Thursday, September 13, 2007


(Al Qaeda) U.S. releases censored tape of suspected 9/11 mastermind -- released Khalid SheikhMohammed audio tape - censoring out KSM justification for waging jihad against the United States

Audio Link Link

(Al Qaeda) How the CIA Broke the 9/11 Attacks Mastermind

Iraq Qaeda says has video on "missing" U.S. airman

(Iraq) US air strikes destroy car bomb factory north of Baghdad

(Pakistan) Suicide bomber kills 17 Pakistani soldiers

Pakistan Army Terror Squad Targeted in Bombing

(Pakistan) U.S. keeps focus on al Qaeda danger in Pakistan

(India) Father, cops have no news of terror suspect's death - "Bilal," lead suspect in August 25Hyderabad blasts, killed August 30's+death

(India Kashmir) J&K: Teen militancy raises concern - 70 teen boys have joined south Kashmir militants in 2007

(Algeria) Suicide bombing attack in eastern Algeria kills 16, security officials say

(Israel) Report: Turkey provided Israel with intelligence on Syria

(West Bank) Israeli forces seize two Islamic Jihad leaders - 18 Palestinians also seized

Saudi Arabia waves off US accusations of complacency in fight against terror - Senior U.S. official said Saudis have never prosecuted any terror financier

Austria's 'Jihad by Telecommute',1518,505618,00.html
Norway: Mullah Krekar back in court

(UK Think Tank) Al Qaeda 'ready to stage another 9/11-style attack'

Mexican attorney general: Gas pipeline explosions 'terrorism,' not political statement

Sri Lanka's Tigers take a big hit

Other News:

(U.S.) Northwest's Detroit air terminal closed by package

(Iraq) US forces kill, detain 95 Qaeda members in northern Baghdad -- in Hemreen mountain areaand Diyala river valley

(Iraq) 3-day operation in eastern Iraq nets 80 al-Qaida suspects

Iraqi police: Bomb kills top Sunni sheik cooperating with U.S. against al-Qaida in Iraq

(Iraq) US general: Iranian supplied rocket used to recently against troops - update

(Iraq) US to free Iraqi prisoners for Ramadan - beginning September 13

Iraq: UN concerned over shelling in Kurdistan

(Afghanistan) U.S. Coalition Says 45 Taliban Killed in Afghan Clash,2933,296639,00.html

75 killed in fighting around Afghanistan including 45 Taliban

(Afghanistan) Gunmen free last three kidnapped Afghan deminers;_ylt=AkAfCMSB2symwAK.0q6XD1LOVooA

Afghan suspect transferred to Guantanamo: Pentagon -- Inayatullah

(Afghanistan) NATO force chief suggests new ways to fight Afghan opium production;_ylt=AsEAESLS9L7KfxPsHXs11VPOVooA

Pakistan army says 30 militants and 2 soldiers killed in battle near Afghan border -- in fighting near Razmak in South Waziristan region

(Pakistan) 12 more Pakistani soldiers, 3 officials go missing

(Pakistan) U.S. official in Pakistan for talks -- Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte

Israel: N. Korea, Syria May Be at Work on Nuclear Facility

(U.S.) Jury can hear part of Flight 93 tape

(U.S.) AP Report: Security chief says terrorists have been arrested on Texas border

(U.S.) Canadian gets 14 years for funding terrorists -- Khalid Awan

(U.S.) California: San Jose federal judge to rule on terror suspect -- Rahmat Abdhir suspected of links to Jemaah Islamiyah

US to tighten immigration, customs controls

Indian court upholds death penalty for militant -- Ashfaq Ahmed of Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) - in 2000 Red Fort attack§ion=subcontinent&col=

(India) Former Punjab DGP used former terrorists to grab properties

(India Kashmir) Three Lashkar-e-Toiba militants arrested in Jammu and Kashmir

Iran leader denies interference in Iraq;_ylt=ArFJEFUE25ajF0QvqeIHg7JSw60A

(Lebanon) 2 Lebanese soldiers die 10 days after war with Islamic militants ends

(Lebanon) Report: Four Israeli warplanes violate Lebanese airspace

Hamas on high alert for major Israeli offensive in Gaza§ion=middleeast&col=

Israeli aircraft attack vehicle in Gaza

Jordanian court sentences Fatah Al-Islam leader to 5 years in jail - updated story with additional detail

Saudi Press Reactions to Involvement of Saudi Nationals in Terrorist Activity

(Mali) Gunmen fire on US military plane in Mali

Kenya: Courts Told to Protect Terror Suspects' Rights

Turkish troops kill 4 Kurdish rebels after foiled bomb plot

Austrian suspects may have had ties to kidnappers of BBC's Alan Johnston -- SITE says one of 3 suspects arrested was leader of Global Islamic Media Front

(Germany) New law did not help in terror arrests - Protect America Act

(UK) Scotland: 'Is he a terrorist or just a stupid young man?' -- Mohammed Siddique trial

(UK) From radical Islamic leader to disillusioned ex-prisoner - Maajid Nawaz, who quit Hizb ut-Tahrir: "What I did was damaging to British society and the world at large"

(UK) Think Tank: Al-Qa'eda 'as strong today as it was on 9/11';jsessionid=AE5UKLROODTO3QFIQMGCFFOAVCBQUIV0?xml=/news/2007/09/13/wladen113.xml

(UK) Birmingham: Campaign to tackle extremism is launched

Italy: Graffiti in Ovada hails Osama

(Italy) Terrorism: Italy 'ill-equipped' to deal with threat, explosives expert says

Dutch court orders release of Philippine communist leader accused of murder

Corsica bomb blast damages tourism agency -- second bomb this week - defused bomb on Sept 10outside Moroccan embassy

Sri Lanka jets bomb rebel territory;_ylt=An4uT3fJTuUuaKzRTeRAKMAtM8oA

(North Korea) U.S. may provide $25 million in fuel to N. Korea

North Korea opens facility

Report: Digital Forensics Expert Comments on Sept 7 Bin Laden Video Splicing (my title)

(Canada) Air India Inquiry: CSIS decision to erase tapes in bomb case to be

Other News:

Muslim world celebrates start of Ramadan§ion=middleeast&col=

(U.S.) Michigan: Man with AK-47 assault rifle arrested after leaving Dearborn's Hemlock Park

(U.S.) Texas: Update on UTSA Muslim Student Association: The Satire Excuse

(UK) BBC Corrects Children's Guide To 911 -- taken down the original quoted page that implied 911 was America's fault

(Finland) Islamic party forms in Finland

(Belgium) Muslims refuse male gynaecologists

(Germany) Swastika smeared on synagogue in western Germany, police say

(Netherlands) Ban on Mein Kampf to remain

French neo-Nazi convicted for desecrating Jewish cemetery

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