Wednesday, October 10, 2007


(Iraq) U.S. holds 10,000 more detainees in Iraq than last year, commander says

(Afghanistan) German Foreign Ministry: German engineer held hostage since July freed in Afghanistan

Turkish military pounds Kurdish rebel camps in northern Iraq with artillery fire

Turkey Escalates Offensive Near Border (updated) - Turkish warplanes & helicopters attackedPKK positions near Iraq

(Lebanon) Militia rebuilds Beirut district in own image - Hezbollah rebuilding bombed areas with wartime features

(U.S.) Holy Land Foundation Trial: More From the HLF Exhibits on the Ikhwan in America

(U.S.) The Holy Land Foundation Trial: Faith, Hate and Charity (Part Two of Two) - by Adrian Morgan

(U.S.) A SLAPP Against Freedom - Attorneys have effective new way to defeat Islamic groups’ libel suits— Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPP)

(U.S.) Bullies Back Off — Libel Suits Versus Terror Foes Lose Steam

(U.S.) Treasury takes action against 3 Saudis;_ylt=ApsxXbjfN9IQTD4UsyTutb6s0NUE

(U.S.) Treasury Department Announces Designation of 3 Saudi Nationals for Their Support of Abu Sayyaf

(Somalia) Splits Developing in Somali Insurgency

(Canada) Judge keeps restrictions on suspected terrorist to remove any possible danger - Restrictions remain on suspected terrorist Adil Charkaoui

(Germany) Anti-terror cyberspying focus of German court case - Security services want computer inspections using Internet spyware

(Israel) Second Israeli bank cuts ties with Gaza - Discount Bank follows Bank Hapoalim

(Israel) Bank of Israel to fine Discount Bank over money laundering (my title)

(Israel) IDF, Shin Bet arrest senior Hamas leader - Adel Issa Muhammad Jarish conducted numerousattacks inside Israel

Against-Nazi News:

(U.S.) Dallas - FBI issues intelligence bulletin about Aryan Brotherhood
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World Terrorism: News, History and Research Of A Changing World #10 Security Watch

Posted by nw_arizona_granny to All; FARS On News/Activism 10/10/2007 5:29:39 PM PDT · 2,595 of 2,613
October 10, 2007 Anti-Terrorism News -
(Iraq) Suicide bomber targets Kurdish party offices near northern Iraqi city, kills 2, wounds 5
Iraq insurgency: al-Qa’eda returns home
(Afghanistan) 8 suspected Taliban killed in southern Afghan clashes, 4 police wounded in bomb attack
(Afghanistan) Two worshippers killed, 10 wounded in shooting inside Afghan mosque
(Afghanistan) Denmark supports the idea of opening political talks with Taliban
Pakistan Federal Interior Minister: ‘Talks only way to deal with Taliban’ - both in Afghanistan and Pakistan
Pakistan Army incensed over mutilations — previously kidnapped soldiers executed and mutilated by Taliban\10\05\story_5-10-2007_pg1_5
(Pakistan) 30 dead bodies of missing soldiers located - during cease fire
(Pakistan) Government to approach Supreme Court against Lal Masjid concessions\10\10\story_10-10-2007_pg1_6
(Pakistan) US report terms Pakistan Al Qaeda ‘safe haven’— see National Strategy for Homeland Security
Pakistan Foreign Office denies its territory is ‘safe haven’ for Al-Qaida
(Pakistan) Political paralysis lets Pakistan militants thrive
Pakistani provincial government dissolved amid disagreement among Islamist groups
(India J&K) 10 kg explosive seized in Doda
(Bangladesh) Two Jama’atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) militants sentenced to 10-years ofrigorous imprisonment for August 2005 serial bomb blasts
(U.S.) Miami: “Liberty City 7” Trial - FBI informant describes fear of discovery in terrorism case
(U.S.) Judge bars transfer of Guantanamo detainee to Tunisia
(U.S.) New Security Strategy Emphasizes Disaster Preparedness
(U.S.) Jihad Boom Postcard Follow-up
(U.S.) House moves to limit FISA — to restrict the government’s power to eavesdrop on foreign terrorism suspects
(U.S.) Blogs target jihadis online — and quoted
Iran announces new smart bomb
(Iran) Russia’s Putin says Iran is not building a nuclear weapon;_ylt=ArxVK0itJWSEMI4HVIrrUqFSw60A
(Iran) Ahmadinejad: Ground Zero like Holocaust ‘false idol’ MEMRI video
Egypt holds 62 accused of plot to bomb lobby group
(Bahrain) Five to stand trial under Bahrain anti-terror law — update
Lebanon Sends U.N., Arab League Updates on Fatah Islam Links with Syria, Hizbullah Armament
Israeli strike on Syria kindles debate in U.S. — divide in U.S. administration over North Korea and Syria
Israeli troops kill Palestinian militant in West Bank
(Fatah) Abbas wants to establish state on 98 percent of West Bank
(Turkey) Turk PM confirms plan to allow operation in Iraq;_ylt=AiMgT1cWcrONxGuxCR0craPtfLkA
(UK) Man admits organizing terrorist training camps for failed July 21 plot — training for ‘Jihad’against the ‘Kuffir’
(UK) Guilty plea to murder charges — Atilla Ahmet — plot to organize terrorist training camps across UK
Spanish court to announce verdict in Madrid terror trial on Oct. 31
Spain fears holiday terror attack
Denmark: Odense’s offer to Hirsi Ali unrealistic
(Canada) Info sharing could bankrupt terror financing: expert
Canada’s oil industry a possible al-Qaida target
(Somalia) Fresh violence, political turmoil in Somalia
(Sudan) 24 killed after Sudan government ‘bombed’ Darfur town’bombed’+Darfur
(Nigeria) Two hostages released in Nigeria: sources;_ylt=AgJaisB0OiMdkHh6TqP9zKKwv7kA
Sri Lanka kills 13 Tiger rebels as violence escalates
Sri Lanka plans arms dealing restrictions: report;_ylt=AjJRs8jT7QyPtqRVbIEsQ8wtM8oA
(North Korea) US experts leave for North Korea to begin disabling nuclear arsenal;_ylt=AvN3pj7lSOam.yK1piVdDxKCscEA
(Afghanistan) Another U.S. Security Contractor Under Investigation
Other News:
Pakistan Cleric forms ‘law and order force’
(China) Hong Kong aims to become Islamic finance hub
Islamophobia started after Cold War ended: experts
(U.S.) Radicals at The George Washington University Fake Young AmericaĆ¢€™s Foundation Eventto Suggest Incident of Hate
Propaganda Alert:
Pakistan Daily Times Reports Hoax as Fact: “Anti-Muslim posters go up at George Washington University”\10\10\story_10-10-2007_pg7_8
Against-Nazi News:
German Neo-Nazi Confesses to Brutal Attack,1518,510441,00.html

