Thursday, August 23, 2007

TERROR NEWS August 23rd

(U.S.) Holy Land Foundation Trial - Fearing the Law They Face -- by The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT)

(U.S.) Prosecutor raises 'Trojan horse' theory in Seda case - Former U.S. head of al-Haramain fights for bail

(U.S.) Muslim group fights co-conspirator label in terror-funding trial

(Afghanistan) Twenty-six killed in violence across Afghanistan - update;_ylt=AuWwyvEfkb.9u0b5_qRssXbOVooA

(Afghanistan) Three dead in Afghan bomb attack - near the town of Gereshk - update

Pakistan: 'Talks with Taliban' tied to energy needs - Turkmenistan, Afghanistan & Pakistan close to agreeing to new 2,200 km gas pipeline

(Pakistan) U.S. OK'd Troop Terror Hunts in Pakistan - U.S. military given broad incursion authority in 2004 without telling Pakistanis

(Iraq) Al-Qaeda suspects held after Baquba raid

(U.S. & Iraq) National Intelligence Estimate Casts Doubt on Baghdad Government, Official Says,2933,294239,00.html -

Download new report here

(U.S.) Report: Iraqi terrorists caught along Mexico border -- American intelligence chief confirms 'people are alive'as a result of capture

(U.S.) To thwart a nuclear terrorist, U.S. directing trade partners to inspect millions of containers

UK court denies bail for terror suspect -- Algerian "U" - arrested on suspicion in planning attacks on Los Angeles airportand in Strasbourg, France;_ylt=Ain7YK3gclsBvpPI_5Uta9AwuecA

(UK) Scotland: Student trained in terror in Edinburgh -- Mohammed Atif Siddique trial update

(UK) Scotland: Terror trial hears threat claims -- Mohammed Atif Siddique threatened to "blow up Glasgow"

(Lebanon) Cluster Bomb Kills Lebanese - Mine expert killed, 3 wounded from mine from last year's war,,-6871531,00.html

(Lebanon) Hezbollah exhibits 'victory' over Israel;_ylt=Ak.zCfbXkjSBYy4OwxtwTWnagGIB

(Belgium) Pro-Hezbollah Group Will Demonstrate in Brussels on 9/11 -- "against Islamophobia" - founder called 9/11 attacks"sweet revenge"

(Gaza) Two Kassam rockets fired from the Gaza Strip land in Sderot

Israeli strike in Gaza kills Hamas militant

MEMRI Video: Hamas MP Fathi Hammad Threatens to Use Suicide Bombings against Abu Mazen

Commentary: Jihad International -- by Jacob Laksin

Other News:

CNN airs 'one of the most distorted programs' ever -- Documentary compares Jews, Christians to Muslim terrorists

(U.S.) Foreign aid groups face terror screens that receive U.S. Agency for International Development (AID) funds -- U.S. to require information on key personnel for secret screening program,2933,294215,00.html

(Iraq) 32 killed, 15 kidnapped in Al Qaeda fighting with rival Sunni Arab militants (my title) -- Al Qaeda kidnapped 15 Iraqi women and children -- Diyala villages of Tamim and Ibrahim Yehia;_ylt=Ak.7oxfE984NC_.VJwx.EjVX6GMA

(Iraq) Sunni village attacked, leader killed;_ylt=AiEZMF6VDMwl58I30hwh11xX6GMA

(Iraq) Wednesday truck bomb death toll rises to 27 - attack on police station (my title),21985,22292847-663,00.html,21985,22292847-663,00.html

(Iraq) US suffers 34 casualities in Iraq in one day

(Iraq) 'Chemical Ali' back in Iraq court over Shiite repression;_ylt=Agfn1l3HzAUpQTVvaEmCU99X6GMA

(Iraq) US general blames Britain for Basra crisis

(Afghanistan) Taliban ambush leaves 10 Afghan guards dead

(Afghanistan) Bombers target Afghan police chief - in the Helmand town of Gereshk;_ylt=AvSX1gwQUIMwrn6LdqrW6rPOVooA

(Afghanistan) German hostage in Afghanistan appears in video;_ylt=AnZgQF3bzOUzrdHapLD1xjnOVooA

(Afghanistan) Bomb kills 2 Canadians in Afghanistan -- Zhari district of southern Kandahar province - on Wednesday;_ylt=Aj0yqWM79GCHETZ52eC2oMXOVooA

