Sunday, September 30, 2007

TERROR NEWS - Sept 30th

Iraqi army says kills 40 militants — arrested 8, defused bombs in operations in Diyala, Salahuddin and Kirkuk;_ylt=AiHPzIUAAtY2QzANgju2PfJX6GMA

(Iraq) Coalition forces disrupt al-Qaeda network; two killed, 21 detained

(Iraq) Al-Qaeda senior leader captured in Samara - report — Abdel-Rahman al-Anbary

(Iraq) US says Iranian-made missiles found in Iraq;_ylt=AqLEwL5ONnLITqIEEENn8edX6GMA

(Iraq) U.S. struggle to defeat IEDs takes place in streets, shadows

Washington Post historical analysis of IEDs issues in Afghanistan and Iraq - summer 2002 - summer 2004(my title)

(Iraq) US soldier killed in small arms fire attack in Baghdad

(Iraq) Death toll in Mosul car bomb rises to 6 killed, 21 injured — update

(Iraq) Tribal Members Join in Effort To Assist U.S., Iraqi Forces

(Iraq) Diyala sheiks pledge cooperation to oust al-Qaida, but reconciliation remains bumpy

(Iraq) U.S. Embassy reiterates support for unified Iraq

(Afghanistan) Six Afghan police killed in Kandahar

(Afghanistan) Three civilians, two police killed in Afghanistan — in Paktya — Taliban ambush in Paktya province — 7 Taliban killed and 3 arrested after fighting;_ylt=Au2jLHKyDznulD.2EzV.xsPOVooA

(Afghanistan) Taliban debating peace, Karzai says;_ylt=ApEYZLWziHrk4U3ZJtEOxNrOVooA

(Afghanistan) Taliban spurns Karzai’s offer to meet Omar — update - additional detail in later story;_ylt=AivZw5cU7eyMqvjO6XNJezfOVooA

(Pakistan) Militant attacks leave 1 soldier dead, 14 wounded in northwestern Pakistan, official says

(Pakistan) Waziristan breeding ground of suicide bombers: UN report — 80 percent of suicide bombers in Afghanistan came from the Waziristan agencies\09\30\story_30-9-2007_pg7_44

(Pakistan) Militants blow up two barbershops in Swat — fail to destroy Buddhist carvings\09\30\story_30-9-2007_pg7_19

(Pakistan) ‘Terrorists may attack twin cities’ — Islamabad and Rawalpindi during the coming few days\09\30\story_30-9-2007_pg7_50

(India Kashmir) Kashmir mosque siege ends, two Hizb-ul Mujahideen terrorists killed

(India) Top cops to meet to tackle financial terror — Hawala transfers, fake currency, foreigncontributions masked as social or religious donations remain key elements in financingcross-border terrorism

(UK) US airbase bomb plotter on run in UK — German officials disclosed

(UK) Islamists ‘urge young Muslims to use violence’ — Hizb ut-Tahrir has urged Muslimstudents at British universities to fight Allied troops in Iraq

(U.S.) Isolating the menace in a sterile “supermax” - Top-security prison now home to terrorists

(U.S.) Gitmo detainees on Supreme Court docket

(Iran) Report: US trains Gulf air forces for war with Iran;jsessionid=NSOC2O0PJZQGBQFIQMGCFFOAVCBQUIV0?xml=/news/2007/09/30/wiran130.xml

Iran gov’t backs parliament’s ‘terrorist’ label for US army, CIA

Algerian military kills 10 suspected terrorists

(Sudan) Rebels storm peacekeeping base in Darfur, killing 12 soldiers

(Turkey) Death toll in ambush by suspected Kurdish rebels increases to 13

(Spain) ETA issues statement, saying fight for independence from Spain will continue

(Europe) West is taking fight against terrorism online

(Austria) Online List of politicians as possible attack targets surfaces in Austria

September 21,
2007 news reports on list:

(UK) Terror survival course launched

(Saudi Arabia) Terror finance trail vanishes in Saudi Arabia

(Lebanon) Camp defeat sends Lebanese militants into hiding;_ylt=Ak6Vbvzd5ef1GkEDSc3xVHragGIB

(Syria) ‘Arab research center’ in Syria denies reports of IAF air strike

Syria says Israeli air raid aimed at justifying attack
Hezbollah: ‘Israel will pay a heavy price if it attacks Syria’

Egypt allows Hamas members to cross into Gaza

Hamas renews call for cease-fire with Israel

(Gaza) Senior Fatah Official Arrested in Gaza by Hamas

(Gaza) Clash at southern Gaza mosque leaves nine wounded, including two critically

(Thailand) Police captain killed in southern ambush — in Yala province

(Maldives) Has Islamic terrorism arrived on Maldives? Nation run with legal system based on Sharia law

Maldives police arrest 7 suspects after bomb blast wounds 12 tourists

(Sri Lanka) Six rebels killed in Sri Lanka: army;_ylt=AvAfIQEJi77GSpGlmrd4tLctM8oA

(North Korea) Nuclear envoys reach ‘comprehensive’ NKorea deal: US;_ylt=AkpbgWeFcVwfDBbzF5Hdtj6CscEA

(Nepal) 4 men arrested in fatal Katmandu bomb blasts

(U.S./Columbia) U.S. to assist those forced to aid FARC

(Colombia) Dozens of Colombia politicians killed ahead of vote

Other News:

(U.S.) Michigan: Anti-Jewish, anti-Christian fliers found on cars — flier read: “Kill Jews andChristians if they don’t believe in Allah and Mohammad.”

(Israel) Haifa succa defaced with swastikas

(UK) Virus lab ‘ignored warning of leak’

CNN/AP: McCain: I would vote for Muslim president

NY Daily News: McCain: No Muslim president, U.S. better with Christian one

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