Thursday, July 12, 2007


(USA) Summer 2007 Is Eerily Similar to Summer 2001 - Richard Clarke

(USA) Al Qaeda Regroups -- US News and World Report's report on this

(USA) Bush denies al-Qaeda has renewed

(USA - Georgia Tech Jihad) Separate Trials Sought In Terrorism Case - Syed Ahmed and EhsanulSadequee accused of discussing terror targets with Jihadists and training for attacks on govt andcivilian targets

(USA - Pennsylvania) Man accused of bomb plots says he was trying to 'entrap' al-Qaida

(USA) Colorado Officials Trained To Watch For Terrorists

(USA) Government Agencies Posting Sensitive, 'Need to Know' Material Online - update to earlierarticle,2933,289011,00.html

The Return of Al Qaeda - Newsweek: "Islamic Jihad Union" militants linked to Al Qaeda plotting attack on U.S. interests in Germany

(Iraq) Suicide bomber kills seven at Iraqi wedding

(Iraq) U.S. troops raid Shiite district - Hunting militia linked to Iran, 19 killed;_ylt=AvSelOVBTDKbE6kk9k60JsnMWM0F

(Iraq) Report on Iraq shows mixed results (updated) - Accuses Syria of allowing 50-80 suicidebombers per month for al-Qaida and Iran of funding extremists;_ylt=AkJlZYuKeAPQrCQq88O7s7Os0NUE
Iraq benchmarks report shows progress at 50-50

Interim Benchmark Report on Iraq: Download report link:

(Iraq) U.S. Army report analyzes Karbala attack - January attack killed 5 soldiers - Iraqi policecolluded with insurgents

(Pakistan) Musharraf vows war on militants

(Pakistan) Militants gear up attacks on security forces to avenge Mosque operation

(Pakistan) Eight killed in Pakistan blasts after mosque raid

Pakistan opposition splits after Lal Masjid operation

(Pakistan) Al-Qaeda thrives in Pakistan tribal haven

(Pakistan) Letter from China: Mosque siege reveals the Chinese connection

India's Muslims enter ranks of terrorist recruits

(India) Huge cache of arms recovered from a militant hideout in Rajouri - Rifles, grenades,explosives found

(Israel) Troops foil terror attack in West Bank

(Israel) West Bank: Troops kill gunman with explosives belt

(Lebanon) U.N. Hariri investigators say they identify suspects - New info about van & cell phoneshelped pinpoint suspects;_ylt=AqFsfPRgtPm_tF20B47at3XMWM0F

(UK Car Bomb Plots) Woman in UK bomb probe released -- without charge - Marwa Asha

(UK) Offenders may be prohibited from traveling to Pakistan,,2124209,00.html

(UK) Travel bans considered to stop Britons from training for terrorism overseas

(UK) Review of terrorism laws could restrict travel from Britain

(UK) NHS: Could Terrorists Spread Killer Virus?,,30100-1274865,00.html

(UK Web Terror - Irhabi007) A world wide web of terror - Jihadists creating “residents” in virtualworld of Second Life

(UK) Commentary: Terrorists with degrees? Don't be so shocked

(Update) Somalia: Seven Bomb Blasts Kill 3 And Wound 13 in Mogadishu

(Somalia) People in Mogadishu Begin to Flee As Violence Escalates

(Philippines) European court strikes Joma out from EU terror list - National Democratic Front of Philippines' chief political consultant "Joma" Sison removed

(Russia) Upsurge of Fighting in Chechnya - Summer campaign casts doubt on claims that war isover

(U.S.) Senators to bar Libya ambassador nominee - 4 U.S. senators to block nominee until Libya pays compensation for terrorist attacks in 1980s

Liberia 'to seize Taylor assets' - On trial for war crimes

Commentary: Hamas' Mystery Media Representative in the U.S.

Commentary: 'Militant' media - Hamas in NYT again

Terrorist organization logos

Other News:

Nobel laureate calls for assassination of President Bush - Irish peace activist's speech at Dallasevent gets standing ovation - Betty White: "I could kill George Bush"

(USA) Lawmaker rips into State Department for passport delays

Al-Qaeda has rebuilt strength, U.S. says -- upcoming National Intelligence Estimate says rebuilt itsoperating capability to a level not seen since just before the 2001 terrorist attacks

Government report: Al Qaeda strongest since September 11, 2001

Al-Qa'eda 'has been able to rebuild';jsessionid=ZOYH1XVNN3VJRQFIQMGSFFWAVCBQWIV0?xml=/news/2007/07/12/wterror112.xml

Iraq attacks kill seven - gunmen attacks - incluidng family gunned down in Karbala;_ylt=AgOrrABaeTrKXQEn5ICBkTlX6GMA

(Iraq) White House to release report on Iraq;_ylt=An4047c26bh17yVQTdy9ZORX6GMA

(Iraq) Bush to declare progress in Iraq on some benchmarks

(Iraq) Coalition discovers Iranian weapons stash in Iraq

(Afghanistan) 36 suspected Taliban killed in clashes in Afghanistan

(Afghanistan) Blast kills six Afghan police - remote controlled bomb in Yaqobi district of Khost;_ylt=Ap8REnZNQD_Hfjf7NTmdb1bOVooA

Afghanistan: 1 NATO soldier killed in operation

(Pakistan) Hundreds feared killed in mosque siege

Pakistan says 19 mosque bodies could be women, children§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Pakistan) Mass burials of mosque dead take place in Islamabad§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Pakistan) Bombings in northwest Pakistan kill three police, two officials

(Pakistan) Jamia Hafsa female students chant jihadi slogans\07\12\story_12-7-2007_pg7_25

