Friday, July 13, 2007


(USA) Intelligence Report: Al Qaeda renewing efforts to sneak terror plotters into U.S.declassified version of NIE to be briefed to Congress on Tuesday-,2933,289152,00.html

Newsweek: Why bin Laden is still at large

(Iraq) US forces capture 'Iranian-backed militant';_ylt=AsK0An_5fwX0BxTyqNOGYE9X6GMA

(Iraq) Five policemen killed, 12 injured in attack on Iraqi Interior Ministry

(Iraq) U.S. forces kill 6 Iraqi police and 7 gunmen - American raid to capture an Iraqi police lieutenant accused of leading a cell of Shiite militiamen;_ylt=AkOg4_8ooAVEA8AN46IxXjhX6GMA

(Iraq) Three people killed, 11 wounded in Mosul

Iraqi reporter of NY Times killed in Baghdad;_ylt=AvRcaAT1wUMegIdxbzzWUDVX6GMA

Iraq: Curfew in Najaf due to security concerns

(Afghanistan) Dutch NATO soldier wounded in Afghanistan dies;_ylt=AlStsvVs8ITzEpcnQR_aYU_OVooA

(Afghanistan) NATO: Afghan civilian deaths 'inflated' - NATO states figures for civilian casualties after military action are often exaggerated or fabricated

(Turkey) Turkish soldier killed, another wounded in landmine explosion

(Turkey) Two soldiers killed in eastern Turkey - against Kurkdish rebels per army sources;_ylt=AvwazMmzbzs9wVm.dK8FkmntfLkA

(UK Car Bombs) Indian doctor in Australia linked to U.K. terror suspects

(UK Car Bombs) Australian Police Have 12 Hours to Question U.K. Plot Suspect Mohammed Haneef

(UK Car Bombs) Australian Suspect Mohammed Haneef breaks down in tears in front of lawyer

UK mulls travel bans to prevent terror training

(Pakistan) Army likely to launch operation in Pakistan's northern, tribal areas

Pakistan: Military seals off town close to Afghan border

(Pakistan) Security tightened in Pakistan;_ylt=AkVFoSPzwXnWSuBdQawek2fzPukA

(Pakistan) Suicide bombers strike as Musharraf declares war

(Pakistan) Inside the Red Mosque: charred bodies and a call to seek a martyr's death

(Pakistan) Call for protests over Pakistani mosque assault

(Pakistan) End of Lal Masjid crisis is start of govt's struggle\07\13\story_13-7-2007_pg7_17

(Pakistan) Radicals' buildup under agencies' nose a question\07\13\story_13-7-2007_pg7_11

(Pakistan) Headless corpse of 'US spy" found in N Waziristan\07\13\story_13-7-2007_pg7_21

(Pakistan) CNN banned from visiting Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa\07\13\story_13-7-2007_pg7_16

(India) Perpetrators of 7/11 will be booked: PM§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Indian Kashmir) 13 injured in grenade explosion in J&K's Bandipora - on Friday's+Bandipora

(Indian Kashmir) 24 injured in grenade explosion in Indian-administered Kashmir - on Thursday

(India) Maoists on rampage in Vizag

(India) Rising concern about India's bloody Maoist insurgency;_ylt=AtDW7wDG6Ed.5RznO7casodA7AkB

(Gaza) Islamic Jihad launches missiles at Karm Abu Salem crossing

(Gaza) Israeli incursion into east Rafah

(Israel) Gov`t may free pre-Oslo terrorists

(Lebanon) Islamists fire rockets as Lebanese army pounds camp hideout;_ylt=ArYtAk0vR2jjW2W8VDxNMZLagGIB

(Lebanon) Katyushas fired from Nahr El-Bared at parts of N.Lebanon

(Lebanon) Six Israeli warplanes violate Lebanese airspace

French President Sarkozy Says Hizbullah Not A Terrorist Group\ACQRTT200707130539RTTRADERUSEQUITY_0165.htm&selected=9999&selecteddisplaysymbol=9999&StoryTargetFrame=_top&mkt=WORLD&chk=unchecked&lang=&link=&headlinereturnpage=

(Thailand) Five people killed in Thai south - on Friday;_ylt=AuUlAWXgN_N8k2na9R_RrSvuNREB

(Thailand) Five killed in Thai south as Thai PM wraps up visit - on Thursday;_ylt=AlD25Ar5KhCdrrLkf5M9pCbuNREB

(USA - NYC) US Refuses More Money for New York in Terror Fight

(USA - DC) Bomb Squads Are Left Lacking

Indonesia: Southeast Asian nations told to prepare for bioterrorism

(Germany) Right-wing extremist injured while building a bomb

Germany widens inquiry on Iran nuclear exports

Report: Iran agrees to reactor inspection

Algeria: Ex militant leader on state's payroll - GSPC Islamist Hasan Hattab

Yemen: Spanish bomb victim 'brain dead'

(Nigeria) Kidnappers seize 4th child in Nigeria;_ylt=At_gR7XlHPyNBR3nAYnpe.jZ9YEA

(Nigeria) Militants in first Nigeria talks

Colombian rebel hostage killed in rescue attempt;_ylt=AowJtlxdQ3gyFac45sc6gDGwv7kA

Colombia's Uribe blames rebels in deaths of 11 hostages;_ylt=Alu6cmJdVRyruXgg7aFxacqwv7kA

(Philippines) New anti-terror law raises hackles in Philippines

(Sri Lanka) Rebel bomb kills 1 civilian, but misses army in northern Sri Lanka, military says

Sri Lankan rebels hold military drills to show their strength despite recent defeat

(Sri Lanka/Australia) Govt 'must prove Tamils are terrorists'

North Korea's military warns nuclear deal could be scrapped;_ylt=AkWw71vVju0W0cLg5a9_hSWCscEA

North Korea military proposes talks with U.S.

(North Korea) US envoy wants N. Korean reactor disabled by 2008

North Korea's Criminal Ties (my title),9171,1642898,00.html

Other News:

CAIR Helps Ohio Muslims Obtain Driver Photos with Hijab

Shariah scholar stresses need to form mega Islamic institution§ion=business&col=

(Belgium) Neo-Nazis call for action against gays

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