Iraq) Suicide bomber targets Kurdish party offices near northern Iraqi city, kills 2, wounds 5

Iraq insurgency: al-Qa'eda returns home

(Afghanistan) 8 suspected Taliban killed in southern Afghan clashes, 4 police wounded in bomb attack

(Afghanistan) Two worshippers killed, 10 wounded in shooting inside Afghan mosque

(Afghanistan) Denmark supports the idea of opening political talks with Taliban

Pakistan Federal Interior Minister: 'Talks only way to deal with Taliban' - both in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Pakistan Army incensed over mutilations -- previously kidnapped soldiers executed and mutilated by Taliban\10\05\story_5-10-2007_pg1_5

(Pakistan) 30 dead bodies of missing soldiers located - during cease fire

(Pakistan) Government to approach Supreme Court against Lal Masjid concessions\10\10\story_10-10-2007_pg1_6

(Pakistan) US report terms Pakistan Al Qaeda 'safe haven'

-- see National Strategy for Homeland Security

Pakistan Foreign Office denies its territory is 'safe haven' for Al-Qaida

(Pakistan) Political paralysis lets Pakistan militants thrive

Pakistani provincial government dissolved amid disagreement among Islamist groups

(India J&K) 10 kg explosive seized in Doda

(Bangladesh) Two Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) militants sentenced to 10-years ofrigorous imprisonment for August 2005 serial bomb blasts

(U.S.) Miami: "Liberty City 7" Trial - FBI informant describes fear of discovery in terrorism case

(U.S.) Judge bars transfer of Guantanamo detainee to Tunisia

(U.S.) New Security Strategy Emphasizes Disaster Preparedness

(U.S.) Jihad Boom Postcard Follow-up

(U.S.) House moves to limit FISA -- to restrict the government's power to eavesdrop on foreign terrorism suspects

(U.S.) Blogs target jihadis online -- and quoted

Iran announces new smart bomb

(Iran) Russia's Putin says Iran is not building a nuclear weapon;_ylt=ArxVK0itJWSEMI4HVIrrUqFSw60A

(Iran) Ahmadinejad: Ground Zero like Holocaust 'false idol'

- MEMRI video

Egypt holds 62 accused of plot to bomb lobby group

(Bahrain) Five to stand trial under Bahrain anti-terror law -- update

Lebanon Sends U.N., Arab League Updates on Fatah Islam Links with Syria, Hizbullah Armament

Israeli strike on Syria kindles debate in U.S. -- divide in U.S. administration over North Korea and Syria

Israeli troops kill Palestinian militant in West Bank

(Fatah) Abbas wants to establish state on 98 percent of West Bank

(Turkey) Turk PM confirms plan to allow operation in Iraq;_ylt=AiMgT1cWcrONxGuxCR0craPtfLkA

(UK) Man admits organizing terrorist training camps for failed July 21 plot -- training for 'Jihad' against the

(UK) Guilty plea to murder charges -- Atilla Ahmet -- plot to organize terrorist training camps across UK

Spanish court to announce verdict in Madrid terror trial on Oct. 31

Spain fears holiday terror attack

Denmark: Odense's offer to Hirsi Ali unrealistic

(Canada) Info sharing could bankrupt terror financing: expert

Canada's oil industry a possible al-Qaida target

(Somalia) Fresh violence, political turmoil in Somalia

(Sudan) 24 killed after Sudan government 'bombed' Darfur town

(Nigeria) Two hostages released in Nigeria: sources;_ylt=AgJaisB0OiMdkHh6TqP9zKKwv7kA

Sri Lanka kills 13 Tiger rebels as violence escalates

Sri Lanka plans arms dealing restrictions: report;_ylt=AjJRs8jT7QyPtqRVbIEsQ8wtM8oA

(North Korea) US experts leave for North Korea to begin disabling nuclear arsenal;_ylt=AvN3pj7lSOam.yK1piVdDxKCscEA

(Afghanistan) Another U.S. Security Contractor Under Investigation

Other News:

Pakistan Cleric forms 'law and order force'

(China) Hong Kong aims to become Islamic finance hub

Islamophobia started after Cold War ended: experts

(U.S.) Radicals at The George Washington University Fake Young America’s Foundation Eventto Suggest Incident of Hate

Propaganda Alert:
Pakistan Daily Times Reports Hoax as Fact: "Anti-Muslim posters go up at George Washington University"\10\10\story_10-10-2007_pg7_8

Against-Nazi News:

German Neo-Nazi Confesses to Brutal Attack,1518,510441,00.html

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