Thursday, June 7, 2007


(Afghanistan) Official: 30 Suspected Taliban Killed or Wounded in Afghanistan,2933,278816,00.html

(Afghanistan) Purported Al-Qaeda Leader in Afghanistan Abu Laith al-Libi Issues video
threatening revenge (my title);_ylt=AmrSEjH_HXz6cWYEQALJsB8wuecA

(Afghanistan) Taliban releases 4 health workers - after receipt of Mullah Dadullah body

(Iraq) Suicide bomber kills 9 in Iraq attack on police HQ;_ylt=AqxBuhJX6soELBe64oT5fLNX6GMA

(Iraq) Raids in Iraq bring more than 30 arrests - 16 suspects belong to network that moves
weapons from Iran to Iraq

(Iraq) Report: "Iraq agrees to majority of militias' demands"

Iraqi woman journalist shot dead in Ninawa

(Iran) Document: Iran Caught Red-Handed Shipping Arms to Taliban

Iran Adding Attack Boats in Persian Gulf, U.S. Says -- vessels armed with torpedoes,
rocket-propelled grenades, cruise missiles

(Iran/Switzerland) Switzerland confirms secret Iran talks - Swiss Foreign Minister met Iran's
chief nuclear negotiator

(USA JFK Plot) Iran link in JFK plot?,0,1545540.story?coll=ny-top-headlines

(Guantanamo Bay) update on Abdullahi Sudi Arale: Key Al Qaeda courier seized, U.S. says,1,5368611.story?coll=la-news-a_section

Algeria: Al-Qaeda claims responsibility for 19 attacks

(Lebanon) Security forces find 3 car bombs in Lebanon§ion=middleeast&col=

(Lebanon) Palestinian Islamists in Lebanon again threaten to widen attacks§ion=middleeast&col=

Lebanese Islamists seek Fatah Al-Islam militants' surrender;_ylt=Ar7XAV.wcYAFM3JgjzlqjfwwuecA

(Lebanon) End to Nahr Al-Bared battles imminent -- PLO official

Lebanese soldier killed in battle with militants in Nahr El-Bared -- Army

MEMRI: Who Is Behind Fath Al-Islam?

Jordan: Police arrest seven suspected militants - Islamic Action Front of the Muslim

(Israel) Al-Quds Brigades shell Israeli posts

Fatah gunmen shoot Hamas operative in his home

Saudi Arabia announces arrest of 11 al Qaeda members -- Internet recruitment and planning
attacks on oil facilities

Italian, UK police in terror swoop - Italian police arrest 9 Al Qaeda members in Islamic Maghreb (aka GSPC), UK police detain Habib Ignaoua in London

(UK) London link to Italian al-Qaeda raid

(UK) British government launching discussions on extending detention without charge

(UK) Reid proposes register for terror offenders

Pakistani forces arrest 12 militants in Quetta on Thursday

(Pakistan) Three Taliban militants arrested in Balochistan

(Pakistan) Taliban want mosques rebuilt in North Waziristan

Pakistan needs DNA database for suicide attack probes\06\07\story_7-6-2007_pg7_21

Pakistan: "Mulla Nazir not expelled from Taliban"\06\07\story_7-6-2007_pg7_25

(India) Youth killed in Jammu and Kashmir - LeT and Hizb-ul-Mujahideen militants arrested

(India) Mosque blast: LeT man in judicial remand

(India) Two KLNLF militants killed in Assam

(India) Two left-wing extremists and one civilian killed in Andhra Pradesh

(India) Two civilians and a militant killed in Manipur

(Thailand) Policeman cut down in gunfire in Narathiwat market - by eight Muslim insurgents

(Spain/France) Three ETA suspects held in France

Spanish Supreme Court to rule on terror conviction of prominent ETA Basque separatist

Spain: Moves Against ETA

(USA) New York police turn to high-tech gadgets to protect city from terrorism

(Iraq) Bush War Adviser Skeptical Over Iraq Buildup,2933,278815,00.html

(Sudan) Bush: 'Enough is enough' in Darfur

(Columbia) Trial opens for FARC rebel in hostage case;_ylt=AgUcDnJ.fgmRF6zahKfHbhCwv7kA

(Australia) New evidence for terror appeal - for convicted terrorist Faheem Khalid Lodhi,22049,21864806-5006009,00.html

Philippines: Washington pays reward for Abu Sayyaf terror group leader's slaying

Sri Lanka fights rebels, evicts Tamils from capital;_ylt=ApFOaJV0wmgIFi5ozkmLiKctM8oA

(Sri Lanka) Five LTTE cadres killed in Batticaloa district

North Korea fires missile off west coast;_ylt=ApNf8lcI0JKkZ7QNDJwPbOKCscEA

US condemns North Korea missile test;_ylt=At20Y7.rf948C9bIUvtmr3iCscEA

Commentary: Europe's New Anti Terrorism Convention Strong on Substance, Short on
Other News:
(Germany) Investigation Dropped Against German 'Koran Judge' - German judge under
investigation for ruling against a speedy divorce for an abused Moroccan woman -- who
based her decision on the supposed Islamic "right to castigate" -- will not be disciplined,1518,487238,00.html
(Germany) Court upholds state's ban on head scarves
Denmark: Judges can be veiled
In Saudi Arabia, a view from behind the veil,1,1469799.story?coll=la-headlines-frontpage&track=crosspromo
(UK) Report: UK arms money funneled to Saudi prince
(India) Kashmir declares war on poppy as violence ebbs;_ylt=AniEe94pWQqtBb53NNRXXy81NXcA
(Thailand) End of Khmer Muslim visas sought
LGF: The Enemy Uses YouTube

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