-1442_2126952,00.html

UK police prevented by law from taking fingerprints and DNA from terror suspects

Spanish judge charges 32 in al Qaeda probe - For recruiting, financing & indoctrinating
fighters for Iraq

(Columbia) US lawmakers push Columbia on terror groups;_ylt=Aq9UyNtZhZ438oH_3nGxB4ATv5UB

The Fairytale of the Poor and Angry Terrorists (commentary) - "(C)linging to myths about the
socio-economic root causes of terrorism is irresponsible"

How Islamist Internet Forums Are Used to Inform Mujahideen of News from Western Media -
MEMRI analysis

(Afghanistan) Bombs, battles kill 6 Afghan police, 13 Taliban - bombs in Panjwayi and Spin
Boldak districts, gunfights in Arghistan and Zabul districts;_ylt=Ah2dFEUbGKuutFQZOlc5EKnOVooA

(Afghanistan) Taliban strikes kill police at record rate

(Iraq) Nearly 50 dead in Iraq bloodshed - including 16 in car bomb in Al-Khurna;_ylt=AtgZLjM5NSrYTtzSa_DZQWpX6GMA

(Iraq) 14 killed at Iraqi police chief's house - in Diyala;

Iraqi police: 2 suicide bombers strike Shiite mosque and nearby police station in northern
Iraq - in Shiite town of Dakok

(Iraq) Two terrorists arrested, two Iraqis kidnapped in Kirkuk -- Ansar Al-Sunna group

(Iraq) Two US soldiers killed, two wounded in Baghdad

(Iraq) Al-Qaida front group airs video glorifying Osama bin Laden - video released by Islamic
State of Iraq

Turk army vows to respond to terrorist attacks;_ylt=Aqb02J2vmMICsgbutkdulbxX6GMA

(Turkey) 4 Turk soldiers killed in security zone (update) - 4th soldier died of wounds on Friday;_ylt=AqVoet4KLcVy124A9igeUmlX6GMA

(Lebanon) Fierce fighting rocks Palestinian camp in Lebanon - Fatah Al-Islam refuse to

Lebanese soldier killed in camp;_ylt=AqZwYGNdXPeMrgrwSwCU8VEwuecA

(Lebanon) Militant group had rocky ties with Palestinian factions in Lebanon

(USA - Padilla Trial) FBI agent describes Padilla code;_ylt=AnN37g3fzrra4utEj3zH3uYwuecA

Philippines: Bomb in south wounds at least five - suspect Muslim militants linked to the
Indonesian-based Jemaah Islamiyah

(Algeria) Web debut shows Al-Qaeda in Maghreb's Mediterranean mission -- previously
known as GSPC

(Algeria) Al-Qaeda's Algerian Connection Raises Regional Terrorism Risks

(India) In a first, Al-Qaida declares jihad against India

(India) Al Qaeda Declares War On India? CD and statement from Indian Jammu and Kasmir

(India) Two Hizb-ul-Mujahideen militants and a civilian killed in Jammu and Kashmir

(India) Kashmiri Jihad Modules Busted; 14 Terrorists Arrested

'Pakistan tribal areas safe haven for Al-Qaeda''Pak+tribal+areas+safe+haven+for+Al-Qaeda'

Pakistan: Governor warns of action in Bajur tribal area

(Pakistan) Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan leader arrested in NWFP

(Pakistan) A negotiator between the government and Red Mosque: Imam of Mecca

(Bangladesh) UN urges Bangladesh to enact anti-terror law

(Israel) Two mortar shell attacks at Sderot confirmed by Israel

(Israel) Gaza: IDF kills Islamic Jihad operative

(Israel) Report: PM willing to return Golan for peace with Syria

(Israel) Report: Syria wants deal for Israel reservists kidnapped by Hezbollah

(Syria/Spain) 'Kill Americans' plot: Syrian held - Syrian arms dealer Monzer al Kassar wanted
by U.S. for conspiracy to aid terrorist

(Iran) Report: Iran investigating 4th American;_ylt=AhFulmDBIg0mFOcD0uXWNddSw60A

(Iran) UN head shocked at Iran's Israel comment;_ylt=Ak8jDoLFGjwxrJm0Z.IvBkFSw60A

Italy charges al-Qaida suspect

(UK/Iraq) Release our contractors, pleads British Ambassador

(UK) Terror control order shambles,,2-2007260544,00.html

(UK) Terror Suspect 'Worked At Dry Cleaners' - Habib Ignaoua

(Spain) Basque separatist leader sent to jail;_ylt=AoKJQj_thqzEf6Dn7x4WyDATv5UB

(Spain) Zapatero admits to talks with ETA for first time

Report: CIA had prisons in Poland

First CIA extraordinary rendition trial opens

(Somalia) Danish sailors on ship hijacked off Somalia doing well, officials say

(Sudan) UN asked to press Sudan to arrest suspects

(Thailand) Explosions and gunshots are heard at a college in Bangkok

(Columbia) Disgust, rage among Colombia's poor over FARC prisoner swap
plan - abandoned homes to escape FARC violence;_ylt=AiRV7x7mk127fcUYJDTLkB6wv7kA

North Korea says missile test part of normal drills;_ylt=AiKAGpqzbyodSosA5mxh5AOCscEA

U.S. will suspend passport policy - that U.S. citizens have passports to fly to and from
Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and Bermuda - DHS opposed suspension, State Dept
called for it

Other News:

(UK Islam) Timeout London: Is London's future Islamic?Time Out argues that an Islamic London would be a better place

(Norway) Oslo: Gang leader Arshad Mahmood sentenced to 9 years

French schools accused of discriminating against Muslim mothers

US State Dept desperate for envoys to learn Arabic

Group: Muslim congressman called 'security' issue

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