Wednesday, July 4, 2007


(UK) British Cleric: 'Al-Qa'eda leader told me of bomb plot -- Canon Andrew White warned in April;jsessionid=PQUTIRTG3VI2DQFIQMGCFFWAVCBQUIV0?xml=/news/2007/07/04/nterror204.xml

(UK) 'Those Who Cure You Will Kill You',,30100-1273642,00.html

(UK) Full Text Of Vicar's Terror Warning Email"He told me that they were going to start killing in the UK then the USA",,30100-1273646,00.html

UK terror police find suicide note

(UK) Investigators: Scotland and London Bomb Attempts Linked to Same Two Men

(UK) Bomb suspects on MI5 files;jsessionid=34DI4PBVRCP5LQFIQMFSFGGAVCBQ0IV0?xml=/news/2007/07/03/nterror104.xml

(UK) NHS terror plot: police investigate global email network used by 'bombers'

BBC: UK 'spooks' under fire in papers

(UK) Strict new checks for foreign NHS doctors

(UK) Brown orders doctors probe after British bomb plot;_ylt=AsPwkyIGxK2.TzbnP2sD7cYwuecA

(UK) British: Bombing suspects recruited here

(UK) Evidence suggests terror suspects hatched plot in Britain

(UK) Yard sends terror detective to Australia

(UK) Country on high alert as 7/7 anniversary looms;_ylt=AnZjpbxGoPCxrHNa5zGYOLUwuecA

(UK) British police downgrade 2 Blackburn terrorism arrests to drug cases

(UK) Scotland: Muslim leaders organise anti-terror rally

(UK) Terror suspects "hate violence"

(UK) NHS Muslim medics fear backlash from arrests

(UK) Commentary: If 'Islamist' is out, what do we call them?

UK-based trio admit inciting terrorism over Web - police said on Wednesday: Younes Tsouli
("Terrorist 007"), Waseem Mughal, Tariq al-Daour

(UK - July 21 Trial) 21/7 jury retires for fifth day

Other News:

UK: Muslim doctors meet Conservative Shadow ministers

(USA) TSA beefs up transit security for July 4th week

(Iraq) US military destroys three Al-Qaeda hideouts

(Iraq) U.S. military says kills 25 gunmen in Iraq - north of Baghdad - military said on Wednesday;_ylt=AotqyRdfonweHIdx96l9FQlX6GMA

(Iraq) Suicide bombing kills two policemen southwest of Baghdad - in Al-Sayyida district

(Iraq) Two Iraqi journalists kidnapped and killed

(Iraq) Pilots shot down in Iraq tell of dramatic escape

(Afghanistan) 20 suspected militants killed in Afghanistan clashes

(Afghanistan) Suicide bombers, not fighters main Afghan threat: U.S.;_ylt=Atc3jfM7CH5fgasR6n2KZxTOVooA

Afghan army executes first big operation;_ylt=ArgzoNO8vly5o50kU_fH7L3OVooA

(Afghanistan) German believed kidnapped in Afghanistan;_ylt=AnGV0FP5Vq1Zn92sEItUblTOVooA

(Pakistan) Six killed in suicide attack on Pakistan Army convoy -- going from Mir Ali in North
Waziristan to Bannu

(Pakistan) Top militant commander inside Pak Lal Masjid - report

(Pakistan) Fresh exchange of gunfire at Pakistani mosque;_ylt=AmNQEqvsSOXYic4VCJMyA4DzPukA

Pakistan mosque death toll rises to 16 amid new shooting§ion=subcontinent&col=

Pakistan mosque cleric offers conditional surrender

(Paskistan) Hardcore defiant as hundreds surrender at Pakistani mosque - 700 followers surrendered
at Lal Masjid - however estimated 1,000 still inside seeking "martydom";_ylt=AjPha8H4Yu6eZ5JJYEgBhijzPukA
(Paskistan) Hundreds surrender at Pakistani mosque;_ylt=Aq233ecy4VFwKnIYT2P1jnjzPukA

Pakistan imposes curfew around Lal Masjid

(Pakistan) Angry protests in Pakistan over bloody clashes with Islamists

(Pakistan) Rocket attack on Pakistan police station kills one

(Pakistan) NWFP puts security on high alert\07\04\story_4-7-2007_pg7_10

(Pakistan) Seven suicide bombers arrested in Gilgit

(Pakistan) Five soldiers wounded in landmine explosion in Balochistan

(Pakistan) Alleged bomber confesses to crime - bomb went off before could plant in woman's school
-- threatened schools, music stores, barber shops

(India) Soldier killed in Jammu and Kashmir

Yemen arrests Qaeda-linked suspects after blast;_ylt=AvGy6zjKWUdGaxqeFuLkUzwwuecA

(Yemen) Eleven held for Yemen suicide attack which killed seven

(Yemen/Spain) Bodies of 7 bombing victims arrive in Spain

(Algeria) Report: Prominent Islamic militant arrested in Algeria -- Zakaria is suspected to be the chief
treasurer for Al-Qaida in Islamic North Africa

(Algeria) SITE: Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb Issues Third Installment of "Series of the Swords'
Shadows", Featuring Attack on Algerian Police in Takhoukht

(Nigeria) Gunmen attack oil installation in Nigeria, 5 foreigners reported seized

(Somalia) Gunmen slay Somali official, blast kills teen - on Tuesday;_ylt=AqQm8sNgGHWnwrhjcjPJYr.QLIUD

(USA - Florida) Man Accused Of Yelling Bomb Threats Held On $750,000 Bond - "Allah, Allah, Allah,
you will all die"

Interpol chief: A new antiterror strategy
Interpol chief demands global anti-terror force;_ylt=Aq.AYv8MR.swAU7rBJWWhVwTv5UB

European Union plans airline passenger profiling

(Europe) Al Qaeda threat 'spreading across Europe'

(Europe) Website bomb-making lessons to be outlawed across Europe

Spain's interior minister says ETA planned fatal attack this week

Germany faces terrorist threat: official

(Turkey) U.S. hit with Turkish demands on Kurds;_ylt=Agk7O1ghdCRdo_AnjoCCS9HtfLkA

(Thailand) 2 soldiers wounded in South ambush

(Thailand) 5 arrest warrants sought for insurgents

(Canada) Terrorist threat up in Canada, security experts warn

(Canada) Analysis: Fallout from a dirty bomb

(India - Chhattisgarh) Top Maoist Leader Arrested; Huge Quantity Of Arms Recovered

(Sri Lanka) Air force pounds rebel positions in Sri Lanka's volatile east; soldiers kill 7 rebels

(Sri Lanka) 16 LTTE cadres and four soldiers killed in separate incidents

(Columbia) Video suggests that Franco-Colombian hostage is still alive;_ylt=AmUmj0psJ1Ysz3wn1QudvzKwv7kA

Colombia rebel hostages appeal for accord;_ylt=ArDndm.LBMWsOpXgt336B5awv7kA

(North Korea) IAEA to verify NKorea reactor closure

Other News:
(Iran) Don't "play" with Islamic law, Iranian women told;_ylt=Av_QDjQcCMf4NYDYVeVUYDdSw60A

(Germany) Effort to build a large mosque rattles some in Cologne

Sarajevo: Robbing bank with Burqa

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