Saturday, June 30, 2007


June 30, 2007 Anti-Terrorism News

(Iraq) 26 'Iran-linked terrorists' killed in Baghdad raid: US;_ylt=A0WTcV14N4ZGjPkAcRcTv5UB

(Iraq) US kills senior Egyptian al-Qaeda figure in Iraq -- Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Masri,7340,L-3419179,00.html(Iraq) Al-Qaeda's "mufti" killed near Fallujah

(Iraq) Some 47 Iraqis killed, 22 wounded in Miqdadiya suicide bombing -- at a military recruitment
center in Miqdadiya, Diyala Province

Iraq: US military says reports of 20 beheaded bodies were false

Iraq Sunni militias 'turning against al-Qaeda',23599,21993188-23109,00.html

(Iraq) Sunni legislator says he is quitting politics and joining resistance

(Afghanistan) 39 Taliban killed in military air strike - eight civilians killed (my title);_ylt=AlvXYIJtjisrNaS.flQRmmbOVooA

(Afghanistan) 15 insurgents killed in Afghanistan -- in the southern Helmand province, a local official
said on Saturday

(UK) Police hunting London car bombers

(UK) Al-Qa'eda hunt after two London bombs found;jsessionid=MHA1K3MC5AIDPQFIQMFSFFOAVCBQ0IV0?xml=/news/2007/06/30/nbomb130.xml

(UK) Fear of al-Qaeda campaign after explosive find in second Mercedes

(UK) British police patrols stepped up after bombs found;_ylt=Ah0LZah173cbAV03B4pfUhgwuecA

(UK) Officials: Car Bomb Plot Bears Al Qaeda's Trademark

(UK) Nightclub bomb alert issued two weeks ago

(UK) Car bomb would have caused huge fireball

(UK) Device is similar to other planned attacks

(UK) Were car bombs revenge for Rushdie's knighthood?

(UK) London mayor defends Muslims as bomb plot foiled;_ylt=AhY9YLvbyLMQFT6bMWKbSfETv5UB

CAIR: "UK Muslim Held in Los Angeles" - and is being returned to Britain

MPACUK: Britain is to Blame for London Car Bombs

(Spain) Bomb explosion at Ibiza airport - Basque separatists ETA

(Pakistan) Taliban militancy could engulf Pakistan, Musharraf is warned

(Pakistan) Document warns Taliban threatens Pakistan - "There is a general policy of
appeasement towards the Taliban, which has further emboldened them"

(Pakistan) 13 oil tankers blown up - by Pro-Taliban militants in Landi Kotal\06\30\story_30-6-2007_pg1_7

(Pakistan) Radical Pakistan mosque warns Musharraf;_ylt=AoXpFunqbrL5Y4cAN1_ZH3zzPukA

(Pakistan) Suicide bombers holed up in Lal Masjid: president

(Pakistan) Musharraf ready to raid Lal Masjid -- if Pakistan media agrees not to show any bodies\06\30\story_30-6-2007_pg1_3

(Pakistan) Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM) behind Lal Masjid stand-off: Musharraf

(Pakistan) Lal Masjid vows not to allow "enlightened Islam"\06\30\story_30-6-2007_pg7_44

(Pakistan) Afghan national beheaded in FATA

(Pakistan) PIDC bombing suspect arrested\06\30\story_30-6-2007_pg7_7
(Pakistan) FIA to trace accounts of banned outfits\06\30\story_30-6-2007_pg7_3
(Indian Kashmir) Two Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists killed in Jammu and Kashmir
(USA) U.S. approves contacts with Muslim Brotherhood: 'Region is going Islam'

(USA) Politicians move to cut Guantanamo funding
(Israel) Qassam hits Negev homes - Al-Quds cell claims responsibility for rocket attack which
directly hit elderly couple's home,7340,L-3419145,00.html

(Israel) Kassam rocket fired at Israel lands in Gaza

Hamas: We will receive international forces 'with shells, rockets'

Hamas threatens any international force in Gaza

Hamas TV show kills militant mouse character - describes Farfour the mouse as "martyr" who is
"killed" by "Israeli"

(Lebanon) U.N. chief worried about Syrian/Iran arms smuggling;_ylt=AmFB6m28O_DK0FePfLYbguBSw60A

(Lebanon/Syria) US bans entry for people undermining Lebanese gov't

Syria building more missiles, but unlikely to attack against Israel: defense official

(Egypt) 33 Muslim Brotherhood students arrested in Egypt, official says

Turkey draws up plan to hit Kurd rebels inside Iraq: FM;_ylt=AngEFhYLzfTO6KsvXm2dKR_tfLkA

(Australia) Muslim cleric a danger on paper -- Sheik Feiz Mohamed,20867,21992307-601,00.html

(Thailand) Militant killed in escape attempt

(Thailand) Local administration official shot dead in Yala

(Thailand) Thai PM says Malaysia, others helping arrange talks with southern insurgents

(Iran) IAEA team to visit Iran in July: ISNA;_ylt=ApbxhTSfiQiMc__d.nvW5fJSw60A

Iran: international Islamic court needed, top officials says

(UK) Lockerbie bomber's lawyers reject ruling on fabrication

(India Assam) Seven militants arrested in Assam

(India Assam) 5 ULFA ultras held with explosives, arms

Colombia rebels to hand over 11 bodies;_ylt=AmvbC8Fk4Az5O411JHXOfXWwv7kA

(Sri Lanka) Seven civilians killed as explosives found in Sri Lanka;_ylt=Ajud3CGoHeUvukHUj1M1lNMtM8oA

(Sri Lanka) Explosive-packed truck found in eastern Sri Lanka, navy says

(Sri Lanka) Three civilians killed in separate incidents

North Korea agrees on reactor closure

(USA) Mercury found in subway, courthouse - Isolated incidents investigated because of lethal

Other News:

(Florida) Controversial new mosque in Pompano Beach may be years away -- Islamic Center struggles to raise money to build,0,4725797.story?coll=sfla-news-broward

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