Sunday, July 8, 2007


(Iraq) Bombings leave 162 dead in Iraq - Sunday Baghdad bombings killed at least 26 after Saturday bombing killed up to 150 - 10 suspected terrorists captured Sunday

(Iraq) Bodies of snatched Iraqi U.S. embassy couple found;_ylt=AljaD4EaELcouJkiNDlCe6fMWM0F

(Iraq) 2nd British soldier dies after attacks in southern Iraq

Afghanistan: Violence leaves leader, gunman dead

Hamas force arrests members of Fatah clan§ion=middleeast&col=

Gaza militants fire seven rockets into Israel§ion=middleeast&col=

(Gaza) Al-Qaeda veteran led Johnston kidnap gang

(Israel) IDF arrests female Hamas terror operative in Ramallah

Israeli cabinet approves release of 250 Palestinian prisoners

(USA - Padilla Trial) Mysteries, legal and sartorial, at Padilla terrorism trial

(Pakistan) Bomb kills 1 policeman, 4 others abducted in northwest Pakistan, official says

Pakistani Army bid to free students in Red Mosque fails; commando dies

(Pakistan) Red Mosque hostage kids tell parents: We are martyrs

(Pakistan) Al-Qaeda men in mosque siege,21985,22038743-663,00.html

Pakistan mosque assault looms amid Al-Qaeda links;_ylt=Am9V.CeKJ4eAgjyCyEvi2HXzPukA

(Pakistan) Pakistan mosque raid looms after militants kill colonel - Top Pak cmndr killed;_ylt=AubcGW_TGh1quY340cTwoKTMWM0F

(Pakistan) Lal Masjid standoff: Pak Army denies killing of 305 students

Pakistani commandos blow walls in mosque standoff;_ylt=Aj1tLNbicbykWigxKcep7LjMWM0F

View picture of Lal Masjid

(Pakistan) U.S. Aborted Raid on Qaeda Chiefs in Pakistan in รข€™05 - NY Times: Top Bush officials decided too risky, could jeopardize Pak relations

(Pakistan) Behind a Siege in Pakistan, Rumblings of Wider Dissent - Madrassas fueling growing Islamist militancy

(India) Year after: As 7/11 trial begins, prime suspect still at large - Mumbai bombing planners still free

Indonesia terror attacks may be imminent: Australia;_ylt=Ar5AXgNwop62Z7wTPU5nLIkTv5UB

(Thailand) 8 suspected insurgents rounded up in Narathiwat

(Philippines) Abu Sayyaf implicated in kidnapping of Italian priest in Philippines;_ylt=AlbH4h3weomBF4wVCnUqKN9UKYUA

(Philippines) Rebels worry over delays in talks with Philippines;_ylt=Aiw_JQ3kIRkbiRIvxgyhg1RUKYUA

Somalia: Dozens arrested in Mogadishu, search operations continue

(Morocco) In Morocco's 'Chemist,' A Glimpse of Al-Qaeda - Saad al-Houssaini avoided capture for years

(Russia) 2 officers killed, 1 injured in clash, ambush in Chechnya

(France) Sarkozy says France faces high terror threat, praises British anti-terror cameras

(Germany) Merkel: Europeans must defend core values of freedom, democracy against Islamic terrorists

Switzerland, next target?

(Australia) Visa Check to foil terrorists

(Sri Lanka) Naval battle kills two Tigers, blast at Sri Lanka air base;_ylt=Avi1i2WqnkG6ji5YdAqlQJ0tM8oA

Sri Lankan warplanes bomb Tamil rebel mortar locations in the east, military says

(North Korea) U.N. monitors set to go to North Korea after IAEA meeting;_ylt=Ar.P_VPWjpr.HCSFQCJTWRaCscEA

(DC/NYC) DC, NY Say Expected Increase In Anti-Terror Funding Isn't Enough

Daily Telegraph: Warning of 15-year fight against terror;jsessionid=Q42RNRPUNPCV3QFIQMGCFFOAVCBQUIV0?xml=/news/2007/07/08/nterr108.xml

BBC: Terror fight 'may take 15 years'
The Daily Star: New bomb warnings

The New York Times: British Identify Two "Principal" Suspects

Observer: Terror suspect's jet bomb plot link,,2121409,00.html

London Times: Car bombs are linked with Iraq's Al-Qaeda

The Australian: Modern militant 'recruits himself',20867,22014627-5001561,00.html

London Times: Biting back at terror suspects - How far did the alleged plot to bomb London stretch? A special report on a case that spans the globe from the UK to Iraq, India and Australia

The Australian: Graphic of International Plot Ties

Australian Sunday Mail: Indian police hunt for 12 UK bomb suspects,23599,22037823-23109,00.html

Times of India: Jihadi CDs seized from Kafeel's home

Times of India: 'Kafeel had left a suicide note at his house'

The Hindu: Was car-bomb designed in Bangalore?

Australia News: Doctors freed after terror questioning,23599,22037780-29277,00.html

Australia Courier-Mail: Focus on bomb plot transfers,23739,22035131-952,00.html

Australian Sunday Mail: Car bomb 'to be detonated from Australia',,22037487-5003402,00.html?from=public_rss

Daily Telegraph: Islamic charity linked to car bomb suspect

London Times: How I befriended a Glasgow bomb suspect and Islamic radical

Daily Express: MI5 Agents To Spot Student Terrorists

Sky News: PM Gordon Brown - 'Urgent' Need To Share Terror Information,,91211-1274162,00.html

Sky News: Call To Snitch On Terror Suspects,,30100-1274166,00.html

Daily Express: Tag fiasco: Failures in monitoring terror suspects

Daily Express: NHS doctors accused of bomb plots, Al Qaeda fanatics working for the police, and now the Terrorist traffic warden

BBC: 'Islamic duty' to help UK police
Daily Telegraph: Not in their name?;jsessionid=Q42RNRPUNPCV3QFIQMGCFFOAVCBQUIV0?xml=/news/2007/07/08/nrmuslim108.xml

Related graphic

London Times: The battle for hearts and minds - Two years on from the 7/7 attacks, government strategy for tackling Islamic extremism is in turmoil

Metro: Anti-terror message 'failing'

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