Wednesday, June 20, 2007


June 20, 2007 Anti-Terrorism News

(Afghanistan) Afghan districts retaken from Taliban and Afghan district falls into the hands of

(Afghanistan) New Taliban Leader Had Been in Afghan Custody; Released in Hostage Deal

(Iraq) U.S. Opts Not to Release Iranians Detained in Iraq Raid - Wash Post: Won't release 5
until at least October

(Pakistan) USA Dept of Homeland Security Chief: Bin Laden "in Pakistan"

Israeli planes, tanks hit Gaza;_ylt=ApOEboDedDLu2iB6Z0MNdWPuOrgF

Hamas Leader Warns Israel Not to Attack;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHZkMjZyBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=132ksltug/EXP=1182459456/**http%3a//

(Hezbollah) U.S. lawmakers pressuring EU on Hezbollah terrorism designation

Banning Hizbollah in Europe (prepared statements to Congress)

(Palestinian Territories) Mahmoud Abbas rules out talks with Hamas "killers, coup plotters"

(Lebanon) Palestinian mediators bring hope of ceasefire to Lebanon

Jemaah-Islamiya, Abu Sayyaf Are Top Terror Networks In The Philippines

(Russia) Shootout in Chechnya kills at least 3;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHZkMjZyBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=12l1vr772/EXP=1182458834/**http%3a//

(Tajikistan) Amnesty Offered to Tajikistan Militants - Hundreds in prison for 1992-7 civil war;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHZkMjZyBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=12ojeo2vf/EXP=1182458710/**http%3a//

(USA) Bin Laden may have arranged family's US exit: FBI docs - FBI agent's note leads to
speculation - actual documents

(Spain/Canada) Canadian Police arrest suspected ETA member - Suspect in 2000 Madrid car
bombing - second ETA arrested in Canada in June

Other News:

Muslims hold new protests against Rushdie knighthood

(UK) Home secretary defends Rushdie knighthood,,2107282,00.html

Commentary: Death to Rushdie, Again

(UK) Muslim officer is first on the beat donning hijab

Commentary: Journey into Islam

Hackers target 'legitimate' sites

Professional Protester, Jihadi-style,-Jihadi-style.html

(Iraq) US-led forces strike Qaeda strongholds in Iraq - killing at least 30 alleged insurgents, the
US military said Wednesday;_ylt=AjDQFmfuFcf75Yaf23.UMxNX6GMA

(Iraq) Gunmen blew up two Sunni mosques Wednesday south of Baghdad - no casualties -
updated death toll on Tuesday mosque bombing is 87 dead (my title);_ylt=AsLO0IQRYT98PHTsjFPuziVX6GMA

(Iraq) Insurgents arrested, caches seized in Operation Marne Torch -- MNF

(Iraq) Tribes help U.S. against al-Qaeda

(Afghanistan) 3 killed in Afghan mosque shooting - Taliban militants overran another district in
southern Afghanistan;_ylt=AswlStMSsXnDiHkUL.yTk3bOVooA

(Afghanistan) 3 NATO soldiers killed in roadside blast in southern Afghanistan

(Afghanistan) Attack that killed kids targeted al-Qaida leader

Turkey detains 23 in anti-al Qaeda swoop-media

Lebanese army says it has taken part of siege camp;_ylt=AjUgqBOY7KdgyaQ2t9GdYdjagGIB

(Lebanon) Judge issues arrest warrants against 4 Al-Qaeda suspects

Israel in first deadly clash with Gaza fighters since Hamas takeover

Israeli Jets Bomb Palestinian Rocket Launchers in Gaza for First Time Since Hamas Takeover,2933,284813,00.html;_ylt=AqXB0zE.gBO2EsJhgUPfZ2TuyucA

IAF targets Kassam launchers in Gaza

(Gaza) IDF soldier wounded, three Palestinian gunmen killed in south Gaza raid

Hamas lists seized U.S. weapons - Claims over $400 million in munitions, equipment taken
from compounds

Israel to Allow in Palestinians Fleeing Gaza,2933,284773,00.html

Court: Israel must aid Gazans at Erez

(Gaza) Israel allowing all foreigners out of Gaza, official says,7340,L-3415362,00.html

