Friday, August 31, 2007

TERROR NEWS August 31st

(U.S.) Florida students face explosives indictment — two Egyptian students in Florida indicted forexplosives transportation across state lines — Ahmed Abdellatif Sherif Mohamed and Youssef SamirMegahed stopped with pipe bombs near South Carolina Navy base - Ahmed Mohamed also charged withdistributing information relating to explosives

(U.S.) Indicted USF Student has Terror Past in Egypt — Ahmed Abdellatif Sherif Mohamed

Also August 14 UnitedStatesAction news posting on Ahmed Mohamed:

(U.S.) Prosecution Rests in Holy Land Case — by The Investigative Project

(U.S.) Dallas: Government rests in Holy Land Foundation trial

(U.S.) Ohio stores evacuated in ongoing bomb scam — FBI cites ‘strong’ leads in threats to stores inat least in 11 states

(U.S.) NYC: Top U.N. staff begin probe of chemical warfare agent

(U.S.) New Worries That Ferries Could Be Al Qaeda Targets -August 24 follow-up story on Seattle ferry issue

(Iraq) Marines destroy al-Qaida unit in Iraq — town of Karmah

(Iraq) Petraeus: Troop buildup working in Iraq

(India) Hyderabad Police intensify raids on suspected hideouts of terror groups

(India) US, UK, Australia issue travel advisories

Pakistan rebels discuss soldier release - new report says Pakistani soldiers not yet released;_ylt=Ai48Em_wjx9sMFwoGr4QZgbzPukA

(Pakistan) Police prevents 200 radical students from entering Pak’s Lal Masjid$All/80BB4B1C66616012652573480053AD40?OpenDocument

(Pakistan) “Lal Masjid to open next week”\08\31\story_31-8-2007_pg7_57

(Pakistan) CD Shops Blown Up, Burned, Store Owners Threatened (my title)\08\31\story_31-8-2007_pg7_24

(Canada) Toronto mail bomb suspect arrested: High drama on the Don Valley Parkway

(Russia) Car Bomb Kills 4 Police in Russia — North Caucasus region

(Philippines) Bomb courier’s relatives set to post P200T bail

(Thailand) Muslims Battle Buddhists in Thailand’s Troubled South,1518,503226,00.html

Morocco gets big U.S. grant ahead of elections likely to hand Islamists victory

(Europe) Terrorism Expert Calls For Ban On Hizballah In Europe

World’s Shortest Lived al Qaeda Website

(UK) Commentary: Meet the shadow minister for militant Islam — Sayeeda Warsi

(Sri Lanka) Clashes in northern Sri Lanka kill 11 Tamil insurgents, military says,7340,L-3444344,00.html

(U.S.) Holy Land Trial: Prosecutors: Muslim charity got appeal to help in Jihad

(U.S.) Holy Land ‘Charity” Sought Money for War against Israel

(U.S.) Lawmakers slam Islamic Society convention — Congressmen criticize DOJ role in ISNA conference,investigating government spending on conference-related activities

(U.S.) Moroccan immigrant files lawsuit against prosecutor in Detroit terrorism case

(U.S.) FBI close to identifying bomb threat suspects

(Iraq) US troops kill 12 Qaeda members NE Iraq — near the town of Karmah

(Iraq) Civilian killed, one injured in N. Iraq — source - gunmen and explosive device in Kirkuk

Iraq: Mahdi army obeys truce but remains divided

Iraq gov’t asks militias to halt attacks;_ylt=Av6oxFJkRVMcx1G4Aq9gPrFX6GMA

(Iraq) U.S. lawmakers’ plane fired upon while leaving Iraq

(Iraq/Iran) Iran threatens to withdraw help with Iraq security§ion=middleeast&col=

(Iraq) Sunnis turn on al Qaeda over marriages

(Iraq) How life returned to the streets in a showpiece city that drove out al-Qaeda

(Iraq) U.S. to free 50 Iraqi detainees a day in Ramadan;_ylt=Ascj4cn6pNjNLw783zTmaGZX6GMA

