Monday, July 2, 2007


July 2, 2007 Anti-Terrorism News

(USA) U.S. travelers face tighter July 4 security

(USA - Florida) Defense in Padilla case chips away at U.S. terrorism expert

(USA - Florida) Device similar to pipe bomb explodes at Disney,1,4534800.story?coll=chi-news-hed

US excludes terrorism in the death of diplomat in Cyprus

(Afghanistan) 7 Afghan police killed by roadside bomb - IED destroyed vehicle in Kandahar;_ylt=AjpwIKHLr2tWiCFOVQN9wfbMWM0F

Yemeni temple bombing kills 9 - seven Spaniards and two Yemenis;_ylt=AgBvmdWkqDpZGWAgqrW9yZITv5UB

Palestinians fire Kassam into Sderot; none hurt

Hamas TV to replace "martyred" Mickey Mouse lookalike

(West Bank) Hamas members detained by both Fatah and Shin Bet

(Pakistan) Lal Masjid ushers Pakistan Talibanization

(Indian Kashmir) 40-terrorist killed in May in J&K

Somalia: Police Arrest 30 Civilians for Sunday's Roadside Bomb Blast

Turkey opens trial of 18 suspects in murder of journalist - January murder of ethnic Armenian
journalist Hrant Dink

Germany expects attacks like Britain's says top police official

'Electronic Jihad' App Offers Cyberterrorism For The Masses

(Lebanon) Sensing the Next Peril in Lebanon - U.S. bars 10 Syrians & Lebanese close to Gen. Aoun
from entering U.S.

(Spain) Suspected ETA terrorists arrested in France, explosives found

(Australia) Study shows Australia home for radical Islam - Bigger portion of Muslim youths at risk of
turning radical than any Western nation

(UK) Race to break terror cell - Members of al-Qaida group run by 'Mr Big' still at large,,2116267,00.html

(UK) Eighth arrest in terror inquiry -- arrested abroad - police have not specified in which country the
arrest took place

(UK) Controlled blasts at Glasgow hospital - bomb disposal performed at least two controlled blasts
at hospital where suspect being treated

(UK) Five Doctors Held Over Attacks,,30100-1273160,00.html"Five doctors are now being held in connection with the recent attempted terror attacks - one is an
Iraqi doctor who trained in Baghdad.""Sky sources named him as Iraqi Bilal Abdulla - he was left relatively unscathed in an attack on
Glasgow airport, in which two men drove a flaming jeep into the airport terminal.""Two doctors were arrested in Paisley, Glasgow, another in Liverpool and one on the M6 on
Saturday night."
(UK) Britain Remains Prime Terrorist Target
(UK) Three Doctors Held Over Attack - One of the men involved in the failed terror attack on
Glasgow airport was an Iraqi doctor who trained in Baghdad,,30100-1273160,00.html

(UK) Iraqi, Jordanian Doctors Among Those Arrested in U.K. Terror Sweep - now say 3 doctors
among terrorists,2933,287634,00.html
(UK) Foreign doctors at centre of terror inquiry;jsessionid=5CDVRPEG401TLQFIQMFSFFOAVCBQ0IV0?xml=/news/2007/07/02/nterror1402.xml
(UK) Q&A: Mohammad Asha and foreign doctors
(UK) Doctors arrested in terror probe named: Dr Mohammad Asha, Dr Bilal Abdulla,
(UK) 'Terror ringleader' is brilliant NHS doctor
(UK) Profiles of bomb suspects: The neurosurgeon and the junior doctor
(UK) Asha Not Linked To Terror, Says Dad,,30100-1273296,00.html
(UK) Timeline: Failed car bomb attacks - London and Glasgow
(UK) Airport car bombers hoped to murder hundreds
(UK) Mobile telephones helped terror police - The mobile telephones recovered from the two failed
London blasts helped police trace the suspected terrorists
(UK) Airports, shopping centres and Wimbledon locked inside 'rings of steel'
(UK Home Secretary) UK unity 'will defeat terrorists'
(UK) Blair: we will face this threat for years to come
(UK) Commentary: Fatal flaws in our defence against terror - Melanie Phillips

(UK) Commentary: I was a fanatic...I know their thinking, says former radical Islamist - Hassan Butt

(UK) Commentary: Britons take it easy in the new age of terrorism

(UK) Tribute website for have-a-go hero who attacked Glasgow terrorists

(UK) Two admit inciting terrorist acts -- Younes Tsouli and Waseem Mughal - admitted inciting
terrorist attacks against non-Muslims on websites and in e-mails

(UK) "Terrorist 007" Pleads Guilty in UK Crown Court & Columbia) FARC commander gets 17 years prison - Anayibe Rojas Valderama convicted of
exporting cocaine to U.S.

