Monday, September 24, 2007


(Iraq) Bomber kills 26 including police chief in Iraq city -at Sunni-Shiite Reconciliation Meeting in Iraq;_ylt=AjqlZPAXzhP2YqDyvI5IObhX6GMA

(Iraq) Eleven suspected of killing anti-Qaeda Anbar leader seized

Afghanistan: 'Pro-Taliban warlords seized Italians for ransom', tribal sources

(U.S.) FBI arrests six more Pakistan-origin suspects on charges of money laundering

(Iran) Ahmadinejad questions 9/11, Holocaust - Columbia Univ. President: "You are either brazenly provocative or astonishingly uneducated";_ylt=AkZtIw1.0_RLUldckhbpNxKs0NUE

(Iran) Commentary: A Time to Remember the Iran-al Qaeda Connection - by Douglas Farah

Indonesia rejects remaining two Bali bombers' appeals: report

(Canada) Case against 14 terror suspects going directly to trial

India cautions against underestimating Al Qaeda resurgence

The Bad Guys You Don't Know -- Meet Hizb ut-Tahrir -- by Olivier Guitta

(U.S.) Intelligence veteran aims to motivate young analysts

German plot links seen in Syria, Europe

(ETA) A Terrorist 'Second Front' in France?,8599,1664892,00.html?xid=rss-world

Other News:

(U.S.) Muslim Scouts Political Program Raises Eyebrows

Al Qaeda tapes grow in number, expertise

(Iraq) Suicide truck bomb attack in Tal-Afar N. Iraq leaves 6 Iraqis killed, 17 injured

(Iraq) American forces kill 18 armed insurgents in mop-up operations - targetingAl-Qaeda activists north and south of the Iraqi capital

(Iraq) Gunmen kill Iraqi television presenter

(Iraq) Mass grave of 20 students found north of Baghdad - in Diyala

(Iraq) Military is 'baiting' insurgents in Iraq

(Iraq) 'Chemical Ali' wants trial to be adjourned

(Afghanistan) Taliban attack police convoy in northern Afghanistan, kill 12

(Afghanistan) US security firm ambushed in Afghan, 3 dead

(Afghanistan) 3 killed in attack on Spanish patrol in Afghanistan

Afghanistan: At least 7 kidnappers killed in raid to free Italians

(Afghanistan) Two Italian soldiers freed after Afghan kidnapping;_ylt=AimtrDsaZSnjvWTqq2fSOhfOVooA

(Afghanistan) South Korean Taliban hostages tell of Taliban terrorization

Afghan president reaches out to Taliban;_ylt=AlF9y5Vllt6MfNcqUEa9Wsas0NUE

(Pakistan) Army contractor, 2 militants killed in Waziristan - food contractor beheadedby pro-Taliban militants\09\24\story_24-9-2007_pg7_3

(Pakistan) Govt warned of attacks by female bombers -- Peshawar target\09\24\story_24-9-2007_pg7_1

(Pakistan) Taliban threatens tailors in NWFP

(Pakistan) Ten killed in clashes between religious groups in Pakistan -- Namdar and Takia Sunni Muslim groups

(Pakistan) After terror arrest, glimpses of tribal Pakistan
Pakistan to establish uranium conversion, enrichment facility -- to expand program

Iran closes key border crossing with northern Iraq;_ylt=AlrH.Lfwo0UrMbi_WodGwyOs0NUE

(Iran) U.S.: Iran Smuggling Missiles and Other Advanced Weapons Into Iraq,2933,297777,00.html

Iran: Government closes news website -- critical of Ahmadinejad

(Iran) Ahmadinejad Arrives in U.S., Denies Nuke Program

Iranian Leader: Tehran Has No Need for Nuclear Bomb

(Iran) Ahmadinejad in NYC still planning to visit Ground Zero (my title)

Iran president banned from laying wreath at Ground Zero

(U.S.) Pakistanis in America concerned over arrest of fellow countrymen by FBI

(U.S.) Homeland deputy resigns;_ylt=AkFK.BmFcMEmhZCSsLL1_PsTv5UB

(Indian Kashmir) Top guerrilla commander gunned down in Kashmir

India's cyber-city lives in fear of terror attacks

(India) Police unearth Maoists' arms dump

Bangladesh aims to set up a nuclear power plant by 2015

(Somalia) Six killed in Somalia violence

(Somalia) Three Somali government soldiers killed in fierce battle;_ylt=AsVp5Rtdl86WBltOuKU4LB6QLIUD

Nigerian militant group announces end to cease-fire

Nigerian oil rebels threaten attacks after arrest;_ylt=AolUw_jINEAPSgld4V5NINPZ9YEA

Nigeria: Another Militant Leader Arrested Over Arms Deal

Uganda: Citizens Go on Trial for Terror in London

Indonesia: Convicted terrorist escapes from Sulawesi penitentiary

(Philippines) Muslim rebel commander killed in clash in southern Philippines

Israel arrests 20 in West Bank raids

(Israel) IDF arrests Palestinian terror suspect who was pardoned last month

Israel Launches 'Warning' Website after Lessons Learned from Lebanon War

N. Korea: US defended IAF Syria strike

(Lebanon) Hezbollah to boycott vote

Turkish Islamic preachers jailed for PKK 'propaganda'

(France) Terrorist threat high for France

(France) Thirteen held in Basque terrorism sweep in France

(Corsica) Second rocket attack in ten days in Corsica

Sri Lanka battles claim 27 lives: military;_ylt=AgUdSYFx2X.qM04eVaEiWsctM8oA

Sri Lankan troops repulse rebel attack, 21 killed

(North Korea) Bush demurs on Korea progress

Other News:

(Netherland) Concern about anti-Islam comments

Netherlands: Concern about tone of Islam discussion

Netherlands: Trouble with Moroccan criminal youth

Oslo: Kids missing from schools

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