Thursday, September 20, 2007


CTB News Analysis: Al Qaeda Bin Laden Message Declares War on Pakistan President Musharraf

(Al Qaeda) SITE Intelligence Group - “Come to Jihad” – Audio Speech from Usama bin Laden Addressingthe People of Pakistan, Declaring War on the Pakistani Government

(Al Qaeda) Laura Mansfield: September 20, 2007: New Bin Laden Message calls for jihad against Pakistan

(Al Qaeda) AP: Bin Laden urges Pakistanis to revolt;_ylt=AmzxAn6rk3QSiiVRT7r0vMYTv5UB

(Al Qaeda) ABC: Bin Laden: Armed Rebellion Against Musharraf ‘Obligatory’

(Al Qaeda) Fight the U.S., al Qaeda’s Zawahri tells Muslims in “Power of Truth” video

(Al Qaeda) Zawahiri calls for cleansing Maghreb of France, Spain - in “Power of Truth” video

(Al Qaeda) Bin Laden brands Iraq’s Maliki ‘traitorous apostate’ - in “Power of Truth” video;_ylt=AnBcMtAcKQ9yihgCMcEfPwoTv5UB

Al-Qaida`s video production unit

Pakistan dismisses Bin Laden war threat

Pakistan sets election date amid bin Laden threat;_ylt=A0WTcVwtaPJGeWEAnBtvaA8F

(Pakistan) ‘Military to resist move to end its control over govt’

Pakistan govt: “No permanent bases in Tribal Areas”\09\20\story_20-9-2007_pg7_4

(Pakistan) Explosion in N. Pakistan kills policeman, wounds 4 - in Sawat valley

Pakistan: 13 more soldiers reported missing in North Waziristan - 6 soldiers desert and refuse to fight,7 soldiers kidnapped — 250 soldiers still held hostage in South Waziristan — day after bodies of15 mutilated soldiers found

Pakistan troops ‘lose faith in war on terror’ — many Pakistanis believe to be “someone else’s war”

(Pakistan) Four Frontier Corps personnel injured in landmine explosion in Balochistan

(Pakistan) Militants blow up hotel in Swat - because of “un-Islamic customers”\09\20\story_20-9-2007_pg7_52

Pakistan: Extremist threatens to bomb girls’ school

(Pakistan/Afghanistan) Oil tanker blown up in Torkham\09\20\story_20-9-2007_pg7_24

(Afghanistan) Taliban attack leaves 24 dead in western Afghanistan — Bala Murghab district;_ylt=AtW9Amux8YiwofWM503QmCPOVooA

(Afghanistan) UN Security Council extends NATO-led Afghanistan mission — Russia abstains from vote;_ylt=AviOLApp4TbtljAlWBnY_InOVooA

(Iraq) American troops kill seven Qaeda activists - in the town of Mahmoudiah — also hree persons were killed in a car bomb blast in the eastern Baghdad

(Iraq) Two Qaeda members arrested in N. Iraq

(Iraq) Iranian officer is arrested in Iraq — accused of smuggling roadside bombs Into Iraq;_ylt=As7Ypj7T.w_1M5EoFwr2qjhX6GMA

(Iraq) Qaeda car-bomb chief Abu Yaqub Al Masri killed in Iraq: US

(Iraq) US soldier killed in western Baghdad

(Iraq) Qaeda leader killed in Iraq — Ayman Al-Thawahri’s main partner killed on August 31 - in Al-Tarimiya

(Iraq) U.S. commander: Violence down in Baghdad;_ylt=AsqsgJgwTcJeZFkTR5TfyclX6GMA

Iraq violence down to lowest level since early 2006: US;_ylt=AoerD73VG74vAt3HO8iUtI5X6GMA

(Iraq) Blackwater in Iraq given wide latitude by U.S.

(Iraq) Gates: ‘I don’t know’ if invasion worth it

US jury mulls Muslim charity accused of terror funding

(U.S.) Jury Set to Deliberate HLF Case

(U.S.) Atlanta: Officer: Terrorism suspect had religious writings at border checkpoint —Syed Ahmed was carrying personal writings that railed against Islam in Pakistan

(U.S.) NYC: Secret Service Will Accompany Iranian President If He Goes to Ground Zero

(U.S.) Experts say terrorists eye your local school

(Indian Kashmir) Hizbul Mujahideen militant arrested in J&K

(India) Muslim groups allege ‘indiscriminate arrests, torture’ of youths

(India Assam) ULFA now left with just five leaders

(Somalia) U.S. ambassador says Somali opposition group has limited support in Somalia

(North Africa) Al-Qaeda threatens to attack north Africa

Lebanese leadership undeterred by bombing

Lebanon: Murdered MP’s political comrades vow revenge

Syria voted co-chairman of the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

‘Iran completes test flight of domestic fighter jets’

Iran: Third US ‘spy’ released from jail - Kian Tajbakhsh

(Iran) France wants European companies to scale back business in Iran

(Israel) IDF troops thwart Hamas suicide attack - part of a wide-scale raid on the Nablus refugee campof Ein Beit Ilmeh

(Israel) 2 Pardoned Terrorists Arrested by IDF in Shechem

Gaza militants say they’ll keep firing rockets at Israel despite threats to cut off power

(Gaza) Palestinian youth killed, two militants wounded in clash with Israeli troops in Gaza

Hamas Leader Meets with PFLP Terrorists

Hamas Video: ‘In Black Bags, Chunks of Flesh of Jews’

Saudi Cleric Salman Al-Odeh Slams ‘Brother’ Osama bin Laden, Warns Him He’ll Be Responsiblefor Deaths of Millions, Reminds Him He Must Face Allah

(Indonesia) Report: Bali bomber now fights to stop terrorism

(Turkey) Report: Turkish troops kill at least 5 Kurdish rebels in clash in southeast

(Austria) FBI chief, Austrian officials discuss threat of terrorism at Euro 2008 soccer tournament

(Germany) Terror Camp Law Dismissed as ‘Useless’,1518,506671,00.html

Germany: MPs review ‘Bremen Taliban’ torture case

Belgium: Former Jihadis

(UK) ‘Books of hate’ in our libraries

(Sri Lanka) Three LTTE cadres and two civilians among six persons killed in separate incidents

North Korea nuke talks to resume next week: report;_ylt=Av04Y7yxQEEc7gyjYyx3ieyCscEA

Colombian rebels agree to meet Chavez in Venezuela: senator;_ylt=AgfDFXelpWo7wqj33uEUiMWwv7kA

(New Zealand) Magazine claims terrorist in NZ

Other News:

Iranian Despot to Speak at Columbia University

Bangladesh cartoonist sent to jail — for making drawings deemed insulting to Muslims

Netherlands: Official Islam curriculum

Giuliani in Britain Vows to Thwart Iran

(Germany) Photos show gleeful Nazis at Auschwitz

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