Wednesday, August 22, 2007

TERROR NEWS August 22nd

(Turkey) Report: Egyptian claiming al-Qaida ties and Turkish citizen charged with hijacking in Turkey

(Afghanistan) Taliban tapping British troops' mobiles to taunt soldiers' families

(Afghanistan) 11 dead in Taliban bombing (updated),21985,22292458-663,00.html

(Afghanistan) 11 NATO troops wounded in Taliban attack

(Al Qaeda) In Their Own Words -- Newly translated writings of the al Qaeda leadership: "The Al Qaeda Reader"

(Algeria) Al Qaeda Maghreb says member behind Algeria attack

(Algeria) Al-Qaida in North Africa denies responsibility for car bombing in Algeria

(Egypt) Police arrest two Muslim Brotherhood lawmakers in latest crackdown

Islamic Jihad claims responsibility for launching missiles at S. Israel

Iran develops 900-kg "smart bomb" - official media

Senior Hamas official: Palestinian President Abbas launching full-out war in West Bank

(Lebanon) Hamas rep in Lebanon told Iranian TV that suicide bombings against Israel justified, especially attacks in buses(shortened)

Lebanese Shi'ite Scholar Slams Syria, Iran, Hizbullah; Declares Support for Saudi Efforts (shortened) - MEMRI transcript

(Lebanon) Germany to Continue Naval Deployment to Lebanon,2144,2747782,00.html

Albanian, Saudi Militants Among Kosova Jailbreakers - Saudi terrorism suspect, 2 leaders of Albanian National Army groupescaped Aug. 18

(U.S.) Spy chief discloses classified details about U.S. foreign surveillance work

(U.S.) New U.S. appeals court reveals growing pains for terrorism prosecution plans

(U.S.) Imams drop 'John Doe' suit -- against "John Doe" airline passengers for reporting suspicious behavior

NBC Video: Look inside online jihad -- Evan Kohlmann quoted

The cyberwar against America

(U.S.) HLF Trial: Fundraising Speakers Include Hamas Leaders, "Yusuf Islam" (aka Cat Stevens?)

(U.S.) Poultry Farm Industry Group unwilling to support U.S. Homeland Security by completing a form on propane--- lobby group protests DHS attempts to regulate anyone purchasing 7,500 pounds of propane (my title)

(U.S.) Commentary: Terror trials hurt the nation even when they lead to convictions.

(U.S.) Commentary: Padilla Case Proves System Works

(UK) Scotland: Student terrorism trial date set -- Mohammed Atif Siddique in Glasgow charged with possession of bomb makinginstructions, the use of various weapons systems, terrorist training camp information

(Germany) Dresdner Bank Joins Others in Withdrawing From Iran - Third major German bank ends business,,2747687,00.html?maca=en-rss-en-all-1573-rdf

French police arrest former Red Brigades member

(Canada) Alleged terrorist Adil Charkaoui wants restrictions against him lifted

(Canada) Charkaoui witness recants, reporter tells court -- withdrawn his allegations against the accused al-Qaeda sleeper agent

(Australia) Secret terror stockpile -- of emergency drugs to treat victims of a terrorist strike,22606,22292460-5006301,00.html

(Philippines) Human Security Act loopholes allow funneling of terrorist funds - Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) assistant governor

Somalia: Grenade Explosion Kills Two in the Capital

Somali pirates release crew of hijacked Danish ship

(Columbia) 5 Colombian farmers killed in a suspected FARC attack in country's northwest

Other News:

Norwegian Christians, Muslims adopt declaration on right to covert between religions

Priest: Pakistan Short on Religious Freedom

(U.S.) M80 Publicity Company Assisting CNN on Promotion of "CNN Presents: God's Warriors"

Commentary: The Battle for the Artic

Propaganda Alert:
(UK) How the West humiliated the Muslim world

(Iraq) Truck bomber kills 20 in attack on Iraq police station -- in town of Baiji -- suicide bomber rams fuel tanker;_ylt=AlC1K0T9e0cUB9Kw7zPcrKJX6GMA

(Iraq) 14 US troops die in copter crash in Iraq;_ylt=AodQs.X2Mdoqx_Jbwcor74pX6GMA

Iraqi PM lashes out at U.S. critics;_ylt=AhdqhOnB1zx2O_q_bYsuVVNX6GMA

Iraqi police chief gunned down -- in Tikrit

Iraq: Baathists 'disown al-Qaeda'

Iraq: judge ejects 2 former Saddam aides from courtroom in former regime trial

(Iraq) Death continues to linger over bombed Iraqi villages - 5 bombs in deadliest terrorist attacks since 9/11 U.S. attacks probably killed over 400, with 600 wounded;_ylt=AlczdJFENdi76ZiRjXYvskqs0NUE

(Afghanistan) Suicide bomber attacks Afghan convoy, one killed -- in Kabul

(Afghanistan) Afghan provincial governor survives suicide blast;_ylt=ArJ1F4Rgk_Wt8Tci6gJJTnPOVooA

(Afghanistan) Taliban renews death threats against hostages - 19 South Korean hostages held for over a month;_ylt=AjpaqtXRU_cOac807cn51AjOVooA

Taliban chief Mansour Dadullah says Bin Laden alive: video;_ylt=ArvuAwzzhjXEf7iyWplSXxUwuecA

(Pakistan) Six killed in Pakistan checkpoint attack§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Pakistan) Militants kill 3 Pakistani soldiers -- in town of Bannu;_ylt=AkQdtCPteYYy.nV5zvNWK_XzPukA

