Monday, August 27, 2007

TERROR NEWS August 27th

Pakistan's Islamist press calls for jihad -- Indian newspaper The Hindu

(Pakistan) Doctor arrested for suspected links with Al-Qaeda movement - 6 suicide jackets, explosive materials found

Iraq: Suicide bomber kills 9 in attack on mosque in Fallujah

(Iraq) Hussein-linked 'terrorist' caught -- Cell is believed to be funded by Saddam Hussein's eldest daughter, Raghad - living in Jordan

Iraq Sunni Arabs won't rejoin cabinet despite deal;_ylt=Ap_F4ZCr0NYVKmPI1tnG2Y.s0NUE

(Iraq) CBS News Translator Slain By Insurgents

Afghanistan: Troops destroy heroin lab, soldier killed

(Afghanistan) South Korean hostage talks to resume Tuesday: Taliban

(Afghanistan) Taliban: Some Hostages To Be Freed

(Afghanistan) Russian terrorist suspect detained in Afghanistan with explosives

Somalia: String of Explosions in Bakara Market - 8 wounded in capital

(U.S.) CTB Article: "US Justice Dept to Co-Sponsor Convention of ISNA - Unindicted Co-Conspirator in HLF Trial"

Update: U.S. sponsors Islamic convention - Dept of Justice co-sponsoring -- held by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) -- an unindicted co-conspirator in an ongoing federal terrorist funding caseAdditional information in story: -- DOJ Civil Rights Mrs. Lorenzo-Giguere views Muslims as "very much discriminated against" -- Another DOJ Lawyer: "seems like an odd time for one part of DOJ to lend credence and visible support to ISNA at the same timeDOJ prosecutors will be called on to defend their decision to name ISNA as a conspirator" -- ISNA convention includes session on "U.S.-sponsored torture"

U.S. Congressman Keith Ellison to be Keynote Speaker at ISNA Chicago Convention -- Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is an unindicted co-conspirator in an ongoing federal terrorist funding case

Main speakers include: Idris Alim, Abdullah Adhami, Aisha Al-Adawiya, Altaf Husain, Hamza Yusuf, Ihsan Bagby, Ingrid Mattson, Jamal Badawi,Muneer Fareed, Muzammil Siddiqi, Sherman A. (Abd al-Hakim) Jackson, Siraj Wahhaj, Umar Faruq Abd-Allah, Zaid Shakir

(U.S.) Seattle: Hussein Ibish, FAIR, Exec. Director on Arab-American and Muslim Reaction to Seattle Suspects,2933,294740,00.html

(U.S.) Asthma rates high among 9/11 workers - 12 times higher than normal

(Australia) Troops lose faith in failing weapons - Conditions in Iraq & Afghanistan causing Australians' weapons to fail

Palestinian Islamic Jihad: PA security forces thwarted our kidnapping attempt - Terrorists "surprised" that Palestinian Authority saved Israeli officer

French apartment was ETA explosives lab

Turkey: 2 soldiers killed, 10 terrorists killed; US weapons in PKK hands; Terrorist mines cleared

Turkish army issues new warning -- regarding Islamism in govt

Kazakhstan: Kazakh special agencies break Hizb ut-Tahrir cell

The Ingush Jamaat: Identity and Resistance in the North Caucasus - Jamestown Foundation analysis

Other News:

Washington Post, Other Newspapers Won't Run 'Opus' Cartoon Mocking Radical Islam,2933,294779,00.html

(Iraq) Extremists target Iraqi Shiite pilgrims - sniper terrorist kills Shiite on Baghdad bridge - four US soldiers killed in firefights;_ylt=AsQrc9KZKApjxpdo2baw7nxX6GMA

(Iraq) Iran increasing Iraq militant support: U.S. commander;_ylt=Aj94Zn_RCckz5M6OBZvTsk5Sw60A

Iraqi children as fighters on the rise

(Iraq) Two marines killed in Al-Anbar

(Iraq) US forces detain 10 suspected terrorists — al-Sadr city

(Iraq) Violence stalks Iraq’s minorities

(Iraq) A Potentially Winning Tactic, With a Warning — article on “Iraq Tribal Study: Al-Anbar Governorate”

