Wednesday, August 8, 2007

TERROR NEWS August 8th

Pakistan National Assembly members: One billion Muslims will become suicidebombers if Mecca, Medina are attacked

(Pakistan) Emergency likely to be imposed in Pakistan after midnight\guage=en

(U.S. & Canada) Watch the Borders:
Fake Visas, Real Tunnels Cause OfficialConcern - ABC News: U.S. & Canadian agencies warn of homeland threats

(U.S.) Holy Land defense attorney questions FBI agent;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMzRvMDBnBHBvcwM5\BHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=15j89n4d1/EXP=1186689947/**http%3a//\mon/\ews/stories/080907dnmetholyland.14db9722.html

Afghan gov't rules out swap deal with Taliban\guage=en

Afghanistan at Odds With U.S. on Plan to Eradicate Opium Crop;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHZkMjZyBHBvcwMx\BHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=12oi0ih70/EXP=1186690470/**http%3a//\%3fpid=20601082%26sid=atxR_FvpfGVU

(Iraq) Bomb Busters: On the ground with an Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit -Newsweek reporter's account of embed with unit

(Iraq) Captured Video Shows Iraqi Insurgents Firing Sophisticated Iranian-MadeRockets at U.S. Positions,2933,292513,00.html

(Iraq) 2,760 non-Iraqi detainees in Iraqi jails, 800 Iranians - official\guage=en

(Iraq) Al-Qaeda bolsters fighters network in Iraq: US Commander - "al-Qaeda hasactually sent more people into Iraq"\guage=en

(Iraq) Studies: Suicide bombers in Iraq are mostly foreigners - Two independentstudies concluded\ombers_attn_national_foreign_editors_ytop_1

(Saudi Arabia) For Saudi prince, terror-funding allegations harm U.S. businessties - DMI Bank founder faces civil suit in U.S.

French police check trains - Trains in eastern France checked after indicationsof "terrorist threat",23599,22214180-1702,00.html?from=public_rss

(Philippines) JI-trained bomber or HSA's 1st victim?

Somalia: Grenade Explosions Wound 3 in Mogadishu Overnight

(Lebanon) Army moves deeper into Nahr al-Bared, seizes weapons

(Lebanon) More Information Emerges on Hizballah's Efforts to Establish Its OwnTelecommunications Network

(Lebanon) New Hizballah Dedicated Networks in South Lebanon?

(UK) Channel 4: Britain Under Attack from Jihad

Britain facing a 'severe' level of terror threat, Dispatches investigatesthe roots of Islamic extremism in the UK and examines the government's attemptsto win the battle for British Muslims' hearts and mindsReporter Phil Rees, an expert on Islamist violence, explores the Koranicteachings that lie behind the concept of jihadRelated Excerpt Video Clip

(UK) Channel 4 Dispatches Britain Under Attack from Jihad - Video in 5 partsPart 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

For UK Viewers: Channel 4 On Demand (must be UK viewer)

(UK) Channel 4 denies distorting Islamic views,,-6835487,00.html

(UK) London Times: Channel 4 in row over mosque film\3340.ece?token=null&offset=0

Note - this London Times article was written with heavy bias against Channel 4on its Dispatches documentaries "Undercover Mosque" and "Britain Under Attack".The bias is very evident by the fact that this article was originally titled"Channel 4 in new fakery row over mosque film".The London Times has since changed the title of this news story on the Internet.(UK) Channel 4 rapped over mosque probe,,2144120,00.html

(Singapore) New website aims to counter Islamic extremism - Islamic scholars &teachers in Singapore aim to counter extremist ideologies\t/theworld_August158.xml§ion=theworld

(Columbia) Two Colombian soldier hostages die in rebel hands - FARC kidnappedtwo in March

Commentary: Undercutting a Culture of Militancy: Designating Hamas Charities

Commentary: Obama is right about al-Qaida

Alert:Commentary: Wesley Clark - Jihadists are NOT the enemy, "they are merely criminals"

(Iraq) Mehdi militia takes on U.S. in Baghdad\ghdad/8312/

(Iraq) U.S.: Raids kills 32 in Baghdad -- raid and airstrike targeting networksallegedly smuggling weapons and fighters from Iran;_ylt=AlmW7y\.rLhauRIZSvC1viPtX6GMA

(Iraq) U.S. says Iran- supplied bomb is killing more troops in Iraq -"Explosively formed penetrators" used in 99 attacks last month and 1/3 of US deaths

Iraq PM in Tehran for security talks;_ylt=\AlhuU7gqc06hR5ScRrUtwFVSw60A

(Iraq) Two killed, one wounded in Kirkuk

Iraq security talks open in Syria\425;_ylt=AgYpPnRmcFsbgyUIyVVWsYtX6GMA

(Iraq) In Iraqi south, Shiites press for autonomy

(Iraq) UK: No action on Iraqi interpreters for months\anslators/3660/

(Afghanistan) 4 militants killed by Afghan police -- at a checkpoint in Qarabaghdistrict of Ghazni province;_ylt=AnyzelRyA.Nq\6egIR0ctezfOVooA

(Afghanistan) 15 Taliban, six Afghan police killed in fresh battles --insurgents attacked a police patrol in southern Kandahar province\56;_ylt=AmD9YHmolCQSTx6PhUnIMS3OVooA

