Friday, August 17, 2007

TERROR NEWS August 17th

(Iraq) US soldier killed in shooting from Iraqi mosque: military;_ylt=Ag5IKjkiuVuxa26uTJVTZLtX6GMA

(Iraq) U.S. forces attack Iraqi mosque after soldier killed;_ylt=AvSdfgwBePNBFnrsyFji1LNX6GMA

(Iraq) Five policemen, four civilians wounded in Kirkuk

Iraqi insurgent group executes Defense Ministry employee in web video

Iraqi Sunnis slam new Shiite, Kurdish alliance;_ylt=Al16SP5d2kq6uoxQjWhjLjNX6GMA

(Iraq) Video of beheading used to threaten Christians

(Afghanistan) Tora Bora Offensive Continues Against Taliban, Al-Qaeda

(Afghanistan) Bomber kills Afghan district head - senior official in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar has been killed alongwith three of his children in a suicide bomb attack

(Afghanistan) Taliban says no immediate hostage talks;_ylt=AgWS2qDZT_GEG3KLWNzfGwvOVooA

(Afghanistan) Taliban Says Hostage Talks Going Nowhere

(Afghanistan) 'Terrorist gang' busted in Kabul

(U.S.) Texas: Security increased for Holy Land Foundation trial

(U.S.) Holy Land Foundation Trial: Charity trial witness falters - sraeli agent is vague on the leadership of overseas agencies,1,3244972.story?coll=la-news-a_section&ctrack=1&cset=true

(U.S.) Hamas Propaganda Discovered In Offices Of HLF Beneficiaries

(U.S.) CAIR Cites Counterterrorism Blog in HLF Legal Filing

(U.S.) CAIR's Amicus Brief and Due Dilligence

(U.S.) Rejecting radical Islam -- one man's journey -- Daveed Gartenstein-Ross

Cutting Off Terror's Money Supply

AP Interview: U.S. diplomat says U.S. government going online to reach Muslim youth

(Pakistan) Four militants killed in Pakistan attacks;_ylt=An8n6U.3_2Nps47obg3724nzPukA

(Pakistan) Suicide car bombing wounds 5 soldiers in northwestern Pakistan -- in town of Tank

(Pakistan) Clashes in Waziristan kill 22, several wounded, two foreigners arrested

(Pakistan) Rise in suicide bombings linked to Lal Masjid operation: Pak Govt

(Pakistan) Mufti Khalid Shah: Fatwa against 'friends of US, Jews'\08\17\story_17-8-2007_pg7_8

Pakistan: Tribal elders offer to hold talks with Taliban

(Indian Kashmir) Blast kills 2 paramilitary soldiers, injures another 5 in Indian Kashmir, says official

(Indian Kashmir) Terrorists in Kashmir on the run: Army Chief

(Indian Kashmir) Indian Army to induct lasers in to counter guerrilla in Kashmir

(Indian Kashmir) Hizbul Mujahideen area commander Mukhtiyar Ahmed alias Khalil surrenders before Indian Army in Kashmir

(India) No report of terror groups operating in Indian stock markets -- minister

(India) Imam puts 'unlimited reward' on Taslima's head

(India Assam) Center blames NDA regime for Assam violence

Somali woman dies in botched rocket attack

(Eritrea) US says weighs putting Eritrea on terrorism list - for its permitting arms to flow into Somalia

Sudan: 16 students detained in terror cell bust

(Sudan) Interview with Muslim Brotherhood Leader in Sudan: "The U.S. is Behind All Tragedies in Darfur; Sudanese Minister for Humanitarian Affairs: U.S. Civilization Feeds on Human Blood"

(Kenya) Crowd torches church building in Kenya slum -- police state dispute between the mostly Muslim Nubian community and Presbyterian church

Nigeria: Top Militant, George, 31 Others Killed

Egypt stops Muslim Brotherhood figure traveling

Egypt: Nine terrorist suspects arrested - crossing border from Libya -- follow-up from August 15 story

Russia: No suspects detained over train bombing says security service

(Indonesia) Bali bombers' prison sentences reduced for Indonesia's independence day;_ylt=Am2XPZm3vGT_q0N8YBYw3pXaHXcA

Philippine military says Abu Sayyaf video shows militants in disarray, lack resources

Iran cleric warns US not to pick on Guards,23599,22264988-23109,00.html

(Iran) U.S. terror listing boon for Iran's Revolutionary Guard says cleric

(Iran) France considers new U.N. measures against Iran over nuclear program

(Lebanon) Fierce clashes continue in Lebanon's Nahr El-Bared camp

(Lebanon) Three months on, Lebanese army still battling Islamists;_ylt=Ah6HWg_BcBu3FEZjCbsii_3agGIB

(Gaza) Blast tears through house in southern Gaza

Hamas force collects weapons from clan that kidnapped British reporter

(Israel) IDF sappers safely defuse bomb next to Gaza fence

(Israel) IDF arrests six terror suspects overnight

(Europe) Report: Libyan leader's son says Islamic terrorists sure to hit Europe again

Germany Releases Ultra-Leftist Jailed for Murder of U.S. Soldier,2933,293553,00.html

(Spain) ETA will go ahead with banned tribute

(UK) Report says Russian agent's poisoning left radiation trail across London

(Australia) Terror suspect Saleh Jamal jailed for gang shootout

(Australia) Call to ban Islamic hardliners -- Hizb ut-Tahrir,25197,22258788-5001561,00.html

Sri Lankan troops kill 2 Tamil rebels in sea, ground clashes, military says

(North Korea) IAEA: NKorea Aiding in Atomic Shutdown

Other News:

(Russia) Neo-Nazi turns himself in after 'execution' video is shown on the internet

(Bosnia) 'They were shouting 'Sieg Heil''

Germany: 4 suspected of defacing Jewish cemetery

US to deport man accused of Nazi involvement

(UK) Muslim juror accused of wearing MP3 player under her hijab escapes punishment

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