(Afghanistan) Ten insurgents and two foreign soldiers killed in new fighting in Helmand and Zabul andNATO: Taliban making false accusations — falsely reporting civilian casualties;_ylt=AhvQRvilSY3_t_aXAK_uXELOVooA

(Afghanistan) Taliban ambush kills 3 U.S. soldiers: Afghan official — Ghazi Abad district near Pakistan border;_ylt=Avf.9bvVfhiHm2j7Yr8O93TOVooA

(Afghanistan) Foreign forces battle Taliban in south Afghanistan — battles in Kunar§ion=subcontinent&col=

Afghanistan poppy harvest jumps 18 per cent;jsessionid=ZAMC1SMNMEXRNQFIQMFSFGGAVCBQ0IV0?xml=/news/2007/08/27/nforces527.xml

(Afghanistan) Korean Muslim leader in Pakistan to seek release of hostages in Afghanistan

Pakistan: Militants launch fresh attacks - rockets fired by terrorists outside of Miran Shah - one terrorist killed and 3 civilians injured;_ylt=Ak5n7jaVL7DIc_wO5XDuwYjzPukA

(Pakistan) Three militant outfits join hands with al-Qaeda: Jaish-e-Muhammad, Lashkar-e-Jangvi and Sipah-e-Sahaba

(Pakistan) Suicide bombers out to target police chiefs in Pak: Report

(Pakistan) Scores of Pakistan soldiers desert forces - feel fighting Taliban and Al-Qaeda in Waziristan not morally right

(Pakistan) Boy shown beheading Pakistani soldier in video

US forces nearly snared bin Laden in late 2004 — Newsweek article “Into Thin Air”;_ylt=Ag9dILt56CszPKytSBjCS0YwuecA

Newsweek: Osama Bin Laden’s former bodyguard speaks

(U.S.) Iraqis Protest Terror- Hold Rally at Saudi Embassy

(U.S.) HLF and CAIR, a Supplement to Mainstream Reporting — by Steven Emerson

U.S. Justice Department co-sponsors Islamic convention — held by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)— an unindicted co-conspirator in an ongoing federal terrorist funding case

(U.S.) Muslim charity trial may shed new light on terror aid

(India) Hindus strike, say govt ‘soft on terror’ after blasts — that killed 42 people in Hyderabad;_ylt=At5LnscT2Ltu2WQmOJraFZMTv5UB

Indian police probe blast leads — authorities suspect Islamist militant groups based in Pakistan or Bangladesh;_ylt=AhPmUe9S12zB5cwIN2K1aXBA7AkB

(India) Govt: ‘Laskhar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad suspected in Hyderabad blasts’

India blames foreign militants in bombings§ion=subcontinent&col=

(India) South Indian companies on alert after bombings;_ylt=AkbDAq3x_SkNlldlLqS8665A7AkB

(India) 19 bombs found after fatal blasts in India

Somali police shoot attacker dead; 2 hurt in grenade blasts

(Somalia) 5 Somalis killed in violence, nine hurt;_ylt=AgR_OHP3TCjbOB32Hjeav7yQLIUD

Lebanese army readies final assault on Islamists;_ylt=AmrHa7q1sW44uhi7up22GK_agGIB

(Lebanon) Three Lebanese in uniform killed in Nahr Al-Bared

Lebanon: Militants want evacuation;_ylt=AnBUQH3OKnrtWU_cwr.iJTHagGIB

(Lebanon) Israel Defense Minister Barak: Hezbollah rocket arsenal bigger now than before the war

Israel: Hamas smuggled tons of weapons — into Gaza strip;_ylt=ApG9nSkDbEPZHahIrzL_sSTuyucA

Egypt’s passivity equaled to support of Hamas

(Israel) Gunmen open fire at IDF soldiers in Nablus

Israeli warplanes scramble into action after rocket attack

Israel launches air raid in Gaza§ion=middleeast&col=

Israeli troops kill Palestinian near Gaza border - suspected man of trying to lay explosives

