Monday, September 17, 2007


(U.S.) Muslim Brotherhood's papers detail plan to seize U.S. -- Group's takeover plot emerges in Holy Land case

(Al Qaeda) CTB Analysis: Third 9/11 Jihadist Video Calls For Attacks on West

Terrorism: Al-Qaeda releases third 9/11 video

(U.S.) Florida: 'Jihad Boom' Postcards Mailed To Schools Feature Threatening Cartoons - several threats featured Walt Disney World

Tallahassee news report: "Jihad Boom' postcards mailed to schools feature threatening cartoons"

images of postcards;s=1;p=news&dm=ss&tn=b--

National Terror Alert Response Center report blog article

(U.S.) Grassley hits data-sharing failure -- DHS problems with sharing information about potential terrorists

(U.S.) White House threatens terror insurance bill veto

(Iraq) An Outline of Kurdish Islamist Groups in Iraq - Jamestown Foundation analysis

Iraqi Tribes Organizing Against Al-Qaeda In Mossul Region

(Pakistan/India) How the ISI misleads Indian investigators

(Indian Kashmir) 5000 Pakistani Islamic Jihadis Ready To Infiltrate Into Kashmir

(Lebanon) Libyan Terrorist and aides arrested, Explosives Confiscated -- in the villages of Anout and Zatwar

(Netherlands) Convicted Dutch Islamist jailed for 4 more years -- Dutch-Moroccan Samir Azzouz found guilty for plotting attacks on govt buildings

Germany backs online eavesdropping to fight terrorists

German official's hijack plan criticized

France ups ante in war of words with Iran - Supports European sanctions program

(France) Commentary: why France has become hawkish on Islam

(Sweden) Four questions on al Qaeda's threat to Sweden

(Turkey) Evidence discovered in Ankara parking lot-bomb points to PKK

(Turkey) PKK uses northern Iraq as arsenal, says official report

(UK) Glasgow student 'planned to join Canada plot' -- additional details following today's guilty verdictfor Mohammed Siddique

(UK) Deobandi movement: A movement fostered by the fear of 'imperial' rule - September 7 report

(Libya) Al Qaeda in Libya

Tunisia Islamists may face death penalty-lawyer

(US/Columbia) Court approves 25 million dollars fine to Chiquita for payment to paramilitaries;_ylt=AgraOX8D17rW0ZqybvT7BWKs0NUE

Colombia's FARC Leader to Meet Chavez October 8, Tiempo Reports

Other News:

(Europe) A New Brand of Nonbelievers -- In a Divided Europe, Ex-Muslims Want to Be Heard

(Europe) UN rights chief sees bigotry in Europe on Islam

Egypt: Christian twins forced to convert to Islam

Morocco: 'Cure' for madness and homosexuality with 'Koran therapy'

(U.S.) Indianapolis: Airport's sinks to help Muslims carry out rituals

(U.S.) Washington Post Ombudsman Deborah Howell 'Explains' "Why Were These Comics Dropped?" -- regarding Islamist discussion in "Opus"

(Al Qaeda) Qaeda urges Islamic terror in West in third 9/11 video -- called on Islamists to sow terror in the West to create a climate of fear;_ylt=AteSlCF1F1zjaqAKE9W_mA4Tv5UB

(Al Qaeda) Terror must be normal part of life: al-Qaeda,23599,22434196-23109,00.html

(Al Qaeda) Terror: Third Al Qaeda's video, attacks must be normal

Al Qaeda 'co-opts' new affiliates - LA Times report,1,1751354.story?ctrack=1&cset=true

Al Qaeda taking over regional groups: report\09\17\story_17-9-2007_pg7_41

(Al Qaeda) Report: Bin Laden sidelined as al-Qaeda threat revives -- Daily Telegraph report and graphic

(Iraq) U.S. troops capture 12 Iraqis suspected of links with Iranian paramilitaries; kill 7 al-Qaida linkedmilitants, detain 31 others in latest raids

(Iraq) Car bomb blast kills 10 people in Baghdad -- close to a Shiite mosque in the district of Jamila

(Iraq) U.S. military: al-Qaida in Iraq emir, 2 foreign militants killed in Mosul

(Iraq) Explosion in Iraqi army base south of Baghdad kills two Iraqi soldiers, wounds 10, police say - attack in Hillah -- also Baquoba gunmen attack of family threatened by Al Qaeda

(Iraq) Sunnis stage protest against Shiite police chief in former al-Qaida stronghold -- in Baquoba

Iraq orders halt to US security firm's operations -- Blackwater reportedly involved in shootout;_ylt=AnqGFaIYkDSCmzsiAwZd1LNX6GMA

(Iraq) Sunday - Al Qaeda Steps Up Violence, Kills 41 in Attacks Throughout Iraq -- updated roundup on Sunday violence,2933,296956,00.html

(Iraq) Tuz Khurmatu blast leaves nine dead, 24 injured -- south of Kirkuk - on Sunday

(Afghanistan) Suicide blast in Afghanistan kills eight: official -- attack on police offices in the Nad Ali district- southern

(Afghanistan) NATO airstrikes kill suspected insurgent near Afghan capital -- NATO and Afghan armytroops came under fire east of Kabul and then called in airstrikes

(Afghanistan) Four die in NATO bombing near Kabul

(Afghanistan) Taliban steps back from negotiations call;_ylt=AmNFMh5X6XZEGYOFyh7LH_TOVooA

(Afghanistan) Bangladesh appeals for release of aid worker abducted in Afghanistan

Pakistani forces kill 16 militants in clash - in the Shawal area, southwest of Miranshah;_ylt=Au2cuhcTBVuHdq614GWhGbvzPukA