(Pakistan) Prayers, "Jihad" chants for rebel Pakistani cleric§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Pakistan) Red Mosque cleric forecasts 'Islamic revolution' -- Crackdown boosts Musharraf abroad,but emboldens hard-liners in Pakistan

(Pakistan) Lal Masjid backlash imminent, but fanatics must be taken to task: Sethi\07\12\story_12-7-2007_pg7_22

Pakistan's 'silent majority' welcomes mosque raid;_ylt=AhmoJ1R8frQJtnkcLKlglcrzPukA

(Pakistan) Lal Masjid episode reveals Pak govt's association with terrorists: US think tanks

(Pakistan) Govt will act against every madrassa promoting extremism, warns PM\07\12\story_12-7-2007_pg7_1

Pakistan: Fresh survey of Islamabad madrassas likely

(Pakistan) Bomb planted under railway track defused in Hangu\07\12\story_12-7-2007_pg7_13

Pakistan: British award returned over Rushdie Knighthood

(Pakistan) US short-changed by Pakistan in anti-terror fight: intel chiefs;_ylt=ApxoUaZvN0CETqBOteSSiPQUewgF

(Pakistan) US delivers two F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan

(Bangladesh) Top leaders of banned Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) arrested in Bangladesh

Bangladesh troops fight Myanmar rebels, take weapons;_ylt=AgZLTEYg2Z10He9_jMKI2lVTQMQA

(India) J&K man held for 'terror' links in Pune'terror'+links

(India) Maoists blow up TV, power sites in southeast India;_ylt=AnFGfJIwg7eiWzMbE5llxhlA7AkB

(India) Naxals blow up DD tower in Vizag

(India) Three people arrested with explosives in Guwahati

(Lebanon) Battles rage at Lebanon camp, 4 soldiers die;_ylt=AtsO7KRfZq6NKFnjeG86wfLagGIB

Lebanon: Army rejects rumors of final assault on Fatah al-Islam

Syria open to altering ties with Iran, Hizbullah and Hamas

Jordan airport bomb plot sentence overturned;_ylt=AhKcAzbT4ygeo_XeXt0K9r9YU.0A

Hamas inflicts first Israeli combat death this year;_ylt=AtCnettKU6HL2gf5jjStyrXuyucA

(Israel) Man convicted of assisting terrorist - in 2005 Tel Aviv nightclub bombing

(Israel) IDF arrests five terror suspects in West Bank

Somali presidential palace targeted as fresh violence kills four

(Somalia) Mortar attack kills 2 in Somali capital;_ylt=ArXkxhAoomNQhW2yXe3dCFKQLIUD

(Nigeria) 7 kidnapped oil workers freed in Nigeria;_ylt=AscKyG7K59CCMJbKTVHpv5XZ9YEA
Yemeni President blasts at Al-Qaida leaders

(Thailand) Insurgents kill elderly couple in South -- in in Narathiwat -- also tried to disrupt train tracksin Yala

EU rejects assassination as tool to fight terrorism;_ylt=AjM0fuBcOAq9FdY_gQPNLVwTv5UB

(France) 'Carlos the Jackal' wants transfer to Paris prison

(Germany) Released hostage calls for German withdrawal from Afghanistan

(UK Car Bomb Plots) Australia calls for mechanism to speed up terror probe in India;_ylt=AhfDPIq3rLtp0xMheXbzb4QTv5UB

(UK Car Bomb Plots) Australia: Law Council, Amnesty concerned at Haneef's detention

(UK Car Bomb Plots) Key suspect Kafeel Ahmed in UK terror plot was shy and brilliant, teachersand fellow students say

(UK Car Bomb Plots) Red tape holds up UK terror probe

(UK) Judge links July 21 bombers to 7/7

(UK) Al Qaeda evil is spreading like a virus

(UK) Hospitals 'must tighten security' - poor security could give easy access to deadly chemicals and viruses

(UK) Need for tighted UK security controls on passports (my title) - another foreigner gets a UK passport every five minutes -

(UK) Former Mosque Leader Warns Britain Top Target for Extremists

(Spain/UK) 'ETA plot to bomb Plymouth ferry foiled'

(USA) Chertoff Explains 'Gut Feeling' About Terror Attack

(USA/UK) LA-London plane diverted to JFK - American Airlines plane diverted to NY after crew concern;jsessionid=0CTVDVB34G205QFIQMGSFFWAVCBQWIV0?xml=/news/2007/07/12/wjfk112.xml;_ylt=Ag6ez8_hD9Xo76uziL2ij9wTv5UB

(USA) Update: Sting Operation Nets Government License to Handle Radioactive Materials - more detailed update on NBC story,2933,289044,00.html

(USA) Sensitive Documents Found Unprotected on FTP Servers

(Iran/Russia) The Crisis in Iranian-Russian Relations over Iran's Nuclear Project

(Australia) I'll keep anti-terror detention laws - Rudd,23599,22061265-1702,00.html

(Columbia) Senior Member of FARC Narco-Terrorist Organization Found Guilty of Hostage-Taking Conspiracy;_ylt=Alj9AdX8pU3jU4QDDXfQVNiwv7kA

Philippines pursues militants amid hunt for kidnapped priest;_ylt=Amx07NbOQk4_Qj4q8Z.bz4ZUKYUA

(Sri Lanka) Tamil Tigers vow guerrilla warfare after losing stronghold§ion=subcontinent&col=

(North Korea) IAEA chief expects smooth NKorea shut down;_ylt=AspTRln8xbPWV_61KEy.ot.CscEA

Other News:

German aims to read Satanic Verses in mosque

(Netherlands) PVV submits bill banning burqa

Sweden: Veils used in muggings

UK: Islamist terror linked to "honor" murders

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