(Afghanistan) Al-Qaeda teach kids, 6, to kill,,2-2007390138,00.html

(Pakistan) Pro-Taliban militants attack Pakistani camp - dozen soldiers wounded;_ylt=ApqM8Hl9uBAP2VXTTJrlSr_zPukA

(Pakistan) Group clash leaves six dead in Pakistan -- at a peace jirga in Zargari in Hangu district\08\23\story_23-8-2007_pg7_6

(Pakistan) Five terrorists arrested in Islamabad

(Pakistan) Ex-Taliban commander killed in Balochistan\08\23\story_23-8-2007_pg7_20

Pakistani militants are released from jail -- dozens of suspected Islamic militants have been released from prison without trial

(Pakistan) NGOs stopped from working in Swat -- threatening letters from suspected militants\08\23\story_23-8-2007_pg1_9

(Pakistan) Federal Minister for Parliamentary Affairs blasts pro-US foreign policy - blames Jewish people for 9/11 attacks, and cites Qu'ran as basis for enmity against other religions

(Indian Kashmir) Militants attack para-military post in Jammu and Kashmir

(Indian Kashmir) Policeman among two persons killed by militants in J&K

(India Assam) Grenade hurled in Assam

Indian actor Sanjay Dutt freed on bail - convicted on weapons charge for 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts;_ylt=ArL0OKLm3H.liXOdC7DX2L1A7AkB

(India) Five persons supplying diesel to Sri Lankan LTTE arrested in Tamil Nadu

(U.S.) Feds want Oregon Islamic charity figure held -- Pirouz Sedaghaty of Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation

(U.S.) Background on Al-Haramain Surveillance Hearing

(U.S.) Islamic Charity in Michigan Wants Documents Seized in Courterterrorism Investigation Returned -- Life for Relief and Development

(U.S.) Report: Two Michigan Muslim Charities Shut Down - Goodwill Charitable Organization (GCO) and Mabarrat

(U.S.) Report: Flying Imams drop suit against passengers, but not against flight attendants and captain

(U.S.) More Iraqis cross Southwest border seeking asylum

(U.S.) Bomb threat briefly shuts New York State highway

Turkey charges two over plane hijacking;_ylt=Aoso2fklFH7RZB4IaMwMYDjtfLkA

Algeria: Al-Qaeda 'apologizes' for attack on ex-Islamist rebel leader Mustafa al-Kartali

Philippines: Security alert after blast injures 14 people

(Philippines) More residents flee Philippine fighting;_ylt=AooSpqiEvp7j3dlRJURIf.pUKYUA

Lebanon army awaits news from militants on evacuation;_ylt=AsIWba_Ob1ryxSiD80y12v7agGIB

(Lebanon) Two Lebanese soldiers die in battle with Islamists;_ylt=AgtDRRaUAL5mkdpRCo.i.mXagGIB

Lebanon arrests 2 Palestinian suspects in bombing targeting UN mission

Hizbullah threatens to set up second gov't if unity gov't not formed,7340,L-3441014,00.html

Hizbullah Building Defensive Line North of Litani River

Iran Revolutionary Guards try to get around nuclear sanctions

Iranian dissident warns of US actions -- by declaring Iran's Revolutionary Guards a terrorist group§ion=middleeast&col=

(Iran) Lawyer: Iran detainee free, but has no passport

Poll: Palestinians prefer Fatah gov't over Hamas-led cabinet

Israeli, Hamas forces clash inside Gaza§ion=middleeast&col=

(Gaza) Three Qassam fighters injured in S. Gaza shelling

(Israel) 3 IDF troops lightly wounded in Nablus

(Israel) Police break up Hamas, Islamic Movement meeting in Jerusalem

(Israel) In Two Months Terrorists Fire 300 Rockets into Israel

(Israel) Kassam rocket lands near Sderot

Israel offers Palestinians control of Gaza-West Bank link in talks on deal

(Israel) CNN Special Compares Yesha Jews to Muslim Terrorists -- media watch dog states that CNN's "God's Warriors" compares the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria to Islamist terrorists

USA Today Article on ISNA Leader -- without mentioning that ISNA has been named an unindicted co-conspirator in Holy Land Foundation trial

Syrian Information Minister: The U.S. - A Viper-Like Fascist State; Teshreen: 'U.S. Leaders Are Terrorists and Serial Killers'

(UK) Britain frees assets eyed in jet plot -- lifted financial sanctions against Shazad Khuram Ali, was suspect in transatlantic jet plot to attack USA;_ylt=Altm2jdcH3Iy0cJOChQE7DITv5UB

