Thursday, October 4, 2007


Al Qaeda's Secret Correspondence -- letters from Hassan al Tajiki on Afghanistan, includes letters to Bin Laden

(Afghanistan) Taliban leader exhorts suicide bombers in video -- Mullah Mansour Dadullah

(Afghanistan) Taliban: No foreign troops in Afghanistan - attacks to increase during


(Afghanistan) Taliban poised for a big push - Syed Shahzad: 9 operations in past 10 days inwestern

Pakistan: Radical Islamabad mosque handed back to former clerics

(Iraq) Al-Qaeda "financier" arrested in Iraq -- update with additional detail

Iraqi Sunni tribal leader killed - in Samarra - Sheikh Muawiya Jebara opposed Al-Qaeda

(Iraq) Sunni lawmaker sacked for joining armed resistance -- Abdul Nasser al-Janabi

(Iraq) Baghdad nervous about new militias

(Iraq) Saddam ex-deputy heads new insurgent coalition: report - Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri, Iraq's most wanted man, leads coaltion -

IHT story

(Iraq) US House cracks down on war zone security guards;_ylt=AoloHjI4CiJCFWdYYpFZesxX6GMA

(U.S.) Miami: "Liberty City 7" Trial - FBI informant says terror suspect sought al-Qaida aid

(UK) July 21 Bomb plot 'helper' had 'list of bomb parts' -- torn up with notes entitled "Steps to Martyrdom"

French official: CIA note warns of possible terror attacks in Europe

Algeria, France coordinate against Al-Qaeda threats

Spanish police arrest more that 20 members of outlawed Basque separatist party

(Canada) Terrorists using prepaid cards to transfer money, inquiry hears

(Lebanon) Mass funeral for nearly 98 Islamists killed in Lebanon clashes

(Iran) IAEA chief urges patience with Iran, warns against confrontations

Egyptian Court Orders Release of 10 Muslim Brotherhood Members

(Somalia) 3 Somalis die in separate explosions during gov't security crackdown

(U.S.) CIA detention program remains active: official

(U.S.) White House denies torture assertion

(Iran) Ahmadinejad and a Murder in Vienna: An Interview with 'Witness D'

(Columbia) FARC advocates Chavez's success in agreement to release hostages

Other News:

Hirsi Ali Commentary: 'We Are Making Fools of Ourselves in the Eyes of the World',1518,509302,00.html

Hirsi Ali Commentary: Is Europe finished?

(U.S.) Commentary: Ramadan at the Pentagon

France will try to integrate imams

(Germany) Communism Seems Preferable to Some Germans After 17 Years -- One in five Germans would like to have the Berlin Wall back,2144,2806093,00.html

(Spain) Neo-Nazi Extradited to Austria

(Iraq) Bomb wave kills at least 12 in Iraq -- IED bombings in Iskandariyah, minibus bomb in Al-Zafaraniyah,drive-by shooting in Babel;_ylt=AvWGWAhMzcfzqQbGDQgzD0NX6GMA

Senior Iraqi immigration official assassinated in Babel

(Iraq) Two bombings kill, injure 29 Iraqis in southern Baghdad -- includes bobby-trapped car in ear Zahlah market in Camp Sara - and gunmen killing driver of tanker

Iraq MP found at Al Qaeda meeting: US military

(Iraq) US army nabs man charged with delivering USD 100 mln to Qaeda

(Iraq/Iran) Growing evidence of Iranian support to Iraq insurgency - US military

(Iraq) UK terrorists on al-Qa'eda 'foreign legion' list

(Iraq) Blackwater won't guard FBI in Iraq shooting probe;_ylt=Atbn.55GW04zaj6D39qnHqJX6GMA

(Afghanistan) 20 Taliban killed in Afghanistan -- clash in Shah Wali Kot district, also 3 police killedat checkpoint in Arghistan district;_ylt=AhxpKd_6cT3HiADFY2Qr2RjOVooA

(Afghanistan) Al-Qaeda's Afghanistan chief says bin Laden alive -- Mustafa Abu al-Yazid urges global Muslims to fight for Afghanistan's "independence";_ylt=At65ZFNQleb.KqaXbdsYNzLOVooA

(Afghanistan) Senior Taliban leader vows to keep killing NATO troops

(Afghanistan) Italian agent wounded in Afghan rescue dies;_ylt=ArkSBGqRwnEUDZ_Fv9zoav7OVooA

(Afghanistan) Iran 'arming Taliban with roadside bombs';jsessionid=4QPMILHECU21FQFIQMGSFFOAVCBQWIV0?xml=/news/2007/10/04/wafghan104.xml

(Pakistan) Militants kill three abducted Pakistani soldiers -- shot 3 of the over 200 captured soldiers held in South Waziristan;_ylt=AsIYjFcitnI1BwncXxTCZqHOVooA

(Pakistan) Two militants killed in Balochistan

(Pakistan) Lal Masjid: Survivors defiant as siege mosque reopens -- loudspeakers play Abdul Aziz Ghazispeech calling for Sharia law for all of Pakistan and that members are "ready for sacrifice"

