Friday, June 29, 2007

June 29, 2007 Anti-Terrorism News

(UK) Terror Plot Involves Islamic Extremists; Police Have 'Crystal Clear' Picture of Suspect

(UK) Second car bomb found in London's West End

(UK) Police Find Explosive Device in Second Car in London - same gasoline bomb and nails as first,2933,287292,00.html

(UK) Was London Bomb Plot Heralded On Web? Internet Forum Comment From Night Before:
"London Shall Be Bombed"

(UK) A Most Lethal Anti-Personnel Bomb Defused : Anatomy of a Bomb in London

(UK Commentary) Car bomb is al-Qa'eda's greeting to Brown;jsessionid=NPZ23EC4LEAF3QFIQMFSFFOAVCBQ0IV0?xml=/opinion/2007/06/29/do2908.xml

(USA) New York to Boost Security After London Bomb Found

(USA) Guantanamo Bay detainees win challenge - US Supreme Court has agreed to consider the
demands of Guantanamo Bay prisoners to have their detentions reviewed by a US federal court

(Pakistan) Musharraf invites top cleric to resolve Lal Masjid standoff

(UK) Car bomb found and defused in Central London -- apparent car bomb with gas canisters and
nails near London nightclub - subway areas near Piccadilly Circus closed off

London Telegraph report;jsessionid=RRMVTHIFK1ZBJQFIQMFSFFOAVCBQ0IV0?xml=/news/2007/06/29/nbomb229.xml

BBC report

Sky news report,,30000-1272925,00.html

Daily Mail report

(UK) Main London Park Lane Street Cordoned off over New Bomb Alert, Terrorist Probe Launched,23599,21993129-23109,00.html

(UK) Manhunt for London bomb suspect

(UK) Was London Bomb Plot Heralded On Web? Internet Forum Comment From Night Before:
"London Shall Be Bombed"

(UK) Al Qaeda suspected of massive bomb attack on nightclub

(UK) Car Bomb Found in London 20 Days After al Qaeda Suicide Bomber 'Graduation Ceremony'

(UK) Official: Diffused Bomb in Central London Would Have Caused Significant Damage,2933,287292,00.html

(UK) Police probe possible Iraq link to London bomb,23599,21992554-23109,00.html

(UK) Brown says Britain under 'continuous threat' from terrorism

(UK) Cartoon protest 'death threats' - Mizanur Rahman called for the beheading of opponents of

U.S. urges vigilance after U.K. bomb defused

Terrorism fears contribute to rise in oil prices

(Iraq) Five US soldiers killed in Baghdad ambush - military detained dozens of suspected Al-Qaeda
linked militants in raids across Iraq on Friday;_ylt=Au_P8xYlPTc_J5EpZUeD1hUwuecA

(Iraq) Two weapons caches discovered in two Baghdad mosques

(Iraq) Shia leader postpones march to bombed Iraq shrine

Iraq: Bomb Damages Oil Pipeline

(Afghanistan) 4 terror suspects killed in eastern Afghan raid

(Afghanistan) US soldiers raid on Khogiani district, arrest 15 - Afghan rights group claims 4 civilians
killed (my title);_ylt=Am_D5IenDgaTXeRNreUs3MfOVooA

(Afghanistan) NATO never 'intentionally' kills civilians;_ylt=Av6IK_w1tdeKqPbQYaX7W3TOVooA

(Pakistan) Suicide bombers hole up in Pakistan mosque: Musharraf;_ylt=Atze1b3Njdx.oM6NjZTwbcLzPukA

(Pakistan) Female suicide bombers holed up in Lal Mosque - Musharraf

(Pakistan) Tension mounts as Rangers deploy near Red Mosque

Pakistan: Musharraf to unveil terrorist threats nation faces

(Pakistan) Jihadi CDs selling in Karkhano Market\06\29\story_29-6-2007_pg7_43

(Pakistan) Bajaur cleric vows to enforce Sharia

(Pakistan) "Khan network no longer exists"\06\29\story_29-6-2007_pg1_8

(Indian Kashmir) Seven terrorists and two civilians among 11 persons killed in Jammu and Kashmir

(USA) Supreme Court to rule on Gitmo detainees' rights

(USA Padilla Trial) Padilla co-defendant denied mistrial - Juror saw a co-defendant in shackles, but
judge rules fair trial wasn't jeopardized,CST-NWS-pad29.article

Israel kills militant from Abbas's Fatah movement;_ylt=AuvFXukZw90eezFsJg8xq3_uyucA

(Israel) Olmert: "A Country Cannot Protect Itself Ad Infinitum"

Palestinian Prime Minister Fayyad warns Islamic preachers;_ylt=ApoYGZZvRH5PpWCR_uYA6MbuyucA

Hamas preacher defies government order to stop talking politics in mosques

Abbas for isolating Hamas, fighting extremists in Lebanon

(Lebanon) Two killed, 10 injured in clashes between Lebanese army and Palestinians

Lebanon army kill demonstrators

Lebanese troops block return of refugees to camp;_ylt=AmLLF4y7Z4AXK6GiN1pNclvagGIB

Lebanese soldiers, Islamists keep up sporadic fire;_ylt=Ag_L.OAOH8CF8JIIaZTWOo7agGIB

(Lebanon) 6 militants killed in Lebanon clashes;_ylt=AheCSyABP8CWSvECcB4jwtowuecA

(Lebanon) Commentary: Al-Qaeda and the deadly Robert Fisk agenda

Spanish police detain Moroccan man Abdellatif Zehraou suspected of links to al-Qaida recruitment

Spain detains fourth al-Qaeda suspect

EU backs passenger data deal with US

"EU moves to prevent religious hatred"

Turkey: Government ready for cross border approval

(Sudan) Navigating the Sudan Sanctions Regime

(India) Sivaganga: Two killed in Tamil Nadu bomb explosion

(USA) Signs point to a terror aid plateau,0,336018.story?coll=ny-leadnationalnews-headlines

(USA/Iran) House pressures Iran with gasoline bill;_ylt=Apun3JzFOCupwKtH48V95EJSw60A

(Iran) British draft compromise on Iran;_ylt=AlmOe7nkpcOe_EgRqSYC0UFSw60A

Malaysian Muslim activists protest outside British, US embassies

(Sri Lanka) Seven people wounded in Sri Lanka blasts;_ylt=AlS72cN64XRe4Cc5omP2FuYtM8oA

(North Korea) UN nuclear inspectors reach 'understanding' with N Korea;_ylt=Ai4b.HN84juE5aoqE0rNnYqCscEA

Other News:
(UK) Magistrate protest over face veil,,2-2007300057,00.html

(Netherlands) Hague: Imam wants censorship committee

Norway cracks down on female circumcision,23599,21993133-23109,00.html

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