Afghan troops 'ready' for hostage rescue\apoperation_070808100323;_ylt=AukVtbn1kj8t1f9h.VPqrhzOVooA

(Afghanistan) US treads delicately in Taliban hostage crisis\ugust/subcontinent_August318.xml§ion=subcontinent&col=

(U.S.) Airlines seek FBI, CIA September 11 testimony - Arguing that inability todetect & prevent resulted in deaths

(U.S.) Terrorists teaming with drug cartels -- posing as Hispanic nationals\088/1001

(U.S.) Judge rejects bail for San Jose man in terrorism case -- brother linkedto Philippine Jihadist group Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)

(Pakistan) Explosion wounds five policemen in Pakistan's tribal district

(Pakistan) Al-Qaida-linked men killed in Pakistan -- among 12 militant fighterskilled by a military attack on two compounds near the Afghan border;_ylt=Ajz.VQmenAqxJLIS\Xf0HulowuecAPakistan strikes Al-Qaeda ahead of tribal council -- raid west of Miranshah;_ylt=Akc\oI74_D3_rC2H4jEh1VrcwuecA(Pakistan) Afghan-Pakistan peace meeting will struggle for results afterMusharraf pulls out\p

Pakistan's fierce Pashtun tribes in terror spotlight\ugust/subcontinent_August317.xml§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Pakistan) Rise in infiltration after Lal Masjid action

(Pakistan) Taliban and al Qaeda Find "Safe Haven" in Pakistan's No Man's Land

Polio vaccine team beaten up in tribal area

(Pakistan) Benazir Bhutto: Musharraf regime sympathetic to Al-Qaeda\5-e8c53c1eabdb&&Headline=

'Musharraf+rule+sympathetic+to+Qaeda'(India Kashmir) Self-styled LeT commander shot dead in J&K - in Kupwara\4772.cms

(India Kashmir) Separatists in hot spot as al-Qaeda refers to Kashmir\shmir/209258.html

(India) Violence in Jabalpur over alleged disrespect to Quran\ed_disrespect_to_Quran/articleshow/2264870.cms

(India Assam) Two killed in Assam bicycle bomb -- near the police station in Jorhat town

(India Assam) Blast in Guwahati, two injured\c-53d7a61451b6&&Headline=Blast+in+Guwahati%2c+two+injured

(Lebanon) Two Lebanese soldiers killed in battles with Islamists;_ylt=Aqg2\5mq3Y8XSaE_tlI6sjjTagGIB

Israeli troops kill two Hamas gunmen in Gaza;_ylt\=AvCu_XU.1GRHPwckiv_QG_juyucAIsrael won't look closely at whether terrorists disarm denies report of talk with Hamas\e-bfdff01e1d71&&Headline=Fatah+denies+report+of+talk+with+Hamas

Yemen kills militant behind Spaniards' bombing death: officials;_\ylt=Al6poU529ltMHp89YRz2v7YwuecA

Yemeni authorities: 4 militants, one soldier killed in raid on al-Qaida cell

(Yemen) US embassy warns of 'previously unseen' terrorist threat in Yemen

Yemen deploys 200,000 soldiers to sustain security

Morocco jails eight officers on al-Qaeda plot leak,7340,L-3435212,00.html

Somalia conference delegates sign pact to end hostilities, Islamic militants not included

(Sudan) U.S.: Sudan must accept non-African troops

Nigerian kidnappers release 6 Russians\ussians/7517/

(Russia) Militants kill 2 Russian servicemen in Chechnya

(Turkey) Al Qaeda springs the Istanbul bomber from jail

(UK) Release of inmates from Guantanamo leaves Britain facing a securityheadache

(UK) Profiles of the five Guantanamo detainees

(UK) Guantanamo detainee expected home 'within weeks'\=473768&in_page_id=1811

(UK) Abu Hamza ordered to pay back 1m pounds sterling in legal aid\aid\43&in_page_id=1770&ito=newsnow

(UK) Channel 4: Britain Under Attack from Jihad Video

(UK) Sabotage is suspected over foot-and-mouth

(Australia) Dr. Haneef Mohammed seeks to get his visa back -- UK car bombssuspect

(Thailand) Suspected Muslim insurgents kill 2 health workers in restive southernThailand\.php

(Thailand) Insurgents kill former village headman -- in Yala

(Thailand) Report: Thai Buddhist vigilante squads suspected;_ylt=\Atn4YAz0378D8f.H.ABKXCDuNREB

Philippines: Communist rebels scoff at army's success claim

(Sri Lanka) Military says 2 Tamil rebels killed in eastern Sri Lanka; Tigersdeny claim

North Korea willing to move quickly on disarmament\cle%2FShowFull

North, South Korea to hold second-ever summit


CAIR/HAMAS Meetings in USA: War is Deception -- by The InvestigativeProject on Terrorism (IPT)

Commentary: An Idealistic Alternative to the Saudi Arms Deal -- by Walid Phares

News:(Netherlands) Dutch politician calls for ban on Koran,23599,22211667-23109,00.html

Egyptian Court in Controversial Ruling: Christians Who Convert to Islam CannotConvert Back

(Egypt) Christian convert seeks recognition in Egypt\426

Egypt's torture of Copts prompts warning

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