Monday, July 9, 2007


(Iraq) Twin bombings kill 4, wound 21 - two roadside bombs exploded minutes apart near Baghdad's main bus terminal on Monday

(Iraq) Leader of al-Qaida front group in Iraq threatens war against Iran,2933,288600,00.html

Iraq's foreign minister warns U.S. withdrawal could lead to civil war and collapse of state

(Iraq) Followers of radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr condemn al-Maliki's statements

(Iraq) Lawmakers urge civilians to arm themselves

(Iraq) Violent weekend in Iraq kills over 220;_ylt=Aow4EanuEkRgZWDrS3dfHtVX6GMA

Iraq fears Turkey troop build-up - 140,000 soldiers prompt fears of incursion against Kurdish guerrillas

(Iran) Report: Iran general gives nuclear info

(Afghanistan) 2 children, Taliban leader killed in nighttime raid; 6 police killed in ambush

(Afghanistan) "More foreign fighters in Afghan insurgency"§ion=subcontinent&col=

Pakistan holds 'last-ditch' talks with mosque cleric;_ylt=Ao.tyzzWWZ6x_lDhUhDwxxfMWM0F

(Pakistan) Gunfire resumes as Mosque standoff enters 7th day

Pakistan Puts Off Plans To Storm Lal Masjid Complex

(Pakistan) "Eight top terrorists inside Lal Masjid" -- described as "high value terrorists"\07\09\story_9-7-2007_pg1_1

Pakistan: Mosque leaders are wanted terrorists - Musharraf will let clerics negotiate - chanting "Death to America";_ylt=A0WTcUkrA5JGyFkBVBWs0NUE

(Pakistan) Journalists barred from Lal Masjid\07\09\story_9-7-2007_pg1_2

(Pakistan) Govt warned of "madrassa backlash"\07\09\story_9-7-2007_pg7_19

Pakistan facing another Lal Masjid -- Pakistan security forces are gearing up to take on another set of well entrenched extremists led by a cleric, in a tribal area

(Pakistan) Ethnic group in Pakistan faces attacks by jihadists

Pakistani 'finds' 14 year old militant son in Afghanistan - he had come to Afghanistan to carry out a Taliban suicide attack;_ylt=AmzoC8uMfwM7tOsmTxwiSPTOVooA

(Pakistan) Ultimatum to Lal Masjid militants, cleric threatens suicide attacks

(Pakistan) Three Chinese dead in Pakistan "terrorist" attack;_ylt=A0WTcUQtP5FGS1QBJANvaA8F

(Pakistan) Chinese workers shot in Pakistan

(India) Youth held over 'links to terrorists'§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Indian Kashmir) Omar Abdullah escapes unhurt in grenade attack by militants

(India) Four militants killed in Manipur

(India) Maoists kill two civilians in Chhattisgarh

(Lebanon) Heavy fighting at Lebanese camp

Palestinian Islamic Jihad member killed by Israelis in West Bank

Abbas says Hamas planned to assassinate him

Hamas Kids TV: "Fight the Jews and bring Resurrection"

Israeli and Palestinian leaders hold talks in efforts to isolate Hamas

(USA) Many Homeland Security positions vacant - "Gaping hole" in nation's preparedness, congressional report says

(Morocco) EU, Israel warn Morocco against terror attacks: paper;_ylt=Av7x.SjAVDB8kEIFxC5jgmgTv5UB

(Somalia) New attack on Somali troops in Mogadishu markets;_ylt=AkgeLoC0PnnlYa7PPdoLhtSQLIUD

(Somalia) 13 die in weekend violence in Somali capital, police and witnesses say

Nigerian gunmen seize 2 foreign oil workers

(Nigeria) British toddler released by Nigerian kidnappers;_ylt=Avfk9x7GKlJYEq7bqEql8K7Z9YEA

German official calls for internment of terrorists

(Germany) Kurd jailed in Germany over fund-raising for Iraq terrorist group

France wants Hezbollah to 'renounce terrorism'

(Europe) Commentary: The Terror Hunt

(Canada) Agencies race to prepare for attack by dirty bomb

(Australia) Terror laws strengthened if necessary: PM,23599,22042038-29277,00.html

Uzbekistan Convicts Eight Women From Banned Group - Hizb ut-Tahrir members convicted

Botched bid to assassinate Abkhaz premier -- Russian TV

War crimes trial of Bosnian Muslim army commander set to start

Cuba "acted as courier between Spain and ETA"

(Philippines) Powerful Philippine bishops want anti-terror law reviewed;_ylt=AtdH7_pxwMxWW82YPlm4xVdUKYUA

Sri Lankan military captures rocky plateau nicknamed 'Tora Bora'

BBC: Four guilty over 21/7 bomb plot

AP: 4 guilty of plotting suicide bombing attack in London

Sky News: Three Guilty Over 21/7 Bomb Plot,,30100-1274336,00.html

BBC: Profile: Muktar Ibrahim,,30100-1274336,00.html

BBC: Profile: Ramzi Mohammed

BBC: Profile: Yassin Omar

BBC: Profile: Hussain Osman

ITV News: Profile of the July 21 plotters

Daily Telegraph: Nuclear alert by ex-head of MI5

London Times: Recruit Muslim spies in war on terror, urges new security chief

Daily Telegraph: New UK terror threat from foreign students

Interpol Web Site on UK Non-Cooperation

BBC: UK defends its border procedures

Guardian: Britain failing to check migrants on terror database, says Interpol chief,,2121808,00.html

Daily Express: Interpol: Britain is letting in terrorists

KUNA: Five face second week of questioning over bomb plots

BBC: Australia extends Haneef inquiry

Daily Mail: Police in Australia search bomb suspect's car and flat

Evening Standard: Police in Australia search bomb suspect's car and flat's%20car%20and%20flat/

AP: India: Police seize UK terror suspect's computer

AFP: No arrests in India over Britain terror plot: police

Daily Telegraph: Car bomb suspect visited al-Qa'eda's heartland

Guardian: More Britons travelling to Bangladesh to train in terror,,2121810,00.html

London Times: British terrorists using Africa as secret staging post (story on use of South Africa to get to Pakistan)

London Times: "Change human rights laws to stop encouraging terrorists"

Daily Mail: Families abandon overseas holidays because of airport terror fears

WorldNetDaily news report on London Central Mosque protest

Newsweek: Doctor of Death - A busted terror plot in Britain puts the spotlight on radicalized Muslim professionals.

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