Thursday, June 21, 2007


June 21, 2007 Anti-Terrorism News

(Pakistan) New Photos Show Secret Pakistan Plutonium Plant - ABC News: Pakistan
completing third reactor, suggesting expanded arsenal

The Pakistan Connection - Arrests of 3 near Iranian border, possibly headed to Europe or US,
renews doubts on Pakistan

(India) Two suspected Pakistan-trained terrorists held in Lucknow with seven kg RDX - near the
Lucknow railway station

(India) 11 convicted in 1993 RSS blast

(Iraq) General says 80 percent of top Al Qaeda leaders fled Baquba

(Iraq) Australians 'repelled Iran navy' Iranian naval forces tried to capture Australian Navy team
but repelled

Lebanon declares victory in camp war on militants (updated) - Not all terrorists have

(Gaza) Alan Johnson 'kidnapper' interview - Mumtaz Dagmoush interview on BBC reporter's

(Gaza) A Visit to Fatah's Torture Chamber - Hamas opens Fatah prison to public,1518,489898,00.html

(Somalia) Five Killed in Capital

Somalia: Eight tons of weapons detonated in the capital by Ugandan troops

(Russia) Hizb ut-Tahrir activists convicted in Magnitogorsk - Third case in Chelyabinsk region

Commentary: Oil dependency is fueling Islamic terrorism: ex-CIA head

(USA) Police: Guns, animal rights literature found in explosives probe - Animal Liberation Front
mags and nitro found

North Korea threatens South over sea intrusion - Seoul denied intrusion

(Iraq) Suicide truck bomber kills 18 in N.Iraq attack -- blast in Sulaiman Bek;_ylt=AgYzk51ZB.LWroDb5jpTP0JX6GMA

Iraq: Explosions strike US-controlled Green Zone

(Iraq) 41 insurgents killed as US presses assault on Al-Qaeda - in past 2 days;_ylt=Avj_6d4G3xr6dvYpOFt5L71X6GMA

(Iraq) US forces launch new crackdown against al-Qaeda in Iraq

(Iraq) Attacks kill 14 American soldiers in Iraq

(Iraq) British hostages held by "Iran-backed" killers - US General Petraeus: Mahdi Militia
kidnapped 5 Britons;_ylt=AnqtUr4T.ZTl2lYitlv.e8xX6GMA

(Iraq) US military's new Iraq strategy: religious conciliation

(Iraq) Allen: Fallujah to be clear of al-Qaida - by August;_ylt=Ai9QHHIAqFBO2fWkz2zp3g4wuecA

(Iraq) Pope concerned about fate of Christians in Iraq

(Iraq) America can't just walk away from the fight with al-Qaeda, US general insists

Afghanistan: 7 suspected Taliban die in clashes

(Afghanistan) Taliban are 'recovering', says rebel leader

New Taliban Military Commander Mansour Dadallah: Bin Laden Is Alive and Well

(Afghanistan) NATO soldier killed in Afghan landmine blast;_ylt=Ajh.GnYavNOuvL33G1VPi2zOVooA

(Afghanistan) Taliban 'shifting focus to Kabul'

(Afghanistan) Taliban vows more attacks on Afghan capital§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Afghanistan) Iraqi tactics come to Afghanistan - Taliban hunt spies, target Kabul with Iraq-style

(Afghanistan) UN halts food deliveries to southern Afghanistan over attacks, looting

Iran denies US claims it is arming Taliban rebels

(Lebanon) Army, Islamists trade fire on day 33 of Lebanon camp siege;_ylt=AhLd0jt7vsYX3eH4vaTg.UTagGIB

Lebanon camp militants "fighting like rats"§ion=middleeast&col=

Lebanese army insists on militants' surrender§ion=middleeast&col=

Syria closes Lebanon border post because of camp siege;_ylt=AhUbdXBBFf810cyt3uAHqP_agGIB

(Palestinian Territories) Abbas Says Hamas Is Trying To Kill Him,,30200-1271593,00.html?f=rss

(Palestinian Territories) Islamic Resistance Movement 'murderous terrorists,' Abbas says --
Hamas seeking 'Kingdom of Gaza,' Palestinian president claims

(Palestinian Territories) Abbas rules out talk with Hamas "terrorists"

(Palestinian Territories) A leader of Hamas warns of West Bank peril for Fatah

Hamas warns off Fatah in West Bank

Hamas creating 'empire of darkness'

(Hamas) In Israel, Palestinians tell of Hamas butchery

Gaza: Hamas threatens to reveal names of Palestinian "Mossad agents"

Gaza militants launch 'web-war'

Egypt sets multilateral talks to pre-empt Hamas

(Israel) 4 militants killed near Kissufim, 2 Islamic Jihad men in W. Bank

(Israel) IDF officers: 'Israel should not maintain any ties with Hamas'