"Our movement for enforcement of Sharia has been stained with our blood and it must continue""The problems of this country can only be overcome with Islamic law . . . We are ready for sacrifice!"
(Pakistan) Musharraf says no Al-Qaeda safe havens in Pakistan

(India J&K) Two Pakistan-based guerrillas, Indian Army officer killed in Kashmir encounter

(India J&K) Top LeT commander, junior Army officer among 4 killed in Kashmir

(India J&K) Al-Badr most active terror outfit in J&K

(India) Nine die in rebel attacks in India northeast - "Red Army" attack

(Germany) The Suspects Who Got Away - Newsweek: Worldwide manhunt for up to 50 supporters of suspected cell

(Austria) Two men to stay in custody over alleged bombing plot of US embassy

(U.S.) "Liberty City 7" Trial: FBI tape played in terrorism trial -- Narseal Batiste recorded by FBI that he sought "To build an Islamic army. For Islamic jihad";_ylt=AqESkYMiaw4OXBL6ZlhANGQTv5UB

(U.S.) Holy Land Foundation Trial: Jury struggles in terror-financing trial of Muslim charity -- jurors indicated that a member of the panel was refusing to vote

(U.S.) South Carolina Pipe Bomb Trial: Egypt to hire lawyer for student Ahmed Abdellatif Sherif Mohamed

(U.S.) Islamist Radicals infiltrating US military and intelligence: Benazir Bhutto\10\04\story_4-10-2007_pg7_3

(U.S.) Vulnerable germ labs tough to identify;_ylt=Am9kS3v.ONxFOeoXvTueP.ITv5UB

(U.S.) 9/11 suit reveals security missteps

(U.S.) Report: Secret U.S. endorsement of severe interrogations

(Iran) Bush warns of nuclear-armed Iran

(Iran) France: Paris urges EU to adopt tighter Iran sanctions

(Iran) French officials: Iran set to run nearly 3,000 uranium-enriching centrifuges by late October

Iran: Another cleric murdered in south

(Lebanon) Hezbollah regains strength in Lebanon

(Lebanon) Hizbullah Well Entrenched In S Lebanon A Year After War\ACQRTT200710040622RTTRADERUSEQUITY_0214.htm&selected=9999&selecteddisplaysymbol=9999&StoryTargetFrame=_top&mkt=WORLD&chk=unchecked&lang=&link=&headlinereturnpage=

(Lebanon) Bush, Hariri to Discuss Elections, Syria's Influence

Syrian guerrilla group 'ready for attacks' -- Hezbollah-like cells plan provocations to force war between Damascus, Israel

Israeli ships open fire at Beit Lahya

(Gaza) Bomb hits Hamas patrol in Gaza City, 3 hurt

Hamas accuses rival Fatah of wounding policemen

Hamas Children's Magazine Al-Fateh Encourages Terrorism, Glorifies Martyrdom

Indonesian militant sentenced to 15 years in Christian killings -- member of Islamic militant group Kompak

(Somalia) Hijackers seize cargo plane in Somalia

Algeria: Terror plot foiled in north

Sudan: Government asks rebels to talk peace

(Canada) Tax agency stepping up financial war on terror

(Turkey) Reports: Turkish troops kill 3 Kurdish rebels near Syrian border -- in Mardin

Spanish court studies extradition of Syrian businessman Monzer al-Kassar accused in US of illegal arms deals

(Spain) ETA founder member slams Basque separatists

(UK) 5 accused of helping would-be suicide bombers hide from police -- associated with July 2005 bombing plots

(Thailand) Islamic separatists kill five,23599,22534095-23109,00.html

(Thailand) Two killed in Thailand's Muslim south -- in Narathiwat and Pattani's+Muslim+south

(Thailand) Man resembling bomb suspect surrenders

Philippine communist rebels raid Australian mining company, torch vehicles

Sri Lanka soldiers kill 22 rebels in north

Sri Lanka government says LTTE will declare independence in January'LTTE+will+declare+independence+in+Jan'

(North Korea) US to send nuclear team to North Korea shortly;_ylt=Av1tk0TYWqWMNbyiLImoSDGCscEA

Other News:

(U.S.) Cincinnati: Muslim group rebukes radio host: WLW's Cunningham not backing down

(U.S.) GOP urges probe in China firm deal - 3COM/Huawei

(Denmark) Threats to kill Danish cartoon editor Flemming Rose

Netherlands: Back to Turkey

(Netherlands) Hirsi Ali discusses security with NCTb

(Nigeria) American, 2 Germans charged in Nigeria with breaching state security

(Canada) Mosque says to avoid Western holidays

(UAE) Dubai-based company purchases SC land for distribution center -- Jafza International

(UAE) Dubai company using Hitler image in advertisement "Conqueror - The world is yours"

(Israel) Swastikas spray-painted on Haifa synagogue

(Germany) Skinheads Beat Up Three Greeks in Eastern Berlin,1518,508882,00.html

(Germany) US charges German as Nazi concentration camp guard

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