(UK) Britain ready to back down on asylum for its interpreters in Iraq

(UK) Britain to start terrorism survival course

(UK) Scotland: Terror accused 'saw bomber video' -- Mohammed Atif Siddique

(UK) Scotland: Terror trial student was a model high school pupil, court is told

(UK) Scotland: Muslim warns of Scotland's 'home-grown' terror threat

(Australia) Terror Suspect Jack Thomas allowed to travel interstate,23599,22295500-29277,00.html

Australian police slams Haneef's lawyers

(Australia) Haneef case must end, say Australian lawyers

Russian serviceman killed in attack in Ingushetia

(Sudan) Darfur rebel faction threatens to pull out of peace talks over refugee camp raid

(Morocco) Islamists test Morocco's democracy limits in polls

(Columbia) 5 Colombian farmers killed in FARC attack

Commentary: The Viral Spread of Explosive Technologies in the Land of Jihad

Other News:

Italy: Protests against new mosque, Egypt's treatment of Christian convert

Iran: 24 hair salons closed in latest moral campaign

Malaysian paper apologizes for picture of Jesus holding cigarette -- (no global protests or threats by Christians)

Indian communists adamant about U.S. nuclear deal;_ylt=AkAasz0Q9WHZhKyVWxoBcAhA7AkB

(Germany) Support for Nazi ideas still haunts Germany, says gov't minister

(U.S.) Foreign aid groups face terror screens that receive U.S. Agency for International Development (AID) funds -- U.S. to require information on key personnel for secret screening program,2933,294215,00.html

(Iraq) 32 killed, 15 kidnapped in Al Qaeda fighting with rival Sunni Arab militants (my title) -- Al Qaeda kidnapped 15 Iraqi women and children -- Diyala villages of Tamim and Ibrahim Yehia;_ylt=Ak.7oxfE984NC_.VJwx.EjVX6GMA

(Iraq) Sunni village attacked, leader killed;_ylt=AiEZMF6VDMwl58I30hwh11xX6GMA

(Iraq) Wednesday truck bomb death toll rises to 27 - attack on police station (my title),21985,22292847-663,00.html

(Iraq) US suffers 34 casualities in Iraq in one day

(Iraq) 'Chemical Ali' back in Iraq court over Shiite repression;_ylt=Agfn1l3HzAUpQTVvaEmCU99X6GMA

(Iraq) US general blames Britain for Basra crisis

(Afghanistan) Taliban ambush leaves 10 Afghan guards dead

(Afghanistan) Bombers target Afghan police chief - in the Helmand town of Gereshk;_ylt=AvSX1gwQUIMwrn6LdqrW6rPOVooA

(Afghanistan) German hostage in Afghanistan appears in video;_ylt=AnZgQF3bzOUzrdHapLD1xjnOVooA

(Afghanistan) Bomb kills 2 Canadians in Afghanistan -- Zhari district of southern Kandahar province - on Wednesday;_ylt=Aj0yqWM79GCHETZ52eC2oMXOVooA

(Afghanistan) Al-Qaeda teach kids, 6, to kill,,2-2007390138,00.html

(Pakistan) Pro-Taliban militants attack Pakistani camp - dozen soldiers wounded;_ylt=ApqM8Hl9uBAP2VXTTJrlSr_zPukA

(Pakistan) Group clash leaves six dead in Pakistan -- at a peace jirga in Zargari in Hangu district\08\23\story_23-8-2007_pg7_6

(Pakistan) Five terrorists arrested in Islamabad

(Pakistan) Ex-Taliban commander killed in Balochistan\08\23\story_23-8-2007_pg7_20

Pakistani militants are released from jail -- dozens of suspected Islamic militants have been released from prison without trial

(Pakistan) NGOs stopped from working in Swat -- threatening letters from suspected militants\08\23\story_23-8-2007_pg1_9

(Pakistan) Federal Minister for Parliamentary Affairs blasts pro-US foreign policy - blames Jewish people for 9/11 attacks, and cites Qu'ran as basis for enmity against other religions

(Indian Kashmir) Militants attack para-military post in Jammu and Kashmir

(Indian Kashmir) Policeman among two persons killed by militants in J&K

(India Assam) Grenade hurled in Assam

Indian actor Sanjay Dutt freed on bail - convicted on weapons charge for 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts;_ylt=ArL0OKLm3H.liXOdC7DX2L1A7AkB