Pakistan: Kidnapped soldiers to be freed in phases

Bajaur jirga gives Taliban four days -- to make a final decision on their peace agreement with Pakistan govt\08\22\story_22-8-2007_pg7_20

(Pakistan) Govt arrests individuals behind July 17 and July 27 suicide attacks - Govt claims foiling Aug 14 terror plot -- follow-up story

(Pakistan) Bomb blast destroys oil tanker in

(Pakistan) Two bomb blasts in Balochistan

(Pakistan) US angers Pakistan over Al-Qaeda claims -- US director of national intelligence Mike McConnell comments

(Pakistan) Two army convoys attacked in North Waziristan

(Pakistan) Lashkar-e-Islam chief Mufti Munir Shakir released

Pakistan microcosm of struggle in Islamic world\08\22\story_22-8-2007_pg7_8

(Indian Kashmir) Union Home Ministry: Violence declining in Jammu and Kashmir

(India) Bomb blast in Manipur

(India Assam) Hindi-speaking teacher's house targeted in Assam

(India Assam) ULFA has set up camps in Meghalaya, says Assam Chief Minister

(Philippines) Abu Sayyaf likely behind Philippine Zamboanga bomb: police;_ylt=AsMHHbpu_IYB5h9uvtJ5OylUKYUA

Philippine National Police anticipates more terror attacks -- by Abu Sayyaf supporters

Philippine police foil another bomb plot after blast in south injures 14

(Philippines) Prospects not good for Philippine talks with rebels;_ylt=AsXQpqlfmtt5T11VbS8EY4ZUKYUA

(Thailand) 2 shot dead, 19 wounded in Thai bomb attacks

(U.S.) CAIR concedes membership down -- blames the Justice Department for listing it as an unindicted co-conspirator in a Texas case against a charity accused of ties to terrorists

(U.S.) Holy Land Fund Trial: HLF Overseas Speakers Dominated by Hamas -- by The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT)

(Lebanon) Fierce clashes between Lebanese Army, militants

Lebanon mediator says contact with siege camp militants lost;_ylt=Alf5fVGDeQr3DKI97_ZXSI_agGIB

Hamas Qassam brigades fire more mortar shells at Israeli crossing

(Israel) IAF air strike kills senior Hamas man

Palestinian Hamas militant killed in Gaza blast

(Israel) West Bank: Polls proved support for pullouts rises with terror

Terrorist: U.S. training helps Fatah militia to kill Israelis (my title)

Fatah's Aksa Martyrs Brigades: Truce over

(Saudi Arabia) Saudi Youth Enter Rehab to Overcome Their Terrorist Ways,2933,294005,00.html

Iran may free another U.S.-Iranian Kian Tajbakhsh on bail: source -- Esfandiari may still face trial;_ylt=AuWJs8LjtOv46BClgL5avIlSw60A

Iran, U.N. Nuke Watchdog Agree on Timeline to Resolve Questions Over Suspected Secret Atomic Activities,2933,293979,00.html

(Iran) U.S. envoy dismisses Iran nuclear "charm offensive" - Official calls country's moves a smoke screen, says won't stop sanctions

U.S.: Iran cooperation insufficient;_ylt=Ak2aQ9SyYLsen7w_0RUrc.JSw60A

(Australia) Terror suspect 'escape foiled' - New South Wales prison,23599,22289383-2,00.html

(Australia) Haneef police interview released,23599,22288178-2,00.html

(Canada) Police issue letter-bomb warning

(France) Basque militant arrested in France for alleged links to ETA

(Slovakia) Suspected terrorist seeking asylum in Slovakia -- Algerian citizen Mustapha Labsi, suspected of cooperating with al-Qaeda

Somalia: Chieftains 'reach four-point accord'

Somalia: 10 Wounded in Grenade Blasts in Mogadishu -- on Tuesday -- update

Sudan: UN Accuses Military, Allied Militias of Possible War Crimes

Sudan police raid on Darfur camp raises tensions;_ylt=AvOABdkI8Ft5hUO.KGwEYSQShIMA

(Sudan) British Embassy in Sudan Remains Closed After Terror Threat

Sri Lankan fighter jets bomb Tamil rebel naval base in north, says military

Commentary: Islamic Jihad and Leftist Dreams -- Daily Kos hailed Jose Padilla as an "American Martyr to 'War on Terror'"

Other News:

Italy: Police halt mosque's construction

Most US adults in the dark about world politics

Flying Imams Legal Skirmish Liveblogging

Commentary: CNN Moral Equivalence Marathon, Part 1

USA Today Shills for ISNA -- without mentioning once that the group has been named an unindicted co-conspirator in the nation's largest terrorism trial

(Belgium) Muslims want ban on Easter eggs -- and Christmas Trees

(Belgium) Antwerp: Muslims want complete neutrality

(UK) Record numbers emigrate from UK

(UK) RAF jets scrambled to intercept Russian bomber

Malaysia to help Thailand in Islamic banking

Christian Science Monitor: " Islamic Spain: history's refrain" - calls Islamic Spain "A model for religious tolerance";_ylt=A0WTcU2wH8xGTDoBAw_9wxIF

(Palestinian Territories) Muslim movement Hizb ut-Tahrir offers alternative to Hamas -- author believes Hizb ut-Tahrir "calls for peaceful Islamic revolution"

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