(Iraq) U.S. panel will urge broad overhaul of Iraqi police

Iraq: RFE/RL Report Reveals Extent Of Sunni-Insurgent Media Network

(Afghanistan) Mortar raid on U.S. base kills Afghan civilians — killing at least 10 Afghan civilians,including women and children

(Afghanistan) Suicide bomber strikes close to Kabul airport, 2 soldiers killed - killing 2 Afghan soldiersand wounding 10 others - apparently aimed at convoy

(Afghanistan) Bomb targets Germans in Afghanistan

(Afghanistan) Taliban vows to abduct more foreigners§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Afghanistan) Report: Ransom paid for South Korean hostages — Japanese newspaper reportsfrom Afghan mediator, also says South Korean official and Taliban spokeman deny this;_ylt=Alit7knlmog8YhagCxMsNAzOVooA

Seoul denies ransom allegations

(Afghanistan) South Korean hostages apologize, recount horror of abduction

(Pakistan) Nine killed in militant attack on N. Pakistan security checkpost - Sawat district

(Pakistan) 130 Kidnapped Pakistani Troops Released

Pakistan: Missing soldiers ‘found’

(Pakistan) US washes hands of Pakistan’s internal politics

(India) Suspect seen at both Hyderabad blast sites?

India: Madrassa raids in southern state irk Muslim clergy

(India) Terrorists change names, mislead police

(India) March 2006 Varanasi bombing: Bangladesh terror group’s fingerprints were handed over toDhaka but no word yet

(Indian Kashmir) Jaish-e-Mohammed militant killed in Jammu and Kashmir

(India Assam) Three militants killed in Assam

(India Assam) ATTF militant killed in Tripura

(India) Two militants killed in Manipur

(India) Maoist killed in Chhattisgarh

(Nepal) Police kills Bara district commander of Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM-J)

(Nepal) Two children killed in southern Nepal explosion§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Lebanon) Lebanese army strikes militant hideouts in Nahr El-Bared

Lebanese helicopters step up raids on Islamic militants after 5 soldiers die

(Lebanon) Two Lebanese soldiers killed in clashes with Fatah Al-Islam

(Iran) Report on Iran’s nuclear activity exposes split — between UN and US

(Gaza) Israeli planes strike Beit Lahiya

(Hamas) Thousands defy Hamas in Gaza prayer — called by Hamas opposition parties

Anti-Hamas rallies staged in Gaza

Fatah protest against Hamas ends in clashes

(Fatah) Abbas’ group vows rocket attacks despite amnesty — Fatah terror organization claims debutof new, more deadly projectile

Israeli Paratroopers Shoot Terrorist in Shechem - gunman from Fatah / PFLP involved in bombings

Terror suspect seriously wounded by IDF fire in Nablus

Israeli army says Gaza children killed this week were playing near rocket launcher

(UK) Scotland: Terror trial jury sees footage of ‘execution’ - soldier execution on CD - suspect also atAbu Hamza web site — Mohammed Siddique trial

(UK) Commuters stop and searched in anti-terrorism operation

Russian Supreme Court leaves previous verdict on terrorists — attacks on the Moscow metro in 2004

Russia: Devout Muslims Suspected in Massacre of Russian Teacher’s Family

Somalia’s reconciliation conference ends as violence continues

(SWIFT) Bush may use privilege in Swift case - to block a suit against a Belgian banking cooperative

Canadian man convicted of terror attacks returning to Canada — Jamal Akkal convicted by an Israelimilitary court for his involvement with Hamas

(Canada) 2 arrested in letter bomb case

(Mexico) Bomb scare at Mexico skyscraper - bomb found in car in Torre Mayor building in Mexico City

(Mexico) Defused car bomb hints at Mexican guerrilla group

(Columbia) FARC to give up bodies of dead lawmakers: Colombia;_ylt=AknpBXGVptu_jjMw0Ro3wsewv7kA

