Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Afghanistan) Over 165 insurgents killed in Afghanistan — battles in Musa Qala in northern Helmand province and in Uruzgan province;_ylt=Ar42Kql3rtBfytAcIU5wONrOVooA

Afghanistan: Gains threatened by drugs and terrorism, Karzai says

(Iraq) Series of bombs kill 15 in north Iraq — in Mosul, Shirquat;_ylt=Angs8ddXsmTV2mZ.luudw_VX6GMA

(Iraq) 5 killed as bomber smashes car into Iraq sheikh’s house - in Sinjar;_ylt=AkC2CX2pZ9KdSCLgJ0ybRgpX6GMA

(Iraq) US soldier killed in bomb explosion in Diyala province

(Iraq) US-Iraqi forces arrest officers in military academy

(Iraq) Al Qaeda in Iraq Claims Responsibility for Suicide Bombing at Reconciliation Meeting,2933,298037,00.html

(Pakistan) Militants kill two ‘US spies’ in Pakistan;_ylt=AmxtZCxj.Y5xDUn3tzOQkW7OVooA

(Pakistan) Five soldiers injured in Waziristan attack\09\26\story_26-9-2007_pg7_30

Pakistan against IAEA quizzing A.Q. Khan;_ylt=Asns3jVZIVOgOXC3jn8pO0eCscEA

Pakistan: Bhutto to give UN atomic watchdog access to A.Q. Khan

(Indian Kashmir) Four militants, soldier killed in Jammu and Kashmir’s Rajouri and Doda districts - includingtwo top commanders of the Hizbul Mujahideen

(Indian Kashmir) Two Lashkar guerrillas gunned down in Kashmir - Yamrach village

(Indian Kashmir) Infiltrator killed while crossing LoC - foiled an infiltration bid by terrorists in Machi sector

(India) Six live bombs found in Mumbai

(India) ‘500 Jamat-e-Islami (JI) workers arrested across Punjab’\09\26\story_26-9-2007_pg7_15

(U.S.) Dispute Stymies Guantanamo Terror Trials

(U.S.) Canadian Khadr’s lawyers plan to block trial - appeal U.S. military court’s ruling

(U.S.) FBI Reorganizes Effort to Uncover Terror Groups’ Global Ties

(U.S.) Anti-al Qaeda base envisioned

Algeria: ‘Alms could be funding al-Qaeda’ claims US

(Senegal) Terrorism: Senegalese imam slams Italian news outlets

(Iran) France says nuclear weapons in Iran’s hands ‘unacceptable’

(Iran) Ahmadinejad flays US, West in UN attack

(Iran) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: ‘Nuclear Issue of Iran Is Now Closed’ — Tehran will disregard U.N. Security Council resolutions,2933,297935,00.html

(Iran) Terrorist: Columbia invite big boost for Iran ‘power’

Iran border closure costs Kurdish region million dollars a day

(Lebanon) Hezbollah militant escapes attempt on his life

(Israel) Four Kassam rockets fired into western Negev; none wounded

(Israel) Two rockets fired into Sderot; none wounded

(Israel) Terrorist Attacks in Jenin, Shechem, Gaza

(Gaza) IAF strikes Kassam launcher in Gaza

Hamas calls on Arab states to skip US peace meet

(Turkey) Bomb explodes in front of Turkish Police housing

(Turkey) Terrorist attacks kill two soldiers - in the eastern provinces of Tunceli and Sirnak

‘Turkey and Iraq have agreed to sign counterterrorism agreement’

Germans reveal bomb details — fuses intended for use in a suspected plot to bomb US installations in Germany camefrom Syria through Turkey

(UK) Muslim faces jail over terror book — Abdul Patel was said by the prosecution to be “ready, willing and able”to help terrorists bombers

(UK) Terror detention ‘to be extended’

(UK) Moves to increase time limit for questioning terrorism suspects

(Canada) Terror trial likely to see abuse motion

(Philippines) Two Philippine soldiers dead in assault on Muslim extremists;_ylt=AuO5lgTiGZSwy9_aQEKoe.9UKYUA

Sri Lanka violence leaves 16 more dead - Tuesday update;_ylt=As4DGsUAPCxuYHqcy4D.rhwtM8oA

(North Korea) US hopes NKorea will disable nukes by year-end;_ylt=AkpewJ7JCpXoHV.7xms6qbuCscEA

(North Korea) US bill would force conditions before lifting N. Korea from terror list

(Columbia) US can help in Colombia hostage crisis: Chavez;_ylt=Ak1ZUTnxBBV82cPkx.blNdCwv7kA

Other News:

(U.S.) CAIR’s Friends in the Media - by Steven Emerson

(U.S.) LA Times: Knowledge lacking of Islam, Mormonism,1,7891109.story?coll=la-headlines-nation&ctrack=1&cset=true

Egypt jails two Christian activists for “defaming Islam”

Canadian professor: “Let’s not write off sharia banking”

Netherlands: Interest in Muslim loans unclear

(Netherlands) Airports help Moroccan youth — to become airport workers

Norway: Muslims feel watched

Sweden: 50% support a ban on veils

(Germany) Egyptian convicted of anti-Semitic crime

Commentary: Message to PC police: We have a responsibility to monitor U.S. Mosques — by Douglas MacKinnon

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