Palestinian Islamic Jihad claims Kassam rocket attack

(Jordan) Police step up hunt for convicted terrorists

(Indonesia) Report: Fugitive Bombing Mastermind "Arrested" -Detikcom news agency reports
arrest of Malaysian national Noordin Mohammed Top

(Indonesia) Police: Indonesian terror suspect Abu Dujana to face possible death penalty

Indonesia: Abu Dujana is lying, says Bashir spokeman

Indonesian Jemaah Islamiyah in disarray after arrests, member tells Al-Jazeera;_ylt=AikcRgnsyIXKTLX4c5SJ6RvaHXcA

Pakistan hardliners honor bin Laden in Rushdie row - given bin Laden the title "Saifullah," or
sword of Allah;_ylt=Aq.Gt_N7Jx3EEsVBacmc9dLzPukA

(Pakistan) "Suicide Bomb" Religous Affairs Minister may go to UK

(Pakistan) Rocket hits girls' school in Bajaur Agency

(Pakistan) Landmine explosion in Pakistan kills three people - in Pakistani tribal agency of
Kurram bordering Afghanistan

(Pakistan) KFC ransacked in Pakistan riots;_ylt=Argu1japjkTXywtFr7cKURvzPukA

(Pakistan) Death toll in missile strike in North Waziristan increases to 34

Report: Waziristan blast caused by "new U.S. weapon"

(Pakistan) China asks Pakistan to hand over 22 militants hiding in the tribal areas

(India) Former Kashmir rebel wounded by "cigarette bomb";_ylt=AqsRUfxKa3qnF3OmeJsUHO01NXcA

(India) Protesters in Indian Kashmir march against Rushdie knighthood

New Rushdie protests after Britain defends award;_ylt=AsaOiCs.ipAQPfFmrfwR6wwwuecA

(UK) Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett: Britain 'sorry' if Muslims are offended by Rushdie

(India) Two bomb blasts in Manipur

(India) Maoists kill police personnel in Chhattisgarh

Algeria: leader of al-Qaeda gets 20 years prison sentence in absentia -- national leader of
al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, Abu Musab Abdelouadoud alias Drudkal
(Nigeria) Gunmen driven from Nigerian oil facility - leaving a dozen gunmen dead;_ylt=AqzYaJDlQ_pMSHZk4.KWgjzZ9YEA

Nigeria: Militants Demand N12m for Indian Hostages

(USA) Judge expected to rule on bin Laden video in Padilla case

US State Dept weighs reaching out to the Muslim Brotherhood (my title)

Germany indicts Lebanese for bomb attempt -- accused of planting terrorist bombs a year ago
on German trains

Swiss trial convicts two Muslims accused of supporting terror on Internet

Switzerland: Terror incitement trial
France expels Iranian suspected of ties to nuclear drive

Spanish police discover ETA car bomb after end of ceasefire
(UK) Seventh terror suspect flees control order - new terrorist suspect on run - suspect subject to control order vanished Monday night,,2-2007280728,00.html
(UK) Convicted Terrorist states 'Led astray' by Al Qaeda general Dhiren Barot
(UK) Leicester: 'Look out for signals of terrorist activity'
(Guyana) Sons Of Guyana Terror Accused Freed On Bail - sons of JFK Plotter Abdul Kadir
Australia mulling to block terror recruiting websites
(Thailand) Sweep-up operation in Yala
(Thailand) Airport scanners working again after computer virus shut them down
(Philippines) Anti-terror law's implementating rules being finalized
(Sri Lanka) Army: Dozens of Sri Lanka rebels slain - update;_ylt=Ap2cpbGRcx9SdRXSTmGWLuItM8oA
(Nepal) Hindu train suicide bombers in Nepal
(Columbia) Freed rebel ruins hopes of peace with call to fight
North Korea says bank problem could stall nuclear moves;_ylt=Ai3dikpKIr9EkxAaRT3_25WCscEA
(North Korea) Chief U.S. Nuke Negotiator Visits North Korea,2933,285333,00.html
(North Korea) U.S. to hold direct talks in North Korea on arms
U.S. citizen passport rules postponed
TSA workers get trash reminder - Orlando, FL airport trash


Al Qaeda's Franchise in Africa - J. Peter Pham, Ph.D.
Beware of Al-Qaeda's Franchise in Africa - J. Peter Pham, Ph. D.

Other News:
(UK) New group for those who renounce Islam -- Council of ex-Muslims of Britain plans to
speak out against Islamic states that still punish Muslim apostates with death under Sharia law
Netherlands: Growth in Islamic banking
Norway: "Koran exhibit" upsetting Muslims
Norway: Somalis support female circumcision
Sweden: Call to ban arranged marriages
Denmark: Adding Spanish and Arabic as foreign languages Antorini, education spokesperson for the Social Democrats said the call for moreArabic benefits teens with roots in the Middle East.

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