Thursday, August 9, 2007

TERROR NEWS August 9th

(U.S.) Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff Offers Chilling Details About2006 British Jihadist Airplane Plot and Current Terror Threats

(Iraq) US Marine killed in Iraq;_ylt=AuBAVL.JAeJvUUAR5GoPvsxX6GMA

(Iraq) U.S. withdrawal needed for security, Iran tells Iraq;_ylt=AtJuO2xljY7DR3xIREa6hmBX6GMA

(Iraq) Sunni fighters find benefits in alliance with U.S.

Afghanistan: Anti-terrorism tribal meeting begins in Kabul

Pakistan: 'No emergency rule' says ruling party

Pakistan put check on live coverage of terrorist incidents

(Pakistan) Militants target Pakistani posts as jirga meets§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Pakistan) 3 militants killed in Balochistan\08\09\story_9-8-2007_pg7_5

(Pakistan) No al-Qaeda "safe havens" in Pakistan: Foreign Minister Kasuri

(Pakistan) In Pakistan, a groundswell of opposition to Musharraf's military

Saudi detains 135 suspects in Mecca sweep§ion=middleeast&colAlgeria:

11 al-Qaeda suspects killed

(Yemen) Multiple terrorist attacks on northern Yemen on government facilities cause power outage

(Yemen) Gunmen attack Yemen govt targets§ion=middleeast&col=

(Yemen) Al Qaeda No. 2 not among those killed Wednesday: Yemen§ion=middleeast&col=

(Yemen) Bomber of Spanish tourists not dead -- Kassem al-Raimi

(Somalia) Seven killed in string of Mogadishu attacks;_ylt=AmFPWKsw3Npf4el29hJb7eiQLIUD

Bahrain authorities detain unspecified number of Sunni Islamic extremists

Nigeria: Gunman Shoots Preaching Church Members

(Philippines) Abu Sayyaf kills 9 Philippine troops;_ylt=AoH5_daTMDq9tFDbXF.nhrIwuecA

Philippines: Two groups involved in beheadings, rebel claims

(Thailand) Elderly Buddhists beheaded, house torched -- by suspected Muslimmilitants,23599,22216246-23109,00.html

(India) Terrorists may target Bangalore hotels

(India) Muslim activists attack Bangladeshi author in India;_ylt=As2YBnze4rwyfaC4iAbvm0dA7AkB

(Indian Kashmir) Migrant labor flees Kashmir after militant threat;_ylt=AqQAzuRqVBWSFombbo1.v_A1NXcA

(India Assam) Separatists kill 12 in northeast India;_ylt=Ai0bglW5O0uxITOTzEo6J7RA7AkB

(India) Troops on red alert in India's northeast;_ylt=ApvhlLRm5jZOV_ofAlY3hHRA7AkB

(India) Militants lob grenade on Manipur MLA's house

(U.S.) Terror Case Takes Winding Path in 2 Nations' Courts

(U.S.) New York Times Blogger Solicits Terrorism-Attack Ideas,2933,292689,00.html

(U.S.) CAIR Sees 'Islamophobia' Behind Terrorist Claims

(U.S.) Researcher worries about cyber-hijackers

(U.S.) Photos: Illicit Tunnels & Forged Visas: A Terrorist's Ticket to the U.S.?

(U.S.) NYPD terror adviser sued for 'anti-Islamic' messages

Russian soldier wounded in Chechnya

(Lebanon) Clashes erupt in Nahr El-Bared

(Lebanon) Fatah al-Islam confirms deputy leader killed

(Iran) Calls made for tougher U.S. stance on Iran

Gaza: Egypt could take over security posts

Hamas arrests outspoken opposition doctor

Abbas rules out talks with Hamas

Fatah pays Hamas force by mistake

(Israel) IDF shoots two Gaza terrorists near security fence

(Israel) One person in shock as 2 Kassams fall in Sderot

Syria reveals army deaths from militant campaign;_ylt=AmrlbykHVMwWmOiIS9p1h4ULtUsB

(UK) Security firms working on devices to spot would-be terrorists in crowd

(UK) Muslim outrage at Channel 4 film prompts new inquiry by watchdog

(UK) London Gathering of Hizb ut-Tahrir Defends Vision of Radical Islam

(UK) 'Mosques Failing To Address Key Issues',,30100-1279089,00.html?f=rss

(Belgium) Brussels: "An attack is just a matter of time"

(Netherlands) Jami receives dozens of death threats

(Australia) Rocket-launcher charges laid too late -- sold to man allegedly involved in aSydney terror cell,23599,22215819-29277,00.html

(Sri Lanka) Four Sri Lankan commandos shot dead: rebels;_ylt=Ahym_dDyTc2a.SUFCVQizbEtM8oA

(Sri Lanka) UN urges Sri Lanka to disarm group;_ylt=AtXElssVwuzrNQimXRZPJPotM8oA

(Columbia) 2 rebel-held Colombia army officers dead;_ylt=Aot2rnaKi0jNpV6014XZpoCwv7kA

Other News:

Algeria: More women choose the headscarf, report

(USA) Muslim financiers fight suspicion in U.S.

Saudis might take Bibles from tourists

(Canada) Police arrest two Christian activists from Canada-based Coptic group overanti-Islamic postings

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