Non-UK World Terrorism News:(UK Terror News links at bottom of this list)

(USA) Secret Document: U.S. Fears Terror 'Spectacular' Planned -- Official Cites Resemblance to
Warnings and Intelligence Before 9/11

(USA) Report: Al-Qaida planning US attack

US plays down report of imminent al Qaeda attack

U.S. Plans Air Marshals on Flights to Europe, Britain,2933,287551,00.html

(USA) Chertoff: More vigilance required;_ylt=Av1Xxy81O.pdpSF3iUBbp9MTv5UB

(USA) Missing US diplomat in Cyprus found dead

(Iraq) Officials: Captured Hezbollah agent helped plan deadly Karbala raid - that killed 5 Americans
-- Ali Mussa Daqduq is one of Hezbollah's explosives experts

(Iraq) U.S. Military: Iran Using Hezbollah as 'Proxy' in Iraq,2933,287632,00.html

(Iraq) Senior Iran leaders aware of Qods Force in Iraq: U.S;_ylt=Av0IfPeyqbJlGixXEACu8kZSw60A

(Iraq) 5 U.S. troops killed in attacks in Iraq;_ylt=AtQIajEaS06CxES1RsefwxdX6GMA

(Afghanistan) Gunmen kill Afghan education director;_ylt=AhtBrgRxFaXn2GNPb75fnEPOVooA

Pakistan: Lahore police nab 8 terror suspects - with explosives - former leader of Jaish-i-Mohammad

(Pakistan) Gunmen kill Pakistani soldier in botched kidnap attempt, official says - in Mir Ali

(Pakistan) Two suspected terrorists killed while trying to plant bomb in Peshawar

Pakistan lifts restrictions on scientist A.Q. Khan;_ylt=AmQz2zt718zwoEMAvAIavyuCscEA

Pakistan denies easing house arrest of nuclear scientist§ion=subcontinent&col=

Pakistan: "Father of Taliban" denied British Visa

(Pakistan) Report: Musharraf may quit army post in Oct: paper

(Pakistan) Report: US to hunt the Taliban inside Pakistan

(Pakistan Lal Masjid) Three more massage centres on the hit list

(Indian Kashmir) Three Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists killed in Jammu and Kashmir

Somali insurgents hit police station, Ethiopians - gunmen fire rockets at police station, troops;_ylt=Avnc0n4ppPcHhRaNjPo7HAuQLIUD

Algerian security forces reportedly kill a top Islamic insurgent

Kenya police fatally shoot 7 in crackdown on banned sect accused of beheadings

(Lebanon) Palestinians seek to end Lebanon camp siege;_ylt=AoiZdFrFbazEqxxLZobVfkHagGIB

Israel arrests 11 Hamas men in Jerusalem

Israelis kill Fatah activist in West Bank - Mohammed Abu el-Heija, local commander in Al Aqsa
Martyrs Brigades

23 Saudi Fatah al Islam Members Killed

(Israel) IDF lacks resources needed to combat Iran threat

Hamas seizes Gaza kidnap group member;_ylt=AqTx6O237L_GFYydPbC.6TUwuecA

Army of Islam kidnaps 10 Hamas members in Gaza

BBC journalist's captors threaten to turn on Hamas

(Spain) Madrid train bombings trial reaching closing stages

France to bolster security following terror scare in Britain

(India) 13 persons killed in Maoist attack in Bihar

(India) Four militants killed in Manipur

(India) ULFA kills abducted Food Corporation of India official in Assam

(Thailand) Violence in south kills three and injures one

(Thailand) Thai army detains 50 in raid on Muslim village

(Australia) No firm numbers on extremists - Keelty,23599,22003350-29277,00.html

Philippine military chief says kidnapped Italian priest is alive

Philippines: outlawed Communist party refuses peace talks with Manila

(Sri Lanka) LTTE cadre killed in Vavuniya district

(North Korea) U.S. general: North Korea still a threat;_ylt=AjfpPtdxUMYLINFc5Tg1EiyCscEA

(North Korea) U.S. general: North Korea tested advanced missiles

UK Terrorism News:

(UK) Two more held over bomb attacks

(UK) Hunt for terror cell - London Times counterterrorism source at Scotland Yard: "In our judgment
it is very likely there will be further attacks."

(UK) In intense hunt for bombers, Britain sees Qaeda link

(UK) Sources: Glasgow suspects planted London bombs

(UK) 2 more men arrested in Glasgow probe

(UK) 'Doctors Among Terror Suspects Held' - Sky News reports two of those in custody are hospital
doctors, and that a sixth suspect is still at large"These are professional people with highly paid jobs.",,30100-1273160,00.html

(UK) Terror crackdown as doctors among arrests;jsessionid=2CAZRP5HVMQMXQFIQMFSFFOAVCBQ0IV0?xml=/news/2007/07/02/nterror102.xml

(UK) Doctor's home searched by anti-terror police - in Staffordshire

(UK) Suspect in Britain bomb plots 'a Jordanian doctor' - Mohammed Jamil Abdelkader Asha
(Palestinian origin) and his wife arrested;_ylt=AtyqfmK9gbASTTRlY8du41BYU.0A

(UK) Five under guard as police link London and Glasgow attacks

(UK) Police hunt sixth car-bombing suspect,23599,22001816-23109,00.html

(UK) 'Intelligence warned of airport attacks' - in Glasgow not shared within UK

(UK) Terrorism fight is our Cold War, says Brown

(UK) More London bombings on way, warns Anjem Choudary - UK Islamist leader claims Brits
ready to carry out 'many attacks'

(UK) Al-Qaeda's car bomb guide - London terror analysis: Online manual on car bombs instructs
terrorists 'not to park illegally

(UK) Muslim Council of Britain: terrorism could be the work of "Christians, Jews or Buddhists”

(UK) Commentary: British Muslims must show which side they are on

(UK) Commentary: We need Muslims to do more

(UK) Commentary: This time we were lucky. This time . . .

(UK) Commentary: Analysis: Is this a war? Britain still hasn't quite decided

Propaganda Alert:

(UK) Propaganda Commentary: Dangerous little words

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