(India) Five persons supplying diesel to Sri Lankan LTTE arrested in Tamil Nadu

(U.S.) Feds want Oregon Islamic charity figure held -- Pirouz Sedaghaty of Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation

(U.S.) Background on Al-Haramain Surveillance Hearing

(U.S.) Islamic Charity in Michigan Wants Documents Seized in Courterterrorism Investigation Returned -- Life for Relief and Development

(U.S.) Report: Two Michigan Muslim Charities Shut Down - Goodwill Charitable Organization (GCO) and Mabarrat

(U.S.) Report: Flying Imams drop suit against passengers, but not against flight attendants and captain

(U.S.) More Iraqis cross Southwest border seeking asylum

(U.S.) Bomb threat briefly shuts New York State highway

Turkey charges two over plane hijacking;_ylt=Aoso2fklFH7RZB4IaMwMYDjtfLkA

Algeria: Al-Qaeda 'apologizes' for attack on ex-Islamist rebel leader Mustafa al-Kartali

Philippines: Security alert after blast injures 14 people

(Philippines) More residents flee Philippine fighting;_ylt=AooSpqiEvp7j3dlRJURIf.pUKYUA

Lebanon army awaits news from militants on evacuation;_ylt=AsIWba_Ob1ryxSiD80y12v7agGIB

(Lebanon) Two Lebanese soldiers die in battle with Islamists;_ylt=AgtDRRaUAL5mkdpRCo.i.mXagGIB

Lebanon arrests 2 Palestinian suspects in bombing targeting UN mission

Hizbullah threatens to set up second gov't if unity gov't not formed,7340,L-3441014,00.html

Hizbullah Building Defensive Line North of Litani River

Iran Revolutionary Guards try to get around nuclear sanctions

Iranian dissident warns of US actions -- by declaring Iran's Revolutionary Guards a terrorist group§ion=middleeast&col=

(Iran) Lawyer: Iran detainee free, but has no passport

Poll: Palestinians prefer Fatah gov't over Hamas-led cabinet

Israeli, Hamas forces clash inside Gaza§ion=middleeast&col=

(Gaza) Three Qassam fighters injured in S. Gaza shelling

(Israel) 3 IDF troops lightly wounded in Nablus

(Israel) Police break up Hamas, Islamic Movement meeting in Jerusalem

(Israel) In Two Months Terrorists Fire 300 Rockets into Israel

(Israel) Kassam rocket lands near Sderot

Israel offers Palestinians control of Gaza-West Bank link in talks on deal

(Israel) CNN Special Compares Yesha Jews to Muslim Terrorists -- media watch dog states that CNN's "God's Warriors"compares the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria to Islamist terrorists

USA Today Article on ISNA Leader -- without mentioning that ISNA has been named an unindicted co-conspirator in Holy Land Foundation trial

Syrian Information Minister: The U.S. - A Viper-Like Fascist State; Teshreen: 'U.S. Leaders Are Terrorists and Serial Killers'

(UK) Britain frees assets eyed in jet plot -- lifted financial sanctions against Shazad Khuram Ali, was suspect in transatlantic jet plot to attack USA;_ylt=Altm2jdcH3Iy0cJOChQE7DITv5UB

(UK) Britain ready to back down on asylum for its interpreters in Iraq

(UK) Britain to start terrorism survival course

(UK) Scotland: Terror accused 'saw bomber video' -- Mohammed Atif Siddique

(UK) Scotland: Terror trial student was a model high school pupil, court is told

(UK) Scotland: Muslim warns of Scotland's 'home-grown' terror threat

(Australia) Terror Suspect Jack Thomas allowed to travel interstate,23599,22295500-29277,00.html

Australian police slams Haneef's lawyers

(Australia) Haneef case must end, say Australian lawyers

Russian serviceman killed in attack in Ingushetia

(Sudan) Darfur rebel faction threatens to pull out of peace talks over refugee camp raid

(Morocco) Islamists test Morocco's democracy limits in polls

(Columbia) 5 Colombian farmers killed in FARC attack

Commentary: The Viral Spread of Explosive Technologies in the Land of Jihad

Other News:

Italy: Protests against new mosque, Egypt's treatment of Christian convert

Iran: 24 hair salons closed in latest moral campaign

Malaysian paper apologizes for picture of Jesus holding cigarette -- (no global protests or threats by Christians)

Indian communists adamant about U.S. nuclear deal;_ylt=AkAasz0Q9WHZhKyVWxoBcAhA7AkB

(Germany) Support for Nazi ideas still haunts Germany, says gov't minister

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