Thursday, July 5, 2007


(Afghanistan) Taliban hangs two Afghans accused of spying for US forces

(Afghanistan) Troops take on Taliban bomb-layers in 'IED Valley'

(Iraq) 17 Die After Baghdad Blast Strikes Wedding Party,2933,288233,00.html

(Gaza) Claim: British deal frees al-Qaida sheik Abu Qatada - Palestinian sources say agreement
made to release BBC reporter Alan Johnston

Yemen detains 3 suspects over attack against Spanish tourists

Algeria: Governor targeted in failed bomb attack - Ain al-Haman village

Somali soldiers publicly execute 2 men accused of killing officers

Jordan court overturns death penalty against al-Qaeda suspect

(Gaza) Update: 11 militants, most from Hamas, killed in flareup of Israeli-Palestinian violence in

Egyptian police seize large cache of explosives in northern Sinai

(Germany) Pakistan May Return Detained Islamists to Germany,1518,492424,00.html

Pakistani Militants Snub Surrender Call

(Pakistan) Mosque siege students 'holding human shields'

Pakistan: Lal Masjid head cleric charged with terrorism

Pakistan: Lal Masjid head cleric sent to 7-day custody

(Pakistan) Full commando operation launched on Lal Masjid

(Pakistan) Eight militants arrested while escaping from Lal Masjid

Bangladesh approves act to cut money laundering - 6 executed JMB and JMJB leaders funded by

(Al Qaeda) The Doctors' Orders: There's new thinking at work among some of Al Qaeda's brains.
How the British plot ties into the doctrine of a leading jihadi strategist known as Abu Musab al-Suri.

Al-Qaida video reflects group's troubles;_ylt=ArVL5CT431.A5VdIzxO6LGDMWM0F

(Australia) Official says two British terror suspects applied for Australian jobs

(France) Kouchner says Hamas help to free BBC journalist will not change French policy

UK court jails trio who incited terrorism over Web - 24 years for three cyber-terrorists - three Islamist cyber-terrorists were sentenced to a total of 24 years in prison: Younes Tsouli (10 years), Waseem Mughal (7 1/2 years), and Tariq al-Daour (6 1/2 years)

UK Television Video Report on Cyberterrorists

(UK) Indian PM speaks to Brown: Don't label terrorists by nationality -- Indian Prime Minister Singh: "there are no Indian terrorists or Pakistani terrorists, or for that matter Hindu terrorists or Muslim terrorists."

(UK) Terrorism's Hook Into Your Inbox - U.K. Case Shows Link Between Online Fraud and Jihadist Networks

(UK) Update: Britain convicts al-Qaida "sleeper" agent Omar Altimimi - Manchester police call Altimimi a sleeper agent

(UK) 'A popular misperception'

(UK - Northern Ireland) Retrial over police station bomb

(Connecticut) Stoning advocate to address Connecticut crowd -- Imam who forecast 'crumbling'
democracy to address 'Islamophobia' event

(Columbia) Outraged Colombians march against rebel kidnappers;_ylt=Asc67JU_gtDIpR33ly2OYVbMWM0F

(U.S.-Columbia) Jurors deadlock again in FARC trial - First trial in Washington of Ricardo Palmera,
aka Simon Trinidad, ended in mistrial

Downed Electronic Jihad Site Flew Under The Radar;jsessionid=TZ3WVA4C444M0QSNDLRSKHSCJUNN2JVN?articleID=200900590&subSection=News

Fingerprints to Help Single Out Terrorists - Electronic Dragnet Aims to Catch Potential Terrorists Not on Watch Lists

Commentary: The White House, CAIR and the OIC -- by Steven Emerson

Commentary: We all have to stand up to Islamists and their apologists

Commentary: Take Hamas at its militant Islamic word

Other News:

Copenhagen: Father stabs daughter

(UK/USA) 45 Muslim doctors planned US terror raids - plotted attack on US naval base - linked to
British Jihadist cyber-terror gang led by Younis Tsouli

Al Qaeda's No. 2 says end of West 'imminent,' video shows - Ayman al Zawahiri urges followers to go
to Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, & Somalia

Summaries by SITE Institute and Laura Mansfield

(Afghanistan) Suicide attack kills 10 Afghan police; NATO soldier dies in bombing

(Afghanistan) German freed in Afghanistan;_ylt=Ap2Yh4bymRXyslqqlCGWqmLOVooA

(Iraq) US military arrests 25 armed men; clashes erupt near Samawa

(Iraq) Military raids target terrorist cells in Iraq -- U.S.-led coalition forces killed a suspected terrorist
and detained nine others in raids targeting al Qaeda in Iraq

(Iraq) Body count in Baghdad up in June - Number of unidentified corpses found on street rises

(Israel) Four Jordanian terrorists to be extradited today

(Israel) 8 Hamas militants killed by Israeli troops in Gaza clashes

(Hamas) British Parliamentarians urging engagement with Hamas

(Hamas) BBC reporter's freedom 'really staged for movie' -- Palestinian official claims terror group in
cahoots with abductors of Johnston

(Hamas) Gazans pull kids from Hamas camp

(Pakistan) Gunmen kill four policemen in northwest Pakistan -- in Peshawar;_ylt=ApUyc6IzGG1LylIGdVHUwLXzPukA