(Columbia) Venezuela President Chavez steps into Colombia’s hostage fray;_ylt=AkWYjn.cgGhStCl3fAOJWdewv7kA

(Thailand) Insurgents kill railway officer in South — terrorists also planted bomb to kills other security forces— in Narathiwat province

Philippines: Military offensive in south to continue through Ramadan

(Indonesia) Telecom operator gets bomb threats

(Sri Lanka) Three killed in Sri Lanka violence;_ylt=Aj7NuvPQUiH0DWZid2PLWPwtM8oA

(North Korea) Bush: North Korea may give up nukes quickly;_ylt=AmSMMFYFuEYA3L9l_VbWQzqCscEA

Australia beefs up security for APEC

New terror attack would be costly for airlines

25 highest terrorist attack death tolls

Other News:

(Iraq) Shiite’s tale: How gulf with Sunnis widened

(Sweden) New Muslim cartoon protests grow

(Sweden) Muhammad cartoon: Sweden ‘sorry for hurt feelings’ — Pakistan slams Sweden forMuhammad cartoon

(Iran) Ahmadinejad claims ‘Zionists’ behind Swedish cartoon

(UK) Osama bin Christ, Mary in burqa win art prize

(UK) Fury at ‘racism slur’ in Muslim cemetery row

(U.S.) California: Muslim bakery suspect faces additional charges

(Malaysia) Minorities fear growing role of Islam

(U.S.) Holy Land Trial: Prosecutors: Muslim charity got appeal to help in Jihad

(U.S.) Holy Land 'Charity" Sought Money for War against Israel

(U.S.) Lawmakers slam Islamic Society convention -- Congressmen criticize DOJ role in ISNA conference,investigating government spending on conference-related activities

(U.S.) Moroccan immigrant files lawsuit against prosecutor in Detroit terrorism case

(U.S.) FBI close to identifying bomb threat suspects

(Iraq) US troops kill 12 Qaeda members NE Iraq -- near the town of Karmah

(Iraq) Civilian killed, one injured in N. Iraq -- source - gunmen and explosive device in Kirkuk

Iraq: Mahdi army obeys truce but remains divided

Iraq gov't asks militias to halt attacks;_ylt=Av6oxFJkRVMcx1G4Aq9gPrFX6GMA

(Iraq) U.S. lawmakers' plane fired upon while leaving Iraq

(Iraq/Iran) Iran threatens to withdraw help with Iraq security§ion=middleeast&col=

(Iraq) Sunnis turn on al Qaeda over marriages

(Iraq) How life returned to the streets in a showpiece city that drove out al-Qaeda

(Iraq) U.S. to free 50 Iraqi detainees a day in Ramadan;_ylt=Ascj4cn6pNjNLw783zTmaGZX6GMA

(Iraq) U.S. panel will urge broad overhaul of Iraqi police

Iraq: RFE/RL Report Reveals Extent Of Sunni-Insurgent Media Network

(Afghanistan) Mortar raid on U.S. base kills Afghan civilians -- killing at least 10 Afghan civilians, including women and children

(Afghanistan) Suicide bomber strikes close to Kabul airport, 2 soldiers killed - killing 2 Afghan soldiers and wounding 10 others - apparently aimed at convoy

(Afghanistan) Bomb targets Germans in Afghanistan

(Afghanistan) Taliban vows to abduct more foreigners§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Afghanistan) Report: Ransom paid for South Korean hostages -- Japanese newspaper reports from Afghan mediator, also says South Korean official and Taliban spokeman deny this;_ylt=Alit7knlmog8YhagCxMsNAzOVooA

Seoul denies ransom allegations

(Afghanistan) South Korean hostages apologize, recount horror of abduction

(Pakistan) Nine killed in militant attack on N. Pakistan security checkpost - Sawat district

(Pakistan) 130 Kidnapped Pakistani Troops Released

Pakistan: Missing soldiers 'found'

(Pakistan) US washes hands of Pakistan's internal politics

(India) Suspect seen at both Hyderabad blast sites?