Hamas orders private Gaza clinics shut down in challenge to Abbas

West Bank: Hamas divided over future approach

(Israel) IDF arrests three terror suspects in West Bank

CNN: Face-to-face with top Hamas leader in secret location

Hamas leader says policy has changed

Hamas, Fatah form joint terror group — Comes as U.S. training, aiding Abbas’ militias

Palestinians back caliphate over politics — growing number of Palestinians support Hizb ut-Tahrir;jsessionid=ZAMC1SMNMEXRNQFIQMFSFGGAVCBQ0IV0?xml=/news/2007/08/27/wpal127.xml

Palestinian state outline ‘coming by November’ — Plan drafted by veteran politician would forfeit strategic West Bank

‘Hamas may release Schalit video tape if Israel frees women, children’

(Syria) Shin Bet: Hamas in Syria plans suicide bombings

Saudis create oil plant security force

Iran vows to use ‘smart’ bomb against enemies\08\27\story_27-8-2007_pg7_40

Iran warns students against ‘US contacts’;_ylt=AgzGJX4cfRc6NPG_pY27xqRSw60A

(Iran) Kuwait Islamist cleric issues Iran warning,7340,L-3442337,00.html

(UK) Scotland: Terror trial told of jihad emails — Mohammed Atif Siddique trial

(UK) Scotland: Cousin of terror accused says he sent emails about martyrdom

Denmark: Hizb ut-Tahrir’s annual conference

(Greece) Prosecutor orders probe into Greek fires — arson attacks could be considered terrorism;_ylt=AsZ2bPP015JpoCnQtWQiHCYTv5UB

France ready to mediate in Iraq: FM’France+ready+to+mediate+in+Iraq’

(Spain) Police say ETA detonated van loaded with explosives

Spain and Portugal to unite in fight against ETA

Russia says bombers flying near NATO airspace not flying with nuclear weapons;_ylt=AvY1AtQ4KGqbUq7Uj7hti71_5GIA

(Thailand) Female teacher shot dead in Pattani

Indonesians live in sin if Islamic law not implemented: spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiah (JI) Abu Bakar Bashir,23599,22318584-23109,00.html

Philippine police warn of alleged bomb plot in capital — by al-Qaeda-linked Islamic militants to bomb shopping mallsand gasoline stations in the capital

Philippines: Rebel communists mock Arroyo’s peace talks plan

(Sri Lanka) Nine rebels killed in Sri Lanka clashes: military;_ylt=As5NLw49dlMVRtsz3Yl_1IotM8oA

Sri Lanka defuses suspected rebel bomb near pageant;_ylt=AhCepv3fxgtR5UkgjzsJDfEtM8oA

(Columbia) Suspected rebels kill 9 farmers in southern Colombia

Commentary: Jihad and journalism on CNN

Commentary: CNN’s God’s Warriors at war with truth

Commentary: EU Muslims: seeking jihad or democracy?

Other News:

Germany: Appeal against acquittal in ‘honour’ killing

(Nigeria) Angry Muslim Mob Storms Prison to Lynch Homosexuals

U.S. military regrets “blasphemous” balls for Afghans — free footballs included Saudi Arabian flag, which bears thename of Allah and Mohammed;_ylt=Ag1iRCQWjODnTWc3FTxEEKnOVooA

Christian TV show out, Muslim pressure group CAIR blamed

(U.S.) Northern Virginia: Candidates Reach Out to Muslims

(UK) Sleaze investigation over Muslim funds for Labour

Iraqi With CIA Ties Hires D.C. Lobby Firm

Clinton: Terrorist attack would help GOP

Democrats criticize Clinton’s comments on terrorism

Chechen ‘organised’ Politkovskaya killing

Austria’s Haider says to ban mosque-building;

(Belgium) Muslim school to open in Molenbeek

Cautious criticism — A Growing Number Of Activists Are Hesitant To Decry Female Genital Mutilation

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