(Pakistan) Tear gas prompts Pakistan mosque exodus

(Pakistan) Surrender call ignored at Pakistan mosque;_ylt=AgxnjtJ9i.vrQdaYgk85om7zPukA

(Pakistan) Heavy firing reported from Lal Masjid

(Pakistan) 'Warning' blasts heard near Lal Masjid

Pakistani troops blow up wall of besieged mosque

(Pakistan) 1,200 surrender at Lal Masjid\07\05\story_5-7-2007_pg1_1

(Pakistan) Radical Cleric Sees End of Mosque Seige in Pakistan - says remaining followers should
escape or surrender,2933,288120,00.html

Pakistan mosque leader arrested disguised in burqa§ion=subcontinent&col

(Pakistan) Murder, arson cases against mullahs\07\05\story_5-7-2007_pg1_3

(Pakistan) Security official states Lal Masjid 'Mosque linked to al-Qaeda' and Taliban,,2-10-1462_2141280,00.html

(Indian Kashmir) Muslim 'Rage Boy' Shakeel Bhat says he's really angry;_ylt=Ah40HzCy5zy5BuwERpliH5lA7AkB

(Lebanon) Two Australians charged with terror in Lebanon

Iran official rules out nuclear "time out": agency;_ylt=Alabmc01Ks3JSPVRLgB5m3hSw60A

(Somalia) Mogadishu mayor survives attempt on life;_ylt=Amcto9OmViGfy5ofJjeWwYGQLIUD

Yemen employs new terror approach -- for dealing with convicted al-Qaida operatives: Let them roam
free as long as they promise to be law-abiding

(Yemen) Al-Qaeda an ever-present threat in Yemen

(Nigeria) 'UK toddler' kidnapped in Nigeria

(Thailand) Rail service cut as Thai rebels sabotage tracks;_ylt=Apq5SJ_rE6F0WEAW.GGta2buNREB

(Thailand) 3 soldiers injured in ambush in South - in Pattani

(Thailand) 7 suspected insurgents arrested in Thai south were bomb making expects

Philippine chief says terror plots foiled against U.S. troops

Philippine forces intensify offensives against militants to keep ASEAN meetings safe

(Australia) Former chief judge slams terror detention law,23599,22021308-1702,00.html

Sri Lanka's Tamil rebels commemorate suicide bombers;_ylt=AimAwVX5wS1Jo6ctzqxwL18tM8oA

China nightclub blast kills 25, injures 33 -- Cause of explosion in country northeast under investigation

(North Korea) Report: Footage of NKorea's leader indicate signs of possible illness

Terror groups favor simple bomb ingredients - Memo on al-Qaeda laptop urges "idiot"™s guide"

(USA) Fake bomb eludes airport test - Federal inspectors slipped fake through at Albany, NY airport

(USA) Michigan Airport evacuated after 9 bomb threats,1,6406769.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed&ctrack=1&cset=true

Commentary: Fact or "Islamophobia"? - Robert Spencer about Islamic scholar Majid Khadduri on jihad

UK News:

(UK) 45 Muslim doctors planned US terror raids - plotted attack on US naval base - linked to British
Jihadist cyber-terror gang led by Younis Tsouli

(UK) Prophet cartoons protester Mizanur Rahman convicted in London of incitement to murder

(UK) Manchester: British court convicts Omar Altimimi of having terrorist manuals, and money

(UK) Plan to consult Muslim leaders on raids shelved,,2119678,00.html

(UK) BBC - Video: "Politics of Terror" focuses on Hizb ut Tahrir and their infiltration into British schools
and institutionsCambridge cell of Hizb ut Tahrir tried to recruit British Jihadist Iraqi Doctor

Britain Lowers Terrorism Threat Level

(UK) Terror suspects: Mohammed Haneef - Doctor who was trapped at airport

(UK) Terror suspects: Mohammed Asha - Surgeon 'who turned radical'

(UK) Terror suspects: Bilal Abdulla - Wanted revenge for his friend killed in Iraq

(UK) Ringleader 'Al-Qaeda sleeper',23739,22020874-953,00.html

UK Terror Plot -- Why the Bombs Failed - ABC News: Medical syringe used in firing mechanism
caused malfunction

(UK) House of Lords To Hear Terrorism Law Appeals - on Control Orders,,91211-1273746,00.html

British authorities comb alleged bomb factory

British Media: Scottish House Used as Makeshift Bomb Factory,2933,288118,00.html
Report: UK house used as bomb factory;_ylt=AuLTlvb2RULuFDtRTqZCNiYTv5UB

India offers to help British bomb plot probe;_ylt=AnkzxQ_NR6sqVjifLBTwZLxA7AkB

(UK) British Parliamentarians urging engagement with Hamas

Britain is top target for Islamic strategists, says former imam. Insight magazine reports an interview
with "A former imam is warning that extremists are aiming to establish Sharia law in the UK - and that
Britain has become the world “number one” target for Islamic strategists."

(UK) Report: British Prime Minister Bans Use of 'Muslim' in Connection With Terrorism,2933,288040,00.html

(UK) Brown: Don't say terrorists are Muslims

(UK) Europe tells Britain: Don't Says "Muslim" in Connection With TerrorismSecret EU guidelines have been drawn up warning governments not to link Islam and terrorism.

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