India: Madrassa raids in southern state irk Muslim clergy

(India) Terrorists change names, mislead police

(India) March 2006 Varanasi bombing: Bangladesh terror group’s fingerprints were handed over to Dhaka but no word yet

(Indian Kashmir) Jaish-e-Mohammed militant killed in Jammu and Kashmir

(India Assam) Three militants killed in Assam

(India Assam) ATTF militant killed in Tripura

(India) Two militants killed in Manipur

(India) Maoist killed in Chhattisgarh

(Nepal) Police kills Bara district commander of Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM-J)

(Nepal) Two children killed in southern Nepal explosion§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Lebanon) Lebanese army strikes militant hideouts in Nahr El-Bared

Lebanese helicopters step up raids on Islamic militants after 5 soldiers die

(Lebanon) Two Lebanese soldiers killed in clashes with Fatah Al-Islam

(Iran) Report on Iran's nuclear activity exposes split -- between UN and US

(Gaza) Israeli planes strike Beit Lahiya

(Hamas) Thousands defy Hamas in Gaza prayer -- called by Hamas opposition parties

Anti-Hamas rallies staged in Gaza

Fatah protest against Hamas ends in clashes

(Fatah) Abbas' group vows rocket attacks despite amnesty -- Fatah terror organization claims debut of new, more deadly projectile

Israeli Paratroopers Shoot Terrorist in Shechem - gunman from Fatah / PFLP involved in bombings

Terror suspect seriously wounded by IDF fire in Nablus

Israeli army says Gaza children killed this week were playing near rocket launcher

(UK) Scotland: Terror trial jury sees footage of 'execution' - soldier execution on CD - suspect also at Abu Hamza web site -- Mohammed Siddique trial

(UK) Commuters stop and searched in anti-terrorism operation

Russian Supreme Court leaves previous verdict on terrorists -- attacks on the Moscow metro in 2004

Russia: Devout Muslims Suspected in Massacre of Russian Teacher's Family

Somalia's reconciliation conference ends as violence continues

(SWIFT) Bush may use privilege in Swift case - to block a suit against a Belgian banking cooperative

Canadian man convicted of terror attacks returning to Canada -- Jamal Akkal convicted by an Israelimilitary court for his involvement with Hamas

(Canada) 2 arrested in letter bomb case

(Mexico) Bomb scare at Mexico skyscraper - bomb found in car in Torre Mayor building in Mexico City

(Mexico) Defused car bomb hints at Mexican guerrilla group

(Columbia) FARC to give up bodies of dead lawmakers: Colombia;_ylt=AknpBXGVptu_jjMw0Ro3wsewv7kA

(Columbia) Venezuela President Chavez steps into Colombia's hostage fray;_ylt=AkWYjn.cgGhStCl3fAOJWdewv7kA

(Thailand) Insurgents kill railway officer in South -- terrorists also planted bomb to kills other security forces-- in Narathiwat province

Philippines: Military offensive in south to continue through Ramadan

(Indonesia) Telecom operator gets bomb threats

(Sri Lanka) Three killed in Sri Lanka violence;_ylt=Aj7NuvPQUiH0DWZid2PLWPwtM8oA

(North Korea) Bush: North Korea may give up nukes quickly;_ylt=AmSMMFYFuEYA3L9l_VbWQzqCscEA

Australia beefs up security for APEC

New terror attack would be costly for airlines

25 highest terrorist attack death tolls

Other News:

(Iraq) Shiite's tale: How gulf with Sunnis widened

(Sweden) New Muslim cartoon protests grow

(Sweden) Muhammad cartoon: Sweden 'sorry for hurt feelings' -- Pakistan slams Sweden for Muhammad cartoon

(Iran) Ahmadinejad claims 'Zionists' behind Swedish cartoon

(UK) Osama bin Christ, Mary in burqa win art prize

(UK) Fury at 'racism slur' in Muslim cemetery row

(U.S.) California: Muslim bakery suspect faces additional charges

(Malaysia) Minorities fear growing role of Islam

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