(Pakistan) 3 security personnel injured, 2 Taliban killed in gunbattle -- Taliban attack on Amin checkpost\09\17\story_17-9-2007_pg7_4

(Pakistan) Pro-Taliban cleric killed in Pakistan -- Maulana Hassan Jan, a senior leader of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam

Pakistan: Jirga claims progress in talks for soldiers' release

Pakistan army, militants cease fire in Afghan border region, officials say

(Pakistan) Saboteurs blow up pylon - in Quetta

(Pakistan) Unregistered madrassas: Local representatives helping collect data\09\17\story_17-9-2007_pg1_6

(India) Suspected Harkat-ul-Mujahideen terrorist held in New Delhi

(India) Four Lashker-e-Toiba (LeT) members were arrested in Sopore area of Baramulla district

(Indian Kashmir) Encounter between security force personnel and LeT militants in Jammu & Kashmir

(India Assam) Police arrest rebel commander in northeastern India - Prabal Neog, a commander of theUnited Liberation Front of Asom

(U.S.) Holy Land Foundation Trial: Closing Arguments Begin In Terrorism Trial

(U.S.) Trial nears in Sears Tower terror case

(U.S.) Guanatanamo Bay - Waging "war on terrorism" 30 squares at a time

(U.S.) Analysis: Commentary Homegrown Campus Jihadist? -- Houseein Zorkot arrest

(U.S.) Mukasey Has Long Terror Resume - Nominee for Attorney General presided at trials of 1993 WTCbombing defendants and Jose Padilla

(Iran) France: Prepare for war over Iran

Iran scorns French warning of war

Iran warns US: We have you in our sights

(Iran) US Defense Secretary Gates: US favors diplomacy with Iran

(Iran) 600 Iranian missiles said to be pointed at targets in Israel

(Iran) IAEA chief warns against striking Iran, of 'hype' reminiscent before Iraq attack

(Iran) IAEA's Mohamed ElBaradei at center of standoff over Iran's nuclear program

(Iran) Ahmadinejad appeals to Americans while criticizing U.S. policy in Iraq

(Iran) MEMRI: Escalation in the Positions of Iranian President Ahmadinejad– Special Report

(Gaza) Palestinian Islamic Jihad fighters attack Israeli military jeep

(Gaza) Palestinian gunners shell southern Israel -- spokesman

(Gaza) Hamas' new order exacts toll on Gazans

Report: Hamas leaders boost security

Abbas Filmed Telling Security Chief: "Slaughter" Hamas

Israeli deputy defense minister: Hamas truce should be examined

(Israel) Terrorist offered amnesty by Olmert caught prepping for attacks -- Latest in a series of violations as Israeli PM likely to pardon more gunmen

Israel fears terror attack at sea,7340,L-3450186,00.html

Jordan frees four Islamists ahead of November poll

(Saudi Arabia) Former Saudi dissident slams bin Laden -- Shaikh Salman Al Odah

Saudi Columnists Criticize Iran, Syria, Hizbullah

(UK) Scottish Muslim student convicted of Internet terrorist offenses -- Mohammed Atif Siddique found guilty of four counts involving possession and distribution of terrorist material via Web sites and providing instructional material about guns and explosives over the Internet

(UK) Scotland: Student guilty of terror offences -- BBC report

Key figures

(UK) Scotland: Mohammed Siddique guilty of terror charges;jsessionid=PWBTVPCARJ4BZQFIQMGSFGGAVCBQWIV0?xml=/news/2007/09/17/nterror117.xml

(UK) Lecturers 'must block extremism' - in universities

(UK) Eight Britons have control orders -- More than half of terror suspects under house arrest-like conditions in the UK are now British

(UK) Sailors to 'spy' on terror suspects

(Denmark) 'Al-Qaida training camp exists in Pakistan' -- US helped Danish security locate terror suspects through electronic intercepts of Pakistan Al-Qaeda training camp

(Denmark) New terrorism case confirms that Denmark is a target

Austrian Muslims warn against panic after terror arrests

(Sweden) Extremists force cartoonist into hiding

(Sweden) Cartoonist shrugs at Islamic death threat: 'It's good to know how much one is worth'

Canadian federal court upholds Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM)'s "terrorist character" -- MQM's Mohammed Kashif Omer sought asylum\09\17\story_17-9-2007_pg7_6

(Canada) PM's office kept tight rein on terror file following Toronto arrests

Algeria, China teamed on nuke -- U.S. government suspected China was helping Algeria build a secret facility in 1991 for developing nuclear weapons

(Mali) 8 killed in Tuareg attack in northern Mali

Philippine officials: Muslim militants may resort to kites to attack military choppers

Philippines: MILF gives army free hand to pursue other rebels

Sri Lanka vows to defeat Tamil Tigers

North Korea nuclear talks postponed, reasons unknown

Vietnam returns bomb-grade uranium to Russia

(Nepal) Passenger killed in Nepal bus bomb attack

Wordpress Still Hosting al Qaeda Website: Killing Americans is Muslim Duty

Other News:

Islam: Top British cleric warns of dangers facing Muslim converts to Christianity

Netherlands: Attitudes towards leaving Islam

(Europe) Islamic Radicalism In Europe Reflects Spiritual Void

(Belgium) Flanders: Refusing male gynecologists

(Spain) Muslims angry over Melilla Day celebrations

Palestinian Islamists: Sheehan 'gives us hope' U.S. will change Mideast policies

(Russia) Murder Suspect to Run For Parliament in Russia -- accused on planting radioactive isotope in

Italian police target neo-Nazi group in raids

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