(Jordan) Two convicted terrorists escape from Jordanian jail

(Pakistan) 18 foreign nationals included among 30 terrorists who were killed in Waziristan blast:
Political Adm

Paksitan: At least 22 die in Waziristan "blast"

(Pakistan) Scouts arrest 4 "suicide bombers"\06\20\story_20-6-2007_pg7_55

(Pakistan) Authorities arrest 39 people in explosion probe\06\20\story_20-6-2007_pg7_14

(Pakistan) US fears "Nuclear-armed mullah" takeover in Pakistan\06\20\story_20-6-2007_pg7_10

(Pakistan) Britain slams Pakistan Religious Affairs Minister's suicide attack warning\06\20\story_20-6-2007_pg7_3

(Pakistan) Britain 'deliberately provokes' Muslims, say Pakistani protesters;_ylt=AhRzX83I0mh0r4_qik3YZSTzPukA

(Pakistan) 'Sir' title sought for bin Laden to avenge Rushdie knighthood

(Pakistan) Lal Masjid standoff: Pakistan to rebuild seven mosques -- with the hope of ending a
prolonged siege at a girl's seminary

Pakistan: New strategy to fight terrorism

(India) Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) targets India Gate, Golden Temple, Vaishnodevi

(India) Thousands mourn separatist rebels shot in Kashmir;_ylt=Ag4zalubE_oRS_wl7XYuiDw1NXcA

(India) Fury as presidential hopeful urges women to throw off "veil of invader"

(India) Militants kill two para-military personnel in Assam

(India) Naxalites kill two security force personnel in Bihar

(India) Maoists kill civilian in Chhattisgarh

(Thailand) Police raid insurgents, arrest three - Thai border patrol police officer was killed in a
drive-by shooting

Indonesia student jailed over terror website,23599,21939488-1702,00.html

Indonesia terror suspect Abu Dujana won't turn in wanted man

Indonesia: Terror suspect meets family

Philippines: Italian priest "could be released soon"

Somalia: Gunmen Attack a Police Station Overnight

EU, U.S. reach preliminary deal on SWIFT data: EU;_ylt=AnjwwsrMNh.W2gIh08kYBJ0Tv5UB
Swiss Internet terror trial opens - Moez Garsallaoui and Malika El Arou accused of Al Qaeda bomb-making web sites;_ylt=AvzZ1osFfaF5QIbMGGWvLd0wuecA

Spanish PM meets with Basque gov't leader for first talks since end of ETA cease-fire

(UK) Ambassador: Britain facing decades in Afghanistan

(UK) Vigil marks 100th day of captivity for BBC's Alan Johnston

(UK) Light shed on IRA murder of Nairac

(USA) DHS acknowledges own computer break-ins -- problems involved DHS's unclassified
computer networks;_ylt=Agt51Qx2fRdTtG3ES5PO7T0Tv5UB
(USA) Colorado: Homemade explosions land man in jail
9/11 Trade Center attack simulation finds planes' impact stripped fireproofing from towers

(Guantanamo Bay) Six Terror Suspects Released From Detention In Guantanamo Bay

Terror Web 2.0: The Net-Centric Operations of Terrorist Groups Today

Australia: Al-Qaida seems to be rebuilding forces

Sri Lanka military says kills 70 rebels in a day;_ylt=AhQ97724WJcJU2A543EPK1MtM8oA
Sri Lanka sinks 5 rebel boats; military says 40 killed§ion=subcontinent&col=
Sri Lanka seeks hackers to down pro-Tiger website;_ylt=At7h8T0JHSbUctCoaJDbFJYtM8oA
(North Korea) U.S. says 6-way Korea talks may resume in July;_ylt=AvrLrKLD9Iz.mRoeLXwdP6yCscEA
China plans "dirty bomb" drill ahead of Olympic Games,,-6722473,00.html

Commentary: Michelle Malkin on Salman Rushdie

Ohio's Governor Speaks at CAIR Banquet; OhioĆ¢€™s Press Snoozes

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